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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
    Go Hokies!!! My adopted team ROCKS! Thanks SR, for getting me rooting for a winning team.
    You're welcome. Let's just hope they keep it up. That game was certainly exciting. I love exciting unless my team is playing. I'd rather be 3 touchdowns ahead. LOL

    I completely agree with SK on this one. I thought it was pretty boring but I wanted to smack that kid. The painting at the end really annoyed me, though. Maybe because I view it as the beginning of Gero's "let's pick on Sheppard" phase.
    Oddly, Harmony is one of those I enjoy watching for the McShep banter and John with the kid. And ITA on the ending. They just had to knock John off some kind of pedestal, didn't they?

    Oh, most definitely. Each season had its share of weaker episodes, but those last 2 seasons had way more weak episodes than the earlier ones. At least to me. I'm always kinda surprised when people think season 5 was very strong with episodes like Whispers, Identity, Brainstorm, Tracker, and Inquisition. There were some great episodes in those seasons as well, but the bad was stinking up the joint much more.
    I often have wondered the same thing. Except for Vegas and the wonderful Sparky in GitM, S5 was very disjointed and disappointing. But we went over all that in the long ago anti thread. Off topic here.

    Yes, enemies were introduced and then thrown away very quickly as the show went on. There were those new aliens in The Daedalus Variations that were never heard from again.
    It seemed like S5, even more than the other seasons, had a number of loose ends. One can hope they were planning to revisit some of them, but I don't have much confidence. I think they just did whatever came off the top of their heads and hoped for the best.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      Or just do what my family does - a card, no present.

      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
      I assume that that may be part of what Joe's comments were based on (the running out of ideas). I always had an issue with how quickly they dealt with their enemies - they spent a whole season in s1 waiting for the wraith to attack, yet it took practically the same amount of time to meet and then wipe out the Asurans. The Genii were barely used, as were the Vanir.
      That wouldn't surprise me, it's certainly one of the things that annoyed me most about the show.

      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      Go Hokies!!! My adopted team ROCKS! Thanks SR, for getting me rooting for a winning team.
      Whoo hoo! Way to go, Hokies!

      In other news, Air Force got mauled by Notre Dame, 59-33, and Navy was equally smacked around by Southern Miss 63-35, so there is no joy in Atlantis tonight.

      Be sure to keep cheering for ugahill's Georgia Bulldogs, who are currently winning against Tennessee, 13-6!

      And in case anyone was wondering, USC has the week off. After the way they've been playing, they need it.

      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      I completely agree with SK on this one. I thought it was pretty boring but I wanted to smack that kid. The painting at the end really annoyed me, though. Maybe because I view it as the beginning of Gero's "let's pick on Sheppard" phase.
      Pretty much.

      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      Yes, enemies were introduced and then thrown away very quickly as the show went on. There were those new aliens in The Daedalus Variations that were never heard from again.
      Sure wouldn't mind seeing those guys again someday in Atlantis Rising.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
        Go Hokies!!! My adopted team ROCKS! Thanks SR, for getting me rooting for a winning team.

        Yes, enemies were introduced and then thrown away very quickly as the show went on. There were those new aliens in The Daedalus Variations that were never heard from again.
        I'm a happy camper today!! All my college teams won and the Suckeyes blew a big lead to lose yet again!!!

        I would have really liked to have seen the aliens from Daedalus Variations make a return visit or four. To me that was one of the bigger mistakes of the later seasons not bringin them back.
        I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

        Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


          Originally posted by mandogater View Post
          I'm a happy camper today!! All my college teams won and the Suckeyes blew a big lead to lose yet again!!!

          I would have really liked to have seen the aliens from Daedalus Variations make a return visit or four. To me that was one of the bigger mistakes of the later seasons not bringin them back.
          Those aliens were pretty awesome and it did take a lot of firepower to take just One of those alien soldiers.


            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            Those aliens were pretty awesome and it did take a lot of firepower to take just One of those alien soldiers.
            And, if I remember right, Ronon was even having a hard time going toe-to-toe with one of them. Just think of the kind of powerful enemy someone like that could have become.
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
              First time posting, mainly because I've had a hard time figuring out some of the glitches. But I think I got it.
              Have a warning:
              My computer's security system has told me a couple times the last few days that somebody is trying to hack the Atlantis Rising website and apparently use it to break into other computers.
              I got the same warning today for; could someone pass that along?
              If I may weigh in on the continuing discussion:
              Loved Harmony, thought the fighting between Rodney and the little girl was hilarious.
              Hated Lifeline, because they wrote Elizabeth out.
              There were four good things about Ghost in the Machine, the moment when Elizabeth's name appeared on the computer screen, when she asked for John, when John asked if she could stay and Joe Flanigan's face in the last scene. The guy knows what he's doing; he's good.
              Common Ground, The Real World, the Eye/the Storm and the Return are some of my favorite television ever. When I get into my Atlantis DVDs those, Be All My Sins Remembered (I know the spelling isn't right) and Outcast are the ones I reach for first.
              One totally unrelated comment, and covers ground that's probably worn down to bedrock:
              To me, the Stargate franchise is in temporary eclipse due to a case of Battlestar envy. it was all about Galactica; the Stargate writers wanted the nice words and attention that were going - temporarily - to Galactica. SG-1 was canceled and Elizabeth written out for that reason.
              It is thus doubly and triply ironic (and very funny) that Galactica crashed (bad pun, I know) the minute it lost SG-1 and SGA as lead-ins.
              One more thing:
              I have some stories - Sparky, of course - that will soon need proofreaders. One is an honest attempt at a novel, practice for original work, I think. How can I get some help from fellow Sparkies?
              Thanks for your help.

              Hi there, welcome to Gate World, and welcome to the thread

              I'm not really up with the ratings figures, so I can't comment on that. I'm also not sure on the the timing of when SG-1/SGA were removed as lead ins, but if that coincided with s3 of BSG, I would hazard a guess to say that any lost ratings for BSG were because that season was not very interesting (mostly exposition). But that's only my opinion of course

              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              You're welcome. Let's just hope they keep it up. That game was certainly exciting. I love exciting unless my team is playing. I'd rather be 3 touchdowns ahead. LOL

              Oddly, Harmony is one of those I enjoy watching for the McShep banter and John with the kid. And ITA on the ending. They just had to knock John off some kind of pedestal, didn't they?

              I often have wondered the same thing. Except for Vegas and the wonderful Sparky in GitM, S5 was very disjointed and disappointing. But we went over all that in the long ago anti thread. Off topic here.

              It seemed like S5, even more than the other seasons, had a number of loose ends. One can hope they were planning to revisit some of them, but I don't have much confidence. I think they just did whatever came off the top of their heads and hoped for the best.

              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              It was my idea, it seemed like a waste of time when we couldn't figure out what to get each other and couldn't agree on a price limit

              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

              Sure wouldn't mind seeing those guys again someday in Atlantis Rising.
              That ep in and of itself was a wasted opportunity. Surely they could've mixed things up in the AU's - had Weir still in charge in one, or Carter, heck even Sumner. Or they could have a massive settlement on Atlantis, like the Ancients intended. Or have it full of replicators, wraith, whomever...

              Originally posted by mandogater View Post
              And, if I remember right, Ronon was even having a hard time going toe-to-toe with one of them. Just think of the kind of powerful enemy someone like that could have become.
              They did look like a bit of a knock-off of the borg, although I guess it's hard to come up with a truly original 'look' for aliens


                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                And, if I remember right, Ronon was even having a hard time going toe-to-toe with one of them. Just think of the kind of powerful enemy someone like that could have become.
                oh you're right. you are so right. i think were they to infilitrate atlantis, they could've done some pretty heavy damage.


                  Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                  First time posting, mainly because I've had a hard time figuring out some of the glitches. But I think I got it.
                  Entirely missed your first post - probably due to the moderation setting that it doesn't show up until it's cleared. Nevertheless, welcome!

                  Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                  One totally unrelated comment, and covers ground that's probably worn down to bedrock:
                  To me, the Stargate franchise is in temporary eclipse due to a case of Battlestar envy. it was all about Galactica; the Stargate writers wanted the nice words and attention that were going - temporarily - to Galactica. SG-1 was canceled and Elizabeth written out for that reason.
                  It is thus doubly and triply ironic (and very funny) that Galactica crashed (bad pun, I know) the minute it lost SG-1 and SGA as lead-ins.
                  I think gateraid is correct when he says the SG-lead-ins were lost around BSG's season 3 and that season is indeed quite a boring one. But BSG picks up again in season 4 and it ends on the terms of the PTB, not of the network. Season 4 totally rocked it and made me forget about season 3.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                    I'm a happy camper today!! All my college teams won and the Suckeyes blew a big lead to lose yet again!!!

