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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

    Whoo hoo! Congratulations on reaching 400 posts! And we're always glad to be a rock for our friends in good times and bad. Sparky Forever!
    Thanks!!! And I'm sure there will be more updates coming soon ... and I have a S/J fic bunny that's bouncing around throwing carrots at me ... as well as the new Alpha Female Sparky fic ... I'm gonna hafta make a list!

    Better get some actual sleep tonight ... G'night!


      Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
      Some items I'm not interested in, so I have time to post the next chapter

      Missing Moments Chapter 55: Vengeance

      55: Vengeance

      (before the ep as John and Elizabeth are en route to the gym)

      "So, have you talked to the IOA and the SGC?"

      Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, they really are not happy with our whole situation, especially not now that I'm pregnant, but O'Neill gave a very impressive plea for our case. He was really stressing the fact that we have never let our feelings influence our decisions and that seemed to impress our superiors."

      "I'm so glad he's on our side."

      "Yes, me too. Without him..."

      "We'd be fighting a lost cause."


      John stopped, checked the corridor if it was empty and took her hand in his. "Are you... are you happy?"

      She gave him a smile that was so filled with love he almost had to catch his breath.

      "More than I could ever imagine."

      He checked the corridor again and gave her a quick kiss. "Me too." Then his smile turned wicked. "Now let's go see how Ronon kicks McKay's butt."

      Elizabeth laughed and followed him.

      (after the ep)

      "And I'm sure we're number one on his hit list."

      Elizabeth sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

      "I don't doubt that."

      Checking his watch, John looked back at her. "It's almost time for dinner. You want to head for the messhall now?"

      Elizabeth nodded, got up and followed him out of her office.

      As they were walking down the corridor, Elizabeth suddenly stopped. "Oh, I almost forgot."


      "We have permission from our superiors to tell our people that we're married and expecting."

      He smiled. "Really?"

      She nodded and his smile grew. "It's about time."

      They continued walking again.

      "So, when do you want to tell everyone?"

      "I was thinking to call a meeting with the department heads tomorrow afternoon and they can share the news with their people."

      "Good plan."

      "Thank you."

      Now John stopped. "So that means that I can do..." He licked his lips as his eyes travelled to her lips. "this now in public?"

      He closed the distance between them and gently touched his lips with hers, completely ignoring the two scientists who were in the same corridor, staring at them with large eyes.
      Who knew the IOA members had enough brain cells between them to let John and Elizabeth stay and be happy!
      I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

      Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Here's another one. Country style. It can relate to Sparky in a way.

        I so loved that video back in the day!
        I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

        Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
          yessssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *does a silly little happy dance*
          I got War and Peace!!!! Held by both John and Liz
          I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

          Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            Thanks!!! And I'm sure there will be more updates coming soon ... and I have a S/J fic bunny that's bouncing around throwing carrots at me ... as well as the new Alpha Female Sparky fic ... I'm gonna hafta make a list!

            Better get some actual sleep tonight ... G'night!
            Mmmm... Alpha Female Sparky... Gee, so if John's supposed to be essentially her slave, does that mean we get to see some bondage?

            Originally posted by mandogater View Post
            Who knew the IOA members had enough brain cells between them to let John and Elizabeth stay and be happy!
            It all comes down to one thing: Never underestimate the power of Jack O'Neill.
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family, College Football, and Stargate Live Auction Saturday!

              Fear not, I won't be bidding on 'War and Peace.' Did you see their little preview video last night? There was some helpful information there. Don't know how much I'm going to be in the chat since I'll be watching the live video stream of the auction (which will be here) as well.

