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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    Actually, it worked for me just fine. Great chapter!

    And... five minutes until the live auction starts, so I'm gonna be over there. Try not to burn the place down without me!
    Good to know, thanks for reading! And I'll be leavin soon myself, so ... I second the notion. Don't burn down the Sparky house!

    Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
    I wrote a drabble last night because a song popped into my head while thinking about Sparky. Enjoy!
    Soooo cute!!! Thanks for sharing!


      Stupid FF.Net is acting all outta whack


        Hey, guys, how about some fun? Can we count all the scenarios why John and Elizabeth would pretend to be married?
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          *pokes the thread* Echooo echooo? anyone here?
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            Hey, guys, how about some fun? Can we count all the scenarios why John and Elizabeth would pretend to be married?
            I'll get right on that ... as soon as I get home tonight!!!

            But as for throwing out ideas:

            Atlantis is trading with a society where single females are at the bottom of the food chain, but married females are the alpha in society. So that they can safely negotiate without any hiccups, John goes along as Elizabeth's husband (slave, ha ha!) to ensure that they can deal with Elizabeth!

            *fic bunny kicks computer*

            LATER!!! I gotta go!

            ... sorry, yelling at the Sparky bunny, not y'all ...


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              Made of Elizabeth or made for Elizabeth?

              I don't have that kind of money, thus I have to be very rational about my spending. As much as fan - stuff is great, other things come first. Blech, money, I actually hate you.
              Made for Elizabeth. A fellow stargater named Ryan who has worked with Torri and the others on set had a vest a think left over from Torri and said he could make me a jacket. So far I've paid for the vest and ear piece. When he's finished I'll pay him for the jacket. It was quite a deal. Since I got my bonus on this last pay check I decided to spoil myself. First time I've commissioned someone to do something like this. I can't wait to see the finished piece.


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                *pokes the thread* Echooo echooo? anyone here?
                I'm totally focused on the auction... won one art item already
                *keeps fingers crossed for war and peace*

                Sig by me


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                  @ SR: I know it's not from Jr, but here's a present from me! That is, if will actually work this time!

                  Everybody's Fine Ch 4

                  And just to let y'all know ...
                  They're married and back on Atlantis. You know what that means ... honeymoon! No, people, get your mind out of the gutter! Imagine whatever you want, that section is blank!

                  EDIT: Yeah, is bein freaky right now, so I posted it here. Spoilered for length:

                  “You did what?”

                  “Are you serious?”

                  John would have given anything to have a camera onhand to capture Ronan’s and Teyla’s confused/shocked/thrilled expressions.

                  “Yes, we got married. The IOA is not aware of this, that is why we’re only telling a few that we can trust to keep it quiet,” Elizabeth confirmed to her friends, and John noticed out of the corner of his eye as she ran a hand over her dress, smoothing it out as though he was getting ready for an interview.

                  Teyla found her composure first. As usual. “I am very happy for the both of you. I offer my sincere congratulations,” she happily replied, a soft smile filling her face as she opened her arms and Elizabeth gladly accepted the hug.

                  Ronan glanced to McKay, standing next to him. “Is he for real?”


                  “Huh. Well, I guess, congratulations from me too.” He extended a hand to John and he gladly shook it, relief filling him as he knew that their secret would stay safe among their friends.

                  “Among my people, it is customary to take a leave for a month, perhaps longer, so as to privately become better acquainted,” Teyla mentioned, glancing between the newlyweds.

                  “We have a similar custom,” Elizabeth replied with a nod. “It’s called a honeymoon, normally about a week or so.”

                  “However, since it would seem a little odd for us to completely disappear -- together -- for a week, Elizabeth and I are gonna postpone the honeymoon and just settle down, get back to work.”

                  Teyla exchanged a worried glance with Elizabeth. “Do you mean, right now?”

                  “No, tomorrow!” John abruptly threw in, a little too quickly.

                  McKay rolled his eyes. Ronan smirked, then pushed himself off the desk he was leaning on for support.

                  Elizabeth nodded. “We did come back a day early. I’m sure Major Lorne can handle the city for one more night.”

                  “Agreed,” John said immediately in approval.

                  Teyla nodded. “Very well. Then we will see you in the morning. Have a pleasant night, John, Elizabeth.”

