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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
    That's pretty much the problem I have, along with the mindset that certain things should remain private. How should I get myself past it?
    What exacty does that mean?

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Still excellent, and your school experience gives it a realistic touch. Cause you know what actually goes on in the teachers' lounge.
    All that secret info that no student's privvy of... confidential talk and all that...
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Basically I think what happens behind closed doors should remain private.
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
        Basically I think what happens behind closed doors should remain private.
        Well, if that's how you feel, then I'm afraid you're never going to be able to write anything that is NC-17, smut, kink or p0rn-like. Your mind will just - I don't know - think it's wrong to take it out into the open. *shrug*

        *scratches head*

        Does that mean, you won't read it either?
        But didn't you have a ghostwriter to do that for you? Or was that someone else?
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Well, if that's how you feel, then I'm afraid you're never going to be able to write anything that is NC-17, smut, kink or p0rn-like. Your mind will just - I don't know - think it's wrong to take it out into the open. *shrug*

          *scratches head*

          Does that mean, you won't read it either?
          But didn't you have a ghostwriter to do that for you? Or was that someone else?
          Oh, I'll read it. I'm no prude. Here's a favorite smut story of mine, (don't worry its Sparky)

          And my mind is changing on that matter. Yes I had a ghostwriter who did that for me.
          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            This is what I have accomplished on my AU HS story. Not the original one I was working on. Let's call this 2.0.

            Elizabeth Weir shook her head as the two juniors stared awkwardly at each other during the audition. Perhaps they weren't the best choice as the inseparable star crossed lovers, considering they could barely look each other in the eye.

            "Okay, Mr. Giles, let's try that again, why don't we?"

            He nodded timidly and went back to his mark on the floor.

            Elizabeth leaned back in her theater seat and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

            "Not as easy as it looked, huh?" a voice spoke from behind her.

            She smiled as John Sheppard leaned his crossed arms on the seat back next to her.

            "I suppose this wasn't the best decision of my life," she admitted as she slowly twisted in her seat, trying to work the kinks out of her back. "We only have one week to prepare. Most of the sets from previous productions are still standing, so that doesn't pose a problem. But so far, none of the male students trying out for Romeo or Mercutio have tested well."

            John peeked over her shoulder at the list in her lap. "Who's the best person you got for lover boy right now?"

            Elizabeth tried her best to hide a smirk. "Martin Giles."

            "The nerd who's never had a date in his life. Uh-huh."

            "I'm not a drama teacher," she replied in defense. "I only took this because of Teyla's family emergency. It will be a miracle if I pull this off."

            John glanced up at the assortment of kids on stage, then looked back to the government teacher who was looking a little overwhelmed. "I got an idea. But I don't know if you're gonna like it."

            She narrowed her green eyes. "Go ahead."

            "There's this senior on the football team. Taylor Christianson. his grades are a little low, and I've been working with his teachers to pull them up so I don't have to kick him off the team."

            "What are you getting at, Coach?"

            "He is, and I am paraphrasing loosely here, 'the hottest guy on campus' and oh my God, I can't believe I just said that," he said, burying his head in his hands.

            Elizabeth laughed. "You want to bring him in to see if he can play Romeo?"

            "Yeah." John nodded to the students on stage. "If he gets it, I wanted to see if any of his teachers would accept it as extra credit."

            "Can he act?"

            John shrugged. "No clue."

            Elizabeth sighed.

            "But he's a good kid. And he tries hard. At least give him a chance?" John asked, even though his knowing smirk seemed to indicate that he already thought she would say yes.

            Elizabeth looked towards the stage, and saw Martin Giles try to lean in to kiss the girl playing Juliet at the moment. Between her leaning backwards to escape him and him leaning forward rapidly, they fell to the stage amid a cloud of giggles.

            Elizabeth turned her head back to John and smiled.



            “Are you insane?”

            John had just inserted a French fry in his mouth when the wrestling coach sitting across from him asked his question.

            “Wha -- why do you say that?” John asked back, chewing the fry and swallowing it with his Coke.

            Ronan shrugged, crossing his arms. “I’ve known you for a while, Sheppard. I’ve never seen you stick your neck out for a student, not like this, at least.”

            “Well, Weir’s stuck, and Taylor needs the break. It seems like a win-win.”

            “And you’ll get on Weir’s good side.”

            John smiled, raising an eyebrow. “I’m already on her good side.”

            “Sorry, let me rephrase. You’ll get in her bed.”

            “Okay, not cool, and no. I have a ton of respect for Elizabeth.”

            Ronan paused. “Which translates to, you really wanna get in bed with her.”

            “Geez, you’re such a frat boy,” John responded, throwing a fry at Ronan.

            “Hey, what’s going on?” Rodney McKay asked as he set his tray down on the table next to John.

            “Sheppard’s got a crush on Weir.”

            “Tell me something I don’t know. Which you can’t. Cause I’m the one with the PhD at this table.”

            John rolled his eyes. Ronan pulled the French fry off his shoulder and ate it.

            “So listen. I’ve got a field trip coming up in a couple of weeks, and I can’t stand the sycophants I’m stuck going with.”

            “They’re called students, Rodney. Say it with me.”

            McKay grimaced at him. “Hardy har har. I need some more chaperones to come with us. For some reason, the parents are bailing left and right.”

            Ronan stared at him. “I can’t imagine why,” he dead-panned, causing Sheppard to almost snort his soda through his nose.

            The comment seemed to go right over McKay's head. "Yeah, neither can I."

            John buried his head in his shoulder to stifle a laugh. They could be the Three Stooges.

            "So either one of you interested?" Rodney asked.

            "As much as I would love to, I'm helping Elizabeth with a project," John replied, bringing the turkey sandwich to his mouth.

            "Okay, fair enough. Ronan, what about you?"

            The dreadlocked coach stared back with a glare. "Don't want to."

            "Why don't you ask Zelenka?" John suggested in between bites.

            McKay groaned. "Because he is often wrong, and I don't wish to spend the entirety of the field trip correcting him."

            "Maybe it's not that he's wrong, but he has a different way to explain it," John reasoned, waving a fry emphatically at the physics teacher. "Because he has a doctorate too. What are the chances he's actually wrong?"

            Ronan chuckled at the flushed look that reddened McKay's face. He and John made a habit of teasing him, sometimes to excess. But considering the Messiah complex that he had, it was surprisingly easy to annoy him.

            "Look, it doesn't matter why you can't get along most of the time. You two are the best physics teachers at the school. And since it's a physics field trip, he would be the best person to have along." When McKay started to open his mouth, John pointed a finger at him. "And that is final."

            Even though they taught in different departments, John easily slipped into a leadership role when they were together. I must have been in the military in another life, he mused humorously to himself.

            The bell rang in the corridor outside the staff cafeteria. McKay and Sheppard both had planning next period, but Ronan had a weight lifting class. So he swallowed the remainder of his burger and slid the chair back. "See ya later."

            "Okay. Text me when you're done." John extended his fist, and Ronan returned the gesture with a casual fist bump.

            Rodney stuck his hand out. Ronan looked at it like it had just come from picking the scientist's nose, then walked away.

            Sheppard chuckled, causing McKay to scowl. "Maybe next time, little buddy."
            Hah! OMG, that's great! Love this new bit at the lunch table. Ronon. So. Knows. John throwing a french fry at Ronon! Priceless! And why has the idea of Rodney and Radek chaperoning a physics field trip suddenly given me the mental image of the Griffith Observatory blowing up as their students laugh themselves silly?
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
              Oh, I'll read it. I'm no prude. Here's a favorite smut story of mine, (don't worry its Sparky)

              And my mind is changing on that matter. Yes I had a ghostwriter who did that for me.
              I don't think I've ever known a fanfic writer who has a ghostwriter before. That is certainly an interesting way to add things you're not able to write.

              Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
              Basically I think what happens behind closed doors should remain private.
              So, wait, the whole point of smut is writing about things behind closed doors. I was confused for a moment, but then I saw your reply to FH. Smut is not for everybody, and certainly best left to those who are comfortable with it. The readers can usually tell if you're faking it. A good beta who knows the show inside and out is the key to turning out fanfic that fandom will go for.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                I don't think I've ever known a fanfic writer who has a ghostwriter before. That is certainly an interesting way to add things you're not able to write.

                So, wait, the whole point of smut is writing about things behind closed doors. I was confused for a moment, but then I saw your reply to FH. Smut is not for everybody, and certainly best left to those who are comfortable with it. The readers can usually tell if you're faking it. A good beta who knows the show inside and out is the key to turning out fanfic that fandom will go for.
                Reading it is one thing, writing it is another. What do you mean by "faking it"?
                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                  Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                  Reading it is one thing, writing it is another. What do you mean by "faking it"?
                  Writing about something you have no experience with. For example, if I wrote a fic set in a hospital it would probably come out sounding like I really didn't know much about hospitals because I have never worked in one. That's why the #1 rule of writing is to stick with what you know.

                  Smut is one of those things everybody thinks they know about, but it's extremely hard to write realistically without sounding like a sex ed manual.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    The readers can usually tell if you're faking it.
                    You have no idea how much that made me giggle... aw, the innuendo's...

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Writing about something you have no experience with.

                    Like a virgin...

                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Smut is one of those things everybody thinks they know about, but it's extremely hard to write realistically without sounding like a sex ed manual.
                    I can't write it for the life of me, but I do seem to be able to tell when they're "faking it"...

                    I'll stick to implying and setting fantasies to work...
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      Writing about something you have no experience with. For example, if I wrote a fic set in a hospital it would probably come out sounding like I really didn't know much about hospitals because I have never worked in one. That's why the #1 rule of writing is to stick with what you know.

                      Smut is one of those things everybody thinks they know about, but it's extremely hard to write realistically without sounding like a sex ed manual.
                      Now I understood what you said. You write what you know. And what you don't know, you ask someone else to do, and give them credit where it is due!
                      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
             Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                        That's pretty much the problem I have, along with the mindset that certain things should remain private. How should I get myself past it?
                        Getting past that mindset? I dunno...I have a voyeurism kink, personally, so smut has always been a thing of mine. Getting past being able to write the actual words? for me, it took a fic!challenge by Anuna and some light bondage

                        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                        My headcanon, their relationship starts after the events of the episode "The Long Goodbye".
                        um...imo their relationship starts somewhere around 38 Minutes, but the sparks starting flying when he sat in the chair in do realize that it wasn't Elizabeth kissing John in TLG, right? She was under alien influence...(not sure we're watching the same show....)

                        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                        Oh, I'll read it. I'm no prude. Here's a favorite smut story of mine, (don't worry its Sparky)

                        And my mind is changing on that matter. Yes I had a ghostwriter who did that for me.
               to be think some things should remain private but you don't have a problem reading about them? that's somehow not making any sense to me.
                        Last edited by drewandian; 03 December 2012, 12:20 PM. Reason: fixed spelling
                        My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                          Maybe I'll try a fic challenge, but after finals. I have a lot to do at the moment. As to your second question drewandian, I do know that it was Phoebus, not Elizabeth that initiated the kiss. And I agree, the sparks started to fly from the getgo. As for your third question, I don't get it either. I can read it, but not write it.
                          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                              Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                              Maybe I'll try a fic challenge, but after finals. I have a lot to do at the moment. As to your second question drewandian, I do know that it was Phoebus, not Elizabeth that initiated the kiss. And I agree, the sparks started to fly from the getgo. As for your third question, I don't get it either. I can read it, but not write it.
                              I get being able to read it but not write it...I know a lot of people who feel that way. What confused me is that you say that you feel that some things should remain behind closed doors, which indicates to me that you don't feel that it's appropriate to read about it and yet you read it.

                              did that make any sense (i'm in a post-massage/mani/pedi super relaxed fog right now)?
                              My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Option #2. Definitely.
                                Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                                I prefer option #2.