              *cracks up* Quite true! Good luck on your fic, Zangetsu-san!
              *chuckles* I'd put the blame on the plot bunnies for it Anyway I'm looking at the unfinished sparky untitled fic, I suppose if you want see the unaltered ones before I start re-writing it sometime this week , ah damn it looks like the chapter 2 is not done written, from what I just saw at end of it looks like I stopped writing in middle of it. Beside the chapter 1 ending needs to be rewritten I guess. However, SR and SK if you want to take a peek at unaltered chapter 1 of untitled sparky (unfinished fic), here it is and see what ya think that might need to be re-written it or not, or leaving that chapter 1 intact?

              here is the excerpt of my unfinished sparky fic but I have no idea the name of title which I can't think of to name it. I'm sure that many of you guys would have any ideas for naming the title or something that is match to the story I suppose?

              Chapter 01 "A Nightmare Dreams"

              **Sheppard's Room at night**

              Sheppard was tossing and turn in his bed, completely sweat from head to toe and utters Elizabeth's name. He was having a nightmare, in his dream where he sees himself hearing Elizabeth's screams and running to find grave injured Elizabeth in his arms. John looked down at bloody face of Elizabeth's and Elizabeth came to, she said to John, "I'm so sorry, John that you seen me like that, its time for you to take my place to run the atlantis to oversee the expedition to run properly like the way we do." Elizabeth went limp in his arms and died. John tries to wake her up, she didn't wake up and He screams "No!!!! my Elizabeth!!!!! damn you Asurans!"

              Sheppard screams loudly in his bedroom, echoes bounces all over the atlantis city, no one heard his scream at middle of night, Sheppard sits bolt right up on his bed, and noticed the clock says 2:30AM. Why am I having this nightmare of Elizabeth getting hurt? John sulks in his bed, picks up his book "War and Peace" as he read few pages so he finally drifted off to sleep as the book stays open on his chest. The nightmare of his has returned in his sleep once again, Sheppard keeps uttering Elizabeth's name as he toss and turned in his bed.

              ** Teyla's room**

              Teyla's dream has begun to terrorizing her in sleep, as she sees the blood everywhere and the glass shards all over the place, and another flash of vision hits her, she hears the crew shouting and the destruction of gate room as the glass windows breaks out, the blood splattering all over it. Teyla bolted right up from her bed, screamed "Nooo!" loudly that none of her people or atlantis expedition team hears her screams. Teyla feel so worn out and notices the clock says 5:00am, "Damn it!" Teyla swore, she has to get up and get ready to go work in an hour.

              *atlantis mess-hall*

              The atlantis crew busy chatting up loudly while they're eating their breakfast, as Sheppard comes in, Teyla and his team waves him to come over and join them for breakfast. Teyla notices the look on Sheppard, "John, you look awful with dark circles!" Sheppard said, "Teyla, Yeah I have this horrible dream in my sleep it seem so real." Teyla, realized that she does have nightmare in her sleep as well. Teyla tell John, "I haven't got any nightmares since the wraith attack on atlantis til now." Ronon ask Teyla, "Whats matter?, Teyla?"

              Teyla tells her team, "There was screams, glass shatters, the chaos and lots of the blood everywhere! in my dream it was so horrible!" The mess hall is in completely silence after the crew and the team hearing what Teyla just said. Sheppard shouts at the crew to mind their own business get to work!, as I have to get to fill in the evaluations on the expedition team on Y.E.E.R and have a morning meeting with Dr. Weir as well, so I'll talk to you guys later! His team said bye to Sheppard as He left the mess hall. Sheppard's team left the mess hall to report for their duty.''

              **Sheppard's small office**

              There was stack of mission reports on Sheppard's desk as Sheppard enters his office to work on the mission papers to go thru to kill the time as he looks at atlantis expedition personnel's evaluations on tablet pc. He thinks to himself, Gosh what is with Elizabeth to put me up on evaluating the personnel for yearly of Y.E.E.R ?!" He sighed relief, while he remembers the fact that Elizabeth is swamped with lots of paperworks in office. Meanwhile, Sheppard set his clock to go off at 10am for brief meeting with Elizabeth and Mckay so he doesn't forget, as the hours passed the paperwork is now gone on Sheppard's desk.

