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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    It doesn't bother me. I'm looking forward to GUP. I'm in the minority that actually liked Grace and i'll take anything thats character development, especially McKay. There's plenty of other oppurtunities for them to do a full xover (tho i can't decide whether i like that idea or not. Maybe with Daniel coming to Atlantis but i just can't see Teal'c there).

    I really like the alternate ship names. The worst i ever heard were Spuffy and Spangle! WTF!?
    There's a reason why the SJ folks have gone nine years sticking to SamJack - because Sack and Jam sound plain dumb.


      spangle... hahahaha!! Good thing with all the crazy HP shippers is that they never use crazy names like... Harco or Hermy (which I just realized is exactly like hermoid. .. or atleast what I call him!)

      I <3 the name sparky though!!!
      Citizen of Braneville


        Spangle? I'm almost afraid to ask...

        As for Elizabeth and Sam - I didn't sense any particular animosity between the two, but I didn't get the feeling that they would be buddy-buddy. It's been a while since I last saw their interaction (and my DVDs are at my house, not here in Wisconsin), but I remember thinking that while they didn't particularly like or 'get' each other, there wasn't... what's the word I'm looking for here? Not hatred, but that's close to what I want. No hatred between them. They were just two strong willed women placed in opposing positions - I think that had they met under other circumstances they might have developed a bond (not friendship, necessarily, but some kind of bond).

        Anyway, this hasn't been well thought out, and I'll have to go re-watch "New Order" to firm up my opinions. Also, I find myself wondering how different that scene might have been had it been TH playing Weir - not that the other actress didn't do a great job, but I'm just wonderin'.

        What y'all have been saying about John not being a "by-the-book" guy, and thus interacting better with a civilian leader than someone like Caldwell does, makes sense. I wonder if Elizabeth would have been taking a much longer time to be able to command a military expedition if she hadn't had John to smooth things some. Okay, I'm going completely incoherent here. What I mean, I guess, is that if Sumner had lived, and Elizabeth had been dealing with him, the running of the city would have been full of much more conflicts and clashes. But because it was John, Elizabeth has become more comfortable with the military than she would have otherwise, and the military leader is more willing to follow her advice.

        Okay, wow, I just rambled a lot, and I lost track of what I was saying, and didn't say it very well. I'm blaming it on a strange computer, and the fact that I slept on an air mattress last night.
        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


          Originally posted by wizengamot
          spangle... hahahaha!! Good thing with all the crazy HP shippers is that they never use crazy names like... Harco or Hermy (which I just realized is exactly like hermoid. .. or atleast what I call him!)

          I <3 the name sparky though!!!
          Well HP Harry/Hermione shippers did call their pair Harmony. I think that name works though, because it's actually a word, not some nonsense.
          SQUEE like no one's listening.


            Dang it! I hit on that anti thread AGAIN! That is three times I've done it the last few weeks. They need to like bold the word 'Anti' or something where I won't stumble in there. But, I do read if I do usually and here's where I found this in regard to our boy and girl:

            I just can't see anything between the two of them other than a great friendship and mutual respect, which is lovely, in my opinion.I want that friendship to thrive. Why does there have to be something more?

            Sigh...I've 'done' this one before...anyone care to pick up the gauntet this time?


              Originally posted by Bama
              Dang it! I hit on that anti thread AGAIN! That is three times I've done it the last few weeks. They need to like bold the word 'Anti' or something where I won't stumble in there. But, I do read if I do usually and here's where I found this in regard to our boy and girl:

              I just can't see anything between the two of them other than a great friendship and mutual respect, which is lovely, in my opinion.I want that friendship to thrive. Why does there have to be something more?

              Sigh...I've 'done' this one before...anyone care to pick up the gauntet this time?

              Well I could, but we all know what I would say so I'll make it short.

              "Oh come on people, wake up and see the sexual tension!!!!!!!!"
              Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

              In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

              Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                Originally posted by Bama
                Dang it! I hit on that anti thread AGAIN! That is three times I've done it the last few weeks. They need to like bold the word 'Anti' or something where I won't stumble in there. But, I do read if I do usually and here's where I found this in regard to our boy and girl:

                I just can't see anything between the two of them other than a great friendship and mutual respect, which is lovely, in my opinion.I want that friendship to thrive. Why does there have to be something more?

                Sigh...I've 'done' this one before...anyone care to pick up the gauntet this time?

                Aww. Poor Bama. I usually accidentally click on the Shep/Teyla thread. I'm not sure wich is worse...

                As for the gauntlet, I'll let somebody else do it. I'm still tired from yesterday.

                Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  Dang it! I hit on that anti thread AGAIN! That is three times I've done it the last few weeks. They need to like bold the word 'Anti' or something where I won't stumble in there. But, I do read if I do usually and here's where I found this in regard to our boy and girl:

                  I just can't see anything between the two of them other than a great friendship and mutual respect, which is lovely, in my opinion.I want that friendship to thrive. Why does there have to be something more?

                  Sigh...I've 'done' this one before...anyone care to pick up the gauntet this time?

                  I clicked on that thread by mistake this morning as well. A certain "person" who used to post in here, had made the comment that Weir was all over Sheppard because he was her "rebound" from Simon.

                  I've really had it with a certain person and their box of various "names". I need a real vay-cay from this whole website (i.e. "blood pressure adjustment").

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                    I like the alternative ship names

                    Sparky - Shep/Weir
                    Spanky - Ronon/Teyla
                    Snarky - McKay/Zelenka (I think)
                    LOL! Those are great!

                    'cept I find myself flying in the Rockett unfortunately.


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      I simply cannot watch Elizabeth on that balcony without thinking of a Queen in her tower looking out over her vast kingdom. Her name itself is one that brings to mind strong British Queens of fabled and heroic times and of course, her king to rule beside her is John.

                      They both just reek of royalty and as the names are perfect together, so are they. Sigh...Love em...

                      Just makes me wonder if the creators thought of it when developing the two of them...
                      Yup. Would be cool if John brought his lady a gift from a recent mission And if someone would like to do an AU fic with this theme that'd be also cool


                        Originally posted by xkawaiix
                        LOL! Those are great!

                        'cept I find myself flying in the Rockett unfortunately.
                        I make an exception for Rockett and Shex for name combos. Those are too funny.


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          I clicked on that thread by mistake this morning as well. A certain "person" who used to post in here, had made the comment that Weir was all over Sheppard because he was her "rebound" from Simon.

                          I've really had it with a certain person and their box of various "names". I need a real vay-cay from this whole website (i.e. "blood pressure adjustment").
                          Trust me. Vacation doesn't help. It's like I was never away. When I get tired of poking myself repeatedly with a sharp stick, I also wander into "those" sites. Let's not let those people worry us. If they can't see it, nothing we can say will change that. It's like politics and religion. Either you have faith and core belief, or you don't.

                          On a lighter side, I was telling my husband about some spoilers I read for The Tower
                          relating to the girl wanting Shepsperm. He suggested that they might consider artificial means and perhaps Elizabeth could be a help in that regard.
                          The man is definitely coming around to our way of thinking. Maybe being beat over the head for a year is finally taking effect.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by LurkerLa
                            What y'all have been saying about John not being a "by-the-book" guy, and thus interacting better with a civilian leader than someone like Caldwell does, makes sense. I wonder if Elizabeth would have been taking a much longer time to be able to command a military expedition if she hadn't had John to smooth things some. Okay, I'm going completely incoherent here. What I mean, I guess, is that if Sumner had lived, and Elizabeth had been dealing with him, the running of the city would have been full of much more conflicts and clashes. But because it was John, Elizabeth has become more comfortable with the military than she would have otherwise, and the military leader is more willing to follow her advice.
                            La, you made perfect sense to me, and it's a very good point you bring up. I think that if sumner had lived then yes, there would have been a great deal of conflict and quite possibly a 'civilian/military' divide would have happened. I'm sure they would have gotten the job done but it would have happened the hard way instead of the easier way.

                            John, not being the hardnosed military type, is the perfect bridge between military and civilians bc he is military and has the respect of his subordinates, and at the same time is willing to listen to the civilians and they know this.

                            Had Sumner lived, the same situation would have occured what is happening now with Shep/Weir/Caldwell, only it would have been ten times worse bc the situation would be a constant as there would not have been a 2 month break where one of them was away (on the Daedalus).

                            Oh yeah, and:
                            Spangle = Spike/Angel
                            Spuffy = Spike/Buffy
                            Bangle = Buffy/Angel


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Dang it! I hit on that anti thread AGAIN! That is three times I've done it the last few weeks. They need to like bold the word 'Anti' or something where I won't stumble in there. But, I do read if I do usually and here's where I found this in regard to our boy and girl:

                              I just can't see anything between the two of them other than a great friendship and mutual respect, which is lovely, in my opinion.I want that friendship to thrive. Why does there have to be something more?

                              Sigh...I've 'done' this one before...anyone care to pick up the gauntet this time?

                              OK...I took the 'easy' way out this time. It amused me so much that I thought I'd share...

                              15 mins ago...

                              I was sitting here in my office and yelled across the corridor at my co-worker.

                              "Hey Bruce, Come here a sec...Got a question for you."

                              Bruce, my big ol Teddy Bear 51 year old male co-admin, comes over and plops down in the chair opposite my desk.

