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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    just wonderin if any one had a link to angel_leviathan's homepage... i am at school and the school comps wont let me on grrrrrr...LOL
    Here you go, Lexa!


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      I thought it was complete!? If I'd known there was another chapter there would have been lots more poking

      Mel, your new sig is gorgeous Good points, and when my brain is working I'll respond to them.
      What do you mean it's complete? You beta-ed it. Remember there was 7 Chapters.

      Anyways I'm working on it...


        Originally posted by Athenaktt
        What do you mean it's complete? You beta-ed it. Remember there was 7 Chapters.
        Why can't I remember what happens next? *whibbles* I think this just confirms my uselessness

        *clings to what's left of my memory*

        Anyways I'm working on it...
        Yay!!! But now you're working on this and Secret Journals, I have no reason to poke you anymore. Oh wait! There's that other fic that you asked me to beta...Orpheus? (*watches memoory slip away further*) and...3 vids?

        *poke, poke*


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
          Why can't I remember what happens next? *whibbles* I think this just confirms my uselessness

          *clings to what's left of my memory*

          Yay!!! But now you're working on this and Secret Journals, I have no reason to poke you anymore. Oh wait! There's that other fic that you asked me to beta...Orpheus? (*watches memoory slip away further*) and...3 vids?

          *poke, poke*
          :eek *hopes that Sally's memory slips further away quickly*

          Yeah, I have a bunch of other stuff to do... Sally you are my own personal slave driver.

          *pokes back*


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
            Why can't I remember what happens next? *whibbles*
            Must be the old age , on second thought you're like ten years younger than me so scratch that .


              Originally posted by Athenaktt
              Anyways after much poking and proding by various people. *glares at guilty parties*

              I finally got a VSAJ community up and running. Also I think it's kind of ironic that I'm supposed to be writing a paper on Supply and Demand. But the Demand for fics won out. So here is the revised version of the "Very Secret Atlantis Journals" Season 1. "Rising"

              OMG!!!mylittlepony!!111eleventyone!!11!! Atlantis VSAJ community and even longer "Rising"!! *esplodes*

              Bc Athena is likely bruised from all the poking, I think it only fair that I should poke those who haven't read this yet

              *pokes <insert name>*


                Just read this really good fic over at ffn called Apple Tree.


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                  OMG!!!mylittlepony!!111eleventyone!!11!! Atlantis VSAJ community and even longer "Rising"!! *esplodes*

                  Bc Athena is likely bruised from all the poking, I think it only fair that I should poke those who haven't read this yet

                  *pokes <insert name>*
                  It was very funny! I didn't think ti was possible but it was better than the first version!

                  Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                    Just read this really good fic over at ffn called Apple Tree.
                    that was an excellent fic... i loved it too.... and thank you so much for the link earlier.... my class was over by then, but thanks anyway for the effort!!!! it is snow saved on fave's and imprinted into my mind!!!!!
                    ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                      oooo 2nd page LOL.....

                      ummm... i think it is time for a piccie!!!!

                      i am not sure who made this so i take no credit for the prettiness

                      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                        Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                        ummm... i think it is time for a piccie!!!!

                        i am not sure who made this so i take no credit for the prettiness

                        Yes, I think that is getting me in the mood to make another sig. So when I get home form work, I'll give it ago. I'm still quite a novice, so I'm going to need to schedule a 5 hour slot for it.

                        If there is anyone here who can tutor me in the use of PS... PM me.

                        Aaannd, I think I'm going to bite the bullet and write a piece of fanfic. I've got a few ideas rolling around in my head and I have both my dictionary and thesaurus on hand.

                        Mel - Could I borrow Jill so she can insert herself in my baby fic?
                        Last edited by Major_Moomin; 27 March 2006, 06:49 AM.

                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          Originally posted by GateByte
                          Liz: I can't keep up with this, all I do is read, read, read. I just can't stop any more.

                          John: Elizabeth, you can't spend all your days reading fan fics. Just shut it off, and I'll have Dr. Hightmeyer stop by.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                            Liz: I can't keep up with this, all I do is read, read, read. I just can't stop any more.

                            John: Elizabeth, you can't spend all your days reading fan fics. Just shut it off, and I'll have Dr. Hightmeyer stop by.
                            Hah! Elizabeth's a woman after my own heart.

                            Mel, thanks for putting up discussion points so quickly. Now I will go rewatch both those episodes today and try to formulate some thoughts that have a bit more depth than "Sparky pretty."
                            ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                            The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                              I wasn't going to do this, but I know y'all like your fanfic. So here's a little fic I wrote.

                              It's my first attempt at the Stargate world and I'm not sure I even like it much. My Enterprise stuff was so much easier to write for whatever reasons (writing Trip was like second-nature to me).

                              I put the "M" in stupid.


                                Originally posted by stubadingdong
                                I wasn't going to do this, but I know y'all like your fanfic. So here's a little fic I wrote.

                                It's my first attempt at the Stargate world and I'm not sure I even like it much. My Enterprise stuff was so much easier to write for whatever reasons (writing Trip was like second-nature to me).

                                That was great!! I left a review. BTW how were you able to upload?! I haven't been able to for two days now!

                                Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX

