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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Lunch break!!! And unsuccessfully trying to ... never mind, kinda borders on illegal shady.

    Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
    Hi all! It's been FOREVER since I've posted - holidays, family vacation, catching up at work, yadda, yadda, yadda - real life anyone?

    Anyhoo - a short, short, pic scene of the reason we're all here - SPARKY!


    E - "John, a vacation? Hmmm, I don't know - things are so crazy in Atlantis right now."

    J - "Oh c'mon Lizabeth - I know the perfect place. And, we'll be within contact range if Atlantis needs us. Please?????"

    A few hours later, on the mainland......

    E - *sighs and snuggles in closer* - "John, as usual, you were right."

    J - *grins and pulls her down into the sand* - "Lizabeth, have I ever told you how much I love hearing you say that?"
    Perfect job, SMB, and very nice to see you again!!!

    Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
    Very sweet! Left love over at FF, I've missed a lot of fic the past year, I've been all wrapped up in a non FF writing project. I love the story suggestions that get posted here, helps me catch up properly! *Translates into desperate- more, gimmee more!*
    Hehehehe, thanks!!! Struggling to balance RL and fandom ... so fic bunnies got tired and are now prodding me with cattle prods. Where they got the cattle prods, beats me!!!

    Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
    And just because it's Sunday: a little picfic

    "So I always thought maybe you and Teyla...." Ronon smirked.

    Teyla! Oh crap. If John didn't play along it wouldn't take Ronon long to realize it was someone else who tugged at his heartstrings.

    Ronon chuckled under his beer. He loved screwing with Sheppard, everyone already knew he's sweet on Weir.

    Gotta rewatch that!

    Eatin lunch at a bar and grille and they have the Bears/Seahawks???, 21-0. Half time. I never watch football. I guess I do now!


      Shameless fic rec:

      Four Times John Sheppard Wanted to Ride a Roller Coaster ... and One Time He Didn't


        Fic bunnies are back ... Spoilered is a preview of "Atlantis Orientation 104" ... and it's not the culture class ...

        “I thought Teyla was teaching this section.”

        “I thought Dr. Weir was.”

        “Why does Colonel Sheppard look like he’s been drinking?”

        “Has anyone called Dr. McKay by his actual first name yet?”

        Everyone looks at the last person to comment.

        “What?” he asks with a shrug.

        “Stay on topic. Sheppard’s drunk. And … starting to strip?”

        The men groan. The women giggle.


        “G’d evening, everybody. I am Lieutenant--” Jacket comes off. “Colonel--” Beer falls to the floor. “John Sheppard.”

        A round of applause comes up from one side of the room. A couple of the Marines snicker. Most of the men are still glaring at the women.

        “So. Y’all are probably expecting the Pegasus culture class, aren’t ya?”

        Heads nod.

        “Well, Teyla got sick earlier. So I volunteered to substitute for her. Only, I’ve never taught this particular class before. So we’re not doing it tonight. Instead, with the help of the lovely Doctor Elizabeth Weir, we will have our ‘official’ sexual harassment workshop.”

        The women almost faint in pure ecstasy.

        I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible person.


          Oh well. Back to work.

          Enjoy your football games and overall Sparky laziness!!!



            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
            Weir or Carter:
            Loved Carter on SG1 but did not love her SGA representation. *Next is my feelings only- please don't shoot* I realize Atlantis was new to her, but too often her role was written as weak and too often she was depending on McKay or others and she took a back seat role. Unfair because Elizabeth (because she was not astrophysicist) would have also backed away and deffered to McKay but dang it, it was Sam! And Sam used to kick Meredith's butt and could McGuyver anything thrown her way. (Happy though McKay pulled out of her shadow, maybe I should have been happy they didn't let Sam- the newcomer- take away from McKay's role, because that too I suppose would have been problematic. But it just didn't seem to fit and never sat well with me.
            You nailed it right on the head. The thing with both Weir and Woolsey was that they were neither fish nor fowl in the 'military vs. scientist' debate. So for them to step back and ask for facts and advice from the experts (namely, Sheppard and McKay) to make informed decisions about the conflicts they faced, made them look stronger. Carter, on the other hand, was both military and a scientist. She had enough expertise herself in both fields that she could make good decisions on her own, so for her to step back and yield the floor (especially when it came to McKay, because you're totally right, she could totally kick his mental butt) made her look weaker. She just wasn't as good a fit for the job as either Weir or Woolsey.

