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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hi and welcome to all the newbies! Gosh...there are so many!

    Liam - I'm loving your comments. It's great to see things from the male angle. I hope more guys decide to de-lurk on this thread, 'cos it makes the analysing even more interesting!


      Originally posted by the evil puppy

      Their relationship has been a natural progression up to this point and I hope that this is gonna continue to be that way so that at some point it's just gonna feel natural for them to be together.

      However, in my mind it has never been John to make the first move anyway. It's always been Elizabeth, not because of her position, but because I think she is a little more straight forward. If she ever reaches a point where she is certain about her feelings towards John and has come to terms with all the possible consequences I tend to think that she will let him know...or maybe that's just wishful thinking.

      I hope I made any sense at all.
      Before I make any comments I just want to thank Mel, Athenaktt and A_F for their fics. They are keeping the cravings under control

      Bama, you asked me earlier why John thinks Elizabeth is "off-limits". My reasons have already been mentioned by the above posters like Luzand Evil Puppy. To recap, Liz was previously a diplomat and therefore comfortable interacting with peoples of all races, colour and creeds with an open mind. She would be at ease talking to the President of USA as she would with a tribal elder in a remote African country.
      John, on the other hand, would probably have been more restricted with whom he interacted with. His career would have meant constant postings to different bases but in a similar environment. Back on Earth, the chances would probably been very slim that the two would have mingled in similar circles. So even though, through unusual circumstances, they have become very close friends, I think there may be a thought at the back of John's mind that Elizabeth is "unattainable with an past anti-military stance". He may wonder why somebody like her would interested in a laid-back flyboy type like him under her command when she can easily have her pick of any powerful, charismatic leader if she so choose.
      Liam rightly points out that John is an uncomplicated soul. For him 1+1=2. He views his close relationship with Elizabeth as a Sudoku puzzle where one wrong number in the wrong square will muck everything up and it's too damn hard to start over again.
      For John to acknowledge his feelings for Elizabeth to himself, there would be a number of scenarios. Any of the above postings can apply. In my imagination it could be a life-threatening situation or it could also be something as simple as seeing her laughing and chatting with another man (Lorne? Jackson? Hot Alien Leader?) and thinking it should be him with her and not the other guy.
      Who will make the first move? I would like to say both at the same time .
      But if push comes to shove then I agree with Evil Puppy and say Weir. Simply because of their respective backgrounds (see above) where she is far more
      open-minded to changes and John not so. By now John's body language would have given him away anyway and we know how good diplomats are at
      reading body language and taking advantage of the situation!

      Gah!! Another long post. I should said "Weir" and be done with it

      Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


        I haven't posted here in a while, I'm still trying to catch up from where I left off (Jan 26 and counting!), but I have a quick question in regards to a fic that I will be posting soon.

        How big is a Jumper in relation to the size of a football field? Or two football fields?


          Originally posted by hopalong
          I haven't posted here in a while, I'm still trying to catch up from where I left off (Jan 26 and counting!), but I have a quick question in regards to a fic that I will be posting soon.

          How big is a Jumper in relation to the size of a football field? Or two football fields?
          Hello hopalong and welcome to the one of the best threads here on GW!
          Welcome to Ronnikins, Liam and to all lurkers, newbies and would-be-newbies!
          Please come out an play!

          Well to answer your question, hopalong... the jumper is aerodynamically designed by the Ancients for easy transport through the Stargates. It is described as a mid-sized ship that has drive pods from the ship's rear port and starboard sides, easily retracts when it goes through a gate. The jumper can roughly fit 12 people, including the pilot and the co-pilot. There are no rest facilities and emergency escape pods... so you are looking at a ship that is almost the size of a big Dodge RAM van or a minibus. To fit a football field, I would say go for 3-4 jumpers.

          Fan fiction.... ***dies happily*** thank you!

          On Sparky... as to who will make the first move to initiate that Moment of Love, I hate to admit that it may have to be Elizabeth (the old fashioned girl in me would really like it to be John), and I have to agree with Liam and others about John not initiating it. Elizabeth also strikes me as the type of woman who knows what she wants, and once she decided on it, she would go for it and act on it. In Rising, she opted to go on the expedition at the expense of her relationship with Simon (blessing in disguise, IMO). John knows this, and even made a comment about it in Season 1 Hot Zone, that once Liz puts her mind on something, it's hard to pursuade her otherwise. I am not saying that Liz is a reckless woman, though. She would have to be really, really sure of her feelings for John first and vice versa before she could act on it. If she is driven by emotion when it comes to John, all those pent up feelings would have to surface and she would have to deal with it using only one course of action... tell him how she feels. No pain, no gain.

          As for John, Ronnikins and Liam have both strong points in these. John, first and foremost, is a military guy... which means in his mind "SECURE THE AREA". Make Atlantis safe and secure (eliminate the baddies) for his would be ladylove and would be grandkids. He's maybe afraid to muck things up with Liz, too. I believe that even though they are close as they can be with each other, the Boss/2-in-command line is still there. John would have to cross that line to initiate the move. And my advice to John, if I do get to see him in Atlantis? NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED.

          So, TPTB... we need the catalysts (angst,whumps) for season 3!

          Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice
          From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire.
          But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate
          To say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice.
          Robert Frost, Fire and Ice


            thank you everyone to me.
            I would like to know, when the photo saison 3 of atlantis will be published?


