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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    Oh, I forgot. I come bearing a present:

    I started on a list of 100 drabbles, but I'm limiting each of them to 100 words. All Sparky. Here's the first six!

    1. Introduction.

    The first time that she saw him, he was sitting in a chair that he shouldn't have been sitting in, much less actually known about. His eyes were widened, blinking in concern as personnel gathered around him.

    She didn't know his name. She knew nothing about his dark background. If she were to tell him about herself and what she did, he probably wouldn't be that impressed. But as the map appeared over their heads and he stuttered in wonder how he did that, she knew that something was about to change. She smiled.

    Elizabeth Weir had met John Sheppard.

    2. Love.

    Somewhere along the course of those first two years in Atlantis, his feelings for Elizabeth had changed. He still respected her. He admired her. He cared about her a lot. He would even call her a friend, despite their rocky beginning.

    But somewhere along the way, it became apparent to him that he loved her. Years later, he would look back, thinking about the exact moment when he realized it. It was the second that he decided to break quarantine on the slim chance it might save her life. As the medics dragged him away, he nodded. Totally worth it.

    3. Light.

    It was still cloudy the morning after the storm. But about ten o'clock in the morning, the grey finally began to be replaced by blue skies. About half an hour later, the sun peaked through and spent the rest of the day shining on the city, warming it after its brutal encounter.

    Elizabeth leaned on the railing of the balcony, closing her eyes, just basking in the glow of the sunlight. She felt someone come up next to her, inhaling deeply and sighing in a relaxed manner. John nodded. "It feels good out here."

    She smiled. It definitely felt good.

    4. Dark.

    "Come on in," John heard Elizabeth say as the tall man entered her office, tapping the red and white cane in front of him. He knew from memory that the two chairs were – hopefully – still directly in front of her desk. One arm extended as he groped for it.

    He heard a hiss from her, and he froze. "Did you move the chair?"

    "No, it's still there. John, I'm so sorry. I had no idea that it was mace. I thought it was a flashlight. It was dark in there."

    "Yeah, it's dark here too," he grimaced quietly.

    5. Seeking Solace.

    Colonel Carter walked away after delivering the bad news, and John stood, feet glued to the ground, unsure of where to go next. Part of him wanted to jump right through the Stargate, and an even larger part wanted to run around the perimeter of the city until he collapsed of exhaustion.

    He chose the second.

    But when he passed an all too familiar set of doors that hadn't been used in months, he stopped and made his way back, almost passing his hand over the sensor, until he remembered that no one would answer anymore.

    So he left Elizabeth's room undisturbed.

    6. Break Away

    She didn't know how much more of this she could take.

    A night's sleep had evaded her once again, leaving her staring at the ceiling as she considered her options. Some of them were bordering on illegal. She didn't know how it was possible to feel so much hatred and passion at the same time for one person.

    She turned over in bed, tapping her husband on the shoulder. "John."

    "Yeah," he replied, just as awake as she was.

    "I can't do this anymore."


    From the cradle, Emma cried again.

    Elizabeth sighed and got up. "I need a vacation."
    I totally love them, SW!!!!

    Especially the last two.

    Just what I needed after the sucktastic day I've had.
    I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

    Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


      Originally posted by mandogater View Post
      I totally love them, SW!!!!

      Especially the last two.

      Just what I needed after the sucktastic day I've had.
      Aw, thanks! Glad I could make your day a little better.


        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
        I just started watching "Cedar Cove" on Netflix, which airs on the Hallmark Channel. So far I've spotted at least three actors that have either been regulars or guested on various SG shows. Although this could be because Carl Binder is one of the producers.
        Speaking of this sort of thing, have you guys ever seen The LA Complex? It was a Canadian teen soap drama thing from a couple years ago that was created by Martin Gero. Apparently it was considered good by it's target audience and they tried to get it uncancelled after 2 seasons, but since I'm not in that target audience; I really can't recommended it to anyone who isn't a fan of teen dramas.

        It used a lot of Stargate actors in the show, including Kate Hewlett and Lous Ferreira from SGU. Most notably Jewel Statie played one of the main characters. It was actually kinda funny seeing her so different from Keller. She played this washed up actress who was also kind of really *****y, selfish and manipulative, but also like really sad and lonely on the inside or something, so she's also supposed to be sympathetic.

        One time there was this one guest star that I was having a hard time placing, but I knew I'd seen him before. Then sort of gave up, paused the online episode and went back to watching my DVD episode of "The Hive" which I was doing at the same time only to realize he was right there in front of me (he was one of Ford's wraith enzyme henchmen).

        I watched several episodes. Most of the show can be summarized by "People reacting badly to awkward situations and making them much worse."

        It's obviously a very different show from all 3 of the Stargate series, but if you wanted to look at it in the really broad strokes, it kind of seemed like this was the show you'd get if you took SGU and removed all the sci-fi from it. Or like if you took half the content from the LA Complex and half the content of the SG-1/SGA series and mixed them together, the hybrid you'd get would be SGU.
        "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

        *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

        "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



          Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
          Speaking of this sort of thing, have you guys ever seen The LA Complex? It was a Canadian teen soap drama thing from a couple years ago that was created by Martin Gero. Apparently it was considered good by it's target audience and they tried to get it uncancelled after 2 seasons, but since I'm not in that target audience; I really can't recommended it to anyone who isn't a fan of teen dramas.

          It used a lot of Stargate actors in the show, including Kate Hewlett and Lous Ferreira from SGU. Most notably Jewel Statie played one of the main characters. It was actually kinda funny seeing her so different from Keller. She played this washed up actress who was also kind of really *****y, selfish and manipulative, but also like really sad and lonely on the inside or something, so she's also supposed to be sympathetic.

          One time there was this one guest star that I was having a hard time placing, but I knew I'd seen him before. Then sort of gave up, paused the online episode and went back to watching my DVD episode of "The Hive" which I was doing at the same time only to realize he was right there in front of me (he was one of Ford's wraith enzyme henchmen).

          I watched several episodes. Most of the show can be summarized by "People reacting badly to awkward situations and making them much worse."

          It's obviously a very different show from all 3 of the Stargate series, but if you wanted to look at it in the really broad strokes, it kind of seemed like this was the show you'd get if you took SGU and removed all the sci-fi from it. Or like if you took half the content from the LA Complex and half the content of the SG-1/SGA series and mixed them together, the hybrid you'd get would be SGU.
          I did watch a few episodes due to the amount of SG actors appearing in it, but it wasn't my cup of tea. It was nice to see them in a more "regular" setting.


            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Oh, I forgot. I come bearing a present:

            I started on a list of 100 drabbles, but I'm limiting each of them to 100 words. All Sparky. Here's the first six!

            1. Introduction.

            The first time that she saw him, he was sitting in a chair that he shouldn't have been sitting in, much less actually known about. His eyes were widened, blinking in concern as personnel gathered around him.

            She didn't know his name. She knew nothing about his dark background. If she were to tell him about herself and what she did, he probably wouldn't be that impressed. But as the map appeared over their heads and he stuttered in wonder how he did that, she knew that something was about to change. She smiled.

            Elizabeth Weir had met John Sheppard.

            2. Love.

            Somewhere along the course of those first two years in Atlantis, his feelings for Elizabeth had changed. He still respected her. He admired her. He cared about her a lot. He would even call her a friend, despite their rocky beginning.

            But somewhere along the way, it became apparent to him that he loved her. Years later, he would look back, thinking about the exact moment when he realized it. It was the second that he decided to break quarantine on the slim chance it might save her life. As the medics dragged him away, he nodded. Totally worth it.

            3. Light.

            It was still cloudy the morning after the storm. But about ten o'clock in the morning, the grey finally began to be replaced by blue skies. About half an hour later, the sun peaked through and spent the rest of the day shining on the city, warming it after its brutal encounter.

            Elizabeth leaned on the railing of the balcony, closing her eyes, just basking in the glow of the sunlight. She felt someone come up next to her, inhaling deeply and sighing in a relaxed manner. John nodded. "It feels good out here."

            She smiled. It definitely felt good.

            4. Dark.

            "Come on in," John heard Elizabeth say as the tall man entered her office, tapping the red and white cane in front of him. He knew from memory that the two chairs were – hopefully – still directly in front of her desk. One arm extended as he groped for it.

            He heard a hiss from her, and he froze. "Did you move the chair?"

            "No, it's still there. John, I'm so sorry. I had no idea that it was mace. I thought it was a flashlight. It was dark in there."

            "Yeah, it's dark here too," he grimaced quietly.

            5. Seeking Solace.

            Colonel Carter walked away after delivering the bad news, and John stood, feet glued to the ground, unsure of where to go next. Part of him wanted to jump right through the Stargate, and an even larger part wanted to run around the perimeter of the city until he collapsed of exhaustion.

            He chose the second.