              Sheppard slept on his desk since he didn't sleep well last night due to nightmare. He was back to his dream again, He sees the blood everywhere that he never seen before in his dream all of sudden he hears the deafening scream as the glass breaks as the glass shards flying at dangerous speed impaled everybody as the alarm that Sheppard set his clock on his desk goes off. Sheppard woke up screaming loudly in his office as he looked at the clock to realize that he was late for the meeting. He grabbed the tablet pc and ran off out of his office in corridor to meet Dr. Weir and Mckay.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                Mmmm... Alpha Female Sparky... Gee, so if John's supposed to be essentially her slave, does that mean we get to see some bondage?

                It all comes down to one thing: Never underestimate the power of Jack O'Neill.
                Oh, get your mind out of the gutter! Maybe lack of clothing ... She has to show him off, you know??? Hee hee!

                And yes. Jack O'Neill: the reason that a new batch of aliens keep attacking Earth every season finale. Because they all think the last group of aliens that got whooped by him were being sarcastic.


                  And since I was having a hard time getting to sleep, I have an early morning treat.

                  No new fics yet.

                  Enjoy, I'll be back later on in the day after work!


                    Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                    I agree. The Sparky items need to stay in the Sparky family. Keep your fingers crossed for SR tomorrow.
                    No no no. No need to cross fingers for me. I'm not going to bid on anything. I just like to watch.

                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    In other news... USC won today, so John is happy.

                    How did everyone else's teams do?... or should I even ask?
                    Congrats! I see you won big too. My Hokies beat BC. First shutout since '06.

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    Don't give me any ideas ... I still have a few Sparky fics to follow up.

                    And ... ya ready for this???

                    MY 400TH POST!!! AND IT ONLY TOOK ME 2 YEARS!!!

                    The honors had to go to Sparky thread. They're what's carrying me through RL right now.

                    Congrats on 400. It's not the quantity, it's the quality.

                    Originally posted by Zangetsu-san View Post
                    *chuckles* I'd put the blame on the plot bunnies for it Anyway I'm looking at the unfinished sparky untitled fic, I suppose if you want see the unaltered ones before I start re-writing it sometime this week , ah damn it looks like the chapter 2 is not done written, from what I just saw at end of it looks like I stopped writing in middle of it. Beside the chapter 1 ending needs to be rewritten I guess. However, SR and SK if you want to take a peek at unaltered chapter 1 of untitled sparky (unfinished fic), here it is and see what ya think that might need to be re-written it or not, or leaving that chapter 1 intact?

                    here is the excerpt of my unfinished sparky fic but I have no idea the name of title which I can't think of to name it. I'm sure that many of you guys would have any ideas for naming the title or something that is match to the story I suppose?

                    Chapter 01 "A Nightmare Dreams"

                    **Sheppard's Room at night**

                    Sheppard was tossing and turn in his bed, completely sweat from head to toe and utters Elizabeth's name. He was having a nightmare, in his dream where he sees himself hearing Elizabeth's screams and running to find grave injured Elizabeth in his arms. John looked down at bloody face of Elizabeth's and Elizabeth came to, she said to John, "I'm so sorry, John that you seen me like that, its time for you to take my place to run the atlantis to oversee the expedition to run properly like the way we do." Elizabeth went limp in his arms and died. John tries to wake her up, she didn't wake up and He screams "No!!!! my Elizabeth!!!!! damn you Asurans!"

                    Sheppard screams loudly in his bedroom, echoes bounces all over the atlantis city, no one heard his scream at middle of night, Sheppard sits bolt right up on his bed, and noticed the clock says 2:30AM. Why am I having this nightmare of Elizabeth getting hurt? John sulks in his bed, picks up his book "War and Peace" as he read few pages so he finally drifted off to sleep as the book stays open on his chest. The nightmare of his has returned in his sleep once again, Sheppard keeps uttering Elizabeth's name as he toss and turned in his bed.

                    ** Teyla's room**

                    Teyla's dream has begun to terrorizing her in sleep, as she sees the blood everywhere and the glass shards all over the place, and another flash of vision hits her, she hears the crew shouting and the destruction of gate room as the glass windows breaks out, the blood splattering all over it. Teyla bolted right up from her bed, screamed "Nooo!" loudly that none of her people or atlantis expedition team hears her screams. Teyla feel so worn out and notices the clock says 5:00am, "Damn it!" Teyla swore, she has to get up and get ready to go work in an hour.

                    *atlantis mess-hall*

                    The atlantis crew busy chatting up loudly while they're eating their breakfast, as Sheppard comes in, Teyla and his team waves him to come over and join them for breakfast. Teyla notices the look on Sheppard, "John, you look awful with dark circles!" Sheppard said, "Teyla, Yeah I have this horrible dream in my sleep it seem so real." Teyla, realized that she does have nightmare in her sleep as well. Teyla tell John, "I haven't got any nightmares since the wraith attack on atlantis til now." Ronon ask Teyla, "Whats matter?, Teyla?"

                    Teyla tells her team, "There was screams, glass shatters, the chaos and lots of the blood everywhere! in my dream it was so horrible!" The mess hall is in completely silence after the crew and the team hearing what Teyla just said. Sheppard shouts at the crew to mind their own business get to work!, as I have to get to fill in the evaluations on the expedition team on Y.E.E.R and have a morning meeting with Dr. Weir as well, so I'll talk to you guys later! His team said bye to Sheppard as He left the mess hall. Sheppard's team left the mess hall to report for their duty.''

                    **Sheppard's small office**

                    There was stack of mission reports on Sheppard's desk as Sheppard enters his office to work on the mission papers to go thru to kill the time as he looks at atlantis expedition personnel's evaluations on tablet pc. He thinks to himself, Gosh what is with Elizabeth to put me up on evaluating the personnel for yearly of Y.E.E.R ?!" He sighed relief, while he remembers the fact that Elizabeth is swamped with lots of paperworks in office. Meanwhile, Sheppard set his clock to go off at 10am for brief meeting with Elizabeth and Mckay so he doesn't forget, as the hours passed the paperwork is now gone on Sheppard's desk.

                    Sheppard slept on his desk since he didn't sleep well last night due to nightmare. He was back to his dream again, He sees the blood everywhere that he never seen before in his dream all of sudden he hears the deafening scream as the glass breaks as the glass shards flying at dangerous speed impaled everybody as the alarm that Sheppard set his clock on his desk goes off. Sheppard woke up screaming loudly in his office as he looked at the clock to realize that he was late for the meeting. He grabbed the tablet pc and ran off out of his office in corridor to meet Dr. Weir and Mckay.
                    This is a good plot but it needs fleshing out. I would suggest you read a few fics and see how most authors do it. Then try to put a little more explanation into the actions and add more conversation. I'd love to help but I'm leaving in a couple of days for 3 weeks.

                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                    And since I was having a hard time getting to sleep, I have an early morning treat.

                    No new fics yet.

                    Enjoy, I'll be back later on in the day after work!
                    And we all know John has a lot left unsaid. Good job.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Wooot! Congrats on the football wins, everyone! Not that I get any of it.

                      I must inform you that new chapter of Amarantine is up! And this one is just AMAZING.

                      Also. I have a really mean, evil video bunny. There's a song that won't leave my head, and I'm thinking Vegas John, and some flashbacks... to you know whom.


                      I never heard this guy sing before. I adore the voice. Just right, God, just right. I think it's high time I rewatch Vegas and few other things
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        Wooot! Congrats on the football wins, everyone! Not that I get any of it.

                        I must inform you that new chapter of Amarantine is up! And this one is just AMAZING.

                        Also. I have a really mean, evil video bunny. There's a song that won't leave my head, and I'm thinking Vegas John, and some flashbacks... to you know whom.

                        I never heard this guy sing before. I adore the voice. Just right, God, just right. I think it's high time I rewatch Vegas and few other things
                        Read the fic and commented. There are not words for how much I adore this story.

