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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hello everyone!!

    Sorry I've been away for so long, my computer at home is poorly sick

    I'll try and come back as soon as I can, I haven't read an of the recent posts because i'm at work, but i'm sure they're great!

    See y'all later!


    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


      Originally posted by Melyanna

      And now this is making me think about Conversion. I think this is a really, really positive indicator that John could never, ever hurt Elizabeth. He was losing who he was, but something which at that point was probably subconscious kept him from killing her.
      Spoilered to be safe -
      It's very promising, but I think that John still has quite a ways to go at that point. Well, a lot further than Elizabeth at least. To me, it can't be plainer that Elizabeth knows that she has some feelings other than that of professional concern, whereas it still seems to me that John is being a bit stubborn in stayng ignorant.

      And as to Ronon/Teyla, I see more of that rivalry which can appear which is later recognised for the chemisty it is. But that might just be because I want the way paved for John/Elizabeth.

      Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


        Although I do have a question for you and don't shot me (not possible I know, but you know what I mean, right?)
        I've read that some Weir/Sheppard and McKay/Sheppard shippers (can't recall where, I'll have to hunt for it) are glad with Dex being introduced as Teyla'll more than likely be paired up with him...(which would be nasty, cuz come on they do have a brother/sister relationship, unless that's just me) which'll mean that their ship is safe...
        Not sure if that was really a spoiler, but, best to be safe then sorry. Personally, I don't think that this is true as the intro of Dex mightn't mean nothing in ship sense and I don't get that vibe from either the McKay/Sheppard or Weir/Sheppard shippers...unless it doesn't apply to this forum and the above was targeted at other SGA forums. But, I just wanted your opinions.
        Don't recall hearing anything of that nature here. I think the general concensus is that the intro of Dex has given space for Teyla's character to grow (
        i'm thinking of the ep where she tells him she understands his actions bu the others wouldn't
        ) and that is something that we are happy about. I'm always glad to see character development, especially in Teyla who seemed to get the short straw in S1 (along with Ford).

        Lovin' the pics Hatch and Athena

        Intersting theory on TLG. I really ccan't wait to see this ep, i have a feeling it may end up my fave ep of S2.


          Originally posted by Hatcheter
          After watching that scene a few dozen times as I chopped it up for the vid I was working on (finished that, btw), I noticed that he doesn't seem to be holding her that tightly. Elizabeth is panting, but she is able to talk and move her head freely. Sheppard seems to tighten his grip just breiefly before he lets go if her. With the way he took out the guards, he must have still been lucid enough to know when he did and didn't knock a person out, so he knew she would be okay.

          And after that, when he's going on his mission to the cave, she's walking him to the gateroom. She knows she has nothing to fear from him.
          There's also the fact that she isn't bruised at all in later scenes. As for the pictures you posted later, my goodness. I hadn't realized how closely Elizabeth was still standing to him. Have I mentioned how much I love that character?

          Originally posted by Hatcheter
          Emphasis on "reveal".
          Oh gosh. Remind me not to post that late at night. The pun really wasn't intended.

          As for the Teyla/Dex remarks that are floating around... I have an older brother who loves to tease me. If he looked at me the way Dex looks at Teyla occasionally, I'd be scared out of my mind.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
            Don't recall hearing anything of that nature here. I think the general concensus is that the intro of Dex has given space for Teyla's character to grow (
            i'm thinking of the ep where she tells him she understands his actions bu the others wouldn't
            ) and that is something that we are happy about. I'm always glad to see character development, especially in Teyla who seemed to get the short straw in S1 (along with Ford).
            A friend of mine said that the thing that really makes Ronon/Teyla work as a storytelling device is that neither character is a lead. In the case of Sheppard/Teyla, Teyla would be little more than a bit of fluff tossed at the lead, but since Ronon and Teyla are both supporting characters, they have to be better developed to make a romance believable and appealing to the audience.

            Sheppard/Weir, of course, doesn't have the problem that lead-oriented romance can have because they're both lead characters anyway. They already stand on their own as developed characters.

            And hey, 500 pages. And frighteningly close to 10,000 too.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              But also with Sheppard/Teyla, you have the subordinate thing going on too. Whereas with Weir and Sheppard, the line as to who is boss is already quite blurry between them. And the only problem with lead-oriented romance is if it starts hijacking the other storylines.

              The Teyla/Ronon thing also allows to become more developed characters as well, in a sense. It brings the characters from being charcters in the background to being something more.

              Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                Another thing about the Teyla/Dex dynamic is that Teyla, IMO, didn't make a very good outsider. She's supposed to be a leader, and a negotiator in her own right. Ronon is the natural loner, and throwing him into the mix makes Teyla more a part of the larger group, and the bridge to connect Ronon to the others.

                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Oh gosh. Remind me not to post that late at night. The pun really wasn't intended.
                Heh. I might have let that pass by if I weren't doing the insomnia thing. Should probably go to bed soon.

                Originally posted by Melyanna
                And hey, 500 pages. And frighteningly close to 10,000 too.

                "Ten thousand messages about us?"

