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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    And why are 'Sam' and 'Elizabeth' not in the calendar? Regardless of age or non-sexitup characters, I do think men would be more than interested to see them in something more casual or sexy.
    Not just men, either. *clears her throat*

    I don't know about Amanda, but Torri didn't seem comfortable with the idea.


      Originally posted by Bama
      Hey SR, now, a good friend will point out error to you. And a really true friend will just flat out tell you when you're off yer rocker. So, go forth and make sure and be a true friend to your new Sheyla buddy.
      I'm back from the other side and ready to let everybody say "I told you so." All together now. And Bama I will repeat 100 times "I'm off my rocker." Was that an age joke? You young whippersnapper! I tried my best to present a good argument over on that thread for why John isn't a mind numbed robot, but I got accused indirectly of having a defend Weir agenda. Wonder why those huge Sheyla sigs aren't considered an agenda? Hmm. Now I'm just frustrated. FP got put on ignore. She's the lucky one. I'll just stay here where I can be prejudiced and snarky to my heart's content. John's a big boy. He'll have to take his licks. Uh, that didn't quite come out right.

      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
      Hope you'll be back in a happy mood later.

      Okay, forget about the blonde. The ep is nice, very funny, great Rodney+Shep moments
      he really seems to trust in Rodney skills again
      , flirty Sparky moments, Liz
      , nice Tey/Ronon interaction.

      What can I do to cheer you up?

      Edit: Like your thoughts, Bama. Teasing each other shows that they know the other well and know that they CAN have fun together. As for the blonde
      he was just flirting with her when Rodney was around so he HAD to notice it. John knew she was drawn to Rodney and when Liz was around he barely noticed the girl.
      Thanks you just cheered me up. Inferno sounds great. I wasn't worried until I read that interview. Rubicon is right. No good ever comes of reading interviews. I've made a lot of bad decisions today. *whimpers*

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Bama
        I've got to get my husband one of those of Sci-fi calendars.

        So not.

        All I can say is if we're playin this game this way that I want a shirtless Joe and Jason pretty doggone soon. And why are 'Sam' and 'Elizabeth' not in the calendar? Regardless of age or non-sexitup characters, I do think men would be more than interested to see them in something more casual or sexy.
        Oh, and one more thing. Did I read somewhere in an interview probably *snort* that Torri said she turned down the calendar. Good for her. I'm not a feminist in the militant sense, but those kinds of things and don't get me started on beauty pageants just push my buttons. Now the men of SciFi is another story. JF will probably pose in a turtleneck.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by Southern Red
          I got the idea from the info on the first page of Gateworld here:

          that it's an SG-1 episode, but it does sound like a good opportunity for a continuation on Atlantis. The moment when Vala gets a load of John and vice versa would be worth the price of admission. He won't even see it coming. And Liz will be amused. John, however, will do his "notice me notice me" act to distract Liz from Daniel. Good stuff. Ah the speculation begins. Is it July yet?
          That sounds like a great ep. I always thought [spoiler]Daniel should be the one to come to Atlantis. He is interested in the Ancients and knows the language. Not to mention the great repartee he had with Elizabeth in the past. [/psoiler]

          I'm sure sparks will fly. The plotline sounds quite interesting as well.

          Later all,

          Signature By Amber Moon


            Originally posted by Bama
            I've got to get my husband one of those of Sci-fi calendars.

            So not.

            All I can say is if we're playin this game this way that I want a shirtless Joe and Jason pretty doggone soon. And why are 'Sam' and 'Elizabeth' not in the calendar? Regardless of age or non-sexitup characters, I do think men would be more than interested to see them in something more casual or sexy.
            There's a 'women of Scifi' calendar? You've got to be kidding me . Ok, so I just googled it, and are they serious!? Looks like one of those calendars you usually see hanging in some guy's locker.

            I can understand why Torri would have turned it down. Good for her!

            Apparently there will be a 'men of scifi' calendar out for 2008 with a similar layout. They'd better put Joe in it, not that I'd buy it or anything .


              Originally posted by Luz
              I would very much like to see this, not some outrageous jealousy scene. But John feeling the abandonment, like you said he's used to being the center of Elizabeth's attention. What i wouldn't give to see how he would react if Elizabeth became fascinated by someone else. But he has to be hot and smart and with a great haircut. Wait i know just the guy .
              I bet cha John is the brooding type, he wouldn't show anger. I bet he'd just do the puppy eyes, and act like someone has just hit him with a rolled paper.

              Then stop watching, i stopped watching at the beginning of season 8, it got so boring. I can't stand Teal'c and they showed him so much, and to be honest O'Neill gets on my nerves. So i stopped watching, i've never understood why people say they're considering to stop watching a show. You don't like it, then don't watch. And i'm not being sarcastic or anything, seriously, i watched JAG for six seasons, but one day i realised that i hated Harm, and wanted Bud to drop death, and her wife was to me like the sound of nails on a blackboard. And i knew i couldn't take one more episode of that Harm/Mac soap opera.
              I stopped watching SG1 and didn't miss it one bit.
              I'll give it a try once nine season begins here, maybe without O'Neill gratting on my nerves it'll be better.
              I'm just very attached to the show. I find it hard to let go when I'm so attached. I know it's a TV show. I'll probably watch the beginning of s10 and see where they're going with it and decide from there. I guess I'm the only one who likes the Jaffa stories.

