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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Me too, in real life she would have gotten a good talking to for that. Total disrespect for your commanding officer is frowned upon I don't care how big an idiot he is.
    Yep, he's relaxed, but not that relaxed

    Now, for more Sparky moments in Rising. I count these two, even though they're not truly eyesex moments. In the first she grabs his sleeve and pulls him aside, which shows a lot of familiarity considering how new their relationship is. And in the second, it looks like she taps him on the behind. Even though I know she doesn't. Hee. Also we need to include both Champagne moments. The first when she lifts the bottle in a toast and the second toast on the balcony at the end.

    Here are a couple of gifs from Rising.
    I think it's probably Torri shuffling on her mark (the tape on the ground), but that's a rather boring explanation. Bum tap it is *nods*

    Every time I see that champagne nod scene it confounds me. It makes no sense for those two characters to do that (given how poorly they know each other at that point) other than for the simple fact of them being the leads, and yet there it is, their first semi-eyesex moment.

    Originally posted by Brie View Post
    It really sucks, and I would have loved to have known more about John's mother but then again, it would have required the writers to have to dig deeper into the character and I dunno how willing they always were to do that, heck, you knew were little about any characters really and all of them could have needed more backstory that showed us how the characters have become the people they are, and sure we did get some random stuff here and there but hardly any of it was really important for the character.

    One episode during season 5 was quite interesting when talking about Elizabeth was "Inquisition", and by interesting I mean that she was almost in it more than many of the other cast memebers, both by being mentioned but also by all of the flashbacks, heck, they even had Woolsey (though I wish that it was John) say in their defence how they lost someone really important (that would be Liz) and again just having that thrown in there was another thing that went against TPTB at the times when they acted as if she wasn't an important part of the show. Now it was a while ago I saw this episode but I remeber that it was something that I reacted to.
    Being the cynic that I am, I scoffed at that ep as a blatant attempt by TPTW to cash in on the Weir character, yet still writing the lines for another favourite, Woolsey. An episode that was tailormade for Weir, but Woolsey played the starring role. And had to resort to bribery.

    Originally posted by mandogater View Post
    Why do I suddenly have an urge to watch Serenity or Castle?
    I was a member of the writing staff for that show. That's why it lasted only 13 episodes

    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    I loved the fistbump scene. Just the "boys will be boys" mentality, I guess ... or a bonding moment for John and Carson, I don't know, but I agree. How can you be the military commander of a place like Atlantis, which doesn't have a thousand people running around, and be completely unaware that Major Teldy selected all women for her team?
    I never thought twice about the fistbump scene until I saw the reaction in fandom, but its the type of thing I would do.

    And make S4 even more angsty, as Keller starts off with a huge dark cloud over her head.
    Yeah, I guess if Carson and Elizabeth died in one foul swoop it wouldn't make her look too good.

    *points at bolded words* Need I say more?
    I think we get the jist
    True. We barely found out anything about his father, and that was only after he had passed away. Dave is still a mystery, although it seems he and John get along better now ... but again, there is so much there that wasn't used. Three years later, they could still be using this material ... oh well. We'll use it instead.
    I think I must be the only member of this thread who hates backstory. The odd revelation in a convo is all good, or the way they did it in Phantoms (love that ep), but generally I find it boring and irrelevant *shrugs*
    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    *pets Keller* She's a character I grew to like. She did have some pretty good scenes. Even in "Brain Storm", which granted, I still like cause I still ship McKeller (just not as much as I used to), she threw some pretty good zingers at Neil Tyson DeGrasse and Bill Nye.
    Hey, I liked BS too. I thought it was hilarious. Stupid, but funny.

    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    That's true enough. Certainly we've seen on SGA the pitfalls of rushing a relationship together too quickly.
    Or dragging one out over a decade to the point where it makes the characters seem emotionally disabled.

    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
    Sheppard: I see you got a new top back on Earth

    Weir: I'll add to my collection of base uniforms. Do you like it?

    Sheppard: I do. It really highlights the colour of your boobs....eyes. I mean eyes

    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    Elizabeth, you okay? Cause you look like you've got a lot on your mind and -- (high voice) oh, hello.
    Something wrong?
    Well, you may think that's my sidearm, but you're wrong.
    That joke's dead, John. And I know exactly what I'm doing.

    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    If I recall correctly, and someone with more seniority than me, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the author is a definite Sheyla shipper, so her books are going to be steered more in than direction.
    Well, she writes her fanfic that way. I can't speak to whats in the novels though.

    Originally posted by Brie View Post
    I so agree with that, it’s also that scene that, among many, I can’t read that Legacy book series, because I just looked though it once and the part I read Kanaan said that he and Teyla only got together after Kate died, which would be so strange since I know it affected Teyla a lot, and he also said that there wasn’t really any deeper feelings there (or something like that) but if it only happened after Kate died and nothing else happened between Teyla and Kanaan before then how did Elizabeth know about it? Haha, now see, that I can imagine…though I probably shouldn’t…
    My impression from GitM was that Elizabeth knew of Kanaan (Teyla's 'friend' at the time) but that Teyla and Kanaan weren't together at that point. She guessed that he was Torren's father because of the way Teyla used to talk about him, and because she'd already ruled out John as the dad.


      Holy smokes... [insert lightbulb] ...I need to see Doppelganger again. ... Not all of it, not that part... *potential epiphany on the way*

      Edit: in relation to Teyla/Kanaan, GITM, Elizabeth knowing of Kanaan... and what Brie mentioned in relation to the Legacy books, the part about Kate.

      Anyhow... I'll be exploring the west of Ireland the next few days, and won't be around so don't worry if I don't show up... I'm bouncing around green fields, chasing leprechauns.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Well, lots of interesting conversation while I was away.

        SW, that was a great beginning to your new fic. I love reading the ones where they have to pretend to be married. More coming soon, I hope.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Have fun on your trip, Falcon Horus! Hope you find a nice big pot of gold!

          SW, I am loving that fic! Always fun to see John and Elizabeth so awkward and so longing.

          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          As for books, I highly recommend Mirror, Mirror. It's a really interesting plot and all the characters act properly. There's some cute J/E scenes (though they always stay in canon).
          Seconding that recommendation. I also like Casualties of War, and Reliquary is good (and kinda spooky/freaky) too.

          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Being the cynic that I am, I scoffed at that ep as a blatant attempt by TPTW to cash in on the Weir character, yet still writing the lines for another favourite, Woolsey. An episode that was tailormade for Weir, but Woolsey played the starring role. And had to resort to bribery.
          *joins gateraid in his cynicism*

          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Or dragging one out over a decade to the point where it makes the characters seem emotionally disabled.

          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Sheppard: I see you got a new top back on Earth

          Weir: I'll add to my collection of base uniforms. Do you like it?

          Sheppard: I do. It really highlights the colour of your boobs....eyes. I mean eyes

          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          My impression from GitM was that Elizabeth knew of Kanaan (Teyla's 'friend' at the time) but that Teyla and Kanaan weren't together at that point. She guessed that he was Torren's father because of the way Teyla used to talk about him, and because she'd already ruled out John as the dad.
          That was my interpretation of that scene as well; Elizabeth knew about Kanaan, knew that Teyla was interested in him, but also knew that they hadn't yet come together at the time of her capture by the Asurans.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
            I was a member of the writing staff for that show. That's why it lasted only 13 episodes

            I never thought twice about the fistbump scene until I saw the reaction in fandom, but its the type of thing I would do.
            And you're a guy. The defense rests.

            Sheppard: I see you got a new top back on Earth

            Weir: I'll add to my collection of base uniforms. Do you like it?

            Sheppard: I do. It really highlights the colour of your boobs....eyes. I mean eyes
            Thank you for taking us back into the gutter!!!

            My impression from GitM was that Elizabeth knew of Kanaan (Teyla's 'friend' at the time) but that Teyla and Kanaan weren't together at that point. She guessed that he was Torren's father because of the way Teyla used to talk about him, and because she'd already ruled out John as the dad.
            Yep, same here.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Holy smokes... [insert lightbulb] ...I need to see Doppelganger again. ... Not all of it, not that part... *potential epiphany on the way*

            Edit: in relation to Teyla/Kanaan, GITM, Elizabeth knowing of Kanaan... and what Brie mentioned in relation to the Legacy books, the part about Kate.

            Anyhow... I'll be exploring the west of Ireland the next few days, and won't be around so don't worry if I don't show up... I'm bouncing around green fields, chasing leprechauns.
            Have fun! We'll miss you, little Lemming! Be safe!

            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Well, lots of interesting conversation while I was away.

            SW, that was a great beginning to your new fic. I love reading the ones where they have to pretend to be married. More coming soon, I hope.
            Oh yes. There will be more. And if SK has anything to say about it, there will be smut.

            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            Have fun on your trip, Falcon Horus! Hope you find a nice big pot of gold!

            SW, I am loving that fic! Always fun to see John and Elizabeth so awkward and so longing.

            Seconding that recommendation. I also like Casualties of War, and Reliquary is good (and kinda spooky/freaky) too.
            I need to give up and go buy the books, don't I???

            And thanks!


              Even though I have the day off tomorrow, I should still try to get a full night of sleep! See everybody tomorrow!!!


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Needless to say, the Castle fandom is up in arms over the latest 2 eps.
                But, as casual viewers who are staying away from fandom, Mr. SR and I think they are being smart not to get them together too soon. I know it's been a few years and we want to see them together, but they've both admitted how they feel, so let's let them work it out. I'd hate to see them lose the chemistry by taking each other for granted.

                Sparky would have worked as a couple because there would always have been a dangerous situation to bring them closer together.
                OT on Castle

                I think you hit the nail on the head. They are getting very close to losing their chemistry, IMHO. And that is the main reason I watch the show.

                Most of the dangerous situations they got into brought us some of the best Sparky moments.
                I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  I am part of said fandom, but I'm actually very happy with how long it's taking to make the UST RST. Because, mainly, I've seen so many shows where they jumped the shark and the relationship plummetted, the show failed ... I like the pace. It feels ... real, I guess is the best word I can use at the moment.

                  Elizabeth, you okay? Cause you look like you've got a lot on your mind and -- (high voice) oh, hello.
                  Something wrong?
                  Well, you may think that's my sidearm, but you're wrong.
                  That joke's dead, John. And I know exactly what I'm doing.
                  I'm part of that fandom too. I'm just getting tired of how horrid their timing is whenever they decide to finally admit their feelings to each other.

                  That last bit is worthy of gateraid.
                  I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                  Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Holy smokes... [insert lightbulb] ...I need to see Doppelganger again. ... Not all of it, not that part... *potential epiphany on the way*

                    Edit: in relation to Teyla/Kanaan, GITM, Elizabeth knowing of Kanaan... and what Brie mentioned in relation to the Legacy books, the part about Kate.

                    Anyhow... I'll be exploring the west of Ireland the next few days, and won't be around so don't worry if I don't show up... I'm bouncing around green fields, chasing leprechauns.
                    Have fun in the land of my ancestors, Falcon!
                    I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

                    Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


                      hey little Laptop problem: my monitor has been acting up and going black so i am not going to be on for a while until i can find out what's wrong with it, my presence on here is going to be limited. so i'll try to make it on every once in a while


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Have fun on your trip, Falcon Horus! Hope you find a nice big pot of gold!

                        SW, I am loving that fic! Always fun to see John and Elizabeth so awkward and so longing.

                        Seconding that recommendation. I also like Casualties of War, and Reliquary is good (and kinda spooky/freaky) too.

                        *joins gateraid in his cynicism*


                        That was my interpretation of that scene as well; Elizabeth knew about Kanaan, knew that Teyla was interested in him, but also knew that they hadn't yet come together at the time of her capture by the Asurans.
                        Agreed, and I'd also add that the Teyla/Elizabeth friendship is really obvious with that scene. It proves they talked about personal things. And since Ronon was the only one of the boys who knew about Kanaan, it also proves Teyla wasn't as close to John and Rodney. Pretty obvious also that Teyla at least suspected there was more to the John/Liz relationship than met the eye due to the way she was so quick to reassure her that John was not the father. That little scene was just full of information on all sorts of subjects. LOL

                        Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                        I'm part of that fandom too. I'm just getting tired of how horrid their timing is whenever they decide to finally admit their feelings to each other.

                        That last bit is worthy of gateraid.
                        You mentioned the possible loss of chemistry. I can see that coming if they continue down this path. Just look at what happened with Bones. They have completely lost it as far as I am concerned. I still have high hopes for Castle though.

                        The back and forth on admitting feelings is just good drama, but it's very hard on the avid fans.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Have fun FH.

                          I recently started thinking about reading some of the other books from SGA I was wondering which books I should look into and ‘Mirror, mirror’ is one I’ve heard mentioned before so I’m going to look into that one.

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Agreed, and I'd also add that the Teyla/Elizabeth friendship is really obvious with that scene. It proves they talked about personal things. And since Ronon was the only one of the boys who knew about Kanaan, it also proves Teyla wasn't as close to John and Rodney. Pretty obvious also that Teyla at least suspected there was more to the John/Liz relationship than met the eye due to the way she was so quick to reassure her that John was not the father. That little scene was just full of information on all sorts of subjects. LOL
                          I loved that, and I agree with what you wrote. I also wish we would have gotten more Elizabeth and Teyla scenes, we did get a few scenes here and there and some indication, like the scene in ‘Sunday’ that gives you the ides that they ate together a lot, suck that we never actually got to see those scenes, not surprising, but sucks anyway.


                            My little contribution for the eye/sex. My favorite scene is the coffee scene.
                            Look my sig.
                            About the books, I like "Mirrors, Mirrors". And for the new books, I'm not interested. It's not realistic (weird to say that for a sci fi
                            Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                              Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                              I'm part of that fandom too. I'm just getting tired of how horrid their timing is whenever they decide to finally admit their feelings to each other.

                              That last bit is worthy of gateraid.
                              *cringes* I don't wanna take the title away from gateraid ...

                              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                              hey little Laptop problem: my monitor has been acting up and going black so i am not going to be on for a while until i can find out what's wrong with it, my presence on here is going to be limited. so i'll try to make it on every once in a while
                              Laptop problems stink! Hope it gets resolved soon!

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Agreed, and I'd also add that the Teyla/Elizabeth friendship is really obvious with that scene. It proves they talked about personal things. And since Ronon was the only one of the boys who knew about Kanaan, it also proves Teyla wasn't as close to John and Rodney. Pretty obvious also that Teyla at least suspected there was more to the John/Liz relationship than met the eye due to the way she was so quick to reassure her that John was not the father. That little scene was just full of information on all sorts of subjects. LOL
                              I agree. And good observation about Ronan and Teyla. I always attributed his knowing about Kanaan to being that the Pegasus locals stick together, so I always figured that Ronan and Teyla would be closer than with other members of the Expedition.

                              Originally posted by Brie View Post
                              Have fun FH.

                              I recently started thinking about reading some of the other books from SGA I was wondering which books I should look into and ‘Mirror, mirror’ is one I’ve heard mentioned before so I’m going to look into that one.

                              I loved that, and I agree with what you wrote. I also wish we would have gotten more Elizabeth and Teyla scenes, we did get a few scenes here and there and some indication, like the scene in ‘Sunday’ that gives you the ides that they ate together a lot, suck that we never actually got to see those scenes, not surprising, but sucks anyway.
                              Yeah, I would've loved to see Elizabeth and Teyla have a girls day out or something like that. It would've been fun! Especially when the girls start talking about guys


                                Originally posted by Probie View Post
                                My little contribution for the eye/sex. My favorite scene is the coffee scene.
                                Look my sig.
                                About the books, I like "Mirrors, Mirrors". And for the new books, I'm not interested. It's not realistic (weird to say that for a sci fi
                                Hello my darling French daughter. I also can recommend Mirror Mirror. What's not to like about John giving Elizabeth mouth to mouth. Heh.

                                I realized today that I am going to miss this Sunday's post-a-thon. I invited SR Jr. and Miss M to dinner and told them to come over at 4pm. What was I thinking? I dunno. Anyway, Easter with my family kinda trumps SGA. And The Defiant One was my all time fave before Vegas came along too. *cries*

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

