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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised
    In fear of starting another Sheppard!Kirk discussion.. I will ask you guys if I should post something from the Stargate magazine regarding the tower .. ;D
    I have the magazine right next to me... I think I know what you're talking about...

    Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
      I have the magazine right next to me... I think I know what you're talking about...
      hehehe I'm happy they admitted it!!! Though I hope they'd think of it as a serious issue..


        Originally posted by Atlantean_Fan

        Now we get to Shep and the chair in Antactica and the Jumpers in Atlantis. Do I need to say anything else? That must be why the guy is a mess. He doesn't know for sure and by the way he responded to Chaya's line "We are more like then you think" with "I think we are more different than you think" or something like that, he doesn't want to be different from the others and perhaps that's where all his issues begin. The whole be accepted and do the right thing mottos of his. Not to mention there is some phisical resemblance between Janus and John, although I could be pushing it too far and I recognise that. It really bugs me though.....

        I see him closing to himself and pulling away from her until she approaches him again like he did with Teyla after LFP. After this episode in which she desconstructed her idea of saviour!Shep, she became cold to him and it was, IMHO, clear in The Gift and The Siege Saga that the two of them Shep/Teyla I mean had a very broken friendship, by the end of Intruder, BTW didn't like this episode as much as I thought I would, Teyla tried to approach him with the Ford reports and you could see they were still cold with each other, specially Shep and probably she didn't care to mend the relantionship between them as much as Liz would if it happened between her and Shep, probably because she can identify better with Ronon. This week I'm gonna see Runner, the introduction of the big guy !!!!

        I guess nobody wins me in the who makes the longer posts matter. Sorry for this other Bible I wrote, I hope it makes some sense to you guys, it's late here and I should have been sleeping like since two hours ago....

        I've thought the same thing about the time travel and Janus. I've always wondered if he's some ancestor of John's. I'd love for him to come back. Plus he and Liz had good chemistry, and John would twitch. You're going to love Ronon I think. Teyla has just blossomed since he came along. I know I'll be accused of all sorts of things. not here but I think the chasm between Shep and Teyla just gets wider. She seems to just bristle when he's around and always sounds slightly ticked off when he asks her something. When a hero falls it's usually with a resounding crash, and I think that happened in LTP and continued like you said in each episode. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the scene in Runner
        when Shep and Teyla are tied up.

        Originally posted by sunny
        Wow, we're a little heavy in here today aren't we? I got cookies today

        So here's how I see it. Best way to win tug-o-war is to let go. Let the other guy fall flat on their ass when you're proven right. It may not be logical but it saves ya a lot of 'strenous effort'. Slap me silly and call me lazy. I'm a shipper through and through. I did it when I was four and watched GI JOE with my pops... I kept asking: 'Are Duke and Scarlet married? Are Lady J and *the main guy* married?' Seriously, I kid you not. So my perspective is always a lil askewed. But I had a convo w/my bro, a non-shipper, about Shep/Tey and Shep/Weir. He likes RL cos, well let's face it she be HAWT. But he ALSO like TH cos well she be HAWT too *reminds him of Sigourney Weaver in all her Ellen Ripley glory.

        But anyways he said and I'll quote: "Teyla's like a drinking buddy, one of the boys. She can hang with the boys and still be feminine, down to earth and the reasonable woman. Shep treats her like he does Ford, except he gives her a little more credo cos she's a leader of her people and a different kind of respect because she's a woman. Kind of like you would with a co-worker. He's used to tough women who are in the military and Teyla's kind of like that, just not official. With Weir he's challenged because he's not used to the brains outhinking him or calling him on it. Most guys want someone to talk to really and she's that for him. He's not the player when it comes to her cos she can out play him. That makes him uncomfortable yet intrigues him. She's new. He's USED to the rough and tumble chicks or the airy type girls but she's not either of those. So he's slowly learning how to grow-up emotionally with her. Plus they look good toget


        And THAT was only from a season ONE perspective. Sometimes he makes me proud *pats bros head*

        Oh and alyssa I think I found the fic you were talking about: Dreams Come True by MsRaven
        I'm a lifelong shipper too. All the way back to Donald and Daisy Duck, Superman and Lois, (both shows and all the movies) and countless others. Why watch a show with no romance? Dull. My husband thinks Torri looks like Sigourney also. Only prettier. Your bro sounds like a smart guy.

        And Erised I have the magazine also. Go for it. We haven't had enough excitement today.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Yeah, he's not the 'typical' guy. He was never really into the 'bangbangshoot'emup' stuff. I was

          Share my thread ppl. Share.
          ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Read the sides. There's not much to them.
            Elizabeth's involvement in the episode may be rather minimal. Either way, I seriously doubt there'll be anything groundbreaking about her revealed, as it's SG-1 and not Atlantis. I really just don't want people getting their hopes up about this, when she's probably only involved because it wouldn't make sense for one of the Atlantis people not to be in the episode.
            Thanks as always for the extra 'info'. I didn't really have any great hopes for a big, grand crossover and I doubt anyone is really disappointed as most seemed to be just tossing fun possibilities for 'wants' rather than reality. Still, since I think they shortchange Elizabeth on those off-world episodes, it'll be nice to see her exploring her own world a bit more with a Stargate stalwart. Will be interesting to see how the crossover ties in the two series. While it is always fun to see crossovers, they worry me a bit too because I don't know what tptb are 'thinking' here. I don't like the idea of them tinkering with the settling chemistry too much on SGA. And with SG-1 being such an older series, I worry that they may be trying to find future 'placements' on SGA for some of the SG regs with some of these crossover eps. Probably borrowing trouble but it still nags at me a little...


              Originally posted by sunny
              Wow, we're a little heavy in here today aren't we? I got cookies today

              So here's how I see it. Best way to win tug-o-war is to let go. Let the other guy fall flat on their ass when you're proven right. It may not be logical but it saves ya a lot of 'strenous effort'. Slap me silly and call me lazy. I'm a shipper through and through. I did it when I was four and watched GI JOE with my pops... I kept asking: 'Are Duke and Scarlet married? Are Lady J and *the main guy* married?' Seriously, I kid you not. So my perspective is always a lil askewed. But I had a convo w/my bro, a non-shipper, about Shep/Tey and Shep/Weir. He likes RL cos, well let's face it she be HAWT. But he ALSO like TH cos well she be HAWT too *reminds him of Sigourney Weaver in all her Ellen Ripley glory.

              But anyways he said and I'll quote: "Teyla's like a drinking buddy, one of the boys. She can hang with the boys and still be feminine, down to earth and the reasonable woman. Shep treats her like he does Ford, except he gives her a little more credo cos she's a leader of her people and a different kind of respect because she's a woman. Kind of like you would with a co-worker. He's used to tough women who are in the military and Teyla's kind of like that, just not official. With Weir he's challenged because he's not used to the brains outhinking him or calling him on it. Most guys want someone to talk to really and she's that for him. He's not the player when it comes to her cos she can out play him. That makes him uncomfortable yet intrigues him. She's new. He's USED to the rough and tumble chicks or the airy type girls but she's not either of those. So he's slowly learning how to grow-up emotionally with her. Plus they look good together."
              Some interesting perspective from you and Luz on the ideas of 'shipping'. I ship hardly anyone on tv due to finding most of the relationships so sadly lacking in the important elements that a lifetime male/female 'ship should be built on. I just cannot ship one for only the sexual or 'hot' aspects of it. It's not in me because my heart isn't in it because I know the character's hearts aren't. I still can't pinpoint what exactly it is that repel some about the possibility of Shep/Weir as a lifer. It really has me confounded based on what I've been witness to on the series thus far and I'd truly like to read their reasoning for the doubt/dislike/repulsion/whatever for the match. But like I said, I seem to draw sparks so I tend not to wander too far.