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                Remember how I once mentioned how I get to choose the names that go on our counted cross stitch designs at the company I work for. Remember how I once mentioned I actually used John and Elizabeth on a wedding sampler once....

                                It stuck!
                                Sounds great, congratulations!

                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                The whole “was she really Elizabeth post Lifeline” thing is really interesting on many levels. Since we never got any real answers you really can imagine anything. One thing I always wondered what the possibilities are that the replicators felt that keeping Elizabeth alive would be worth a lot and maybe since they were reprogrammed to attack humans now that maybe they had some way to get the nanites in Elizabeth to in some way heal her because she would be worth more to experiment on as a full human then as part replicators but then once she was healed they were able to extract the nanites within her and use them to create replicators clones that would still look and very much be like her and those are the once who the Atlantis expedition encountered. And also once she was healed they did use human Elizabeth to try and find the best way to get rid of the other humans in the Pegasus galaxy. We do hear in “Inquisition” that the replicators had been using that same beam that they had used on Atlantis to destroy other worlds, maybe it was by looking into Elizabeth’s mind that they saw what it could really do and knew how effective it was…ok, maybe all this is a stretch and just my tired minds way of trying to find ways to bring Elizabeth
                                I had never thought about it that way, about this possibility, that the replicators themselves would be the ones to heal her!

                                I don't think she would agree to help them.

                                We all like to think about all possible ways that might exist in order to bring her back!

                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                And Carson, kinda makes me hate the end scene in ‘Doppelganger’, I mean why would Keller and Carter get to be in the team moment but Elizabeth and Carson got left out in that.
                                Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post
                                Yeah, I, too, really wish that Elizabeth and Carson were in that scene. It would have completed the episode perfectly. Even though they weren't official members of the team, it didn't mean that they hadn't developed just as close a friendship with them. I don't know, the ending made it seem as if Elizabeth and Carson were completely separate from John and his off-world team.
                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                I liked that scene with John's team laughing together also, though some of the laughter sounded a bit forced. But what I really hated was the scene in S4 with Carter eating with them. That really made me mad when I think of all the times they could have done the same thing with Elizabeth.
                                Yeah, i agree, they seem to include Keller and Carter in the ending scenes along with Sheppard's team, but they never included Carson or Elizabeth then.

                                My thoughts exactly!

                                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                                I don't think we can really read too much into Carter's departure. AT had another show on at the time (hence her limited availability for SGA) and had to choose between the two. Given that she'd already done eleven years, it wasn't exactly a surprise that she went with the newer show (for which she was also an Executive Producer). And while I don't think Carter was a good fit initially, I think they would have made a better fist of writing for her in s5. In fact some of Woolsey's storylines would have worked equally well for Carter
                                She should have choosen the newer show in the first place, because in that way maybe they wouldn't have "killed" Elizabeth then!

                                Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                                For those of you who haven't seen it here's the Sparky Advent calender background I made for JT this year

                                Lovely! Very beautiful!

                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                Sparky She-Demon requested a Sparky Christmas Dance
                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                So cute, all of them, even the one with the kiddies!

                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Very true, it stands to reason that the nanites would/could have changed her. Which brings up some interesting questions about identity (not just the usual "is she the real one?" questions, but also simply "who/what does she see herself as?") and darker questions about the nature of those changes, freedom/consent issues, etc.
                                We must understand that she was left all alone with the Replicators, and we saw in TRW that the nanites were beginning to control her there, i am sure they must have controlled her once again this time. And probably she didn't have any means to prevent it from happen, so maybe now she no longer sees herself as a human but more like a replicator.

                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                I would understand that though, I mean the episode in itself was pretty weird but also considering the abrupt departure it must have been weird to come back. Torri was asked in an interview, I think it was for Dragon Con but I’m not sure, what the difference was between being a star of a show and guest star on a show and she said that while guest starring is fun and she had been lucky with those shows she have been on it doesn’t compare to having your own show so taking that in consideration coming back to SGA must have been pretty bittersweet and it can’t have been easy so if she did feel not 100% into it then I wouldn’t blame her.
                                Yes, no one can blame her, specially after the way she was treated.
                                sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"