                    I would have really liked to have seen the aliens from Daedalus Variations make a return visit or four. To me that was one of the bigger mistakes of the later seasons not bringin them back.
                    Congrats on the win. I think everybody's team won yesterday. We miss pkprd around here because he was a Tennessee fan and when they played Georgia, as they did yesterday, he and Eri used to have a nice time.

                    Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                    First time posting, mainly because I've had a hard time figuring out some of the glitches. But I think I got it.
                    Have a warning:
                    My computer's security system has told me a couple times the last few days that somebody is trying to hack the Atlantis Rising website and apparently use it to break into other computers.
                    I got the same warning today for; could someone pass that along?
                    If I may weigh in on the continuing discussion:
                    Loved Harmony, thought the fighting between Rodney and the little girl was hilarious.
                    Hated Lifeline, because they wrote Elizabeth out.
                    There were four good things about Ghost in the Machine, the moment when Elizabeth's name appeared on the computer screen, when she asked for John, when John asked if she could stay and Joe Flanigan's face in the last scene. The guy knows what he's doing; he's good.
                    Common Ground, The Real World, the Eye/the Storm and the Return are some of my favorite television ever. When I get into my Atlantis DVDs those, Be All My Sins Remembered (I know the spelling isn't right) and Outcast are the ones I reach for first.
                    One totally unrelated comment, and covers ground that's probably worn down to bedrock:
                    To me, the Stargate franchise is in temporary eclipse due to a case of Battlestar envy. it was all about Galactica; the Stargate writers wanted the nice words and attention that were going - temporarily - to Galactica. SG-1 was canceled and Elizabeth written out for that reason.
                    It is thus doubly and triply ironic (and very funny) that Galactica crashed (bad pun, I know) the minute it lost SG-1 and SGA as lead-ins.
                    One more thing:
                    I have some stories - Sparky, of course - that will soon need proofreaders. One is an honest attempt at a novel, practice for original work, I think. How can I get some help from fellow Sparkies?
                    Thanks for your help.
                    Welcome to the Sparky nation. We know about the virus problem and Mr. SR, who is our computer guru, checked into it. He found that it is a virus trying to get into the user's system, not a problem with the site. This is especially true if it's happening on more than one site. This happens most frequently with the IE browser, so the advice is to use Firefox or something else.

                    I think the situation with BSG is that TPTB wanted SGU to become another BSG, but I doubt the cancellation had anything to do with that initially. They gambled and lost because they underestimated the fans. Joe Flanigan says this exact thing in a recent interview.

                    I wish I could help with your editing request, but between SGARising and real life, I just don't have the extra time. Hopefully, someone will step up.

                    Stick around. I know you'll love it here.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Happy Sunday everyone!

                      Well, my Sunday is not going to be very happy. Going to a memorial for a woman at work who died. She was only 40.

                      Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                      First time posting, mainly because I've had a hard time figuring out some of the glitches. But I think I got it.
                      Have a warning:
                      My computer's security system has told me a couple times the last few days that somebody is trying to hack the Atlantis Rising website and apparently use it to break into other computers.
                      I got the same warning today for; could someone pass that along?
                      If I may weigh in on the continuing discussion:
                      Loved Harmony, thought the fighting between Rodney and the little girl was hilarious.
                      Hated Lifeline, because they wrote Elizabeth out.
                      There were four good things about Ghost in the Machine, the moment when Elizabeth's name appeared on the computer screen, when she asked for John, when John asked if she could stay and Joe Flanigan's face in the last scene. The guy knows what he's doing; he's good.
                      Common Ground, The Real World, the Eye/the Storm and the Return are some of my favorite television ever. When I get into my Atlantis DVDs those, Be All My Sins Remembered (I know the spelling isn't right) and Outcast are the ones I reach for first.
                      One totally unrelated comment, and covers ground that's probably worn down to bedrock:
                      To me, the Stargate franchise is in temporary eclipse due to a case of Battlestar envy. it was all about Galactica; the Stargate writers wanted the nice words and attention that were going - temporarily - to Galactica. SG-1 was canceled and Elizabeth written out for that reason.
                      It is thus doubly and triply ironic (and very funny) that Galactica crashed (bad pun, I know) the minute it lost SG-1 and SGA as lead-ins.
                      One more thing:
                      I have some stories - Sparky, of course - that will soon need proofreaders. One is an honest attempt at a novel, practice for original work, I think. How can I get some help from fellow Sparkies?
                      Thanks for your help.
                      Welcome, smalltowngirl! Love that user name, by the way. I completely agree with you about Ghost in the Machine. Like many others here, I have a love/hate relationship with that episode. Joe really rocked in his performance. My favorite line was the "what if one of them decides to stay". My poor John - he was just starting to think he might get his Lizzie back.

