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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Luz
    John: Wow, that session with SR took a lot out of me. I can't even stand up straight!

    Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


      Originally posted by Ronnikins
      Morning all! Just a quick flyby before RL takes hold again...

      Ah, Southern Red, guess this was the reason why John fell asleep half way through his next session (Sorry, Gatebyte), I'll reschedule a longer appointment for tomorrow. Your preference for a gunbelt? John has several. Do you want the one holding the P-90 or the Magnum. I wouldn't worry too much about John calling you Elizabeth. He calls everybody that - must be a term of endearment.
      Longer appointment eh? No worries. As long as SR had a good time, that's fine by me . And is anyone really bothered by the fact that he calls everyone Elizabeth. I mean, it should be flattering, no?

      P.S. Love four fanfic - keep up the good work.
      Thanks, glad you liked it


        Originally posted by Major_Moomin

        "Can they have my hair?"

        "Yes honey..."


        "We're gonna need hairgel...LOTS of hairgel."
        *giggles* Yeah, they'd probably have to confiscate it from everyone on Atlantis and still wouldn't have enough . That or, have the Daedalus do a 'hairgel' run for them


          Originally posted by Bama
          People try so hard to make the male/female thing all about everything else but the things that are really, really, truly important. Trust is the NUMBER ONE cornerstone in building the foundation for all else. Without it, you have nothing but a house that will blow away in the merest of winds.

          Elizabeth and John don't withhold from each other. They don't cheat or lie to each other. They don't one-up or show up the other. They don't backstab the other. They proverbially hold each other's hands and place their faith in each other and there is no greater love that can be shown than such unconditional faith. *insert no sarcasm here*
          This is absolutely true. John and Elizabeth aren't playing the dating game. They are not presenting their "best face" to each other. What you see is what you get. They have seen each other's strengths and weaknesses and have accepted them, warts and all. This is the foundation stone for a strong, long term relationship. They are just being themselves and are accepted and loved all the more for it.

          Edit: Sorry about the typo, Gatebyte (RL is getting really impatient). Meant "your" not "four". Maybe it was ESP and you'll write four more chapters?

          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


            All ya'll are friggin' crazy. And I love it But I'm gonna interrupt with an attempt at something intelligent.

            I was reading War and Peace. Weird I know. I don't really like Russian lit, but figured I'd give it a try. Pg 17 is all about a conversation between Prince Andrei, whose married and his friend Pierre. There's an awkward moment preceeding it in where Andrei's wife Lisa is complaining to Pierre about her hubby goin to war. She breaks down yaddayadda. Then leaves. Dre *yes I'm giving him a new name cos I don't feel like typing 'Prince Andrei' tells Pierre to NEVER GET MARRIED or rather if he does get married, do it when he's older. "Otherwise, all that is good and noble in you will be thrown away. All will be wasted in trifles." But further into convo he says, "My wife, is a lovely woman. She is one of those few women to whom a man can feel that his honour is safely intrusted." In context of 'Home' in that scene who walks into his room? That person for him would be ELIZABETH.

            He, Dre, continues later on in the passage about Bonaparte, and how he was free and let nothing stand b/w him and his goal. "But tie yourself to a woman and you are like a prisoner in chains, your whole freedom is destroyed. And in proportion as you feel that you have hope and powers, the more you will be weighed down and tormented with regrets." So I thought that was the reasoning behind all the 'kirking' and justification for it in TPTB minds in regards to season2 they can say 'See, we set up this character trait way back in season 1. He's just following Tolstoy's advice. He's smart.' *snark*

            Buuut that which is described is kind of what's happened on this lil expedition with her now ain't it? John's 'tied' to Elizabeth in a command situation and their fight for freedom from the Wraith his freedom, as a man, has not been destroyed, if anything he's been given it by her. And there have been moments with that whole 'with great power comes great responsibility' thing, 'Rising', LFP. But the difference is that they both bear that regret. Anyway I was pondering the significance of this specific page being mentioned in one of the early shipper scenes. And if anyone could possibly have another take on it. Cos ya know ya'lls are so insightful.
            ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


              Hey GB remember when we were talking about that scene in The Gift?, this is it, look at their hands .


                Originally posted by Luz
                Hey GB remember when we were talking about that scene in The Gift?, this is it, look at their hands .

                I remember, thanks for the cap. Hadn't had a chance to sit down and look at it again. But, yeah they're hands are awefully close, aren't they? And Elizabeth seems to be more interested in where her hand is at the moment than what's going in with Teyla


                  You guys are fracking hilarious, Sheyla from you guys is the funniest thing ever.Too bad I can't green any of you because alas I must spread the green blob.