                  Ronan nodded to them with a telltale smile on his face as he passed them.

                  Rodney stopped in front of them as the doors closed after the two natives had left. “Ya know, if you want a few extra days, I’m sure I--”



                  “The answer is no.”

                  He pouted, then mumbled, “Good night,” as he walked out of the conference room.

                  The couple followed slowly after him. “I should, uh, probably go unpack. Got a lot to catch up on,” John suggested, chucking a finger down towards the lift.

                  His wife -- he grinned like crazy on the inside every time he referred to her as such -- glanced around and seconded his motion. “Me too. We’ll catch up later?”

                  “Sounds good,” John’s voice echoed in the control room as he left her.


                  Elizabeth barely had time to ensure her door was shut and locked before John descended on her, eagerly grabbing her lips with his. She sighed comfortably and in anticipation as he put his hands to her face, holding her still.

                  “You okay?”

                  “I’m fine,” she mustered through the jelly that was forming in her legs. “It’s just --- it’s so surreal.”

                  He held her by the shoulders. “I know. If you wanna -- well, put this off, I would und--”

                  Elizabeth’s lips answered him.


                  “Don’t hurt me for saying this.”

                  “What’s that?”

                  “You make a very comfortable pillow,” Elizabeth chuckled, laying her head against his chest, softly rising and falling with each of his breaths.

                  The sun had faded at least an hour ago, but for most of the evening, she had been perfectly content to lay next to him, using his shoulder as a support as she took in their situation.

                  They were married.

                  She was in bed with her husband.

                  She was laying in bed with John Sheppard.

                  Her head started to spin ever so slightly as she raised it, gaining eye contact again.

                  John’s eyes raked over her carefully, seeming to note the emotions running through her face. “Ya okay?”

                  “Never better,” she replied with absolute confidence. She moved enough to plant a gentle yet firm kiss on his lips, and she withdrew slowly as he moaned in contentment. “How are you?”

                  “Great,” he replied drowsily. “I don’t want this to end.”

                  “Well, fortunately for you, there is a ring in my possession, and in yours, that ensures it won’t.” She touched his dog tags laying on his naked chest, moving one aside to see the silver band that he had connected to the chain before leaving the SGC.

                  He smirked. “Good,” he said in approval, kissing the top of her soft curls. He groaned into her hair.

                  This startled Elizabeth, prompting her to support herself on her elbows as she regarded her husband. “What’s wrong?”

                  “I don’t wanna go to work tomorrow,” he whined.

                  This elicited a small grin from her. “Me neither,” she agreed. “But soon, when things settle down, we can find a way to take a week off. Without soliciting any undue attention from anyone. All right? Can you hold on?”

                  “Um-hmm,” he hummed atop her head.


                  “Ya got a second?” John greeted as he entered her office.

                  “Not really, so keep it quick,” his wife replied curtly.

                  She probably hasn’t even eaten anything today, he remarked to himself. “Lieutenant Thornberg found a planet while running some scans. Thought I might take a week off to check it out.”

                  “A week? John, that seems a lit--” Awareness and disbelief rose in her face, and she quickly sighed before looking back to him. “Uninhabited?”

                  “Beach. And yes.”

                  She leaned back in her chair. “It’s been four months, John.”

                  He smirked. “You keeping track?”

                  “No, my ranking military officer sent me a memo this morning, saying, ‘It’s been four months’.”

                  His face relaxed in understanding. “Ya know, I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten that or not.”

                  “Message received. Get your team together, and take a jumper through the ‘Gate. If it seems as perfect as it is, I’ll give serious consideration to your week off.”

                  John nearly jumped up out of his seat, face plastered with a boyish grin. “You got it!”

                  As Elizabeth turned back to her game of Solitaire, she heard John talking into his earpiece. “McKay, Teyla, Ronan. We’re shipping out in fifteen minutes. Meet me in the jumper bay in ten. Sheppard out.”

                  Before she even completed two moves, a whiny arrogant voice came through her earpiece. “Elizabeth, please tell me you’re gonna take Sheppard on a vacation. Otherwise I’m gonna blow something up and make it look like an accident.”