                      I can proofread for grammar if that's what you're looking for.

                      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                      That ep in and of itself was a wasted opportunity. Surely they could've mixed things up in the AU's - had Weir still in charge in one, or Carter, heck even Sumner. Or they could have a massive settlement on Atlantis, like the Ancients intended. Or have it full of replicators, wraith, whomever...
                      YES! To me the intriguing part of AU's are the wonderful possibilities, but that one pretty much ignored that. And yes, this is on topic as they could have included an Atlantis with Weir. Then we could have seen the woobie face. They didn't even need Torri for that. They could have had the AU John say something about checking in with her.


                        Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday! Though it looks pretty busy around here, since we've got OVER 50 NEARLY 30 PEOPLE on the thread right now! Hiya, lurkers! Don't be shy, come out and play with us!

                        (Wow, just as I'm posting, a bunch of lurkers disappeared. Gee, was it something I said? )

                        Speaking of coming out to play, welcome to smalltowngirl! Get a mojito from the bar, pull up a chair, and enjoy our unique brand of insanity!

                        *hugs JT-2* I'm sorry to hear about your coworker. That's so young!

                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        That ep in and of itself was a wasted opportunity. Surely they could've mixed things up in the AU's - had Weir still in charge in one, or Carter, heck even Sumner. Or they could have a massive settlement on Atlantis, like the Ancients intended. Or have it full of replicators, wraith, whomever...
                        That would've been an awesome twist!

                        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                        Welcome, smalltowngirl! Love that user name, by the way. I completely agree with you about Ghost in the Machine. Like many others here, I have a love/hate relationship with that episode. Joe really rocked in his performance. My favorite line was the "what if one of them decides to stay". My poor John - he was just starting to think he might get his Lizzie back.
                        Tell me about it! On the one hand, GitM gave us more canonical proof that John is still haunted by what happened to Elizabeth, and it still leaves the door wide open to the possibility that the real Weir is still out there somewhere. On the other hand, what TPTW did to FRANibeth and the way they jerked around John and the others (and us) just sucked harder than a black hole.
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                          Happy Sunday everyone!

                          Well, my Sunday is not going to be very happy. Going to a memorial for a woman at work who died. She was only 40.
                          Wow, that is very young. Sorry for your loss.

                          What is it with the large numbers of lurkers lately? Do they come in bunches? We must be fascinating. I wish more of them would come play with us.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Thank you for the kind welcome.
                            To the lady who lost a coworker. My condolences, and know that she is in the prayers of many today.
                            And an apology. I can see I wasn't clear enough in the proofreading request; I just wondered where one goes to find a proofreader. By trade I'm a reporter so I should know how to write to the point the first time, but even with fiction (no facts that matter) I don't think it hurts to submit one's efforts to other sets of eyes. I've been proofing copy for 25 years and I find you tend to skip over your own misteaks.
                            So - how does one strike out through the internet wilderness to find a proofreader?
                            One more comment on the Battlestar and I'll shut up. And I am aware this is a minority opinion:
                            I was never a fan so I only saw a couple of episodes from start to finish. Aside from the extremely odd behavior of many of the characters - it was, after all, the end of worlds; wouldn't some individuals have changed their ways? - its grim, clenched-teeth dystopianism made it utterly predictable. To be honest the children's Nativity play at church is less predictable than the battlestar. That same dystopianism plus - how to put this politely - less than inspired writing paradoxically made the battlestar thoroughly, hysterically funny. The last five minutes of Scar (I think that was it - Starbuck battling the sentient fighter plane) are among the funniest I've seen on television in years.
                            But all of that is OT, as they say.
                            The moniker comes from where I've been, raised in a town of 4,000 souls, and where I am, living in a town of 2,500 souls, both of them out in the sticks of the Pacific Northwest, eastern Oregon and Washington (the dry side). Gimme sagebrush, and (cowboy band in the background) land, lots of land and the empty sky above. . .
                            Sorry. This too is OT.
                            Stargate writers deserve a minor amount of sympathy, with their work seen and critiqued by so many people. But to be honest SG-1 and SGA were littered with missed opportunities. The bad Asgard were a stroke of genuis, and promptly disappeared. And why kill off Kolya so soon? Robert Davi was good for at least another year of consummate badness. When Michael stole the Athosians, wouldn't it have been awesome to have Elizabeth, Teyla and Jennifer fight Kolya rather than a bunch of nameless dirty predators?
                            I have often wondered why they didn't just put John and Teyla together, or perhaps Ronon and Teyla, when Ms. Luttrell got pregnant. I would've hated J/T, but clearly that was the direction they wanted to go. So why bring in a character no one ever heard of? And the list goes on, as they say.
                            I think this counts as on-topic:
                            The score flashed by so I'm not totally sure, but I think Oregon State won its game too. Go Beavers - and alas, they haven't gone very far this year.
                            I really should apologize for the length of this post, and do.