            Though personally, I prefer Woolsey in the center seat. Why? Because that frees up Elizabeth to go play off-world with Sheppard and his team more often. Win-win for us.

            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
            And just because it's Sunday: a little picfic

            "So I always thought maybe you and Teyla...." Ronon smirked.

            Teyla! Oh crap. If John didn't play along it wouldn't take Ronon long to realize it was someone else who tugged at his heartstrings.

            Ronon chuckled under his beer. He loved screwing with Sheppard, everyone already knew he's sweet on Weir.
            Ahahahahah! That's great! And yes, Ronon so knows. Heck, I think everyone on Atlantis has figured it out even before John and Elizabeth!

            Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
            So I notice the mighty month of love is creeping closer, whatcha guys do around here to celebrate? I see some lovely fluffy fics running from my plot bunnies...should I help the bunnies out? I am feeling awful lazy today
            I say, help the bunnies! It'd be great to get a good slate of Sparky stories (and other Sparky tidbits) in time for Valentine's Day!

            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Lunch break!!! And unsuccessfully trying to ... never mind, kinda borders on illegal shady.

            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Eatin lunch at a bar and grille and they have the Bears/Seahawks???, 21-0. Half time. I never watch football. I guess I do now!
            My poor Seahawks are losing.

            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Fic bunnies are back ... Spoilered is a preview of "Atlantis Orientation 104" ... and it's not the culture class ...

            “I thought Teyla was teaching this section.”

            “I thought Dr. Weir was.”

            “Why does Colonel Sheppard look like he’s been drinking?”

            “Has anyone called Dr. McKay by his actual first name yet?”

            Everyone looks at the last person to comment.

            “What?” he asks with a shrug.

            “Stay on topic. Sheppard’s drunk. And … starting to strip?”

            The men groan. The women giggle.


            “G’d evening, everybody. I am Lieutenant--” Jacket comes off. “Colonel--” Beer falls to the floor. “John Sheppard.”

            A round of applause comes up from one side of the room. A couple of the Marines snicker. Most of the men are still glaring at the women.

            “So. Y’all are probably expecting the Pegasus culture class, aren’t ya?”

            Heads nod.

            “Well, Teyla got sick earlier. So I volunteered to substitute for her. Only, I’ve never taught this particular class before. So we’re not doing it tonight. Instead, with the help of the lovely Doctor Elizabeth Weir, we will have our ‘official’ sexual harassment workshop.”

            The women almost faint in pure ecstasy.

            I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible person.
            *screams of laughter* Horrible, but hilarious! I hope you get 104 finished soon, 'cause you're killing me with the suspense!
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
              Hi SMB! *waves*

              Squee! Love the pic story!
              Hi Erin97! Thank you!

              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Awwww, that picstory is so adorable! John's always looking out for Elizabeth and making sure she gets some quality time off with him to pamper her. *sighs and melts*
              I know, isn't he just the sweetest ever? Liz is a lucky gal with John around.

              Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
              Ahhhh thank you. What a perfect start to the day!

              And another thank you, this one is somewhat belated. I only found this thread because of you. A review I had at FFdotnet referenced you linking one of my stories here. So of course I had to check it out and I'm so glad I did. Good to see you here!
              So glad I could introduce you to the Sparky thread! It's an awesome place to celebrate this amazing pairing! You know this already, but I really enjoy your stories - keep writing them and I'll keep reading!

              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              Perfect job, SMB, and very nice to see you again!!!
              Thank you!
              Signature by Erin87


                QUOTE=ShipperWriter;12254440]Fic bunnies are back ... Spoilered is a preview of "Atlantis Orientation 104" ... and it's not the culture class ...

                “I thought Teyla was teaching this section.”

                “I thought Dr. Weir was.”

                “Why does Colonel Sheppard look like he’s been drinking?”

                “Has anyone called Dr. McKay by his actual first name yet?”

                Everyone looks at the last person to comment.

