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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Vixen
    Yeah maybe. He has glanced down at her lips more than once...... Or did you mean a hug?
    I actually did mean a huggie.

    John was seemingly so shocked that she would initiate an intimate hug that way that I would love to see the shoe on the other foot. Let him be the one to initiate the contact and see how E reacts to it. But you're right...he definitely had a 'passing' thought to what kissing her would be like in that immediate moment after she released him from that bear hug. I honestly wonder if the thought didn't take him emotionally off guard and if he'd refused to even allow himself to think of kissing her before that moment. I rather think that is the case. He had looked at her as a friend and probably 'cared' more than he knew he should have as we see demonstrated in 'The Eye'. I just think that may have been the first moment for John to really, really think of Elizabeth as a woman that was kissable to him. If you watch the scene carefully, right after he looks at her lips the SECOND dadgum time, he visibly 'shakes' it off and forces himself to get back to the work relationship between them. His "So, um, where are we?" was simply full of a loud note of inner emotional momental confusion. Joe did a terrific job with the scene if you ask me. He and Torri both did. Her little nervous "I'd like that." and following odd laughter said more about her own nervousness from the sudden, close embrace and full emotional state than any words could have. Yummy stuff.

    Last edited by Bama; 11 August 2005, 04:20 PM.


      BTW, have I said how much I like

      THIS pic? ; )

      You know...just in case I hadn't. *g*


        Originally posted by Bama
        I actually did mean a huggie.

        John was seeming so shocked that she would initiate an intimate hug that way that I would love to see the shoe on the other foot. Let him be the one to initiate the contact and see how E reacts to it. But you're right...he definitely had a 'passing' thought to what kissing her would be like in that immediate moment after she released him from that bear hug. I honestly wonder if the thought didn't take him emotionally off guard and if he'd refused to even allow himself to think of kissing her before that moment. I rather think that is the case. He had looked at her as a friend and probably 'cared' more than he knew he should have as we see demonstrated in 'The Eye'. I just think that may have been the first moment for John to really, really think of Elizabeth as a woman that was kissable to him. If you watch the scene carefully, right after he looks at her lips the SECOND dadgum time, he visibly 'shakes' it off and forces himself to get back to the work relationship between them. His "So, um, where are we?" was simply full of a loud note of inner emotional momental confusion. Joe did a terrific job with the scene if you ask me. He and Torri both did. Her little nervous "I'd like that." and following odd laughter said more about her own nervousness from the sudden, close embrace and full emotional state than any words could have. Yummy stuff.

        oh... eh, I knew that. ^ ^;

        And yeah, she did look like he was going to kiss him! Their faces were pretty close! Here's the link, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the hug.

        And look, he licks his lips I think when she goes in to hug him!!!!

        And the shock on his face was priceless! I thought it was a bit cute but I'll save that for the Thunk thread. And the relief in her laugh and how relaxed she was after the hug. I think she was glad that it just wasn't a figment of her imagination, but him.

        And it tends to be that way. Most of the time you don't realize until I think, they're about to be taken away from you, like Divide and Conquer for Sam and The Eye for John. Well maybe not, I'm not sure because I haven't been in a relationship or serious crush thing.


          From LFP. And yes those are her lips he's looking at

          Heh, Bama gonna make a future banner with that Elizabeth pic?


            Originally posted by xkawaiix
            oh... eh, I knew that. ^ ^;

            And yeah, she did look like he was going to kiss him! Their faces were pretty close! Here's the link, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the hug.

            And look, he licks his lips I think when she goes in to hug him!!!!

            And the shock on his face was priceless! I thought it was a bit cute but I'll save that for the Thunk thread. And the relief in her laugh and how relaxed she was after the hug. I think she was glad that it just wasn't a figment of her imagination, but him.

            And it tends to be that way. Most of the time you don't realize until I think, they're about to be taken away from you, like Divide and Conquer for Sam and The Eye for John. Well maybe not, I'm not sure because I haven't been in a relationship or serious crush thing.

