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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ranchan2
    I don't think that John has slept with any of these 'alien princesses', but I think the thing that bugs me is the type of guy Sheppard is coming across as lately. He seems a bit like a teenage boy who wants to make out with all the pretty ladies. I was pretty upset that John made out with Teer because he seemed to not be interested in her at all. Then, one little conversation with her and they're kissing. The next woman was from The Tower and that one upset me more.
    The woman comes into his room and starts making out with him and he doesn't push her away. He recipricates. Of course, he eventually stops her, but still.
    Now, I'm not saying he's an unprofessional guy, but when it comes to women, he certainly seems it. He can't just say no.
    I think we can all concurr that the Girlfriend of the Week episodes are not helping. Period.

    But I think that's what the Againist Kirking Thread is for.

    But seriously, it's been two seasons and all the back story we've gotten for Sheppard has been in the pilot. And tonight Cameron Mitchell got a whole episode of flashbacks, which were great for his character, if I might add. And this is the first year that Mitchell has been introduced to SG-1.

    So I think it's time the TPTB gave Sheppard some back story because episodes like these are hurting his character more than anything else. They obviously don't even contribute to the large storyline of fighting the wraith.

    Anyways I was browsing and was reading Alex Levine's blog. Here:

    And saw this quote regarding "Epiphany"

    Brad also added that he wished he could have explored Sheppard’s backstory more in this episode, but he promises (promises!) to reveal more in season 3.
    All I'm saying is Brad better not break his promises, because broken promises are bad.


      Originally posted by ranchan2
      I don't think that John has slept with any of these 'alien princesses', but I think the thing that bugs me is the type of guy Sheppard is coming across as lately. He seems a bit like a teenage boy who wants to make out with all the pretty ladies. I was pretty upset that John made out with Teer because he seemed to not be interested in her at all. Then, one little conversation with her and they're kissing. The next woman was from The Tower and that one upset me more.
      The woman comes into his room and starts making out with him and he doesn't push her away. He recipricates. Of course, he eventually stops her, but still.
      Now, I'm not saying he's an unprofessional guy, but when it comes to women, he certainly seems it. He can't just say no.
      Maybe it's a case of writers living out their teenage fantasies through our favourite character (well, one of our two favourite characters!)
      Joe's a charmer on screen. He does it well. They've seen that, they're using it. What they don't realise is that it doesn't come off well on a character who's close to 40! If he was early 20s, it may be more forgivable (though still not great behaviour!), but at this age, Shep should behave like a grownup!


        Originally posted by RoryJ
        Hola! I've been lurking for years now and have only posted once or twice a long while back, but I've decided to come out into the sunlight just because I love this thread and the intelligent discussion I can always find here.

        Forgot to say, welcome to our Sparky little corner of the world! I guess if you've been lurking you've seen the craziness that goes on here! (not all of it intelligent, but all amusing!)


          Originally posted by SGLAB
          So I've only watched Epiphany once. I really have to watch it the next day because I'm so tired by the time it airs and it's only 8. Yes,
          Teer was dull. Sheppard seemed to find her dull too. Their kiss I found strange. I know for him he's been there for a while, but I didn't think they did a good job of making me feel like there was a lot of time lapse or that he and Teer spent much time together. Teer asks him to sit with her. He sits on the floor with her rather reluctantly I thought. They talk about her visions then it's time to kiss. Just odd. I liked the comment from Liz about his beard.
          in epiphany
          i sort of got the feeling Teer almost emotionally blackmailed him into sleeping with her 'I've been waiting[ for you' implying she's been saving herself for him, and i got the feeling his reaction was as much out of feeling sorry for her as lust. he makes this big speech later on about the things they've never experienced and never will experience before they die, and he wanted to give her that experience.i do like her for being the only one to stand up with him against the beast though. and to be fair, if i lived in that village of wimps, and John Sheppard appeared one day, I'd do my darndest to seduce him too.....