              I agree with you about Harm/Mac. That was an easy show to drop. Though I liked Bud/Harriette.


                Originally posted by Southern Red
                I'm back from the other side and ready to let everybody say "I told you so." All together now. And Bama I will repeat 100 times "I'm off my rocker." Was that an age joke? You young whippersnapper! I tried my best to present a good argument over on that thread for why John isn't a mind numbed robot, but I got accused indirectly of having a defend Weir agenda. Wonder why those huge Sheyla sigs aren't considered an agenda? Hmm. Now I'm just frustrated. FP got put on ignore. She's the lucky one.
                Don't worry about your adventure into "unknown territory". "They" can't go all over GW making the same sorts of accusations and digs at characters and not expect people to get upset with "them".

                I highly doubt I'll be put on ignore. "She" probably won't talk to me, but "she" will be too curious. As for my posting in that other thread - I've posted off and on in there since its creation a year ago. I may go weeks at a time without posting there, but I lurk all the time, post now and then, so I'm not a "new" person going in to cause trouble, nor did I bring up any "ship" issues.

                I am jealous that I don't have all those important sounding Generals in my family though.

                Glad to hear Torri turned down the Calendar. Makes me think even better of her.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by SGLAB
                  I'm just very attached to the show. I find it hard to let go when I'm so attached. I know it's a TV show. I'll probably watch the beginning of s10 and see where they're going with it and decide from there. I guess I'm the only one who likes the Jaffa stories.

                  I agree with you about Harm/Mac. That was an easy show to drop. Though I liked Bud/Harriette.
                  I wouldn't know what it is like, not being able to let go. I don't get slowly disenchanted, i'm like this with everything, t.v shows, boyfriends, anything.
                  I may love someone or something and then one day it's like puff! it's gone.
                  It happened to me with Smallville, i watched that show from episode one, i loved it (always been a fan of Superman) and then one day i was going to watch and i couldn't stand Lana, just like that i couldn't watch the show, i hated it, it was the weirdest thing . With SG1 it wasn't like i started hating the show, more like i didn't care to watch it anymore, just over night.
                  Just as noone is forcing you to watch, noone can force you not to, i'm just saying the moment watching becomes a torture then it'd be better to turn it off.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    I'm back from the other side and ready to let everybody say "I told you so." All together now. And Bama I will repeat 100 times "I'm off my rocker." Was that an age joke? You young whippersnapper! I tried my best to present a good argument over on that thread for why John isn't a mind numbed robot, but I got accused indirectly of having a defend Weir agenda. Wonder why those huge Sheyla sigs aren't considered an agenda? Hmm. Now I'm just frustrated. FP got put on ignore. She's the lucky one. I'll just stay here where I can be prejudiced and snarky to my heart's content. John's a big boy. He'll have to take his licks. Uh, that didn't quite come out right.
                    Hee. Don't say I didn't warn ya SR! LOL! So, they didn't like your logic eh?
                    Mind if I ask exactly *why* John is suddenly robot boy? Was it the
                    errand boy line in Michael?
                    Did it give them a vision of a whip bearing Elizabeth in leather standing over John in a dog collar?

                    Imo, such accusations show very little confidence in John or his character. He's no 'gofer boy' and has always stepped up to the plate and spoke his mind to Elizabeth when he felt he was right. I don't think she'd want anything less from him!

                    And actually, such accusations could be used to point that feelings of a deeper than professional nature do indeed exist between John and Elizabeth.
                    You could argue that Elizabeth too is 'influenced' by John. How many times has he been able to talk her into things? Why just earlier this year we were discussing the many times Elizabeth has been influenced by John. Remember Rodney's assertion when he wanted John's help to convince Elizabeth? Remember Ford's assertion that John was the only one that could make Elizabeth listen? And now that it's running both ways, it's concerning to them eh? I honestly don't blame them. In my experience when there's a trust that deep between two people and they do hold such big influence over the other, something else also exists.

                    So, just tell them to worry not about John being influenced because he's not alone. This is a two man exercise in deep relationship building that they're witnessing between John and Elizabeth and tell them yes, it means exactly what they fear it might.
                    Last edited by Bama; 28 February 2006, 10:56 AM.


                      Guys, I *so* have to share this. Please, please, if you are a John fan or even a Sparky fan, go enjoy this wonderful Vid that Vix so kindly made for me. I *adore* this song and when I first heard it, I said to myself, "John". Vix so sweetly made the vid for me and I still think it suits him. This is a big journey for him and he's trying to find himself and who he is on the inside and what he's made of and who he belongs with. This vid and song illustrates that so beautifully. Enjoy. I know I did.