                “What?” he asks with a shrug.

                “Stay on topic. Sheppard’s drunk. And … starting to strip?”

                The men groan. The women giggle.


                “G’d evening, everybody. I am Lieutenant--” Jacket comes off. “Colonel--” Beer falls to the floor. “John Sheppard.”

                A round of applause comes up from one side of the room. A couple of the Marines snicker. Most of the men are still glaring at the women.

                “So. Y’all are probably expecting the Pegasus culture class, aren’t ya?”

                Heads nod.

                “Well, Teyla got sick earlier. So I volunteered to substitute for her. Only, I’ve never taught this particular class before. So we’re not doing it tonight. Instead, with the help of the lovely Doctor Elizabeth Weir, we will have our ‘official’ sexual harassment workshop.”

                The women almost faint in pure ecstasy.
                I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible person. [/QUOTE]

                Oh heck ya baby! Eagerly awaiting the chap!
                Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


                  Hello Sparkites hope everyone is having a Sparkiriffic day?
                  The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                    Good Day everyone!!

                    I'm sorry I haven't been in on the chatter, I'll try to catch up.

                    Coming January 2017


                      Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                      Hello Sparkites hope everyone is having a Sparkiriffic day?
                      I am! It's a warm and sunny day, I just got back from my favorite Japanese market, loaded down with all sorts of yummy sushi, sashimi and other treats for dinner tonight, I'm about to sit down and beta read a new Sparky fic, and even the Seahawks losing to the Bears can't spoil my mood!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        I'm afraid I totally fail SK, I'm a bad Sparker.

                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        All right, Sparky fans, it's time for this little kitty to go get some dinner. But before I go, I'll leave you with this little ditty:

                        Top Ten Reasons Why John Sheppard Loves Elizabeth Weir
                        10. The Eyebrow of Doom.
                        9. He likes defending her honor. I don't remember the episode but I remember it was Woolsey
                        8. He knows that she knows what he was really going to say when he had that bug on his neck. 38 Minutes
                        7. She looks so damn sexy in red.
                        6. She got him promoted by threatening to go to the President. Talk about working those political connections! I believe it was called Intruder.. It was the 2nd season, 2nd episode right?
                        5. Beauty AND brains. What more could a guy want?
                        4. She's not afraid of him, even when he's turning into a homicidal bug-man. Conversion
                        3. You don't go on a rampage and kill fifty-eight Genii assault troops in less than ten minutes to avenge someone who's nothing more than your "boss." The Storm/The Eye
                        2. She believed in him when no one else did. Rising parts 1&2
                        1. He just does. ALL of them?!

                        Behave while I'm gone, kiddies. There will be a test when I get back. MUAHAHAHAHA!

                        Coming January 2017


                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          I am! It's a warm and sunny day, I just got back from my favorite Japanese market, loaded down with all sorts of yummy sushi, sashimi and other treats for dinner tonight, I'm about to sit down and beta read a new Sparky fic, and even the Seahawks losing to the Bears can't spoil my mood!
                          Sorry SK but GO BEARS!!! My sister and 2 of our close friends are Bears fans.

                          Coming January 2017


                            Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                            I'm afraid I totally fail SK, I'm a bad Sparker.
                            I don't think you're doing worse than me...

                            Luckily I'm the thread's pet... so I have a free pass. ... I think.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              I am! It's a warm and sunny day, I just got back from my favorite Japanese market, loaded down with all sorts of yummy sushi, sashimi and other treats for dinner tonight, I'm about to sit down and beta read a new Sparky fic, and even the Seahawks losing to the Bears can't spoil my mood!
                              I envy thee, you beta good Sparky while I write Angst!Sparky though I am so glad that idea came out last night!
                              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                                Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                                I'm afraid I totally fail SK, I'm a bad Sparker.
                                You're still learning.

                                And OT:
                                There's always next year in Seattle.

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                I don't think you're doing worse than me...

                                Luckily I'm the thread's pet... so I have a free pass. ... I think.
                                *passes another saucer of sugar to the lemming*

                                Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
                                I envy thee, you beta good Sparky while I write Angst!Sparky though I am so glad that idea came out last night!
                                Heehee! Evil, evil girl!
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