                "I think these people might be on to something."

                a time to mourn


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  A friend of mine said that the thing that really makes Ronon/Teyla work as a storytelling device is that neither character is a lead.
                  And, that Ronon is sexy, sexy man-beast!


                    I liked the introduction of Ronon into the show not because he isn't a threat to Sheppard/Weir and was a most likely pairing for Teyla. In fact by the end of season 1, I had a feeling that Shep/Teyla was most likely not going to happen.

                    Ronon adds a different dynamic to the Atlantis team. He [i]is[i] the rough and tumble guy of the team. Also I think Ronon's character has helped in developing Teyla's character much more this season. Like others said, with Ronon in the group, Teyla has found someone who is with common ground with her, especially when pretty much all the Athosians are living on the mainland.

                    It's like Ronon and Teyla understand each other, while half of the time Teyla is with the rest of the team eg. McKay or Sheppard I can imagine them end up spending half of the conversation explaining their Earth Slang. I'm sure after a year, she would have picked up quite a few, but those two are always throwing out some pretty random slang and pop culture references.

                    I personally do not see Ronon and Teyla as a sibling relationship, because there is something in the way that Ronon looks at Teyla that would not sit well with me if this was a sibling relationship, which I'm glad is not.


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      Yay for the leads!!
                      As for 500 pages, don't you pity the person who joins us now, and decides to read every single message??? They'll be stuck in front of their computer for a week or so!!
                      All good stuff though. Nice to know we have intelligent conversation (I say this after stumbling into the anti shep/weir thread. Arrgghh!!!)
                      Who ever tries to read this thread from the beginning. I would crazy, but love them for it and give them mad props for trying.

                      I personally might be too lazy to try that, but I remember when I first joined GW I attempted to do that with the s/j thread, but I stopped fairly early in my vain attempt, which was was good thing.


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        Who ever tries to read this thread from the beginning. I would crazy, but love them for it and give them mad props for trying.

                        I personally might be too lazy to try that, but I remember when I first joined GW I attempted to do that with the s/j thread, but I stopped fairly early in my vain attempt, which was was good thing.
                        When I really started posting here, I thought I'd catch up with the Sam/Jack thread, but it was already close to 10,000 then. I figured I had better things to do with my spare time.

                        Good points about Ronon's effect on the team dynamic. I think Hatcheter is right in his assessment of Teyla in the first season. I was quite often reminded of a line from West Wing – "You're like the French revolutionary who says, 'There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them.'" Without her people around, there was no one for her to really connect with, and that made for a really boring character, no matter how hard others tried to integrate her.
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          A friend of mine said that the thing that really makes Ronon/Teyla work as a storytelling device is that neither character is a lead. In the case of Sheppard/Teyla, Teyla would be little more than a bit of fluff tossed at the lead, but since Ronon and Teyla are both supporting characters, they have to be better developed to make a romance believable and appealing to the audience.

                          Sheppard/Weir, of course, doesn't have the problem that lead-oriented romance can have because they're both lead characters anyway. They already stand on their own as developed characters.

                          And hey, 500 pages. And frighteningly close to 10,000 too.
                          Extremely good point/post. And exactly spot on imo. Teyla and Ronon can be developed best as a pair. Elizabeth and John, as you say are the lead two characters and do stand on their own and as such, will probably be brought 'together' very slowly as the show progresses.

                          I love what Ronon does for Teyla's character and not simply because I want her 'out of the way' or some such as that. He gives Teyla a 'sounding board' to bounce her own ideas/character off of much like John and Elizabeth already are to each other. They share commonalities (like Elizabeth and John) that give them a greater/better 'starting' point to a more personal relationship. They have a mutual *want* to understand each other. There's a natural bond that has already been easily established between them.

                          And Mel, you're right...if my *brother* looked at me the way ronon does her, I'd run fast and hard to the nearest police station!


                            So, ten thousand posts.

                            In honor of this occasion, I stayed up all night Sunday to complete this video. I wanted to vid this song as soon as I read the first spoilers for conversion. It came out alright, I suppose.

                            Title: Fix You
                            Artist: Coldplay
                            Length: 4:59
                            Format: wmv
                            Size: 18 MB

                            Download here or here.

                            I recommend turning this song up. It starts out as just another nice, sweet Coldplay tune, then turns into the best song ever about two and a half minutes in. So, even if the video sucks, consider this a free copy of a great tune.

                            I also re-uploaded my first Shep/Weir Coldplay vid, 39:30-Then You'll Understand, set to the song Speed of Sound. Get it here.

                            a time to mourn


                              Originally posted by Rubicon
                              And, that Ronon is sexy, sexy man-beast!
                              I sometimes think Ronon would be a more interesting partner than Sheppard. Then I smack myself around for a bit until I come back to Sheppard "luv". *LOL*

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                I sometimes think Ronon would be a more interesting partner than Sheppard. Then I smack myself around for a bit until I come back to Sheppard "luv". *LOL*
                                Well, let's face it, either one of them would be pretty entertaining.

                                Hatcheter, wonderful vid. That song fits Conversion so well. Great job.

                                *hides from own monstrous vid project*
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