            I gotta disagree about the hug a little here at least where Elizabeth is concerned. I don't think she was very relaxed after she released him. I think she grabbed him without really thinking and she just acted on the emotional 'high' she was feeling upon his return to her. If she'd thought thru that, she never hugs him imho. BUT, I think she does have a passionate side to her and she occasionally lets that come thru, especially with John. We've only seen it's evidence in the arguments until the hug scene but it's always been there with him-just lurking beneath the surface for a place to land. I've never heard Elizabeth sound like she did when she made that comment, "I'd like that." and then gave that nervous like laughter. She went from reacting with the hug to not really knowing how to react to his reaction. It put them both in a 'discomfort' zone that they'd not experienced with each other before because they'd never encountered that sort of yearning feeling for each other quite like that before. I think it honestly took them both off guard a little-especially John and then, after a moment, Elizabeth.

            But that's the great thing about 'shippy' moments like that can just look at them from so many angles and analyze them and give an opinion on what you think THEY were thinking and feeling. ; )



              Originally posted by Vixen
              Heh, Bama gonna make a future banner with that Elizabeth pic?
              Hey, no fair Vix... you KNOW how techy clueless I am. ; ) Now if you're offerin...

              I think it would make one HECK of a great banner.

              And yeah...what ELSE would he have been lookin at in that shot? She doesn't have a double chin and wasn't blowin a bubble with any gum. ; ) Beautiful 'passing' thought moment there kiddies...ahhh...


                Originally posted by xkawaiix
                oh... eh, I knew that. ^ ^;

                And yeah, she did look like he was going to kiss him! Their faces were pretty close! Here's the link, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the hug.

                And look, he licks his lips I think when she goes in to hug him!!!!

                And the shock on his face was priceless! I thought it was a bit cute but I'll save that for the Thunk thread. And the relief in her laugh and how relaxed she was after the hug. I think she was glad that it just wasn't a figment of her imagination, but him.

                And it tends to be that way. Most of the time you don't realize until I think, they're about to be taken away from you, like Divide and Conquer for Sam and The Eye for John. Well maybe not, I'm not sure because I haven't been in a relationship or serious crush thing.

                I do indeed think there was a 'mini-moment' of panic there on J-man's face as she started up toward him. I really doubt he's had too many women get that close only to hug him! LOL! But that's what I like he's getting from Elizabeth...the entire, caring, honesty, anger...I'd venture that he's never known the true range of emotions from a woman he thought cared about him in his life. (Other than maybe his mother but then, we don't know that she wasn't out of the picture too) He strikes me as perhaps a guy raised without a loving family...dunno....I could be WAY off...probably am.
                But I would stake my next paycheck on the fact that he's known quite a few women in the er...sexual way...



                  With all the lip lick talk I just had to add my siggie. yum.


                    Originally posted by Bama

                    I do indeed think there was a 'mini-moment' of panic there on J-man's face as she started up toward him. I really doubt he's had too many women get that close only to hug him! LOL! But that's what I like he's getting from Elizabeth...the entire, caring, honesty, anger...I'd venture that he's never known the true range of emotions from a woman he thought cared about him in his life. (Other than maybe his mother but then, we don't know that she wasn't out of the picture too) He strikes me as perhaps a guy raised without a loving family...dunno....I could be WAY off...probably am.
                    But I would stake my next paycheck on the fact that he's known quite a few women in the er...sexual way...

                    Bama, I totally agree with you.

                    During the entire hug, he totally had this look of "woah, what's going on?" right up until the moment that he started to hold her back, when he realized that possibly, some of the panic and other inexplicable things he'd been feeling for her might have been reciprocated.

                    But I'm not sure about his home life. During the first season, maybe right near the beginning, I remember reading (though I'm not sure where) that his father was military, a general. I figure if that was true, then he was probably raised in a pretty structured environment, maybe somewhat harsh, but probably not loveless.

                    It would be nice to see some John/Elizabeth bonding while they talk about their respective personal lives.

                    Nothin' crazy, nothin' fancy. Just me.