                  My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
                    "So this is how you do it? *takes notes* so i turn my head like this, and smile like that mmmm..."

                    "Practice makes perfect"


                      Jist read the most adorable fic.


                      Hope that works, made me squee like a stoned school girl.

                      Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team

                      I've Been SPANKed by the Love Monkey!!


                        Hey you Guys!!!!!
                        Long time no talk/posting on my part. I'm a little late with this but i absolutely loved "Allies" and can't wait for the new season to start in July.

                        BTW I loved all the captions that you guys have been putting up, especially the marriage ones, lol

                        Welcome to any Newbies!!!

                        McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
                        Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

                        Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
                        Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

                        McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

                        McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


                          Originally posted by Luz
                          "So this is how you do it? *takes notes* so i turn my head like this, and smile like that mmmm..."

                          "Practice makes perfect"
                          LOL. Brilliant. . But really must get back to doing work. That's the problem with doing work at your computer. Too many fun distractions.


                            Originally posted by Toll Verliebt
                            Jist read the most adorable fic.


                            Hope that works, made me squee like a stoned school girl.
                            Great fic. Thanks for the rec!

                            Oh, and I've been meaning to say how much I love your username. It's German for "Madly falls in Love" right?

                            Ok, now I'm seriously going to do some work. Talk to you all later.


                              Oh how the tunes have changed:

                              But is a Teyla / Sheppard romance in the mix for Season Three?

                              "Well, I'm not adverse to it," she said. "I would like to see some sort of love interest for Teyla, but whether or not that ends up with Sheppard, I don't know. My take on it is that although it might be hinted at and teased at, I don't think the writers are going to make anything more of it ... it might be a tricky road to go down."

                              Or, boring as h*ll, whatever.



                                Trying to slip a little cerebral posting in among the craziness, huh?

                                Originally posted by sunny
                                All ya'll are friggin' crazy. And I love it But I'm gonna interrupt with an attempt at something intelligent.

                                I was reading War and Peace. Weird I know. I don't really like Russian lit, but figured I'd give it a try. Pg 17 is all about a conversation between Prince Andrei, whose married and his friend Pierre. There's an awkward moment preceeding it in where Andrei's wife Lisa is complaining to Pierre about her hubby goin to war. She breaks down yaddayadda. Then leaves. Dre *yes I'm giving him a new name cos I don't feel like typing 'Prince Andrei' tells Pierre to NEVER GET MARRIED or rather if he does get married, do it when he's older. "Otherwise, all that is good and noble in you will be thrown away. All will be wasted in trifles." But further into convo he says, "My wife, is a lovely woman. She is one of those few women to whom a man can feel that his honour is safely intrusted." In context of 'Home' in that scene who walks into his room? That person for him would be ELIZABETH.

                                He, Dre, continues later on in the passage about Bonaparte, and how he was free and let nothing stand b/w him and his goal. "But tie yourself to a woman and you are like a prisoner in chains, your whole freedom is destroyed. And in proportion as you feel that you have hope and powers, the more you will be weighed down and tormented with regrets." So I thought that was the reasoning behind all the 'kirking' and justification for it in TPTB minds in regards to season2 they can say 'See, we set up this character trait way back in season 1. He's just following Tolstoy's advice. He's smart.' *snark*

                                Buuut that which is described is kind of what's happened on this lil expedition with her now ain't it? John's 'tied' to Elizabeth in a command situation and their fight for freedom from the Wraith his freedom, as a man, has not been destroyed, if anything he's been given it by her. And there have been moments with that whole 'with great power comes great responsibility' thing, 'Rising', LFP. But the difference is that they both bear that regret. Anyway I was pondering the significance of this specific page being mentioned in one of the early shipper scenes. And if anyone could possibly have another take on it. Cos ya know ya'lls are so insightful.

                                By the time 'Home' filmed, it's possible that TPTB recognized that there wasn't much chemistry between Sheppard and Teyla. This very well could be a subtle hint that they decided that Sheppard wouldn't be "tied down" by a relationship; a statement accentuated by staging the scene around a conversation with his superior. Never mind the fact that said superior is an attractive woman with whom he has great chemistry.

                                I think the prince's comments about the burdens of a relationship may not necessarily apply in Atlantis. At least not between these two people, who are already partners working for common goals.

                                a time to mourn

