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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    Hey, I'll move to Vancouver with you!! Yay! All the best TV comes from there! It really does. I don't care what the Hollywood types say. The best is made in Canada.
    Exactly my speech. I'm starting to study "Film Making Arts" in January and I really would like to work at Films/Series in Vancouver afterwards...


      Originally posted by Bama
      And you guys just thought you knew what Elizabeth kept in that jar...

      Nope, it's not just for mints any longer...

      If it starts buzzing and wobbles off her desk...well, I guess John will just have to get her a new one.

      ROTFLMAO. I will *never* look at Elizabeth quite the same again...

      Thanks Torri. LOL! The image in my brain that just keeps on givin...
      tut...I never would have thought that would have been Lizzy's one personal item....wait..Oh yes I can!

      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


        Originally posted by alyssa
        Hey, I'll move to Vancouver with you!! Yay! All the best TV comes from there! It really does. I don't care what the Hollywood types say. The best is made in Canada.
        I'm going on holiday to Canada next August on one of those tours and we're finishing off in Vancouver...I can't wait!

        I figured if I disguised myself as a bush, I might be able to sneak into bridge studios...

        If that fails, I'll just have to keep my eyes open for actor spotting


        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


          Originally posted by Major_Moomin
          I'm going on holiday to Canada next August on one of those tours and we're finishing off in Vancouver...I can't wait!

          I figured if I disguised myself as a bush, I might be able to sneak into bridge studios...

          If that fails, I'll just have to keep my eyes open for actor spotting


          Should be able to do some good actor spotting! Although they do work insane hours... Hmmm. I wonder if anyone knows any popular types of cafes or anything that they go to... you might 'accidentally' spot them!


            Originally posted by Vixen
            A silly J/E video inspired by Elizabeth's shirt.

            Right About Now
            With season 2 spoilers
            Saw it and loved it. It's way cute. Loved the ending. And you always make the lyrics blend so well with the clips Only concrit would be that the initial at the end could have been left out, but I'm being picky

            ETA - Also there are a few bits where there is dialogue coming through while there are lyrics being sung, so I'm not sure if they're intentional or not. Love the bit with the "I'm on it' though.
            Last edited by ubiquitous; 24 October 2005, 03:07 AM.

            Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


              Thank you!

              Yeah the audio there is left on purpose. The same lyrics are repeated so many times and I didn't want to leave the dialogue out in those clips.


                Loved that vid Vix

                Lovebar made by natz099
                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                  Originally posted by Vixen
                  Thank you!

                  Yeah the audio there is left on purpose. The same lyrics are repeated so many times and I didn't want to leave the dialogue out in those clips.

                  Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                    Originally posted by Vixen
                    Thank you!

                    Yeah the audio there is left on purpose. The same lyrics are repeated so many times and I didn't want to leave the dialogue out in those clips.
                    I will watch the Video as soon as I get home from work that will be in 4 hours (2PM over here) But I am sure it's great like all your works *nods*


                      Hey, where is everyone??? There's not much activity tonight!


                        Just saw AthenKatt's "Probably" vid. It was awesome--the song is perfect, as Bama, said, for where John and Liz are right now.

                        Back to TLB, Mel's point
                        is well taken. It seems the alien couple scenario might reveal a little too much in TPTB's. Although, I am reminded of those early promos "who will get kissed" ones;l they showed both Elizabeth and Teyla. I realize that TLB was probably not even filmed yet, but the writers knew where they were going. Perhaps there will be something quite shippy coming up.

                        The alien scenario would give them plausible deniability as well. I expect there will be another move forward with the ship at some point in the back nine of S2.

                        Thought of anither thing. I was reading the "LFP" section of the Episode Guide. It mentioned that Torri altereed the dialogue in her letter back to Simon. She took out all of the "I love you's". I'm sure Torri is a shipper! Notice how TPTB cut off Simon/Liz's relationship in definitive fashion at the beginning of S2. They are going somehwere and I know it isn't their original plan--it just developed oragnically which makes this ship even more interesting.

                        Later all,


                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          Love all the speculation about TLG. I hope reality lives up to our fantasies, but does it ever? I went to see Serenity yesterday. Loved it, but it proved once again that
                          any stable relationship in SciFi must be destroyed Waaasshhh!!!
                          One overall impression I have for the second half of the season is that the J/E relationship is being explored at least on a superficial level. There also seems to be no sign of J/T. No surprise there. The little Kirk moments also seems to be less his idea than the "moment that must never be spoken of again" from season 1. If you real Joe Malozzi's blog and see the insane criticism from both sides of the Mitchell controversy, you realize how narrowminded people are concerning their favorites. We're no different of course because emotion is a powerful thing, and it clouds judgment. My husband and I watched Suspicion in syndication on Sat, and he tried to reason with me concerning my intense dislike for a character who shall remain nameless. All I could say was that it's a gut reaction for which I have no explanation. I took an instant dislike to this person and have no logical reason. This happens to all of us and forever prejudices us against or for someone. Speaking strictly personally, I have no objectivity concerning this ship. That said, my husband is the most objective person I know, and he agrees with me that J/E have the only viable possibility for a real relationship. He thinks the people under their command would largely support them, but a vocal minority might get them in trouble. However, with liberal use of literary license the whole thing could be solved, and there's no reason a husband/wife team couldn't rule Atlantis. In the meantime we get to watch it slowly and painfully unfold, but afterall that's what good drama is all about. I know. Delayed gratification is a b**ch.

                          BTW, Bama saw the end of your game. ROLL TIDE!!! Have you considered that if the BCS works out a certain way. We may have to play each other in a bowl?

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                            Thought of anither thing. I was reading the "LFP" section of the Episode Guide. It mentioned that Torri altereed the dialogue in her letter back to Simon. She took out all of the "I love you's". I'm sure Torri is a shipper! Notice how TPTB cut off Simon/Liz's relationship in definitive fashion at the beginning of S2. They are going somehwere and I know it isn't their original plan--it just developed oragnically which makes this ship even more interesting.

                            Later all,

                            Torri really got that much say in the script? That's great! Maybe she's a shipper like us after all!


                              Just put up chapter 2 of my horror fic.

                              Southern - I saw Serenity this weekend too. Spoilers for Serenity
                              WAAASH! But I love Wash!

                              And re: "LFP", yay - Torri's one of us! Shep/Weir forever!

                              *giggles eerily as the maddness takes hold*
                              ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                              The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                                Originally posted by LurkerLa
                                Just put up chapter 2 of my horror fic.
                                *g* great fic...just right to Halloween even if we don't really celebrate it in Europe, I like it

