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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
    *is jealous* I wish I dreamt of Sparky every week! I've had a couple of Sparky dreams, but they're few and far between. *sigh* I definitely think about it often enough to have more, lol.
    I've been writing a lot of Sparky fics so I've had them on my mind alot...hence lots of Sparky dreams

    And I did yet another Sparky wedding manip (because Sparky weddings make me really really really happy). Show of hands for those who want to see and I shall be happy to send it to you.
    *raises hand*
    My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


      Originally posted by Erin87 View Post

      And I did yet another Sparky wedding manip (because Sparky weddings make me really really really happy). Show of hands for those who want to see and I shall be happy to send it to you.
      *raises hand*

      I never dream about them. *pouts* I guess my head is too empty.

      Wrapping gifts. And wondering why the boxes I need are always in the basement. And now I have to go meet Hubby to pick out a tree. *braces self for the let's-get-a-smaller-one-this-year argument* He always loses. And it's too warm for Christmas today...65 degrees F.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        *raises hand*

        I never dream about them. *pouts* I guess my head is too empty.

        Wrapping gifts. And wondering why the boxes I need are always in the basement. And now I have to go meet Hubby to pick out a tree. *braces self for the let's-get-a-smaller-one-this-year argument* He always loses. And it's too warm for Christmas today...65 degrees F.
        are you for or against the smaller one this year? (I've never had a live tree....)

        It's 43 degrees and windy and rainy here...I'm gonna come stay with you.
        My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


          You are talking in fahrenheit. I'm lost.
          I'm waiting Erin before to sleep.
          I just realized I won't be here tomorrow.
          Don't talk about naked John without me
          Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


            Originally posted by Probie View Post
            You are talking in fahrenheit. I'm lost.
            I'm waiting Erin before to sleep.
            I just realized I won't be here tomorrow.
            Don't talk about naked John without me
            Yes....faranheit ....
            we'll miss you tomorrow!
            My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
              Yes....faranheit ....
              we'll miss you tomorrow!
              See you this week end!
              I already miss this thread. It's official. I'm obsessed.
              Have anice day/night. I hope I will have my first Sparky
              Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                Good afternoon, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!

                See you this weekend, Probie! *waves*

                Originally posted by Tanie View Post
                Oh, I am all over 21.... been trying to find some good Sparky fic that I haven't already read and is not written by a 15 year old *sigh*
                Another archive with many good fics is Wraithbait. (link goes straight to the Sheppard/Weir category; most recent stories are at the top). And there's even more on LiveJournal at the John and Elizabeth comm.

                I don't know if your tastes run to alternate universe stories or not, but I know of a few good ones, if you're interested...

                Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
                Unbelievable! But really great. *lol*
                Oh, tell me about it! The pictures are such a hoot!

                Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
                So, I survived the third version of the day that was repeating itself and I'm so glad it's over. Geez, it just kept on getting worse! No time loops for me. Ever.
                Gack. Sounds like me with my repeating days of running errands All. Day. Long. *headdesk*

                Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                And I did yet another Sparky wedding manip (because Sparky weddings make me really really really happy). Show of hands for those who want to see and I shall be happy to send it to you.
                *waves* I'd like to see it too!
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  1. We are officially obsessed with John/Elizabeth when someone posts a pic with ice sculpture and we all see Sparky in it.
                  2. .....when I see my boss and I wonder what he would think if I give him a hug.
                  3. when every new song I hear turns into a Sparky fanmix in my head...
                  4. When I look in a catalog at this year's collection of UGG boots and imagine John getting Elizabeth a pair of them for Christmas...
                  5. When your XBOX gamer tag is Sparky4evr...
                  6. When upon receiving your free copy of SIMS3, your first thought is "Oh, I can make Elizabeth and John and make them fall in love, get married and make Sparky bebbies!"
                  7. When you write oodles of fanfiction fixing the mess on the show so that you can get John and Elizabeth together.
                  8. When 98.9% of your sketchbook is filled with drawings of either Sparky or their kids.
                  9. When you buy the John and Elizabeth action figures just to put them in... 'compromising positions.'
                  10. When the majority of your conversations with your friends inevitably mention Sparky in some form or another
                  11. When you look on various websites for mixed drinks for a "Sparky" cocktail. And find one.
                  12. when you see the words sparky or John and Elizabeth in the same sentence.
                  13. When you are reading a book about firetrucks to your kids and can't help but grin like an idiot when you read that the fire dog's name guessed it...SPARKY!
                  14. When you name one of your hair colour mixes "Sparky Red".
                  15. When your computer is a veritable shrine to Sparky: wallpaper, folders full of pics, artwork, more wallpapers, fanfics...
                  16. When you drive by the local marina and giggle knowingly at a yacht named 'Sparky.'
                  17. When you've worked out the only difference between your ex-principle and Elizabeth is that your principle doesn't have a Sedge, and you try to work out who John is.
                  18. All of your favorite songs end up in your sparky fanfics, either as titles or quotes.
                  19. When you read other couples fanfiction and substitute John and Liz to see if it would work.
                  20. You read the Sparky Thread in the mornings instead of the news paper.
                  21. You print out Sparky fanfiction so you can read it away from your computer.
                  22. When this morning, you receive a call of Elizabeth from Atlantis and you can't stop smiling and imagine that there is maybe a John with her. But it was not the real Atlantis but just a name of a company and Elizabeth was the customer. (This is the second time this has happened)
                  23. You see a carnival with a ferris wheel and you immediately think of John taking Elizabeth for a ride.
                  24. Whenever you hear something else named Atlantis (Space Shuttles, Space Stations, ships, hotels, mythology) and you immediately make John & Elizabeth a part of the story.
                  25. When every time you see a couple with UST in another show, you think that Joe and Torri could do it better.
                  26. When asked what you would ask for if someone gave you a present and money wasn't an object, you immediately think of buying the rights to the franchise and making a movie so John and Elizabeth could get together.
                  27. You wished you could've been at the Fourth of July parade where David Hewlett and his wife cosplayed as John and Elizabeth to see them in person.
                  28. Red and black become your new favorite colors.
                  29. While watching your most favorite Christmas movie of all time, you can't help but wanna see John and Elizabeth in the big, romantic dance scene instead of the actual characters
                  30. You see kids playing with a dog that looks like Sedge and wonder if the kids are John and Elizabeth's.
                  31. you see a copy of war and peace and you wonder if john has a picture of elizabeth in it. or they read it together and wrote notes on the side to discuss the current chapter they are one.
                  32. Every time Joe or Torri guest stars in something other than SGA, you keep hoping to hear their characters give a closet Sparky mention.
         night when you "daydream" about potential Sparky fic ideas as you drift off to sleep....hoping for good sparky dreams..
                  34......when you have Sparky dreams more than 1 night a week....
                  35. When you're secretly pleased by the fact that your hair color is caught somewhere in the middle between John and Elizabeth's.

                  36. When you write Sparky fanfic anywhere, even in a doctor's waiting room.
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


           #36...I carry a notebook around with me everywhere I go...I was writing sparky fan fic while waiting for my turn at my son's parent/teacher conference..
                    My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                      Originally posted by drewandian View Post
             #36...I carry a notebook around with me everywhere I go...I was writing sparky fan fic while waiting for my turn at my son's parent/teacher conference..
                      Cool! I carry a little notebook in my purse all the time, too. Good for writing fanfic as well as writing down dimensions of furniture, TVs, etc. that need to fit into a specific space. *high-fives*
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Cool! I carry a little notebook in my purse all the time, too. Good for writing fanfic as well as writing down dimensions of furniture, TVs, etc. that need to fit into a specific space. *high-fives*
                        *high fives back* except mine's a huge honkin' notebook (I have a big bag, I end up carrying lots of toy cars lol)...I've even written fic while my 5 yo takes karate class lol
                        My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                          Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                          are you for or against the smaller one this year? (I've never had a live tree....)

                          It's 43 degrees and windy and rainy here...I'm gonna come stay with you.
                          I'm against it. It has to be at least 6 ft or more to suit me. We got one about that size, a fraser fir because they aren't as prickly. But now I'm wondering why they look so perfect on the lot and then at home turn out to have a big hole. Luckily that can go against the wall. We always get a fresh one. The smell is just tremendous but it's a lot of work to keep it watered. I used to put fresh garlands and swags etc all over the house. Now I just do the fresh tree and have some pretty realistic fake garlands for over the fireplace and down the stair railing.

                          Originally posted by Probie View Post
                          You are talking in fahrenheit. I'm lost.
                          I'm waiting Erin before to sleep.
                          I just realized I won't be here tomorrow.
                          Don't talk about naked John without me
                          65 degrees F is about 18 degrees C. But by the time we got to the lot a cold front had come in and it was windy and cold. Perfect Christmas weather.

                          We'll miss you. We'll save naked John for you.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            SR my mom's allergic to pine so we never had a live hubby's decided we don't need one til the kids are bigger....
                            My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                              Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                              SR my mom's allergic to pine so we never had a live hubby's decided we don't need one til the kids are bigger....
                              Aww, sorry.

                              1. We are officially obsessed with John/Elizabeth when someone posts a pic with ice sculpture and we all see Sparky in it.
                              2. .....when I see my boss and I wonder what he would think if I give him a hug.
                              3. when every new song I hear turns into a Sparky fanmix in my head...
                              4. When I look in a catalog at this year's collection of UGG boots and imagine John getting Elizabeth a pair of them for Christmas...
                              5. When your XBOX gamer tag is Sparky4evr...
                              6. When upon receiving your free copy of SIMS3, your first thought is "Oh, I can make Elizabeth and John and make them fall in love, get married and make Sparky bebbies!"
                              7. When you write oodles of fanfiction fixing the mess on the show so that you can get John and Elizabeth together.
                              8. When 98.9% of your sketchbook is filled with drawings of either Sparky or their kids.
                              9. When you buy the John and Elizabeth action figures just to put them in... 'compromising positions.'
                              10. When the majority of your conversations with your friends inevitably mention Sparky in some form or another
                              11. When you look on various websites for mixed drinks for a "Sparky" cocktail. And find one.
                              12. when you see the words sparky or John and Elizabeth in the same sentence.
                              13. When you are reading a book about firetrucks to your kids and can't help but grin like an idiot when you read that the fire dog's name guessed it...SPARKY!
                              14. When you name one of your hair colour mixes "Sparky Red".
                              15. When your computer is a veritable shrine to Sparky: wallpaper, folders full of pics, artwork, more wallpapers, fanfics...
                              16. When you drive by the local marina and giggle knowingly at a yacht named 'Sparky.'
                              17. When you've worked out the only difference between your ex-principle and Elizabeth is that your principle doesn't have a Sedge, and you try to work out who John is.
                              18. All of your favorite songs end up in your sparky fanfics, either as titles or quotes.
                              19. When you read other couples fanfiction and substitute John and Liz to see if it would work.
                              20. You read the Sparky Thread in the mornings instead of the news paper.
                              21. You print out Sparky fanfiction so you can read it away from your computer.
                              22. When this morning, you receive a call of Elizabeth from Atlantis and you can't stop smiling and imagine that there is maybe a John with her. But it was not the real Atlantis but just a name of a company and Elizabeth was the customer. (This is the second time this has happened)
                              23. You see a carnival with a ferris wheel and you immediately think of John taking Elizabeth for a ride.
                              24. Whenever you hear something else named Atlantis (Space Shuttles, Space Stations, ships, hotels, mythology) and you immediately make John & Elizabeth a part of the story.
                              25. When every time you see a couple with UST in another show, you think that Joe and Torri could do it better.
                              26. When asked what you would ask for if someone gave you a present and money wasn't an object, you immediately think of buying the rights to the franchise and making a movie so John and Elizabeth could get together.
                              27. You wished you could've been at the Fourth of July parade where David Hewlett and his wife cosplayed as John and Elizabeth to see them in person.
                              28. Red and black become your new favorite colors.
                              29. While watching your most favorite Christmas movie of all time, you can't help but wanna see John and Elizabeth in the big, romantic dance scene instead of the actual characters
                              30. You see kids playing with a dog that looks like Sedge and wonder if the kids are John and Elizabeth's.
                              31. you see a copy of war and peace and you wonder if john has a picture of elizabeth in it. or they read it together and wrote notes on the side to discuss the current chapter they are one.
                              32. Every time Joe or Torri guest stars in something other than SGA, you keep hoping to hear their characters give a closet Sparky mention.
                     night when you "daydream" about potential Sparky fic ideas as you drift off to sleep....hoping for good sparky dreams..
                              34......when you have Sparky dreams more than 1 night a week....
                              35. When you're secretly pleased by the fact that your hair color is caught somewhere in the middle between John and Elizabeth's.
                              36. When you write Sparky fanfic anywhere, even in a doctor's waiting room.

                              37. When while buying your Christmas tree you wonder if John and Elizabeth would have a live or artificial one and picture them arguing about it.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                                *high fives back* except mine's a huge honkin' notebook (I have a big bag, I end up carrying lots of toy cars lol)...I've even written fic while my 5 yo takes karate class lol
                                Heehee! That's so cute!

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                37. When while buying your Christmas tree you wonder if John and Elizabeth would have a live or artificial one and picture them arguing about it.
                                I LOVE that! So which of them do you think would want the live tree or the artificial tree?
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