                        And yeah, I knew you'd like that guy and the movie. Now I want to read the book.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Read the fic and commented. There are not words for how much I adore this story.

                          And yeah, I knew you'd like that guy and the movie. Now I want to read the book.
                          I have the book and I just started reading it. It's gritty, but it's great. I would LOVE to see the movie.

                          Oh that story is so amazing - the previous chapters served to bring us here, to this point. seriously, that moment when Elizabeth said

                          to John that, if he goes along with the plan, she will die - to save him - that just broke me in pieces, and at the same time it was too good. She would never do that to save herself, but after seeing how John's life turned out, how long he waited for her - that moment was amazing and amazingly written.

                          Sigh. So happy now.
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            I have the book and I just started reading it. It's gritty, but it's great. I would LOVE to see the movie.

                            Oh that story is so amazing - the previous chapters served to bring us here, to this point. seriously, that moment when Elizabeth said

                            to John that, if he goes along with the plan, she will die - to save him - that just broke me in pieces, and at the same time it was too good. She would never do that to save herself, but after seeing how John's life turned out, how long he waited for her - that moment was amazing and amazingly written.

                            Sigh. So happy now.
                            Wasn't that moment just amazing.
                            It was so much like the moments when John just knew what Elizabeth would have wanted better than Rodney. Kudos to the writers of SGA for those moments. I know they didn't intend them to be shippy but the fact that they must have talked about it can't be denied. Yes they did have personal conversations. And here's another monumental fail of TPTB that we never got to see any of them. However from John's actions in Adrift and Lifeline we know that he was qualified to speak for her. And I'm willing to bet in a similar situation she would have spoken for him. And that Keller treated him like a grieving husband. All that is just so so marvelous and makes my shippy heart go piddy pat.

                            Oh and I forgot to mention about the fic that my son's girlfriend's name is Meredith. Hee.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Happy to say I found my jacket for Sweden. I stole my sister's vest. I saw so many soldiers in the metro and train station that I thought they knew I stole someone but no it's for our security. It's not safe to e in France those days.

                              Zan (if I can call you like this): I don't have an idea for the name of your fic. I'm sure someone will help you

                              The "Amarantine" story is amazing.
                              Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Lazy Sunday!

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                Oh, get your mind out of the gutter! Maybe lack of clothing ... She has to show him off, you know??? Hee hee!
                                Get my mind out of the gutter? You do realize what thread you're in, don't you?

                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                And yes. Jack O'Neill: the reason that a new batch of aliens keep attacking Earth every season finale. Because they all think the last group of aliens that got whooped by him were being sarcastic.
                                Especially about the claims that he demands tribute payments of cake. Hahahah!

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                Congrats! I see you won big too. My Hokies beat BC. First shutout since '06.
                                Oh, that's awesome! Congrats for that!

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                This is a good plot but it needs fleshing out. I would suggest you read a few fics and see how most authors do it. Then try to put a little more explanation into the actions and add more conversation. I'd love to help but I'm leaving in a couple of days for 3 weeks.
                                *nods* Zangetsu-san, I agree on all of SR's suggestions, and I'd like to add a reminder to stay consistent with how certain characters speak (Teyla never uses contractions), always start a new paragraph when a new character speaks, etc. Right now a lot of us are also working on our Atlantis Rising virtual season fic project, so I'm not sure who's available to take on beta reader duties.

                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Wooot! Congrats on the football wins, everyone! Not that I get any of it.

                                I must inform you that new chapter of Amarantine is up! And this one is just AMAZING.

                                Also. I have a really mean, evil video bunny. There's a song that won't leave my head, and I'm thinking Vegas John, and some flashbacks... to you know whom.


                                I never heard this guy sing before. I adore the voice. Just right, God, just right. I think it's high time I rewatch Vegas and few other things
                                *wibbles* *glomps*

                                I've been waiting until Amarantine is finished posting to read it and you guys are driving me crazy with the suspense!

                                And Probie! Stealing your sister's vest! Naughty girl! LOL!
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