                      Just a short look on the last page, guys you are great of writing so much interesting stuff, but a bit slower would be really nice *giggle*, I'm still stuck on page 288, I have read already 20 pages I have missed, not much I know, but I have to catch up nearly everything, fics, etc. I'm proud of myself I even managed to watch "Runner" and "Duet". Oh yeah, I keep in mind that I never leave home for over 2 weeks again, it's hell of work,....

                      "Runner" was really good and "Duet" was genial and great, so funny. Loved the scene between John and Liz at the end of the episode, yes, Liz can't refuse him anything. Besides I think I seriously couldn't it, too. Can't wait to see today's episode, yeah here is already Friday (3:32 am).

                      Good Night,...


                        Originally posted by truthlostmsr
                        Bama, I totally agree with you.

                        During the entire hug, he totally had this look of "woah, what's going on?" right up until the moment that he started to hold her back, when he realized that possibly, some of the panic and other inexplicable things he'd been feeling for her might have been reciprocated.

                        Yeah, that's a perfect 'read' on how I read it too. Almost as if asking an internal question...'Could she feel something for me?'

                        But I'm not sure about his home life. During the first season, maybe right near the beginning, I remember reading (though I'm not sure where) that his father was military, a general. I figure if that was true, then he was probably raised in a pretty structured environment, maybe somewhat harsh, but probably not loveless.

                        Well, you know, that 'structure' might figure into how I read his personality though. He strikes me as a guy who hasn't had an overabundance of affection but then, he has been doing some touchy feely stuff of his own lately. He's got a touch of a sense of humor though it's not cynical as if he's learned though to cover his own mistakes with humor over the years. And then, he's got that little 'rebellous' streak as well...(Perhaps because someone came down on his head for the 'little things' over the years...? )

                        It would be nice to see some John/Elizabeth bonding while they talk about their respective personal lives.

                        I ALWAYS agree with that. Sometimes, a personal talk and building a friendship will have a lot larger impact on a more intimate relationship that is to follow later.

                        And oh, do we know each other from the old XF 'Haven' boards? Your name seems a bit familiar and then I noticed your 'handle' and I instantly thought...old XF 'hag' like me. ; ) I'm really surprised I haven't already run into someone I knew from those old Haven original shipper boards...That was a lot of fun during that run..



                          Originally posted by Bama

                          Well, you know, that 'structure' might figure into how I read his personality though. He strikes me as a guy who hasn't had an overabundance of affection but then, he has been doing some touchy feely stuff of his own lately. He's got a touch of a sense of humor though it's not cynical as if he's learned though to cover his own mistakes with humor over the years. And then, he's got that little 'rebellous' streak as well...(Perhaps because someone came down on his head for the 'little things' over the years...? )

                          I ALWAYS agree with that. Sometimes, a personal talk and building a friendship will have a lot larger impact on a more intimate relationship that is to follow later.

                          And oh, do we know each other from the old XF 'Haven' boards? Your name seems a bit familiar and then I noticed your 'handle' and I instantly thought...old XF 'hag' like me. ; ) I'm really surprised I haven't already run into someone I knew from those old Haven original shipper boards...That was a lot of fun during that run..

                          I think the touchy-feely stuff has been coming out a lot lately, as a result of
                          the hug, and the affection (the teases, the smiles, standing and sitting so close into his personal space) that Elizabeth has been showing him lately.
                          Perhaps because of his background, he just needs a little encouragement for him to put the "almost cynic" in him aside. I do agree that his type of humor, and his "authority issues" probably did develop to take the sting off of being berated, or being criticized as a kid.

                          Exactly. That's what I really want to see on the show, even as nice as it would be to see them both leaving the same quarters in the morning, I want to know that they've got the friends part of "friends with benefits" covered, and not just the benefits. If that made sense.

                          Hee, we might! I used to hang out on the Haven board, as well as all over the xfiles yahoogroups, so if I seem familiar, we probably did talk once or twice. This is actually the name I chose a couple years ago for my livejournal, so I don't think I ever used it on the forums, but I was there! (I'm one of the very few people who spells her name Cathey with an E, so if you remember me for that, I'm the same person, lol) hehe.
                          Nothin' crazy, nothin' fancy. Just me.


