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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Welcome back, Brie!

    And the storm wasn't bad today. Sun actually came out ... until another squall line rolled through. My sister and I went to the beach after she got off work. They had moved the lifeguard shacks back from the waterline to the highest point on the beach, and from there to the grassline was completely submerged. I'll post some pictures later. It was actually kinda cool.

    Originally posted by drewandian View Post
    I'll have to scroll back for the snarkage when i need a break from making icons (i'm babysitting my nieces today...)

    Love the chapter!

    Glad the storm didn't get you too badly....i think it's kinda funny that the storm's called Debby - that's my mom's name and it's just very fitting lol kinda hoping some of that rain works its way north...we need it.

    And nobody can figure out which way this thing is going ... guess we'll just have to play it by ear.

    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    ZOMG SQUEE!!! That is just so sweet! I imagine the mental picture of Lizzeh coming in after a hard day to find John asleep with a Sparky munchkin curled up on his chest quite often. Why? Because it's darned cute, that's why.

    As for the end of the other fic...

    I know, right? John wants to take his time. Take it slow. OMG. *flails and turns into a puddle of happy goo*

    SW, stay safe in that storm! *hugs*
    Thanks! I was feeling all fluffy when I wrote the first one. And the second fic isn't quite done. I've got some more Sparky to throw in there.

    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    Elizabeth with weapons is one of those things that should have been explored more, had PTB been interested in telling good stories. I like to imagine that she was very anti - guns in any way, if it meant that she had to carry one - at least in the beginning. I can imagine John insisting that she'd take shooting lessons (only to find out later that she had, at some point in her past, and she knows the basics). And because she knows what a gun in her hand feels like, and what it can do, she's against it all the more. But as the time goes, her attitude would just have to change at least when it comes to her own safety. If she's with a team off world, and they run into some kind of ambush, someone would have to protect her and themselves and that would mean a greater danger for her and that person who has to guard her. And I think she would agree to carry a sidearm, for her own protection and because it would mean greater safety for those around her.

    But, before she'd get to that point, hers and John's discussions about that would be just EPIC.
    Yes! That would've been a great episode B-plot, yet it never happened ...

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I'm thinking it would have been interesting to see how John getting injured might have changed her mind. Because that would not only have limited the one person who could have best protected her, it also would have limited her ability to save him.
    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    And that sounds like a prompt, with two of them off world, cut off from rest of the team, John injured, applying that bandage to his arm, while Elizabeth is anxiously keeping guard - because she can shoot, only not as well as John can.
    Oh Lord. The plot bunnies send their thanks for the idea. I send a bottle of alcohol to myself.

    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    It's Jaime Ray Newman.
    *Gibbs slaps self* I was thinking of Jamie Lee Curtis. Thanks for correcting me!

    Doctor Parrish, which sparkled the beginning of the slash ship Lorne/Parrish. It's a very small group of writers but Runner is the starting point.
    Aah, I'd seen that. Was wondering where it came from.

    Jonathan Young who indeed portrayed Tesla on Sanctuary.

    He portrayed Tesla on stage before he was brought in to play him on Sanctuary.
    I remember now, I'd seen it on somebody's sig one time.

    The only time we see Rachel's real hair is in Rising, where it was colored and extensions were added. However the strain on her hair was too great and thus began the search for a suitable wig... which going by commentaries took quite a while to find.
    That was her real hair in "Rising"? I always thought that was a wig, if anything. Must have been because of the extensions ...

    And then they turn around a few years later and do the same thing with Jason/Ronan. Although IIRC, he cut off his dreds because they were giving him back/neck pains?

    David Hewlett had the flu when they were filming that, and they had told him no to eat too much before that scene which he apparently ignored to do, and well... yeah... there were some consequences to deal with hanging upside down.
    That's on one of the BtS featurettes for S2. I think it's the profile on DavidH. That was hilarious.

    And Kris says hi! I met her earlier today at Starbucks - we met for a chat since I was around the town anyway.
    Oh nice!

    Originally posted by mandogater View Post
    You're welcome.

    All that rainy weather sucks. Hopefully you won't be needing to build an ark any time soon.
    Not yet, anyways ... but we'll see. They're forecasting it to stall out over Florida until the end of the week when it'll finally move into the Atlantic. Some of the forecast models actually have it turning back and hitting Florida again, but as a stronger storm. Like I said, nobody knows ...

    So cute!