            But when he passed an all too familiar set of doors that hadn't been used in months, he stopped and made his way back, almost passing his hand over the sensor, until he remembered that no one would answer anymore.

            So he left Elizabeth's room undisturbed.

            6. Break Away

            She didn't know how much more of this she could take.

            A night's sleep had evaded her once again, leaving her staring at the ceiling as she considered her options. Some of them were bordering on illegal. She didn't know how it was possible to feel so much hatred and passion at the same time for one person.

            She turned over in bed, tapping her husband on the shoulder. "John."

            "Yeah," he replied, just as awake as she was.

            "I can't do this anymore."


            From the cradle, Emma cried again.

            Elizabeth sighed and got up. "I need a vacation."
            Love them all, especially 4 and 5.

            Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
            Speaking of this sort of thing, have you guys ever seen The LA Complex? It was a Canadian teen soap drama thing from a couple years ago that was created by Martin Gero. Apparently it was considered good by it's target audience and they tried to get it uncancelled after 2 seasons, but since I'm not in that target audience; I really can't recommended it to anyone who isn't a fan of teen dramas.

            It used a lot of Stargate actors in the show, including Kate Hewlett and Lous Ferreira from SGU. Most notably Jewel Statie played one of the main characters. It was actually kinda funny seeing her so different from Keller. She played this washed up actress who was also kind of really *****y, selfish and manipulative, but also like really sad and lonely on the inside or something, so she's also supposed to be sympathetic.

            One time there was this one guest star that I was having a hard time placing, but I knew I'd seen him before. Then sort of gave up, paused the online episode and went back to watching my DVD episode of "The Hive" which I was doing at the same time only to realize he was right there in front of me (he was one of Ford's wraith enzyme henchmen).

            I watched several episodes. Most of the show can be summarized by "People reacting badly to awkward situations and making them much worse."

            It's obviously a very different show from all 3 of the Stargate series, but if you wanted to look at it in the really broad strokes, it kind of seemed like this was the show you'd get if you took SGU and removed all the sci-fi from it. Or like if you took half the content from the LA Complex and half the content of the SG-1/SGA series and mixed them together, the hybrid you'd get would be SGU.
            Just reading the synopsis of that show was enough for me. Not my cup of tea, but I love your thoughts. So many times I have been watching shows and see someone I can't place. I look it up on IMDB and find it's a minor guest star from SGA or SG-1. Like, not too long ago, I finally placed the nurse from Vegas. I can't remember the show, but it was her.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              Tumblr. She's on there all the time.
              Ah, right..

              I'm not a Tumblr-person, and will never be a Tumblr-person.

              Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
              Speaking of this sort of thing, have you guys ever seen The LA Complex?
              Never saw it, but my sister did. She seemed to enjoy it, though she did tell me not to waste time on it as I wouldn't like it anyway. She was right about that. Even with Jewel as one of the main characters (I love Jewel).
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                You could also try AO3... I'm not up-to-date on Sparky-fic, but perhaps there's some new stuff you haven't read yet over there.
                Yeah, AO3 has pretty much become the center of the fanfiction world. A lot of newer writers are only there.

                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                True. I haven't been on LJ in ages and Tumblr is definitely where it's at nowadays if you want to sit on your computer for hours on end reblogging posts that you've already reblogged but are so awesome that you have to do it again.
                Yep. I poke my head up on LJ about once a week, but I'm always on Tumblr.
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  Aw, thanks! Glad I could make your day a little better.
                  You're welcome.

                  Today turned out to be a bit better than Monday. I'm hoping I'll find something that has me grinning ear to ear by the weekend.
                  I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                  Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                    Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday!

                    And it's another day of house decluttering and assorted running around for me. Hope you're all having fun!
                    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                      First watch the Tour de France and then mow the lawn.

                      And Talantsky is about the give up...
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Don't sell yourself short. Your constant nagging input was very valuable with giving us the male perspective and all.

                        My biggest contribution was applying the big red pencil of doom to everybody's carefully thought out prose and at least one writer's obsessive need to sprinkle her work liberally with dashes and commas. My fingers sometimes twitch in my sleep trying to type out "comma needed and comma not needed." *snort*
                        Goodness. It's quite possible - if I wrote something that required editing - that you might, maybe, feel the need, to break out, hypothetically, the pencil that we shouldn't need, but actually do, the red pencil, the pencil of doom.