                            Originally posted by truthlostmsr
                            I think the touchy-feely stuff has been coming out a lot lately, as a result of
                            the hug, and the affection (the teases, the smiles, standing and sitting so close into his personal space) that Elizabeth has been showing him lately.
                            Perhaps because of his background, he just needs a little encouragement for him to put the "almost cynic" in him aside. I do agree that his type of humor, and his "authority issues" probably did develop to take the sting off of being berated, or being criticized as a kid.

                            Agree totally!
                            E-Beth's huggie affection probably really opened him up to the small 'touches' with her and made him look differently at her willingness to be touched. I really hope we see those small things increase in frequency the way we did on XF as time went on...

                            I think he will respond well to affection from a female but I just have doubts that he's ever had the quite the type of affection/caring Elizabeth is giving him right now from a good-looking, single female his own age.

                            Exactly. That's what I really want to see on the show, even as nice as it would be to see them both leaving the same quarters in the morning, I want to know that they've got the friends part of "friends with benefits" covered, and not just the benefits. If that made sense.

                            Oh heck yeah it made sense and ICAM. For me to ever 'buy' this ship as totally believable and a true love match, it has to be slowly built and simmered...I don't know if I want to wait SEVEN friggin years like we did with the XF but I want it to progress naturally at a rate congruent to their circumstances.

                            Hee, we might! I used to hang out on the Haven board, as well as all over the xfiles yahoogroups, so if I seem familiar, we probably did talk once or twice. This is actually the name I chose a couple years ago for my livejournal, so I don't think I ever used it on the forums, but I was there! (I'm one of the very few people who spells her name Cathey with an E, so if you remember me for that, I'm the same person, lol) hehe.

                            Yeah, it was the way you spelled your name that caught my eye more than your 'xf' handle...I used to go by BamaX at Haven and I talked a ton...I know you're shocked...; )


                              Mel, I was just at your Livejournal and found your story Blessed. I loved it. It was so sweet and funny and cute.

                              It's late and I should get to bed. Good night all.


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                And oh, do we know each other from the old XF 'Haven' boards? Your name seems a bit familiar and then I noticed your 'handle' and I instantly thought...old XF 'hag' like me. ; ) I'm really surprised I haven't already run into someone I knew from those old Haven original shipper boards...That was a lot of fun during that run..


                                You were on Haven? Me, too! Wow...that was a long time ago, and brings back some great memories. But I was then (as now) a regular lurker, but a very infrequent poster. Did you post as "Bama" over there? Ah, I sure miss me some MSR.

                                And I know I'm far behind the times with this comment, but.....I was just waiting to see if anyone from Texas spoke up about the pop vs. soda vs. cola debate, and then Hatcheter did! Yay! It may not be quite as common now as it was even 5 or 10 years ago, but the whole time I was growing up, if you wanted a soda of any kind, you asked for a Coke. Then the person serving you asked, "What kind? Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper?"

                                My 2 cents on the Simon debate (yes, I tend to save up my thoughts and comments for novella length posts)---I think Liz and Simon probably really loved each other at one time, and probably do still love each other in a friendship way, but as it happens with so many couples in RL, they let other things take priority in their lives---work, career advancement, etc., and they lost their "connection." I got the feeling that they were still in their relationship because it was comfortable, like an old shoe, rather than because they shared a great love and passion for each other. They both might have realized that their relationship was missing something, but there was no reason for either of them to DO anything about it until Elizabeth left. I do think she was a bit callous in her form of goodbye, and that gave Simon the tacit permission to go looking elsewhere for what he was missing in his relationship with Elizabeth. Then when he got the message from LFP, it was probably a huge relief for him in a way, because it just confirmed his decision. (And he had to have already found the new person before LFP, because of the timeline issues between LFP and Siege 3.)

                                Okay, back on current topic now---I can't wait to see tonight's episode! Oh, wait. I can't. Darnit. I'm taping but won't be able to watch it until Sunday night at the earliest. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed for some squee-worthy moments.