    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    Definitely thirding the recommendation to check out Command Dynamics; it's a dedicated John/Elizabeth fic archive. There's also Wraithbait, which is an Atlantis fic archive that handles multiple ships; you can find fics in the John/Elizabeth category here. I'm afraid I don't know offhand of any stories that really focus specifically on John and Elizabeth's past. Most of what you'll find may have a line or two of dialogue here and there about where they went to school, previous relationship, sometimes siblings, or things like that, but that's about it. I think as a whole, Sparky fandom seems to focus more on the here and now in terms of fic writing.
    I'd never heard of that other site. Think I'll have to check it out.

    I'l finish replying tomorrow. Need to get to sleep. Night, everybody!


      Originally posted by CaptainMina90 View Post
      so great. I really love this story. I've read it in 2 hours and I can say, you've done a geat job.

      today, I've watched "First Strike", "Adrift" and "Lifeline" and it always makes me cry. Maybe I'm too emotional but the way Joe acted in these episodes is just awesome.
      I like to deny the exsistance of those episodes, or I just pretend when Elizabeth went flying backwards John was there to catch her. Denial and imagination makes everything better in my opinion.

      As for Joe...still surprised he didnt win some award for acting he is really talented. Hell he can pull off non verbal acting very well, he adds a bit of drama and mystery to John as we know there is something more complex from the Hero we see.
      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        TPTW, apparently.
        Very true but I never count them.
        I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

        Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


          Originally posted by Brie View Post
          Another thing I’ve always wondered was how Teyla learned to fire a gun, I mean I know she’s a warrior but the Athosans didn’t have any guns as far as I know so that would have been interesting to see.
          My guess is it happened off screen between Hide and Seek and Thirty-Eight Minutes. Just another one of those interesting little tidbits that could have been slipped into an episode but weren't.
          I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

          Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Not yet, anyways ... but we'll see. They're forecasting it to stall out over Florida until the end of the week when it'll finally move into the Atlantic. Some of the forecast models actually have it turning back and hitting Florida again, but as a stronger storm. Like I said, nobody knows ...
            Yikes. Things like that always make me wonder why meteorology is concidered a science. There predictions always seem to change hour by hour.
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              I don't know if this'll be much help but you could try Command Dynamics...
              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Welcome back, Brie

              Definitely thirding the recommendation to check out Command Dynamics; it's a dedicated John/Elizabeth fic archive. There's also Wraithbait, which is an Atlantis fic archive that handles multiple ships; you can find fics in the John/Elizabeth category here. I'm afraid I don't know offhand of any stories that really focus specifically on John and Elizabeth's past. Most of what you'll find may have a line or two of dialogue here and there about where they went to school, previous relationship, sometimes siblings, or things like that, but that's about it. I think as a whole, Sparky fandom seems to focus more on the here and now in terms of fic writing.
              Thank you! But I already frequent Command Dynamics. Usually reading several fics at once. It's just that I'm so desperate for some backstory for these particular characters. I found a well-written story on John's background, but it was written before Outcast aired, so it's not canon, and I'd really like something canon-compliant. And I haven't found anything about Elizabeth at all... I actually found more fics about Ronon and Teyla's past than about Elizabeth's.


                Ooops, I used the wrong thing in my last post, should have added it as spoilers not quotes but I’ve changed it now.

                Anyway, hello everyone and happy Tuesday.

                I saw that today and for the rest of the week they will be showing all the Elizabeth Weir episodes of SG-1 and for some reason I still haven’t seen them in a full so I’m going to record them.

                Sucks to hear about the weather where you are SW.

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                David Hewlett had the flu when they were filming that, and they had told him no to eat too much before that scene which he apparently ignored to do, and well... yeah... there were some consequences to deal with hanging upside down.
                I remember that, him and Joe both had times when they ate even when they were told not to and had an unexpected thing happen.


                  Originally posted by Raelis View Post
                  Thank you! But I already frequent Command Dynamics. Usually reading several fics at once. It's just that I'm so desperate for some backstory for these particular characters. I found a well-written story on John's background, but it was written before Outcast aired, so it's not canon, and I'd really like something canon-compliant. And I haven't found anything about Elizabeth at all... I actually found more fics about Ronon and Teyla's past than about Elizabeth's.
                  I don't think you are going to find a fic about Elizabeth's past that is canon-compliant. Most fics have her father being deceased, which is canon but beyond that she frequently has brothers, comes from various places, attended several different schools and either taught at Georgetown Univ or negotiated treaties all over the world. The last one is canon per BIS but just as with John's various persona in fics, anything goes.

                  Originally posted by Brie View Post
                  Ooops, I used the wrong thing in my last post, should have added it as spoilers not quotes but I’ve changed it now.

                  Anyway, hello everyone and happy Tuesday.