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Entirely missed your first post - probably due to the moderation setting that it doesn't show up until it's cleared. Nevertheless, welcome!

                              I think gateraid is correct when he says the SG-lead-ins were lost around BSG's season 3 and that season is indeed quite a boring one. But BSG picks up again in season 4 and it ends on the terms of the PTB, not of the network. Season 4 totally rocked it and made me forget about season 3.
                              I don't really know much about the lead-ins and all that, as I'm overseas and watched on dvd anyway, but s3 (of BSG) was boring and they kinda lost their way. But as Falcon says, they made up for it with an awesome s4.

                              Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                              Happy Sunday everyone!

                              Well, my Sunday is not going to be very happy. Going to a memorial for a woman at work who died. She was only 40.
                              Yikes Sorry for your loss

                              Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                              Welcome, smalltowngirl! Love that user name, by the way. I completely agree with you about Ghost in the Machine. Like many others here, I have a love/hate relationship with that episode. Joe really rocked in his performance. My favorite line was the "what if one of them decides to stay". My poor John - he was just starting to think he might get his Lizzie back.

                              I can proofread for grammar if that's what you're looking for.

                              YES! To me the intriguing part of AU's are the wonderful possibilities, but that one pretty much ignored that. And yes, this is on topic as they could have included an Atlantis with Weir. Then we could have seen the woobie face. They didn't even need Torri for that. They could have had the AU John say something about checking in with her.

                              I was thinking about this last night. If they wanted to be bold, they could have had the Athosians in charge of Atlantis after Earth abandoned it. Teyla could be in charge, and pissed at the expedition for leaving.

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Wow, that is very young. Sorry for your loss.

                              What is it with the large numbers of lurkers lately? Do they come in bunches? We must be fascinating. I wish more of them would come play with us.
                              I've been noticing that a lot lately too. I thought it might've been a computer glitch, guess not.

                              Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                              Thank you for the kind welcome.
                              To the lady who lost a coworker. My condolences, and know that she is in the prayers of many today.
                              And an apology. I can see I wasn't clear enough in the proofreading request; I just wondered where one goes to find a proofreader. By trade I'm a reporter so I should know how to write to the point the first time, but even with fiction (no facts that matter) I don't think it hurts to submit one's efforts to other sets of eyes. I've been proofing copy for 25 years and I find you tend to skip over your own misteaks.
                              So - how does one strike out through the internet wilderness to find a proofreader?
                              One more comment on the Battlestar and I'll shut up. And I am aware this is a minority opinion:
                              I was never a fan so I only saw a couple of episodes from start to finish. Aside from the extremely odd behavior of many of the characters - it was, after all, the end of worlds; wouldn't some individuals have changed their ways? - its grim, clenched-teeth dystopianism made it utterly predictable. To be honest the children's Nativity play at church is less predictable than the battlestar. That same dystopianism plus - how to put this politely - less than inspired writing paradoxically made the battlestar thoroughly, hysterically funny. The last five minutes of Scar (I think that was it - Starbuck battling the sentient fighter plane) are among the funniest I've seen on television in years.
                              But all of that is OT, as they say.
                              The moniker comes from where I've been, raised in a town of 4,000 souls, and where I am, living in a town of 2,500 souls, both of them out in the sticks of the Pacific Northwest, eastern Oregon and Washington (the dry side). Gimme sagebrush, and (cowboy band in the background) land, lots of land and the empty sky above. . .
                              Sorry. This too is OT.
                              Stargate writers deserve a minor amount of sympathy, with their work seen and critiqued by so many people. But to be honest SG-1 and SGA were littered with missed opportunities. The bad Asgard were a stroke of genuis, and promptly disappeared. And why kill off Kolya so soon? Robert Davi was good for at least another year of consummate badness. When Michael stole the Athosians, wouldn't it have been awesome to have Elizabeth, Teyla and Jennifer fight Kolya rather than a bunch of nameless dirty predators?
                              I have often wondered why they didn't just put John and Teyla together, or perhaps Ronon and Teyla, when Ms. Luttrell got pregnant. I would've hated J/T, but clearly that was the direction they wanted to go. So why bring in a character no one ever heard of? And the list goes on, as they say.
                              I think this counts as on-topic:
                              The score flashed by so I'm not totally sure, but I think Oregon State won its game too. Go Beavers - and alas, they haven't gone very far this year.
                              I really should apologize for the length of this post, and do.
                              Re BSG, while I absolutely love that programme, there were a lot of storylines that I wasn't too fond of. That said, I found it less predictable than most other shows I've watched - I've only been surprised twice by SGA, although that's not why I watch it.