                              "Can a man and woman be best friends forever and depend on each other above all others and it never have to turn into anything morebetween them?"

                              He took a sip of that coffee he forever has with him and eyed me.

                              "You want the long or the short answer?"

                              "Short first."




                              (Imagine me tossing my head back and laughing way too loud at that point.)



                              "OK...Now I want the long answer."

                              "It may start out that friendship...but eventually, if they're sharing the important things and they continue to lean on each other, it's going to lead"

                              "So, it's inevitable that a best friend forever type relationship between a man and a woman has to eventually lead to sex?"

                              Another sip of coffee. "Well...yeah. Are you really naive enough to believe otherwise? Thought you had more sense than that Carter. (that's me via last name)"


                              "I didn't say I was asking for me. I'm married to my best pal-you know that."

                              "Ask any guy, he'll tell you."

                              "I asked Shane. (my husband via first name)."


                              "He told me the same thing."

                              "See? He knows. When men choose a woman to really talk to and he really listens to her and they trust each other and begin to share secrets..."

                              (I interrupt) "And the two always first turn to each other first over anyone else?"

                              "I thought you wanted my opinion?"

                              "I do."

                              (I shut up.)

                              "...And, yeah, they look to each other before anyone else then it's eventually going to lead to sex between them."

                              "Or a deeper, lasting relationship?"

                              "That's womanspeak for 'sex'."

                              He grins.

                              "Yeah, it will lead to a lasting relationship that includes sex."

                              "Ok. That's what I thought too but I just wanted another male opinion other than my husband's."

                              "What are you doing-playing 'Dear Abby' to some female that's deluding herself?"

                              "Something like that...Can I have a cup of coffee? It smells good."

                              "You know where I keep my coffee pot."

                              "Thanks for the input."

                              "Anytime. I'm always good for advice about sex."

                              "We didn't talk about sex-we talked about relationships."

                              "Are you having a fling on Shane or something?"

                              "NO!" "You know better!"

                              Evil laugh. "Come get a cup of coffee before you head home."


                              I'm headed to get my cup now.


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                OK...I took the 'easy' way out this time. It amused me so much that I thought I'd share...

                                15 mins ago...

                                I was sitting here in my office and yelled across the corridor at my co-worker.

                                "Hey Bruce, Come here a sec...Got a question for you."

                                Bruce, my big ol Teddy Bear 51 year old male co-admin, comes over and plops down in the chair opposite my desk.

                                "Can a man and woman be best friends forever and depend on each other above all others and it never have to turn into anything morebetween them?"

                                He took a sip of that coffee he forever has with him and eyed me.

                                "You want the long or the short answer?"

                                "Short first."




                                (Imagine me tossing my head back and laughing way too loud at that point.)



                                "OK...Now I want the long answer."

                                "It may start out that friendship...but eventually, if they're sharing the important things and they continue to lean on each other, it's going to lead"

                                "So, it's inevitable that a best friend forever type relationship between a man and a woman has to eventually lead to sex?"

                                Another sip of coffee. "Well...yeah. Are you really naive enough to believe otherwise? Thought you had more sense than that Carter. (that's me via last name)"


                                "I didn't say I was asking for me. I'm married to my best pal-you know that."

                                "Ask any guy, he'll tell you."

                                "I asked Shane. (my husband via first name)."


                                "He told me the same thing."

                                "See? He knows. When men choose a woman to really talk to and he really listens to her and they trust each other and begin to share secrets..."

                                (I interrupt) "And the two always first turn to each other first over anyone else?"

                                "I thought you wanted my opinion?"

                                "I do."

                                (I shut up.)

                                "...And, yeah, they look to each other before anyone else then it's eventually going to lead to sex between them."

                                "Or a deeper, lasting relationship?"

                                "That's womanspeak for 'sex'."

                                He grins.

                                "Yeah, it will lead to a lasting relationship that includes sex."

                                "Ok. That's what I thought too but I just wanted another male opinion other than my husband's."

                                "What are you doing-playing 'Dear Abby' to some female that's deluding herself?"

                                "Something like that...Can I have a cup of coffee? It smells good."

                                "You know where I keep my coffee pot."

                                "Thanks for the input."

                                "Anytime. I'm always good for advice about sex."

                                "We didn't talk about sex-we talked about relationships."

                                "Are you having a fling on Shane or something?"

                                "NO!" "You know better!"

                                Evil laugh. "Come get a cup of coffee before you head home."


                                I'm headed to get my cup now.
                                Fantastic story! sadly I must disagree. I think it is entirely possible to have a very close friendship with a member of the opposite sex without it leading to sex. In fact i'm sure of this as one of my absolute best friends is a girl, and we sure aren't having sex.

                                In sheppard + weir's case though, God I hope he's right!
                                Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                                In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                                Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)

