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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Major_Moomin
    Ok folk, just a quick OT question...
    I'm gonna buy software like photoshop so I can make pretty pictures of...well, the pretties..

    Anyone got any better software ideas before I buy??

    Photoshop is fantastic even if quite pricey. But I agree with FP that it depends how serious you want to get with your work. So you could try getting a few free trial versions of different programs and see which ones suit you best before you decide on buying one (If you haven't already).


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      Don't look at me. I don't even like James Bond that much. And, well, I'm much more a Connery!Bond girl than Moore!Bond girl.
      Lol, so that's the Bond Sheppard should be channeling in your spygate fic?

      I wasn't looking at anybody specifically, but once the episodes air, I doubt fic writers would be able to resist. Look at the all fics that popped up post-Conversion.


        Originally posted by BlueBanrigh
        Look at the all fics that popped up post-Conversion
        Speaking of which, i've just started readin a post-Conversion WIP over at ffn. called Truly, Madly, Deeply which looks promising

        To think i used to hate ep-tags/ep-missing scene fics


          In There but for the Grace of God I didn't have much problem with that. Okay, in an alternate reality Jack and Sam are married. No problem.

          Then we have another one in season 3 and I felt like they're trying to tell us by using these ar eps that our Sam and Jack are meant to be together. This is imo without continuity in their relationship. Without any real sense to me they're believable together. Or much chemistry.

          Since I do see chemistry and a steady consistent relationship between shep weir where I could see them together eventually I might be able to swallow an ar episode . As long as I don't feel like it's tptb's way and only way of showing how much Shep/Weir are meant to be together.

          I've always wanted to see them do an ar ep where Sam is married to Daniel just to throw things off a bit.

          Of course I might hurl if I saw Shep/Teyla ar ep.


            Originally posted by SGLAB
            I've always wanted to see them do an ar ep where Sam is married to Daniel just to throw things off a bit.
            I thought they were going to in 'Moebius', when Frumpy Sam told Jack that Daniel was more her type. I just thought they made more sense in that reality. Then of course she said she'd lied and jumped him and it was all kinds of gross. This from a person who didn't mind Sam/Jack, and loves AU and time travel episodes in general but SG-1 did it to death and turned it into a joke. Part of me likes the idea of AU etc in SGA because it can be done well but if it is messed about with like it was in SG-1 towards the end then I'd rather they didn't go there.
            ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
            FBI - Body Preservation Division


              Originally posted by SGLAB
              Of course I might hurl if I saw Shep/Teyla ar ep.
              and if think that i would definately hurl if the TPTB decided to throw us back to the whole Sheyla stuff, i think that i would hate it.... GO SHEP/WEIR SHIPPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Don't look at me. I don't even like James Bond that much. And, well, I'm much more a Connery!Bond girl than Moore!Bond girl.
                I'm a Pierce Brosnan Bond gal myself.

                Wow, just made it to my 300th post.


                  Originally posted by smallgirl
                  I thought they were going to in 'Moebius', when Frumpy Sam told Jack that Daniel was more her type. I just thought they made more sense in that reality.
                  Same, and I thought it was rather sweet. Geek!Sam and Geek(ier)!Daniel were so cute. I didn't mind the ship in TBFTGOG cause they acknowledged it and then moved on, but in POV and Beneath the Surface it kinda dragged.

                  As for a Shep/Weir AU or under the influence of [insert drug/alien] reprucussions. Subtle acknowledgement would be nice. TPTB don't need to make it obvious. Something that could be dismissed by the non-shippers, but shippers will pick it up.


                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                    Speaking of which, i've just started readin a post-Conversion WIP over at ffn. called Truly, Madly, Deeply which looks promising

                    To think i used to hate ep-tags/ep-missing scene fics
                    Aargh! Too many fic recs coming - haven't time to read them all! It's very frustrating to turn on my computer, log on to Gateworld, and then not be able to do more than skim through the threads.

                    Still, thank you for the continued recs. I'm bookmarking them and when I have a free moment (in January - stupid Christmas season with it's 6-day, 60-hour work weeks) I'm going to play catch up.

                    Now, must go figure out where I stand on some issues so I can vote tomorrow - if I can find my polling place.
                    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                      Originally posted by Whistler84
                      Anyway, my point was, would you guys prefer for

                      something shippy to happen while Sheppard and Weir are under the influence in 'TLG' (like, say, a kiss), and thus teasing the hell out of us but ultimately leading nowhere. Or would you prefer for something to happen years down the line, when both are complete body-and-mind control?
                      I'd rather wait than have it turn out crazy with no sense of direction in sight.

                      ..... but a
                      A KISS! Grrrrrr... evil people...
                      Eh, I think I'll go with waiting.


                        Originally posted by Blue Banrigh

                        As for a Shep/Weir AU or under the influence of [insert drug/alien] reprucussions. Subtle acknowledgement would be nice. TPTB don't need to make it obvious. Something that could be dismissed by the non-shippers, but shippers will pick it up.
                        Ditto on that idea. If they do an AU that makes shippers squee and then act like it never happened in the next episode, then...hmmm...well...hmmm what's that moment of pumping your fist in the air and shouting YEEESSSS!!! worth? I'm still not sure. But having an episode with lots of physical contact even if it is just them beating the stuffing out of each other and having a subtle acknowledgement that maybe that bit of physicality broke some sort of barrier between them would be a good thing for shippers. That didn't make a lick of sense. As you can see, I'm torn. I agree, however, with whoever said that we haven't seen enough conflict between them in S2. I miss the arguing. I miss her absolutely tearing him a new aperture as in Hot Zone and seeing his reaction ranging from semi-logical arguing (Rising) to physical intimidation (Suspicion) to wounded puppy (HZ). They've been entirely too agreeable lately. Weren't some of these scenes the reason some of us started to see the possibility of a more intense relationship in the first place?

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Direction... romance... Stargate...? Huh... what's that...
                          Never heard of it...
                          Put together like that, it sounds like an oxymoron to me...

                          Of course I prefer what Anne of Green Gables said about having "one beau in his right mind than to have 10 all crazy about you." However, if it's not to be, I prefer consistent character development and good interaction even more.
                          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                            I liked There but for the Grace of God and Point of View as episodes. As steps in a budding romance, not so much. There's just something off about using people who are technically not the same as our major characters to build a romance between them.

                            Moebius, on the other hand, had a really cool concept, but the execution was too campy for my taste. Really, really hoping that Atlantis never goes down that path.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Did TPTB reveal someting about a Moonraker-esque ending that I missed? I've been in and out today, so I may have missed it.

                              As for the AU eps--I think they are fine, in moderation. For example, in TLG SPECULATION AHEAD (I have to make that clear as I have been mighty confused by spoiler/speculations lol)
                              itr is possible that the aliens, the Mr. and Mrs. Smith aliens, will be settling an old marital score and may say some shippy things to one another etc. This scenario would give TPTB plausible deniability and offer the ship more depth

                              However, I think repeated realiance on the AU cheapens things and can even give something the feel of ersatz resolution.

                              One or two tops on the AU eps. I would really rather see subtle hints from both sides with some larger steps forward. As has been said--it needs to be very consistent otherwise every ep with shippyness will feel like a "very special ep". I actually think TPTB have done a pretty good job so far of keeping Shep and Weir's relationship consistent. What they really need to do is gradually increase the shippyness at a consistent pace that fits the show.

                              Good discussion all,


                              Signature By Amber Moon


                                Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                                However, I think repeated realiance on the AU cheapens things and can even give something the feel of ersatz resolution.
                                True, that was my problem with Moebius.