                              Re SGA, IMO the 'lost opportunities' thing comes from poor planning rather than poor writing. They had some good ideas, but they didn't know where to take them. Connor Trineer commented that he wasn't sure what Michael's motivation was, but figured that in part he probably had a thing for Teyla.

                              I always liked the Genii, they were an interesting race. SG-1 had never had an ally that was an 'equal', which is kinda what the Genii were to Atlantis. Their shady nature meant that both Shep and Weir usually had larger roles in those eps. CDT ranks as one of my favourite eps, Shep/Weir play off each other pretty well there.


                                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                                Well, my Sunday is not going to be very happy. Going to a memorial for a woman at work who died. She was only 40.
                                I'm sorry. *hugs you*

                                Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                                And an apology. I can see I wasn't clear enough in the proofreading request; I just wondered where one goes to find a proofreader. [cut text]
                                So - how does one strike out through the internet wilderness to find a proofreader?
                                You just ask and someone will always try to help you.

                                Several people here would be more than happy to look it over for you - I myself generally don't offer up beta for spelling or grammar cause English isn't my native language, but I can always look for continuity.

                                Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                                One more comment on the Battlestar and I'll shut up. And I am aware this is a minority opinion:
                                I was never a fan so I only saw a couple of episodes from start to finish. Aside from the extremely odd behavior of many of the characters - it was, after all, the end of worlds; wouldn't some individuals have changed their ways? - its grim, clenched-teeth dystopianism made it utterly predictable. To be honest the children's Nativity play at church is less predictable than the battlestar. That same dystopianism plus - how to put this politely - less than inspired writing paradoxically made the battlestar thoroughly, hysterically funny. The last five minutes of Scar (I think that was it - Starbuck battling the sentient fighter plane) are among the funniest I've seen on television in years.
                                *swallows* I would attempt a reply if I knew what all those big words meant...

                                Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                                Stargate writers deserve a minor amount of sympathy, with their work seen and critiqued by so many people.
                                I cannot, and will not give not even the least amount of sympathy to TPTW... no way, never. *brings out the evil lemming eye*

                                Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                                When Michael stole the Athosians, wouldn't it have been awesome to have Elizabeth, Teyla and Jennifer fight Kolya rather than a bunch of nameless dirty predators?
                                Exit Jennifer, insert Kate... *plotbunny pops up* ... ... go away, shoo, go away!! *runs and hides from the bunny*

                                Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                                I have often wondered why they didn't just put John and Teyla together, or perhaps Ronon and Teyla, when Ms. Luttrell got pregnant.
                                KATE'S THE FATHER MOTHER... ...but the reveal would have been too much of a shock so they brought in Kanaan. It was an alien intervention... and yes, that fic is in the works... yes, it really exists except it's Kate who's having the kid and not Teyla.

                                Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                                I would've hated J/T, but clearly that was the direction they wanted to go. So why bring in a character no one ever heard of?
                                I like Kanaan... might never heard of him, true... but seeing as how I can't have Kate/Teyla, I'll settle for Kanaan.

                                Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                                I really should apologize for the length of this post, and do.
                                You call this lengthy.... young GW padawan, much to learn you have yet!
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

