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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
    Hey, quick question (and if I've asked before, forgive me, little brain dead at the moment): did John go to college? I remember in "Outcast" that John made a comment about his dad's idea of rebellion was going to Stanford instead of Harvard, and while his intelligence could've gotten him in anywhere, I was trying to remember if it was ever specifically confirmed onscreen ...

    Also, do we know where Lizzeh went to college?
    Never specifically confirmed on screen, but to be an officer in any branch of the US military, John pretty much has to have earned a university degree to get as high in the ranks as he has; at least a bachelor's degree, but a master's degree would be even better.

    We don't know where Lizzeh went to college; she was teaching at Georgetown when she was asked to head the Stargate Program, but there's no indication that she was ever a student there.

    And deliberate repost because darnit, Lizzeh's hair is so pretteh in this episode:

    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
    *pets teh Lizzeh hair*
    (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
    Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Not again. You've got to stop this. We need you well and healthy.
      Well I'm not doing it on purpose!

      Thanks for all the get well wishes, everyone! *group hug*

      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      John's not much of a writer, but if he were to put pen to paper on his feelings for Elizabeth, I wonder if they'd go something like this:

      Elizabeth, you're insecure, but I just don't know what for. You turn heads when you walk through the door. You don't need make up to cover anything up - just being the way that you are is enough. Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you.

      Elizabeth, you light up my world like nobody else can. The way you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell that you don't know, you really don't know how beautiful you are.

      If only you saw what I see when I look at you, then you'll understand why I want you so desperately. Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe that you don't know how beautiful you are. And that's what makes you beautiful.

      Come on Elizabeth, you've got it all wrong. I don't know why you're so shy, why you turn away when I look into your eyes. Everyone else in the the room can see it, everyone else but you. You're beautiful, Elizabeth
      Ok I'm not sure whether to say "awww" or "what crack are you on and can I have some?"

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      We are friends until it comes to John/Joe. But, you're right, Elizabeth and Mrs. Joe come first. *iz sad* Nothing wrong with a little fantasy though.

      So, it's Wednesday and we haven't really discussed Underground. How do we feel about the Sparky interactions in this one? I love the way he showed so much respect for her and waited for her to make the final decision. Ford looked like he was in the principal's office, but John looked like Mr. SR when he patiently explains why we have to do something a certain way and waits for me to see the logic in his argument and agree, which he knew I would do. They are so married.

      But seriously, even in those early days, they had a mental connection and seemed to know each other beyond what was expected considering the length of time they had worked together. She was beginning to see his side of things and he was beginning to want to slow down and see hers. The writers saw that it wasn't possible to have them keep going over the same territory and arguing all the time, so they began to have them working as a team. One of their few smart decisions.

      We play with the shippy parts, sometimes even when we have no basis in fact, but I don't think anyone can argue with the fact that they were getting closer. Or maybe they can. LOL
      I really loved Elizabeth's sarcastic side that came through in this episode. And John came right back with it ("It's pithy, I'll give you that.")

      It was a total married vibe going on there. And yes, Ford did look like he was in the principal's office.

      The ending scene was really interesting as it shows Elizabeth comforting John in a more personal way and not a boss way. Actually, their whole interaction was more friendly with the comments about competition with Bates.

      Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
      Never specifically confirmed on screen, but to be an officer in any branch of the US military, John pretty much has to have earned a university degree to get as high in the ranks as he has; at least a bachelor's degree, but a master's degree would be even better.
      John was a math major because I said so.


        I really loved all the John/Liz moments in ‘Underground’, it was such a great character episode for the two of them as well as great for the fans. The office talk in the beginning which dealt with a pretty serious topic with both comforting looks and words and some cute and fun banter.
        Of course we can’t forget the ending on the balcony which I’m so glad that they choose to do it and keep it in. I love that it ended on the balcony, because even though there have been scenes with other people out there, it still feels like it’s a bit of a sanctuary for the two of them (and when they are out there unless something happened, people tend to leave them alone), and it’s somewhere where they can just talk and be themselves for a while away from their duties, it’s great that they have that, especially at the end of what must have been a rather stressful and/or eventful day, just being able to talk it through, or maybe not even talk at all, it’s something that they have become really good at, knowing when the other one needs comforting word or maybe just a comforting presence.

        The office scene really was great, in the beginning John also looked bit like he had been sent to the principal’s office, I think he was really testing the waters, trying to figure out what went through Elizabeth’s head before choosing a the right approach to get what he wants.



          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          Hey, quick question (and if I've asked before, forgive me, little brain dead at the moment): did John go to college? I remember in "Outcast" that John made a comment about his dad's idea of rebellion was going to Stanford instead of Harvard, and while his intelligence could've gotten him in anywhere, I was trying to remember if it was ever specifically confirmed onscreen ...

          Also, do we know where Lizzeh went to college?
          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Never specifically confirmed on screen, but to be an officer in any branch of the US military, John pretty much has to have earned a university degree to get as high in the ranks as he has; at least a bachelor's degree, but a master's degree would be even better.

          We don't know where Lizzeh went to college; she was teaching at Georgetown when she was asked to head the Stargate Program, but there's no indication that she was ever a student there.
          Didn't John say one time that he got Todd's name from a guy he knew in college? I can't remember the ep though.


            Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
            So you're telling me that in the two years I've known you, if I wanted you to do something different with your hair, I just needed to drug you?

            Okay. That came out wrong.

            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            Never specifically confirmed on screen, but to be an officer in any branch of the US military, John pretty much has to have earned a university degree to get as high in the ranks as he has; at least a bachelor's degree, but a master's degree would be even better.

            We don't know where Lizzeh went to college; she was teaching at Georgetown when she was asked to head the Stargate Program, but there's no indication that she was ever a student there.
            Ooh, goody. Now I get to ponder what degree he would've gone for. Hee hee hee.

            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
            John was a math major because I said so.
            ... Never mind.

            Ok I'm not sure whether to say "awww" or "what crack are you on and can I have some?"
            Me too!

            I really loved Elizabeth's sarcastic side that came through in this episode. And John came right back with it ("It's pithy, I'll give you that.")

            It was a total married vibe going on there. And yes, Ford did look like he was in the principal's office.

            The ending scene was really interesting as it shows Elizabeth comforting John in a more personal way and not a boss way. Actually, their whole interaction was more friendly with the comments about competition with Bates.
            Originally posted by Brie View Post
            I really loved all the John/Liz moments in ‘Underground’, it was such a great character episode for the two of them as well as great for the fans. The office talk in the beginning which dealt with a pretty serious topic with both comforting looks and words and some cute and fun banter.
            Of course we can’t forget the ending on the balcony which I’m so glad that they choose to do it and keep it in. I love that it ended on the balcony, because even though there have been scenes with other people out there, it still feels like it’s a bit of a sanctuary for the two of them (and when they are out there unless something happened, people tend to leave them alone), and it’s somewhere where they can just talk and be themselves for a while away from their duties, it’s great that they have that, especially at the end of what must have been a rather stressful and/or eventful day, just being able to talk it through, or maybe not even talk at all, it’s something that they have become really good at, knowing when the other one needs comforting word or maybe just a comforting presence.

            The office scene really was great, in the beginning John also looked bit like he had been sent to the principal’s office, I think he was really testing the waters, trying to figure out what went through Elizabeth’s head before choosing a the right approach to get what he wants.

            Grr. Guess I'm gonna hafta watch this before bed tonight. It's a shame I'm ready to collapse.

            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            Didn't John say one time that he got Todd's name from a guy he knew in college? I can't remember the ep though.
            Yeah, and during "Quarantine" he was talking to Teyla about a friend he knew from college, but again, no specifics. Judging from the way and circumstances John said that line during "Outcast", though, I'm inclined to think that he did actually go to Stanford for a few reasons.

            A) it's an outright act of rebellion against his father's wishes, B) it's on the other side of the country, because judging from the funeral and a few other traits we've discussed a while back, I'm assuming his family is from the east, maybe centrally located in Maryland, and C) John is an intelligent man. He wouldn't let his smarts go to waste over a pithy dispute with his father. Besides, I have a feeling he'd quite enjoy the frat life.

            At least, that's what I think, but we all know I'm not the John expert of the thread. *nudges Anuna*

            Anyhoodle, I'm probably going to have ODAD finished up by Friday. Just realized as I was thinking about it today that there are a number of loose story lines I need to tie up before I write fin.

            In case I don't pop back in, see ya tomorrow!


              Now that it's officially Thursday in my time zone, I can say this:

              Happy Birthday to Irish Eyes!

              from the whole gang:

              It's probably for the best if we don't try to figure out who is who in that card.

              I hope you have a wonderful day, my future con buddy!


                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                You had to fix your hair like that just as I was leaving on a mission.
                Don't worry, John. It will last until you get back.
                And another thing, if that Marine doesn't stop looking at you like that, I will have to hurt him.

                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                I really loved all the John/Liz moments in ‘Underground’, it was such a great character episode for the two of them as well as great for the fans. The office talk in the beginning which dealt with a pretty serious topic with both comforting looks and words and some cute and fun banter.
                Of course we can’t forget the ending on the balcony which I’m so glad that they choose to do it and keep it in. I love that it ended on the balcony, because even though there have been scenes with other people out there, it still feels like it’s a bit of a sanctuary for the two of them (and when they are out there unless something happened, people tend to leave them alone), and it’s somewhere where they can just talk and be themselves for a while away from their duties, it’s great that they have that, especially at the end of what must have been a rather stressful and/or eventful day, just being able to talk it through, or maybe not even talk at all, it’s something that they have become really good at, knowing when the other one needs comforting word or maybe just a comforting presence.

                The office scene really was great, in the beginning John also looked bit like he had been sent to the principal’s office, I think he was really testing the waters, trying to figure out what went through Elizabeth’s head before choosing a the right approach to get what he wants.

                Very good analysis and ITA. Once he had reported to her in her office and she had been briefed on the mission, there was no more need to discuss it. But they wandered off to a private area, even after they had changed into civilian clothes because they were off duty for the day, and spent some more time alone talking not just about the problem but how they felt about it. This shows a growing personal connection to me.

                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                Didn't John say one time that he got Todd's name from a guy he knew in college? I can't remember the ep though.
                Oh, that's right. He did. That and SW's comment makes it canon that he went to college. Stanford would also have been a good place to start surfing.

                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                Now that it's officially Thursday in my time zone, I can say this:

                Happy Birthday to Irish Eyes!

                from the whole gang:

                It's probably for the best if we don't try to figure out who is who in that card.

                I hope you have a wonderful day, my future con buddy!
                I second that, and I pick the bunny because that was my childhood nickname. Don't ask.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  You had to fix your hair like that just as I was leaving on a mission.
                  Don't worry, John. It will last until you get back.
                  And another thing, if that Marine doesn't stop looking at you like that, I will have to hurt him.
                  *snicker snicker*

                  Very good analysis and ITA. Once he had reported to her in her office and she had been briefed on the mission, there was no more need to discuss it. But they wandered off to a private area, even after they had changed into civilian clothes because they were off duty for the day, and spent some more time alone talking not just about the problem but how they felt about it. This shows a growing personal connection to me.
                  I went back and looped the ending about five times. Which brings up a very stupid question: why was I thinking that the balcony was behind Lizzeh's office? It's actually directly up the staircase, isn't it? *headdesk* God, I can't believe I didn't realize that until now!

                  Oh, that's right. He did. That and SW's comment makes it canon that he went to college. Stanford would also have been a good place to start surfing.
                  *another headdesk* Surfing. Stanford. D'oh!

                  All right, heading out for the day. Do not burn the thread down.


                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    *snicker snicker*

                    I agree absolutely with that. Highly amusing.

                    I went back and looped the ending about five times. Which brings up a very stupid question: why was I thinking that the balcony was behind Lizzeh's office? It's actually directly up the staircase, isn't it? *headdesk* God, I can't believe I didn't realize that until now!

                    *another headdesk* Surfing. Stanford. D'oh!

                    All right, heading out for the day. Do not burn the thread down.
                    Why does one have to worry about burning the thread down?
                    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
           Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                      Why does one have to worry about burning the thread down?
                      Stick around. You'll find out soon enough. Especially when a pitcher of margaritas enters the thread.


                        Are you the same ShipperWriter on who's writing the AU Sparky fic "Of Detectives and Doctors"?
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                          Stick around. You'll find out soon enough. Especially when a pitcher of margaritas enters the thread.
                          It's margarita weather here, that's for sure. 82°F today.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            It's margarita weather here, that's for sure. 82°F today.
                            See, now I'm jealous, though it's been unusually warm here (12°C) for this time of the year the wind is still really cold.


                              Yeah, it's hot here too. 83 degrees.


                              Something to make me hot, and something to cool me off.

                              I got another AU fic idea on the way home, and it's gnawing at me. Teaser:
                              John Sheppard, a math teacher in Cali. Wears faded jeans, a dress shirt and tie, and sneakers. His surf board is named Puddle Jumper.

                              Just kill me now! I don't need any more fic ideas! They're overflowing!


                                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                                Now that it's officially Thursday in my time zone, I can say this:

                                Happy Birthday to Irish Eyes!

                                from the whole gang:

                                It's probably for the best if we don't try to figure out who is who in that card.

                                I hope you have a wonderful day, my future con buddy!
                                Thank you so much! *hugs*

                                I was thinking the other day that soon you and I can weigh in on the discussion of the warmth of a certain someone's skin.

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                I second that, and I pick the bunny because that was my childhood nickname. Don't ask.
                                Thank you! *hugs* My nickname was an animal too, but it's not on that card. And I'm not telling. LOL

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                I went back and looped the ending about five times. Which brings up a very stupid question: why was I thinking that the balcony was behind Lizzeh's office? It's actually directly up the staircase, isn't it? *headdesk* God, I can't believe I didn't realize that until now!
                                I don't know what it is about that balcony, but at times I've had trouble placing it as well. I think it's because they shot it from many different angles.

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                It's margarita weather here, that's for sure. 82°F today.
                                Originally posted by Brie View Post
                                See, now I'm jealous, though it's been unusually warm here (12°C) for this time of the year the wind is still really cold.
                                Sunny and 75°F here in Iowa. Probably the best birthday weather I've ever had!
                                sig by SueKay

                                My Team:

