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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    'course I did! 44 (something) % is pretty good seeing that almost everyone's at least 50% annoying.


      Originally posted by xkawaiix
      'course I did! 44 (something) % is pretty good seeing that almost everyone's at least 50% annoying.
      Everyone! Go vote for Torri not being annoying!!


        ITA, Daniel's really the only one I can only see in Atlantis and I think he should at least get one visit. I feel so bad that he always seems to miss the Daedalus. I'll love him on Atlantis as long as he doesn't end up walking in on Liz and John in mid ship moment!


          Originally posted by alyssa
          Everyone! Go vote for Torri not being annoying!!
          Oh please! peh. That's about as useless a site as that useless thread we had on Gateworld a while back. What was it? Why Weir gets on my nerves or somesuch stupidity. LOL ! I'm going to start one called: My idea on how to improve how Weir wipes her rump. Absolutely pathetic how a few people around here enjoy picking on Elizabeth/Torri. What does the woman have to prove anyway?

          Love that 20 buck skirt thing!~ LOL! That's being yourself and to heck if anyone doesn't like it right there! As for the dog...LOL! I bet she calls it 'killer' or something. My Irish water Spaniel's name is Queen of the South Alabama's First Lady. And yeah, we shorten it- to yeah, 'Bama'.


            Originally posted by Bama
            I'm with Mel on this one. I don't particularly 'mind' Daniel (though he's grated me more this year for some reason) but Atlantis is full of experts and Elizabeth herself is the resident linguistics / ancient expert for when they need one. I could stand him being 'called in for a specific purpose at some point in a one-shot (though I must say I don't care for crossovers either) but I don't want him on the regular cast-no way-no how. There's already not enough screentime for everyone of SGA's characters to develop as richly as I want them to. Plus with him there, he would automatically become one of the 'stars' of the show even perhaps overshadowing John and I'm sorry, but I don't want that. I like my two big leads getting main focus in Torri and Joe and their wonderful handful of supporting cast getting the remainder. There is simply no room for another 'star' from SG-1 to move into Atlantis permanently. I don't want Caldwell even joining the cast on a perm. basis. The way they've got it for this year and next with him as a recurring guy is ok for now but I hope they aren't tempted to make the cast any bigger. They've got great guys like Zellenka and Lorne and even Heightmeyer that I'd enjoy seeing a little more of and it's hard enough to squeeze them in in spots.

            I say 'no' to any SG-1 characters on atlantis.

            My concern is that when SG1 eventually does end, there'll be a push to move people from that cast to Atlantis. That to me would be unfair to the actors who've worked so hard on Atlantis. Daniel/Sam/whoever as a guest is fine, but not as a permanent castmember.


              Originally posted by alyssa
              My concern is that when SG1 eventually does end, there'll be a push to move people from that cast to Atlantis. That to me would be unfair to the actors who've worked so hard on Atlantis. Daniel/Sam/whoever as a guest is fine, but not as a permanent castmember.
              And to be honest, I doubt any of them would want it, especially Amanda Tapping, Chris Judge, and Michael Shanks. By the time the series is over, it'll have taken up a decade of their lives. I doubt they'll want to elongate that with years on Atlantis. As difficult as it can be to find work, it's equally difficult to find something new and challenging in a character you've been playing for that long. All three of them have children, too, so one can imagine that they might want to move on to things with less consuming schedules than being a regular on a television series.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
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              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Just saw this (thanks to Melyanna's LJ). Ooooh. . .lots of vids! Congrats to all the nominees.


                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  As for me, I can't shake the image of Elizabeth alone in her office and someone unexpectedly walking in on her and all is oddly quiet a moment and we hear a buzzing noise coming from her desk. LOL! Torri has forever scarred Elizabeth for me I fear.
                  Oh man, and I just got my mind out of the gutter, and I told someone about the batteries thing, and some other things that some people were saying about it, including this, and they wrote this drabble about Liz getting caught, and they also blame me for it too , you can find it here. Now I need to go catch up on a couple pages real quick, and hehe that drabble is my fault and funny too.

                  EDIT: Almost forgot, it's mckay/weir
                  McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                  Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                  McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                  McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                  First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                  My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                    The casting of a show is so important--I think the SGA producers really lucked out with teh fabulous cast they put together. A drama professor I knew says that "rehearsal is to make up for mistakes in casting". That's a bit of an exaggeration, but a really great cast just com,es together and emanates their characters. I think that is why Shep/Weir is taking off. Torri and Joe have invented some great characters. I found it interesting that most of the writers described being able to write more easily for the characters after they had been cast and after a few episodes. Some of their visions for the characters had changed. More evidence!

                    As for Daniel coming to Atlantis--I think it would be very interesting for an ep or two, or a TV movie type sitruation, but not for a recurring role. I would just beinterested in John and Rodney's reaction to a "newcomer".

                    Side note, some here were having an interesting discussion about fanfic and why John is so protective of women--particularly Weir. Does anyone else think its possible that in Epiphany John will reveal something in his past that would explain this attitude? Perhaps speculation:
                    he couldn't save a female commander, or a former gf? Maybe the girl in Epiphany will rmeind him of this girl?
                    I don't think the ep will be a gf of the week situation (Joe write it and is opposed to those type of eps as far as I can tell). I expect there to be some good character work.


                    Signature By Amber Moon


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      Love that 20 buck skirt thing!~ LOL! That's being yourself and to heck if anyone doesn't like it right there! As for the dog...LOL! I bet she calls it 'killer' or something. My Irish water Spaniel's name is Queen of the South Alabama's First Lady. And yeah, we shorten it- to yeah, 'Bama'.
                      Honestly i don't get what the big deal is if Torri wore a $20 skirt, so what? I mean I don't think the price reallyy matters and I think the people waste enough money on clothes and some actress doesn't want to, big deal and I also don't get the whole "fashion" thing, people make such a deal out of it, it so makes no sense. As for dog names... that's cute what you named your dog, at least you gave it a nice name. My dad and I wanted to rename my Yellow Lab "Sasha Smelly Stupid Tail-pounder", it's my dad's fault. He started it with calling my dog smelly or stupid, and my dog actually responded to it (she's a very weird dog) and the tail pounder part is cuz she has a tail that is over a foot long and you can hear it pound against everything, the dog is always wagging it's tail. We didn't rename it that, we were thinkingf about it as a joke, and it kinda suits my dog. As for my other dogs, we've got a puppy named Ling-Ling (my mom wants it to be Chub-Chub) and a doberman named Blue (my fault), sorry I went OT, I'm sure yall really don't care to hear about my dogs. So back OT, we could use a pic.

                      McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                      Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                      McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                      McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                      First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                      My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                        Originally posted by weirfan517
                        Honestly i don't get what the big deal is if Torri wore a $20 skirt, so what? I mean I don't think the price reallyy matters and I think the people waste enough money on clothes and some actress doesn't want to, big deal and I also don't get the whole "fashion" thing, people make such a deal out of it, it so makes no sense. I LOVE that she did that! I just love it!! Remember when Sharon Stone wore a t-shirt from Gap to an awards ceremony where she was a presenter once? I loved that, too! Torri cracks me up! She probably figured "I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, when am I going to wear this skirt again? $20 is enough!"As for dog names... that's cute what you named your dog, at least you gave it a nice name. My dad and I wanted to rename my Yellow Lab "Sasha Smelly Stupid Tail-pounder", it's my dad's fault. He started it with calling my dog smelly or stupid, and my dog actually responded to it (she's a very weird dog) and the tail pounder part is cuz she has a tail that is over a foot long and you can hear it pound against everything, the dog is always wagging it's tail. My mum has a deaf cat, that has about 10 difference names, including Princess, Consuela, Thumper (because you have to thump on the floor to get her to notice you) but she can't hear any of them, so it doesn't matter!!We didn't rename it that, we were thinkingf about it as a joke, and it kinda suits my dog. As for my other dogs, we've got a puppy named Ling-Ling (my mom wants it to be Chub-Chub) and a doberman named Blue (my fault), sorry I went OT, I'm sure yall really don't care to hear about my dogs. So back OT, we could use a pic.

                        Torri's too good! No such thing as a bad pic of her!


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          As for the dog...LOL! I bet she calls it 'killer' or something. My Irish water Spaniel's name is Queen of the South Alabama's First Lady. And yeah, we shorten it- to yeah, 'Bama'.
                          The dog? You are named after the dog? Sorry, couldn't resist.

                          a time to mourn


                            Originally posted by Hatcheter
                            The dog? You are named after the dog? Sorry, couldn't resist.
                            Bama's gunna get you for that!


                              We had a cat who was named "Domino nerved crabby kitty" (I translated...her name was in hungarian) grandmother was the only one who called her domino...the rest called her nerving kitty or crabby kitty... it was really a......well.....special cat... I really love animals, but I was happy, when we finally gave this cat away.

                              I'll get a dog in a few month's and I will definetely name him/her "Pegasus" *g* I know, more a name for a Horse but, ah, what the heck

                              I voted "Not annoying" for Torri, I really can't understand why a 20Dollar skirt is a problem... I had a 20 dollar dress at a Ball too, and the others for 200 or even more dollars. I mean, these stars don't make as much money as Julia Roberts &co!


                                Originally posted by Dorka
                                We had a cat who was named "Domino nerved crabby kitty" (I translated...her name was in hungarian) grandmother was the only one who called her domino...the rest called her nerving kitty or crabby kitty... it was really a......well.....special cat... I really love animals, but I was happy, when we finally gave this cat away.

                                I'll get a dog in a few month's and I will definetely name him/her "Pegasus" *g* I know, more a name for a Horse but, ah, what the heck

                                I voted "Not annoying" for Torri, I really can't understand why a 20Dollar skirt is a problem... I had a 20 dollar dress at a Ball too, and the others for 200 or even more dollars. I mean, these stars don't make as much money as Julia Roberts &co!
                                I just got a kitten. He already has a name, Cookie! He's insane, but cute.

                                Back to Torri --- I think she's just 'normal'. That's the thing. I love that about her. She's low maintenance, she loves animals, and she wears that great t-shirt! What's not to love?