          But it was good at the end. I love the beard comment. I love the way, when the beast came John walked to Elizabeth's side, then past her, as if to make sure she's behind him (okay, i may be stretching the shipspotting a leeetle bit there). and him saying 'that's the first thing to go' as if he couldn't wait to put the entire experience behind him, and he was making sure to tell elizabeth that.

          and finally, there was Elizabeth, literally throwing herself into the unknown to get her man and not letting anyone stand in her way. i loved that. i'd like to see her do more of that

          so, while i didn't do the full on Happy Sparky Shipper Dance, I did have a few Sparky Smirks to myself for this one!
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Well, he was trapped there for months, so that's a pretty long time.

            Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


              Perhaps it's time for an AU John or Elizabeth to pop up, and of course they are a couple in their own universe, and madly, head over heels in love with each other, and can't understand why ourJohn and Elizabeth aren't together, and it can be the cue for a really good proper John/Elizabeth for example, AU John comes tumbling out of the gate, sees Elizabeth, grabs her and gives her the snog of her life before realising it's the wrong universe, spends the rest of the episode gazing at her adoringly, sparking jealousy in our John (ha! sparking! did you see what I did there?) and talking longingly about how he wants to get back to his adored and worshipped Elizabeth.

              Hey, it worked for sam and jack!
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Originally posted by alyssa
                Nice. Love your take on Rodney!
                Thank you, and thanks for all the feedback, guys! I do think Rodney does have a crush on Elizabeth, and so does Caldwell, but I don't think that matters. I think the really important thing is that Elizabeth only has eyes for John!

                Mind you, I reckon John knows about the crushes. That's why he goes out of his way to wind Caldwell up everytime Elizabeth is around. I don't think he minds about Rodney, cos he doesn't see Rodney as a threat (poor little Rodders) but Caldwell is a big tough muscular space ship commander. I'm not saying John wins Caldwell up deliberately to take Elizabeth's attention away from him, but I think subconsciously that's what he doing.

                Looks like I'm in for a John/Elizabeth obssessive weekend, I can't seem to stop thinking about them right now.
                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                  Found some good song lyrics..It's from Song andDance by Andrew Lloyd Webber, and the lyrics are by Don Black, and they seem to fit. I reckon this would make really good music video (hint hint) though I'd suggest the Denise Van Outen version (yes really, she's a fantastic singer, and it's totally heartbreaking) and not the Bernadette Peters one

                  I have never felt like this
                  For once I'm lost for words
                  Your smile has really thrown me
                  This is not like me at all
                  I never thought I'd know
                  The kind of love you've shown me

                  Now, no matter where I am
                  No matter what I do
                  I see your face appearing
                  Like an unexpected song
                  An unexpected song
                  That only we are hearing

                  I don't know what is going on
                  Can't work it out at all
                  Whatever made you choose me
                  I just can't believe my eyes
                  You look at me as though
                  You couldn't bear to lose me

                  Now, no matter where I am
                  No matter what I do
                  I see your face appearing
                  Like an unexpected song
                  An unexpected song
                  That only we are hearing

                  I have never felt like this
                  For once I'm lost for words
                  Your smile has really thrown me
                  This is not like me at all
                  I never thought I'd know
                  The kind of love you've shown me

                  Now, no matter where I am
                  No matter what I do
                  I see your face appearing
                  Like an unexpected song
                  An unexpected song
                  That only we are hearing

                  Like an unexpected song
                  An unexpected song
                  That only we are hearing
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by michelleb
                    Perhaps it's time for an AU John or Elizabeth to pop up, and of course they are a couple in their own universe, and madly, head over heels in love with each other, and can't understand why ourJohn and Elizabeth aren't together, and it can be the cue for a really good proper John/Elizabeth for example, AU John comes tumbling out of the gate, sees Elizabeth, grabs her and gives her the snog of her life before realising it's the wrong universe, spends the rest of the episode gazing at her adoringly, sparking jealousy in our John (ha! sparking! did you see what I did there?) and talking longingly about how he wants to get back to his adored and worshipped Elizabeth.

                    Hey, it worked for sam and jack!
                    I love your idea!