                Originally posted by Bama
                You know...I'd like to ask this vocal minority what exactly it is they don't like about the idea of John and Elizabeth but I can't bring myself to go into a sheyla or 'other' thread and discuss because I'm so very passionate in my strong belief and don't want to just piss others off but some of you guys venture 'out' more than I so maybe you've a better idea on it than I. What exactly are their beefs? What is it they don't like about John and Elizabeth's potential as 'everything' to each other? Is it how they talk and communicate all the time like couples do? Is it how they listen to each other the way people that love do? Is it how they stare at each other like there's no one else in the world?

                Exactly-what is it that tells them that John and Elizabeth are so wrong together?

                I can't speak for shippers of another pairing, but I can understand where anti-shippers are coming from. There's the fear the relationship will take over the show and minimize the other characters more. The things I always feared happening in sg-1 pairing off Sam/Jack would have Jack looking like he cares more about Sam than his team or Sam more about Jack than her team. Or if something happened to Sam it then becomes all about how Jack feels and Daniel and Teal'cs feelings for Sam will be pushed aside and vise versa.

                Characters having romantic feelings for each other will see their partner as more important than others. If it stays a friendship than all the relationships will be seen as equal and no one gets slighted. These are some things while I don't think went that far on sg-1 they really came close and I can understand people worrying about these possible scenarios.

                I think that was one thing about Conversion that teetered a certain line for me.
                As much as I enjoyed the interaction between Shep and Weir I felt like they should have shown Shep's team trying to approach him to see how he was doing themselves.


                  Originally posted by SGLAB
                  I can't speak for shippers of another pairing, but I can understand where anti-shippers are coming from. There's the fear the relationship will take over the show and minimize the other characters more. The things I always feared happening in sg-1 pairing off Sam/Jack would have Jack looking like he cares more about Sam than his team or Sam more about Jack than her team. Or if something happened to Sam it then becomes all about how Jack feels and Daniel and Teal'cs feelings for Sam will be pushed aside and vise versa.

                  Characters having romantic feelings for each other will see their partner as more important than others. If it stays a friendship than all the relationships will be seen as equal and no one gets slighted. These are some things while I don't think went that far on sg-1 they really came close and I can understand people worrying about these possible scenarios.

                  I think that was one thing about Conversion that teetered a certain line for me.
                  As much as I enjoyed the interaction between Shep and Weir I felt like they should have shown Shep's team trying to approach him to see how he was doing themselves.
                  So you feel that it's more of an anti-ship -period sort of stance from some? I can buy that but find such a stance rather illogical and just plain boring and dry for the characters-but I certainly can buy the 'concerns' a bit more. I guess, I know those noromo type folks will always exist in every sci-fi show but I can't get a feel for the reasons some truly believe sparky is such a bad match.

                  Agree on Conversion. Cut the
                  Shep molestation stuff and give a scene or two where the team is suffering some as well
                  But wow, wasn't the sparky tangible in that one? *wipes brow remembering it*


                    Why others don't see sparky specifically I really don't know. I do think people come at ship in different ways. I think some look at ship in terms of the really obvious moments where you can just feel tptb are putting up a big flashing neon sign of ship. Others may simply be content with any interaction. Sometimes I think some shippers think "OMG, He said Hi to her. Or OMG, they're breathing the same air. Squeee."


                      Originally posted by Erised
                      In fear of starting another Sheppard!Kirk discussion.. I will ask you guys if I should post something from the Stargate magazine regarding the tower .. ;D
                      Care to share with the rest of the classs!?