                      Ready to fly John?



                        Originally posted by Bama
                        And actually, such accusations could be used to point that feelings of a deeper than professional nature do indeed exist between John and Elizabeth.
                        That's what i thought when i read that person's accusations that John was whipped. So they accept John is as uncapable of saying no to her as she's of saying no to him?. Good, now we all Sparky shippers and sheylas agree on something .

                        Originally posted by Bama
                        You could argue that Elizabeth too is 'influenced' by John. How many times has he been able to talk her into things? Why just earlier this year we were discussing the many times Elizabeth has been influenced by John. Remember Rodney's assertion when he wanted John's help to convince Elizabeth? Remember Ford's assertion that John was the only one that could make Elizabeth listen?
                        Since she's the woman i guess it's bad because she's weak if she is influenced, and if she's the one doing the influencing then she's a biatch, double standards anyone?.

                        Originally posted by Bama
                        And now that it's running both ways, it's concerning to them eh? I honestly don't blame them. In my experience when there's a trust that deep between two people and they do hold such big influence over the other, something else also exists.
                        They are scared crapless, they are runing on every direction like beheaded chickens, lol. Resurrecting old threads, i wouldn't be surprised if someone (you know who, not that 'YOU-KNOW-WHO' or the other you know who, this new you know who ) went digging for the anti-sparky thread.

                        Originally posted by Bama
                        So, just tell them to worry not about John being influenced because he's not alone. This is a two man exercise in deep relationship building that they're witnessing between John and Elizabeth and tell them yes, it means exactly what they fear it might.
                        A big fat yes!, anyone remember way back when we were on page 150 or 200, that some sheyla went around opening sheyla related threads like crazy trying to make it look like everyone was pro-sheyla, when they get desperate thy do this spamming. It's their MO (you know whose MO).

                        EDIT: in all fairness it's just one person trying to make it look like it's a crowd. She even tried to pass for a Weir fan, like we don't know who she is.


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          Guys, I *so* have to share this. Please, please, if you are a John fan or even a Sparky fan, go enjoy this wonderful Vid that Vix so kindly made for me. I *adore* this song and when I first heard it, I said to myself, "John". Vix so sweetly made the vid for me and I still think it suits him. This is a big journey for him and he's trying to find himself and who he is on the inside and what he's made of and who he belongs with. This vid and song illustrates that so beautifully. Enjoy. I know I did.

                          Ready to fly John?

                          Ooh, pretty vid. Really enjoyed it . You're lucky to have such nice friends who'd make something so wonderful for you. I agree, the song works perfectly with it.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            Oh, and one more thing. Did I read somewhere in an interview probably *snort* that Torri said she turned down the calendar. Good for her. I'm not a feminist in the militant sense, but those kinds of things and don't get me started on beauty pageants just push my buttons. Now the men of SciFi is another story. JF will probably pose in a turtleneck.

                            JF in a turtleneck would be nice!
                            As for Torri and Amanda -- I didn't hear that from Torri. That's good, though I thought I'd heard that she wasn't asked. Or maybe that's Amanda. I think Amanda was pregnant when they were doing it..


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Guys, I *so* have to share this. Please, please, if you are a John fan or even a Sparky fan, go enjoy this wonderful Vid that Vix so kindly made for me. I *adore* this song and when I first heard it, I said to myself, "John". Vix so sweetly made the vid for me and I still think it suits him. This is a big journey for him and he's trying to find himself and who he is on the inside and what he's made of and who he belongs with. This vid and song illustrates that so beautifully. Enjoy. I know I did.

                              Ready to fly John?

                              There you go. This is the true Sheppard Discussion and Appreciation thread. We discuss him more here than any other place. It's a shame the anti-shippers who claim to like him don't see it. My whole motivation was that some people just don't seem to get the same video feed I do. What exactly is being shown on their televisions?

                              Originally posted by Luz
                              EDIT: in all fairness it's just one person trying to make it look like it's a crowd. She even tried to pass for a Weir fan, like we don't know who she is.
                              Again, there you go. They make outrageous statements on several threads, then deny saying certain things. Yeah, yeah, yeah they all love Weir. And Ronon. All this for a TV show. Sheesh!

                              So serious today. How 'bout some Sparky?

                              Elizabeth you know I'd do anything you order me to, but that last closet was awfully small.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Guys, I *so* have to share this. Please, please, if you are a John fan or even a Sparky fan, go enjoy this wonderful Vid that Vix so kindly made for me. I *adore* this song and when I first heard it, I said to myself, "John". Vix so sweetly made the vid for me and I still think it suits him. This is a big journey for him and he's trying to find himself and who he is on the inside and what he's made of and who he belongs with. This vid and song illustrates that so beautifully. Enjoy. I know I did.

                                Ready to fly John?

                                *claps* Beautiful, truly beautiful, love it. The music is great, never heard that song before, but it's so perfect for him. GAH!, i love this man so much, he's so gorgeous . Vix you're amazingly talented *claps some more*.