                      So, if we assume that John does love Elizabeth and that he knows it (cos he may not. People can be dumb about this sort of thing) when do you think he first knew? hen he knew he didn't just like and respect her, and it wasn't just mindless flirting, it was actually love? I think it was the hug,obviusly, although I think he had a very good idea in Hot Zone, when he called her Elizabeth. What do you think?
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Hi everyone... *waves*

                        just popping in before bed!!!! sweet shippy dreams everyone!!!!
                        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                          I'm beginning to feel very alone on here <looks round empty, echoing forum>. I think I'll watch some SGA and pop back later. Hot Zone. And all three Seiges. And Conversion Anf anything else even vaguely shippy
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            WELCOME RORY!!

                            Originally posted by alyssa
                            There is an Elizabeth in John's t-shirt fic out there, but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.
                            Might this be the one?

                            A Perfect Fit

                            And Finnstardust's clothing fic is

                            The Color Challenge.
                            ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                            The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                              Welcome, Rory!!! Don't kill me but you remind me of Rory from Gilmore Girls.
                              Originally posted by Athenaktt
                              And saw this quote regarding "Epiphany"
                              Brad also added that he wished he could have explored Sheppard’s backstory more in this episode, but he promises (promises!) to reveal more in season 3.
                              All I'm saying is Brad better not break his promises, because broken promises are bad
                              Oh I hope they don't screw up this time! About time we got a backstory for him. Mitchell got it half way through season 1! And I respect him more already. I don't know much about Sheppard and respect him only because of sparky and because he's a hero who risks his life and all......

                              Originally posted by michelleb
                              So, if we assume that John does love Elizabeth and that he knows it (cos he may not. People can be dumb about this sort of thing) when do you think he first knew? hen he knew he didn't just like and respect her, and it wasn't just mindless flirting, it was actually love? I think it was the hug,obviusly, although I think he had a very good idea in Hot Zone, when he called her Elizabeth. What do you think?
                              You mean in Hot Zone when he radioed her and she didn't answer righj away? Yea maybe. Why else would she not answer? And also the
                              "I need you to trust me"
                              "..I do.."
                              "Do you?"
                              made me jump off my chair. It was just so sparky. When she aksed him to trust her, it's like she was thinking how much it hurt her loving heart not just because he desobeyed her orders and yelled at her (). Poor Lizzie.

                              I don't know how dumb you can be not to realize that the person has feelings for you if they hugged you like that! THe only explanation to why they haven't found a closet yet is because either John is in denial and think that Lizzie hugged him just because he saved Atlantis and can't think of a reason why a woman like Elizabeth Weir would love a guy like him. Perhaps he has never been loved by a woman, only liked.. you know what I mean?
                              Of course, he also knows that there could never be anything between him and Lizzie because they are the leaders of Atlantis and if they get into a relationship, some day it will backfire and jeopardize the mission. But somehow, I don't think John would think like that It's like what Elizabeth would feel like. Otherwise, the closets would have been taken by now


                                Originally posted by Erised

                                I don't know how dumb you can be not to realize that the person has feelings for you if they hugged you like that! THe only explanation to why they haven't found a closet yet is because either John is in denial and think that Lizzie hugged him just because he saved Atlantis and can't think of a reason why a woman like Elizabeth Weir would love a guy like him. Perhaps he has never been loved by a woman, only liked.. you know what I mean?
                                i know exactly what u mean, tho he's so lovable i fail to see how any woman could not love him, although maybe he's only lovable cos of elizabeth. she brings out the best in him. but i think he has a lot of respect for elizabeth, and i bet shes totally unlike any woman he's ever been close to. i bet all his girlfriends have been a bit like teyla..pretty, very pretty, and obviously sexy, but not really his type. maybe he's never been really in love before, and he just doesn't know to handle it. and he can't beleive that someone as wonderful as elizabeth (and he does think she's wonderful, you can see it in the way he gets annoyed when other people, especially passing military commanders, disrespect her) would ever love someone like him.
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