                        ^ If I did that right, then with gravity and a time delay, I should need to duck in about six hours

                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        Nice to see you! I think the main reason is that people tend to lose interest when a show no longer airs. True, we're still very active in this thread, but for other Sparky shippers who may only write stories and don't know or visit this place, it has been 5 years since the show ended, and even longer since Sparky was on screen together.

                        As for the rest of us, busy lives and other priorities have to come first. But hang around -- every once in a while, someone posts a drabble or something.

                        So do I take this to mean that any innuendo in the stories comes from gateraid?
                        Surprisingly, no!

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Hmmm, I never thought about that. Actually, at times he showed remarkable restraint in keeping all us women in line. He was always the perfect gentleman.
                        Aw. You delicious auburn beauty. You had me at perfect

                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Canon Monday!

                        Oh, you.
                        I'm sure that other series....has an audience.

                        True on all of that. And even with those who are still active in the social media side of fandom, there's been a shift in the places where people congregate. It's moved away from sites like LiveJournal and even Twitter to an extent, and toward sites like Tumblr.
                        I haven't been on LJ for months, possibly this entire calendar year :s

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        A thought just occured to me -- where has Anuna gone?
                        I have been wondering the same thing

                        Mine can be summarized in 6 words:

                        "Can you please bring Kate back?"

                        Though I do remember I did some continuity checking...
                        Bringing Kate back made sense, unlike her exit :s

                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        I totally read that in a Southern accent.

                        True. I haven't been on LJ in ages and Tumblr is definitely where it's at nowadays if you want to sit on your computer for hours on end reblogging posts that you've already reblogged but are so awesome that you have to do it again.
                        I'm on it, but I haven't ventured into the community yet. I'm even on twitter lol.

                        Tumblr. She's on there all the time.
                        Mystery solved !

                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        Oh, I forgot. I come bearing a present:


                        Never thought I would say this, but a child fic within those parameters sounds good!

                        Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                        Speaking of this sort of thing, have you guys ever seen The LA Complex? It was a Canadian teen soap drama thing from a couple years ago that was created by Martin Gero. Apparently it was considered good by it's target audience and they tried to get it uncancelled after 2 seasons, but since I'm not in that target audience; I really can't recommended it to anyone who isn't a fan of teen dramas.

                        It used a lot of Stargate actors in the show, including Kate Hewlett and Lous Ferreira from SGU. Most notably Jewel Statie played one of the main characters. It was actually kinda funny seeing her so different from Keller. She played this washed up actress who was also kind of really *****y, selfish and manipulative, but also like really sad and lonely on the inside or something, so she's also supposed to be sympathetic.

                        One time there was this one guest star that I was having a hard time placing, but I knew I'd seen him before. Then sort of gave up, paused the online episode and went back to watching my DVD episode of "The Hive" which I was doing at the same time only to realize he was right there in front of me (he was one of Ford's wraith enzyme henchmen).

                        I watched several episodes. Most of the show can be summarized by "People reacting badly to awkward situations and making them much worse."

                        It's obviously a very different show from all 3 of the Stargate series, but if you wanted to look at it in the really broad strokes, it kind of seemed like this was the show you'd get if you took SGU and removed all the sci-fi from it. Or like if you took half the content from the LA Complex and half the content of the SG-1/SGA series and mixed them together, the hybrid you'd get would be SGU.
                        Sounds like th3 type of thing I would like


                          Lawn: short and less wild
                          The Lemming: dirty and tired
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Guys. It's July 16, 2014. It's been ten years since we first saw this:

                            And this:

                            And this:

                            And this:

                            And this:

                            Uh-oh. I think my brain short-circuited with that last one.

                            Happy Anniversary, SGA!


                              When all was still good in the world...

                              Atlantis cut off from Earth.
                              Kate alive (although we hadn't met her yet then).
                              Happy exploring of the city.
                              Lots of cool stuff around.
                              No interference from Earth.
                              Equal (more or less anyway) screentime.
                              Aiden Ford.

                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday!

                                And it's another day of house decluttering and assorted running around for me. Hope you're all having fun!
                                I was until my go home for an hour becuase I have no work for you at the moment day became work at warp speed to get it all done before Fed-ex comes to pick up all these last minute orders day.

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                When all was still good in the world...

                                Atlantis cut off from Earth.
                                Kate alive (although we hadn't met her yet then).
                                Happy exploring of the city.
                                Lots of cool stuff around.
                                No interference from Earth.
                                Equal (more or less anyway) screentime.
                                Aiden Ford.

                                Exploring the city and Kate alive are the things I miss most about the early seasons. Next to Liz and John banter of course.
                                I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                                Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?