                        Originally posted by SGLAB
                        I think some look at ship in terms of the really obvious moments where you can just feel tptb are putting up a big flashing neon sign of ship. Others may simply be content with any interaction. Sometimes I think some shippers think "OMG, He said Hi to her. Or OMG, they're breathing the same air. Squeee."
                        There's something I hate. The anvils of 'Blam!YouNeedToShipThis' are gettin' kinda old in some other fandoms I subscribe to. Bleh, don't shove it down my throat thankyouverymuch. Maybe that's what some fans feel. That they'll have to suffer through their show turning into a soap in sacrifice for 'the show'.... BUUUUUUT if TPTB do it right, let it simmer for a few seasons then we DON'T have to sacrifice one for the other ya know. That's the direction Sparky FEELS like it's going in. Natural. C'mon Gero and Binder don't let me down.
                        ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                          Originally posted by sunny
                          There's something I hate. The anvils of 'Blam!YouNeedToShipThis' are gettin' kinda old in some other fandoms I subscribe to. Bleh, don't shove it down my throat thankyouverymuch. Maybe that's what some fans feel. That they'll have to suffer through their show turning into a soap in sacrifice for 'the show'.... BUUUUUUT if TPTB do it right, let it simmer for a few seasons then we DON'T have to sacrifice one for the other ya know. That's the direction Sparky FEELS like it's going in. Natural. C'mon Gero and Binder don't let me down.
                          Yep, but you know, what concerns me is what happens when elizabeth and john do finally 'cross that line'? And the direction is pointing that they will. The
                          hug and the following and immediate awareness of each other in that moment as a male and female was a first big indicator of that. Their embarrassment and discomfort and lack of convo over the shared bodily physicality in TLG
                          was yet a further indicator that they're heading toward more and more female/male awareness and with the growing natural feelings between them, inevitably, action on those feelings.

                          What happens when they do? Does that natural chemistry change somehow or does it, as I think, become just more focused and intense? (UST charged)
                          We all love how natural sparky feels as they grow together as friends and hint at more. It is very difficult to move from an easy and comfortable relationship to the next level sometimes. I fear the writers may shy away from allowing shep and weir to try to move for fear of upsetting the chemistry that's so easy and established and loved. I also fear that fans become too attached to a certain dynamic and when the dynamic is altered even a little then fans reactions are all over the map. Will fans in general be able to allow Shep and Weir to continue to evolve naturally into more or will they begin to scream, "STOP! FAR ENOUGH!"?


                            Yeah, I see what your sayin' Bama. The sell-out version would be: AwkwardTeenageSquirming. To which some would go 'WTF? How old are they?' ooooor it could go the WRONG way *see X-Files* Ooooooor to put it out there again: John & Delenn B5. That's the only other sci-fi show do ship pretty decent. TNG = ugh. DSN = ? Voyager = &#$%#&*^$ Enterprise = @!!$#@%$%@! SG-1 = Let's not start on that shall we? You know what? They just need to hire one of our superb fic writers in here for that department *cough*Mel*cough* Cos she just writes John & Elizabeth SO GOOD.
                            ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                              Originally posted by sunny
                              There's something I hate. The anvils of 'Blam!YouNeedToShipThis' are gettin' kinda old in some other fandoms I subscribe to. Bleh, don't shove it down my throat thankyouverymuch. Maybe that's what some fans feel. That they'll have to suffer through their show turning into a soap in sacrifice for 'the show'.... BUUUUUUT if TPTB do it right, let it simmer for a few seasons then we DON'T have to sacrifice one for the other ya know. That's the direction Sparky FEELS like it's going in. Natural. C'mon Gero and Binder don't let me down.
                              they are sooo natural with each other!!!!!!! and sdooooooooo good!!!!!!
                              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                                Hello, everyone and anyone, I haven't been here for a while, so I was just popping in to say hi basically.So, hi, hope everyone has been doing alright, I see that yall are nearly 25000 posts, so I haven't been here for a while, I think I last saw this thread a barely over 20000 posts. So, three things, first I heard about Whistler, that's pretty sad, I didn't know her that well, but she was pretty nice and I always enjoyed reading her posts, may she rest in peace. Second, I bare pics (and hopefully fic soon, still working on that movie one that I said i'd do a long time ago):


                                Third, @ Bama, have you written any new fic recently or working on any? I really enjoy it and miss it, so hope to see some more at some point.

                                My mum is telling me it's 1, and I should go to sleep, so I'll talk to yall later, nice to be here again.
                                McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                                Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                                McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                                McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                                First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                                My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog

