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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Not so much spoilers as speculation. There are a couple different ways this could go. Either Sheppard and Weir are used against each other by opposing forces, or they're used against each other by one force. The former suggests a more literal possession by something needing physical form to resolve their differences, though I don't know if I'd go so far as to say they're taken over by old lovers. That just seems like too overt a sign for TPTB. Still, it's a possibility.

    The second possibility, though, is the one I find more interesting, frankly. It's possible that this alien force believes the Atlantis expedition to be the Ancients returned, and they might be seeking revenge for the Ancients having loosed the Wraith on the galaxy and then abandoning millions of humans to a terrible fate. If that's the case, then the best way to destroy Atlantis is to destroy her leadership, and the best way to go about doing that is to divide Sheppard and Weir.
    Nah, I'll keep my shippy colored glasses on and take what's behind door number one Monty. Do agree though Mel that it is probably too overt for TPTB to go for this early and it does make sense that the command power is what is being sought. Unless this is the ep that seals canon...

    I must say though that at the very least, this episode has all the signs to be heavily shep/weir shippy on at least an undercurrent level. The simple fact that we know that we have Shep and Weir doing things in relation to each other that they would never choose to do to each other under normal circumstances will force emotions to the surface. I suspect this may be very SG-esque in that *something* will happen but because of the alien influence, we'll not be certain how much of it was 'them' and how much of it was 'influence'. It'll be the olde 'interpretation' game which at this point is probably ok.

    But, we do have them actually fighting and it's hard to fight someone without putting your hands on them. When Shep and Teyla go at it in the sparring matches, it's a lot different. They spar a lot in practice so it's common and accepted amongst all the military personnel and it's gotten to where it's sort of 'peh, sticks again.' There's no real charm in something commonplace. I think that's one of the reasons we've seen john and eliz. not verbally spar so much this year as last. When they do 'come back' to it, it will seem fresher and still have that charm.

    But John and Eliz. taking their fire to a different arena in a one-shot way like this is really rather extraordinary and therefore, every glance, every touch, every word spoken between them in this new battle whether alien induced or influenced or not, will take on an extra importance. I suspect we'll all be on here afterwards going, 'which part of that was him/her and which was the influence?' I do think we'll get another glimpse into the dynamic of the two and I think it will offer those in the audience who can't seem to 'feel' a relationship w/o male/female touch ops to see and feel a physicality between them that they haven't had an opportunity to as of yet. I mean, if John and Teyla beating each other with sticks is sexual tension, then what would this magnified circumstance be?

    I do think this episode offers the best opportunity to date to showcase the pure maleness and femaleness of the two in relation to each other. This may offer a rare barebones scene or two where we distinctly see that john and elizabeth realize the other is sexual. Though it's obvious to me that they already know that and are aware of it on a whole nother level, there seems to be a segment of the audience that needs to see hand to hand recognition before they'll acknowledge such could exist.

    Keep in mind I'm only 'spoiler' hiding this because it is random SPECULATION based on what few real spoiler hints we've been given. There are about a thousand ways this could actually play out.


      Hey all, been reading al your many wonderful fanfics and Ive noticed several common traits running through them:

      1. In several fanfics John had a younger sister. In most cases she died before she reached the age of 20, either in an accident or from disease, in one superb fanfic (cant remember the name, its the sequel to "In-Laws") she was deaf. This is mostly used to explain how protective John is around women.

      2. Elizabeth is almost always portrayed as having one or two older brothers. Not sure why but its always cropping up.

      3. Elizabeth is generally the reluctant one. In first kiss fics it is almost always John who kisses her, not the other way round. He often has to convince her that a relationship is possible. I for one would love to see a fic with her taking the initiative, and might try to write one like tht (although Im not exactly a great writer so tht may not happen)

      4. In several fics Elizabeth is almost maniacally against the use of guns, and refuses to carry one herself. Personally I would say that in a combat situation she would be willing to have one, but there u go

      Anyone noticed any other trends?

      oh and one other thing I only just realised. In the credits Torri Higginsons name comes right after Joe Fs. Im not suggesting that this shows John and Elizabeth are meant to be together (although they are!!), but its interesting to note how important Elizabeth is in the show in contrast to SG-1 where it was really all about the team.
      Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

      In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

      Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
        The episode SaphireJeweledQueen was talking about was the Buffy one. The student shot the teacher he was having an affair with and then killed himself. Their souls were trapped in the school. Buffy and Angel are then possesed by them because their situation was similer (Unresolved feelings).
        Yep thats the one! As you can see I paid a lot of attention

        I'm loving the spoilers and speculation on TLG. I hope it lives up to our expectations! (or,perhaps, beyond... )

        Lovebar made by natz099
        My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


          Originally posted by Bama
          Nah, I'll keep my shippy colored glasses on and take what's behind door number one Monty. Do agree though Mel that it is probably too overt for TPTB to go for this early and it does make sense that the command power is what is being sought. Unless this is the ep that seals canon...

          I must say though that at the very least, this episode has all the signs to be heavily shep/weir shippy on at least an undercurrent level. The simple fact that we know that we have Shep and Weir doing things in relation to each other that they would never choose to do to each other under normal circumstances will force emotions to the surface. I suspect this may be very SG-esque in that *something* will happen but because of the alien influence, we'll not be certain how much of it was 'them' and how much of it was 'influence'. It'll be the olde 'interpretation' game which at this point is probably ok.

          But, we do have them actually fighting and it's hard to fight someone without putting your hands on them. When Shep and Teyla go at it in the sparring matches, it's a lot different. They spar a lot in practice so it's common and accepted amongst all the military personnel and it's gotten to where it's sort of 'peh, sticks again.' There's no real charm in something commonplace. I think that's one of the reasons we've seen john and eliz. not verbally spar so much this year as last. When they do 'come back' to it, it will seem fresher and still have that charm.

          But John and Eliz. taking their fire to a different arena in a one-shot way like this is really rather extraordinary and therefore, every glance, every touch, every word spoken between them in this new battle whether alien induced or influenced or not, will take on an extra importance. I suspect we'll all be on here afterwards going, 'which part of that was him/her and which was the influence?' I do think we'll get another glimpse into the dynamic of the two and I think it will offer those in the audience who can't seem to 'feel' a relationship w/o male/female touch ops to see and feel a physicality between them that they haven't had an opportunity to as of yet. I mean, if John and Teyla beating each other with sticks is sexual tension, then what would this magnified circumstance be?

          I do think this episode offers the best opportunity to date to showcase the pure maleness and femaleness of the two in relation to each other. This may offer a rare barebones scene or two where we distinctly see that john and elizabeth realize the other is sexual. Though it's obvious to me that they already know that and are aware of it on a whole nother level, there seems to be a segment of the audience that needs to see hand to hand recognition before they'll acknowledge such could exist.

          Keep in mind I'm only 'spoiler' hiding this because it is random SPECULATION based on what few real spoiler hints we've been given. There are about a thousand ways this could actually play out.
          i cant waitt to see how this episode plays out and i agree with BAMA on all the points made...
          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


            And you guys just thought you knew what Elizabeth kept in that jar...

            Nope, it's not just for mints any longer...

            If it starts buzzing and wobbles off her desk...well, I guess John will just have to get her a new one.

            ROTFLMAO. I will *never* look at Elizabeth quite the same again...

            Thanks Torri. LOL! The image in my brain that just keeps on givin...


              Hui, I just read the new spoilers and these lines of Torri at the con...These really sound great. Now working is a bit more pleasant today *g*

              After watching Airborne a second time, I really can imagine Liz to use a gun. Even if I hope it will be more a hand-to-hand combat scene we will see...

              Please many Shippy questions on the cons I know it's difficult to ask (long) questions when your favourite actress is standing in front of you...but hey, you maybe never get the chance a second time so...


                Originally posted by Dorka
                Please many Shippy questions on the cons I know it's difficult to ask (long) questions when your favourite actress is standing in front of you...but hey, you maybe never get the chance a second time so...
                Absolutely, I would be shocked (in a good way) if Torri actually said anything definative as its probably not allowed, but it would be interesting to see if she herself sees the two characters as being compatible.

                Also the battery comment ROFL!!!!!!
                Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                  Originally posted by mentalmichael
                  Absolutely, I would be shocked (in a good way) if Torri actually said anything definative as its probably not allowed, but it would be interesting to see if she herself sees the two characters as being compatible.

                  Also the battery comment ROFL!!!!!!
                  Oh yes, we have to remember to bring up the batteries comment! LMAO!

                  Lovebar made by natz099
                  My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                    Oh yes, we have to remember to bring up the batteries comment! LMAO!
                    Torri's a very funny girl. She knows how to get everyone talking!


                      I sooooo hope that she at least will come to germany some time... or I really have to move to Vancouver


                        Originally posted by Dorka
                        I sooooo hope that she at least will come to germany some time... or I really have to move to Vancouver
                        Hey, I'll move to Vancouver with you!! Yay! All the best TV comes from there! It really does. I don't care what the Hollywood types say. The best is made in Canada.


                          Originally posted by mentalmichael
                          Hey all, been reading al your many wonderful fanfics and Ive noticed several common traits running through them:

                          1. In several fanfics John had a younger sister. In most cases she died before she reached the age of 20, either in an accident or from disease, in one superb fanfic (cant remember the name, its the sequel to "In-Laws") she was deaf. This is mostly used to explain how protective John is around women.

                          2. Elizabeth is almost always portrayed as having one or two older brothers. Not sure why but its always cropping up.

                          3. Elizabeth is generally the reluctant one. In first kiss fics it is almost always John who kisses her, not the other way round. He often has to convince her that a relationship is possible. I for one would love to see a fic with her taking the initiative, and might try to write one like tht (although Im not exactly a great writer so tht may not happen)

                          4. In several fics Elizabeth is almost maniacally against the use of guns, and refuses to carry one herself. Personally I would say that in a combat situation she would be willing to have one, but there u go

                          Anyone noticed any other trends?

                          oh and one other thing I only just realised. In the credits Torri Higginsons name comes right after Joe Fs. Im not suggesting that this shows John and Elizabeth are meant to be together (although they are!!), but its interesting to note how important Elizabeth is in the show in contrast to SG-1 where it was really all about the team.
                          Well, I haven't seen number two in my rather limited readings, or number 1, but seeing as how I imagine John having a sister, it probably isn't all that uncommon. Number three I have definitely seen, and as to four, I've seen a rare few fics where she does hold a gun.

                          And *squee* for all the con info!! You guys are so lucky to meet them!!

                          Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                            Originally posted by alyssa
                            Hey, I'll move to Vancouver with you!! Yay! All the best TV comes from there! It really does. I don't care what the Hollywood types say. The best is made in Canada.
                            Totally agree! There's Atlantis and SG-1, the 4400...

                            Lovebar made by natz099
                            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                              A nice little Shep/Weir fic.
                              I've read it before, but it's nice, and written a little differently to most:


                                A silly J/E video inspired by Elizabeth's shirt.

                                Right About Now
                                With season 2 spoilers

