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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Hatcheter
    We did break fifteen thousand posts this morning.
    I wondered last night when we'd break 15,000, and then we didn't even notice.

    By the way, Jor looks like he's ready to join the Spygate gang. Maybe John can get a puppy named Jor due to a typo? It'd have to be one of those dogs that's so cute it has to be evil, though.

    And finally, I agree – reaction from other groups to the spoilers for The Long Goodbye have been interesting. The reaction to the actual episode should be quite fascinating. As Rose suggested at LJ, we need to keep the buzz going.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by gooner_diva
      I loved this scene! She tells Sheppy what's on her mind because she loves him! I mean do you think she would tell it to McKay or Ronon??? I don't think so!


        Originally posted by Dorka
        Yeah, that's right. She can't go to Rodney...well he has other problems I guess, and he's not the ideal listener. Ronon is too new, even when they had nice moments together...Teyla would be the other option, but somehow TPTB don't want to go there...maybe bc, also in my eyes, the two are very different. So finally there is John left. He's a good listener. And of course there are stars sparkling around when they are gazing at each other

        I also think, that after TLG their bound will be even much more stronger. Liz was right in Conversion, they have been through many things...and TLG will just double it
        And let's just face it though I know it's difficult to-they're just *right* together.

        John and Elizabeth have a lot in common -even beyond the joint worries of their respective leadership positions. Look at how deeply passionate both are to something that really matters to them. Look how dedicated they are to the people they feel responsible for. Look to the effort they'll both go to accomplish what needs doing. Those are the real things that matter between a couple.

        Both these people are passionate. Both are responsible when they need to be. Both are highly intelligent and dedicated. Both have a sense of humor. And they're both attractive and attracted to each other. I mean, what more do you want? It doesn't matter what way you like your hamburger or what tv show you like the best or your decorating taste. *ahem* If you've got matters of the heart in common like they do, the rest will all work itself out.

        I think it was Torri that said this very well. John and Elizabeth do indeed meet at the heart. And more than that, they *want* to meet there. It's somehow become important to both of them to strive to meet the other there; to understand the other one and learn about what makes them tick. It's become important for the other to be there when the other needs them. They want to put in the effort in regard to each other and their 'want to' tells me all I need to know about how they're coming to feel deep inside about the other.

        P.S. Love 'black op' Jor! I'll try not to hurt him today. *grin*


          I was thinking more on TLG and if
          Elizabeth is in the infirmary by the end of the episode, why isn't John in there too? Well, I know he visits her, but why isn't he there for an injury? I wonder what kind of injury she sustains and who inflicts it.

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            I love that Torri is so on board with the sparky ship. I wish we'd get more comments from Joe about them.
            Shop through Big Crumbs for your online purchases to receive a little bit of your money back.


              Originally posted by Vixen
              Was that her father's watch?
              We still have no idea who's watch is on her her desk. The watch as been lying around on her desk since the first season. This was just the first time they actually gave a nice clear shot of it.

              As for it's origin, I guess we can still leave if up to fanfiction for the speculation.


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                And finally, I agree – reaction from other groups to the spoilers for The Long Goodbye have been interesting. The reaction to the actual episode should be quite fascinating. As Rose suggested at LJ, we need to keep the buzz going.
                At the rate we are buzzing over spoilers, imagine how much buzzing would be going on when the episode actually starts airing in places.

                And to think about we are still talking about the Siege III
                every now and then. So I think an episode would "TLG" would be something very hard for us to not buzz about.


                  Originally posted by Erised
                  I mean do you think she would tell it to McKay or Ronon??? I don't think so!
                  I think not. John is the only one who sees at least bits of the real Elizabeth behind the leader's facade. I'm not complaining.


                    TLG sounds like a really good episode. I got a question
                    is the kiss in TLG or are we guessing?

                    Icon Made By LadyBozi


                      Originally posted by Ebony Wolf
                      TLG sounds like a really good episode. I got a question
                      is the kiss in TLG or are we guessing?
                      We know for a fact because someone bought the script.


                        Originally posted by gooner_diva
                        I think not. John is the only one who sees at least bits of the real Elizabeth behind the leader's facade. I'm not complaining.
                        John and Elizabeth really are the most similar character --- or rather they have the most in common --- despite the fact that they have very different careers. Both are driven by the desire to do that they see as right. That's why John sometimes goes against orders, and why Elizabeth struggles so much with some of the decisions she has to make.
                        It makes sense that they rely on each other, and open up to each other more than they do to others. I see Beckett as the only other one Elizabeth would have a connection with, due to his profession, and due to the fact he's also a pacifist like she is.


                          Haven't been here for a couple of months...well, that's not true, I've been lurking. I really need to break that habit. Anyway, now that Canada has new episodes and we have the new spoilers about TLG I've been compelled out of lurkdom.

                          As far as these spoilers go
                          I agree with what most of you are saying, in that it's going to be a great Shep/Weir episode. However, I don't think that the kiss is going to have as much of a long lasting effect on them personally as the fact that they nearly destroy the city trying to kill each other. This is going to bother them a lot, although I think that it will affect Weir more. And they will either deal with it and get closer or...they could ignore it and have it drive a wedge between them until we get an explosive confrontation.

                          I'm going to put my faith (probably misplaced) in TPTB for this episode in hopes that they do it well and not just ignore any possible ramifications.

                          I can't wait to see the kiss and all of the butt kicking they are both going to do. From the sounds of it Pheobus is going to be the more violent of the two and that has to be awesome for Torri to do something so out of character. Anyway, I had to de-lurk in order to join in on the SQUEE! and I ended up writing a novel.

                          Oh, and WELCOME to any new people (almost everyone) that has joined since I was last here. And Hatch, I love Jor's new look, he's been reading too much Spygate.
                          Pro-Season 4
                          Proud Ronon/Keller Shipper


                            Welcome to all the Newbies... come join the Squueeeeeee!!!! I asm excited that these spoilers have caused alot of de-lurking!!!!!!

                            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                              Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                              Welcome to all the Newbies... come join the Squueeeeeee!!!! I asm excited that these spoilers have caused alot of de-lurking!!!!!!


                              I think that people are seeing the light!

                              Although someone in Sam/Jack just posted a message saying: Just to change the subject back a few days... we were discussing Shep / Weir shippers. They took a hit tonight, hey? The whole Shep / Teyla thing?

                              Um... Anyone know what that's about??


                                Originally posted by alyssa
                                Although someone in Sam/Jack just posted a message saying: Just to change the subject back a few days... we were discussing Shep / Weir shippers. They took a hit tonight, hey? The whole Shep / Teyla thing?

                                Um... Anyone know what that's about??
                                Must have been someone who has just seen Conversion, I dunno.