                  I saw that today and for the rest of the week they will be showing all the Elizabeth Weir episodes of SG-1 and for some reason I still haven’t seen them in a full so I’m going to record them.

                  Sucks to hear about the weather where you are SW.

                  I remember that, him and Joe both had times when they ate even when they were told not to and had an unexpected thing happen.
                  Are you talking about Joe's flight on the fighter jet and his unfortunate reaction?

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                    Yikes. Things like that always make me wonder why meteorology is concidered a science. There predictions always seem to change hour by hour.
                    This has been a crazy year, weather wise, what with all the heat waves all over the US and the Atlantic being warmer than usual. Oh well. It's just looking like it'll be mostly windy in my part of Florida. That's a relief.


                      Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                      I like to deny the exsistance of those episodes, or I just pretend when Elizabeth went flying backwards John was there to catch her. Denial and imagination makes everything better in my opinion.

                      As for Joe...still surprised he didnt win some award for acting he is really talented. Hell he can pull off non verbal acting very well, he adds a bit of drama and mystery to John as we know there is something more complex from the Hero we see.
                      I know what you mean. everytime I do my rewatch of the series I have a sad feeling when it comes to these episodes because I know exactly what will happen. it's the same thing with "Sunday" because I know that Carson will die in the end and the funeral is so emotional.

                      I also think that Joe hadn't so much to act in these episodes. At that moment everyone knew that Torri will leave the show and I read in an interview that Joe missed Torri a lot and he didn't want her to go. so he was really sad and everyone could see it.

                      it's the same thing with Torri. her eyes were so empty and sad in these episodes. ok, maybe she had to act that way, because she was infected by the nanites but I think there was more behind it. it's just my opinion


                        Good Morning folks!


                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          Aaaiiieeee! But seriously, why is he wearing a towel in the shower? Darn PG forum.

                          Just a quick OT note. I'm going to be attending a retirement ceremony later today for our friend who is a Lt. Col. in the USAF. No, he's not a pilot. He's a rocket scientist who has been on loan to NASA for the last few years. The ceremony is at the Women's Memorial up at Arlington Cemetery. I'll probably get multiple plot bunnies while there. Details to follow where pertinent.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            yep, gotta keep it PG


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              I don't think you are going to find a fic about Elizabeth's past that is canon-compliant. Most fics have her father being deceased, which is canon but beyond that she frequently has brothers, comes from various places, attended several different schools and either taught at Georgetown Univ or negotiated treaties all over the world. The last one is canon per BIS but just as with John's various persona in fics, anything goes.
                              Oh, when I said canon-compliant, I meant John and his rich family. I can't read fics that have him descend from a military family, etc. because I actually like his canon backstory better. As for Elizabeth,I would love just some good, well-written backstory,considering that she doesn't have much of one in the show. Anything would do, as long as it's well-written.


                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                I don't think you are going to find a fic about Elizabeth's past that is canon-compliant. Most fics have her father being deceased, which is canon but beyond that she frequently has brothers, comes from various places, attended several different schools and either taught at Georgetown Univ or negotiated treaties all over the world. The last one is canon per BIS but just as with John's various persona in fics, anything goes.
                                Yup, the things about her teaching at Georgetown and negotiating treaties all over the world are canon, from SG-1's Lost City Part 1; she also speaks five languages (I've heard that the language she's speaking in the 'catching a taxi' scene is supposedly Russian), as per the same episode. And then there's what she told Daniel about her dad holding weekly poker games when she was a kid and the smoke made her eyes water, from SG-1's New Order Part 1.

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Are you talking about Joe's flight on the fighter jet and his unfortunate reaction?
                                I remember that story. Poor, poor Joe.

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                This has been a crazy year, weather wise, what with all the heat waves all over the US and the Atlantic being warmer than usual. Oh well. It's just looking like it'll be mostly windy in my part of Florida. That's a relief.
                                Just winds? That's good to hear!

                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                Heeheehee! Too funny!

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Aaaiiieeee! But seriously, why is he wearing a towel in the shower? Darn PG forum.
                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                yep, gotta keep it PG
                                Hmm, what about a bunch of soap bubbles around his... ahem, attributes?

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Just a quick OT note. I'm going to be attending a retirement ceremony later today for our friend who is a Lt. Col. in the USAF. No, he's not a pilot. He's a rocket scientist who has been on loan to NASA for the last few years. The ceremony is at the Women's Memorial up at Arlington Cemetery. I'll probably get multiple plot bunnies while there. Details to follow where pertinent.
                                Ooooh, sounds like fun! Let us know how it goes, I'd be interested in hearing about it!
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