                  Without dropping her concentration on the screen, she touched her earpiece. “Noted, Doctor. Weir out.”
                  Awww, I can't stop smiling. I love married Sparky and whiny John.

                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  *pokes the thread* Echooo echooo? anyone here?
                  Football darling. Halftime's almost over. Gotta go. Psst, we're winning so far.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Some items I'm not interested in, so I have time to post the next chapter

                    Missing Moments Chapter 55: Vengeance

                    55: Vengeance

                    (before the ep as John and Elizabeth are en route to the gym)

                    "So, have you talked to the IOA and the SGC?"

                    Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, they really are not happy with our whole situation, especially not now that I'm pregnant, but O'Neill gave a very impressive plea for our case. He was really stressing the fact that we have never let our feelings influence our decisions and that seemed to impress our superiors."

                    "I'm so glad he's on our side."

                    "Yes, me too. Without him..."

                    "We'd be fighting a lost cause."


                    John stopped, checked the corridor if it was empty and took her hand in his. "Are you... are you happy?"

                    She gave him a smile that was so filled with love he almost had to catch his breath.

                    "More than I could ever imagine."

                    He checked the corridor again and gave her a quick kiss. "Me too." Then his smile turned wicked. "Now let's go see how Ronon kicks McKay's butt."

                    Elizabeth laughed and followed him.

                    (after the ep)

                    "And I'm sure we're number one on his hit list."

                    Elizabeth sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

                    "I don't doubt that."

                    Checking his watch, John looked back at her. "It's almost time for dinner. You want to head for the messhall now?"

                    Elizabeth nodded, got up and followed him out of her office.

                    As they were walking down the corridor, Elizabeth suddenly stopped. "Oh, I almost forgot."


                    "We have permission from our superiors to tell our people that we're married and expecting."

                    He smiled. "Really?"

                    She nodded and his smile grew. "It's about time."

                    They continued walking again.

                    "So, when do you want to tell everyone?"

                    "I was thinking to call a meeting with the department heads tomorrow afternoon and they can share the news with their people."

                    "Good plan."

                    "Thank you."

                    Now John stopped. "So that means that I can do..." He licked his lips as his eyes travelled to her lips. "this now in public?"

                    He closed the distance between them and gently touched his lips with hers, completely ignoring the two scientists who were in the same corridor, staring at them with large eyes.

                    Sig by me


                      I am strangely fascinated by the online auction. It's like music. LOL

                      Does anyone know when the jar will be auctioned? I'd like to watch that one.

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        I am strangely fascinated by the online auction. It's like music. LOL

                        Does anyone know when the jar will be auctioned? I'd like to watch that one.
                        The jar is for the auction tomorrow
                        And you should hear banjo-guy, he sounds even more awesome than cottoneyejoe!

                        Sig by me


                          Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                          The jar is for the auction tomorrow
                          And you should hear banjo-guy, he sounds even more awesome than cottoneyejoe!
                          I was mad when they asked him to slow down. *pouts* Love it. I heard the other guy earlier and loved him too. There's an old country song about auctioneers. *goes to look*


                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Here's another one. Country style. It can relate to Sparky in a way.


                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Auction is on lunch break... OMG, Kris, you even managed to post another Missing Moment? You busy little bee! The IOA can go stuff itself. Jack rules, that's all I've got to say.

                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              I'll get right on that ... as soon as I get home tonight!!!

                              But as for throwing out ideas:

                              Atlantis is trading with a society where single females are at the bottom of the food chain, but married females are the alpha in society. So that they can safely negotiate without any hiccups, John goes along as Elizabeth's husband (slave, ha ha!) to ensure that they can deal with Elizabeth!

                              *fic bunny kicks computer*

                              LATER!!! I gotta go!

                              ... sorry, yelling at the Sparky bunny, not y'all ...
                              Oh, that's a delicious idea! *licks lips* Someone will be taking that one on, right? *begs*

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              I am strangely fascinated by the online auction. It's like music. LOL

                              Does anyone know when the jar will be auctioned? I'd like to watch that one.
                              The jar is Lot 480; they're starting tomorrow with 452, so the jar should come up sometime between 9 and 10 am tomorrow. (Pacific time, of course).
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                yessssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *does a silly little happy dance*
                                I got War and Peace!!!! Held by both John and Liz

                                Sig by me