              Originally posted by yamna
              thank you everyone to me.
              I would like to know, when the photo saison 3 of atlantis will be published?
              we dont know exactly when the photos are gonna be published, but it was around this time last year that season 2's photos were released... *crosses fingers*... i hope that they come soon!!!!!
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                thank you Lexa jayde

                we dont know exactly when the photos are gonna be published, but it was around this time last year that season 2's photos were released... *crosses fingers*... i hope that they come soon!!!!!
                I'am a menber of a site which is

                there is a forum to english poeple but this site is french.
                if you have new information before us it's cool to exchange with us.


                  Hi Yanma ! welcome to the thread.

                  Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice
                  From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire.
                  But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate
                  To say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice.
                  Robert Frost, Fire and Ice


                    Originally posted by yamna
                    thank you Lexa jayde

                    I'am a menber of a site which is

                    there is a forum to english poeple but this site is french.
                    if you have new information before us it's cool to exchange with us.
                    Bienvenue!!!!!!.... je peux compred un peu de francais... et je connais Nantes!!!!!!
                    ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                      Originally posted by yamna
                      thank you everyone .
                      I would like to know, when the photo saison 3 of atlantis will be published?
                      Welcome yamna!

                      and welcome to any other newbies that I've missed...

                      Been really bust lately with work...totally bogged down, so it's hard to find time to come on here and chat with you all

                      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                        Bienvenue!!!!!!.... je peux compred un peu de francais... et je connais Nantes!!!!!!
                        it's great , how you know Nantes?

                        c'est cool, tu te débrouille pas mal en français

                        Hi Yanma ! welcome to the thread.
                        THANK LADYSHIP


                          Good morning. I just read all the posts from about 5 PM yesterday, and I tell you what. You people are so articulate and scholarly I don't think I should be sitting here in my bathrobe.

                          First of all a great big welcome to all the newbies. Liam, I love your male perspective. Are you sure you're not my husband?

                          Originally posted by Ronnikins
                          Thanks for the green. I'm probably the oldest poster on Gateworld (he,he)!
                          I'm a 40ish professional with teenagers and a solid marriage. Now that the kids are growing up I have decided to indulge my fantasies. Is this part of a mid-life crisis?
                          The rest of these younguns are too polite to tell you this, but you're not the oldest here. That would be me. I'm in my 50's and have a 28 year old son. I may live to be over 100, but I doubt it. So that would put me well past middle age. And you know I'm a little surprised there aren't more baby boomers here. After all Star Trek just turned 40. In high school I was hanging out with the guys in the AV club, reading Ray Bradbury, and had "Frodo Lives" written on my notebook. Dejah Thoris and John Carter were my original ship.(If Ronon had more arms, he would be Tars Tarkis.) There are millions my age who went the same route. Where are they?

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Ronnikins

                            Bama, you asked me earlier why John thinks Elizabeth is "off-limits". I think there may be a thought at the back of John's mind that Elizabeth is "unattainable with an past anti-military stance". He may wonder why somebody like her would interested in a laid-back flyboy type like him under her command when she can easily have her pick of any powerful, charismatic leader if she so choose.
                            I find that a very interesting perspective/thought. I think it was SRed and perhaps others that have brought up before that John may not see himself as 'good enough' for her due to the things you state so nicely. I think moments like
                            the hug
                            indicate he's accepted her friendship and the idea that she deeply cares for him and his well-being but in his mind, that may very well be where he thinks she'd draw the line. And he's probably right in that it's where she would want to draw the line if the choice was completely under the control of her brain. However, it's been made pretty darn obvious by Elizabeth this season that her heart is playing a big, big role in her relationship with John.

                            Elizabeth isn't a woman that attaches herself to others easily and yet, she has chosen John or perhaps circumstance helped it along but as I've said many times before, each's job could have been accomplished without the closeness they've formed together. I mean, if you'd asked me after watching 'New Order' if she'd have been a flirt with a man, I'd have laughed. Unlike a lot of women, flirting isn't something she does naturally and with any guy that crosses her path. She's very guarded with most people and would strike me as a person that makes nice aquaintanceships but few deep relations.

                            Her admittal to Caldwell's probing question in Conversion was enough to show me that yeah, she's admitted to herself that she's coming to care for John more than she probably should in her position but there's also not a doggone thing she can do about it but try and control it. And as we've seen this year, that's really tough for her at times. She's compassionate and caring and has an inner need -as any woman does- to bond emotionally on a higher level with another human being.

                            Gah!! Another long post. I should said "Weir" and be done with it
                            Now just where is the fun in that?


                              Ronnikins, you've reminded me of a West Wing episode (what a shock!) where they're discussing what's about to happen to a Navy pilot who disobeyed an order to stop her affair with an inferior officer. One character was asked off the cuff to respond to the situation, and he said this: "I don't think you can reasonably ask someone to control who they fall in love with."

                              There's a lot of truth to that, I think, and it's a line I think about rather frequently in regard to Shep/Weir. Would it be easier if there were no feelings involved with any parties in Atlantis? Yeah, but it's not reasonable to think that there wouldn't be. And I don't think it's reasonable to put two people in a situation where they have only each other to rely on, and not expect them to become close. In such a situation, romantic love isn't that unreasonable either. We've already seen that some strong feelings are there. Now it's a question of whether it does more damage to bury or hide them than to express them.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by yamna
                                I would like to know, when the photo saison 3 of atlantis will be published?
                                Last year's publicity pictures were released in late May. We'll probably see pictures around that time this year too.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

