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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by drewandian View Post
    SR that song is beautiful...and sexy! wow!

    I've been learning this song for church...and while it's Christian rock, it always makes me think of John after Lizzie's gone....*sniff* I'd totally make an angsty vid with it if I knew how .....
    It's certainly high on angst. That's for sure. Or it could be about Lizzie stuck never alone with the replicators and John is back feeling guilty about not saving her.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      It's certainly high on angst. That's for sure. Or it could be about Lizzie stuck never alone with the replicators and John is back feeling guilty about not saving her. could be that too...and it's funny how angsty i find that song when really it's about
      not being alone because God is with you...(sorry, entering sunday school teacher mode.....)
      My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


        Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
        I shall be around today. I have to run to my alterations tailor, but I plan on hanging around the house today. Can't wait for the fic and treats. Just a random football thing, I was playing NCAA Football 10 in Road to Glory mode (Erin Andrews makes my heart ting-a-ling almost as much as Lizzie) when I had to play UGA Between the Hedges. I lost in OT. It kept me out of the SEC conference championship game and the national championship.
        It'll probably be later this afternoon. I've still got RL work to get through so hopefully I can finish everything to post up here.

        It's nice to know that in the virtual world, at least, we still have some semblance of a defense. Sorry 'bout your virtual Vols.
        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


          My eyes are back!!!!!!!
          Yes it's a strange
          Thanks my homie and mi amiga. Now that I can see my drawing and the coloring of Erin, I'm
          We saw "The Queen" this afternoon. Rachel is excellent in it. Mom liked it but she was lost in her mind. She's sad since GITM and she keeps talking about

          And happy news: CLINT EASTWOOD WILL BE IN MY TOWN SATURDAY!!!!!!
          I will see Monsieur Eastwood. I'm happy.hihihihihi
          It's a hommage for Mister Leone and Clint will be here.hihihihi
          Ok I leave you. I'm so excited and you want to kick me now because I talk too
          Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


            Good morning, Sparkies! It's another Angsty Wednesday, and I come with a fic rec!

            Begin and Cease and Then Again Begin, by hihoplastic. Post-Lifeline AU. Sometimes, when she's lucid, she tries to get away.

            This one's utterly heartbreaking; have a box of tissues at the ready.

            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
            I'm eager and excited to see where you guys get on your expedition! If I can join the second round, or analyze from the SGC, let me know.
            You could always beam in from the Daedalus, or something.

            Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
            Ogle all ya want gals. That gives me a chance to go rescue Lizzie and take her back to my place
            I imagine John would take extreme exception to that.

            Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
            Well first things first... *leads everybody to coffee pot* Now we can strategerize. *Pulls out grapefruit* Yes, McKay I am union!
            LMAO! There's the spirit!

            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Now there 'ya go. A man who can think clearly. *chugs coffee* Okay, I'm ready to go. Now we can head off to the gear up room and let John fit us with our tac vests...what?

            And I found a new Sparky song with a Spanish flavor. To Be With You
            Originally posted by drewandian View Post
            SR that song is beautiful...and sexy! wow!

            I've been learning this song for church...and while it's Christian rock, it always makes me think of John after Lizzie's gone....*sniff* I'd totally make an angsty vid with it if I knew how .....
            Oooooh, two very angsty songs! *sniffles* Just the thing to get me in the right frame of mind... *dives into Big Bang*
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              SK, I read that fic yesterday and all I can say is *sniff* and wow....

              It's been a rough I may actually have something to contribute to angsty Wednesday....
              My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                *huggles Drew*
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  Good morning, Sparkies! It's another Angsty Wednesday, and I come with a fic rec!

                  Begin and Cease and Then Again Begin, by hihoplastic. Post-Lifeline AU. Sometimes, when she's lucid, she tries to get away.
                  Hi SK!
                  This was my head -> when I finished this fic. It's well written and sad.
                  But I think about Clint Eastwood and I'm happy again. And Today it's football and my team wins for the moment. It can't be ansgt day for

                  : I'm sorry. I hope you will be fine. *hugs*
                  Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    *huggles Drew*
                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    Hi SK!
                    This was my head -> when I finished this fic. It's well written and sad.
                    But I think about Clint Eastwood and I'm happy again. And Today it's football and my team wins for the moment. It can't be ansgt day for

                    : I'm sorry. I hope you will be fine. *hugs*
                    Thanks guys...
                    I wrote a little something....not sure about it...I really don't know how well I do angst...I'm more of a fluff girl....
                    My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


             contribution to Angsty Wednesday...Please keep in mind that I have NOT seen Lifeline yet...I'm going off of the transcript and what I've seen in the angsty fan vids....

                      *looks around nervously and drops off attempt at angst*
                      Never Alone

                      *backs out quickly*
                      My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                        Okay, time for ultimate humiliation (not really, but for debts paid)

                        First...the story. PKPRD, I hope this meets with your caveat! Elizabeth's irritation has to do with the fact that she lost the bet to John and he's making her do all of what he's making her do. This is all done in good fun. Go Vols, and I hope you like.


                        “I look…ridiculous,” Elizabeth Weir frowned, staring at herself in the full length mirror attached to one of the walls in her room.

                        “You do not,” someone yelled enthusiastically from the other side of her door.

                        “How would you know?” she shouted back. “You haven’t even seen me yet!”

                        “I just know.”

                        She narrowed her eyes for a moment, then moved over the door locks, flinging an irritated hand across them. The door slid open to reveal Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard leaned casually up against the wall, arms crossed, with a grin that doubled at the sight of her.

                        “See, you look great.”

                        She arched an eyebrow at him, then strolled past him into the corridor, setting a brisk pace. “Can we just get this over with?”

                        He jogged to catch up, whirling around in front of her and walking backwards. “I’ll remind you that this wasn’t my idea.”

                        “Please. This was completely your idea.”

                        “Not this part,” he waved a hand in front of her. “Those were the stakes YOU set.”

                        “Well, I didn't know I'd have to break regulations to do it.”

                        “Please. And don't blame me for the get-up, it’s not my fault you have no knowledge of college football teams and their traditions. You know, for someone who can speak six languages fluently and knows pretty much the entire history of the Ancients, there is a surprising amount of stuff of which you are totally ignorant.”

                        “Seven. I speak seven languages fluently. And I’ll remind you that knowing the history and tradition of a game involving a bunch of guys running around jumping on each other over an odd-shaped piece of leather is not exactly necessary reading material for leading intergalactic expeditions.”

                        “Probably should be. You could learn a lot from football players that would be plenty relevant to a mission like this.”

                        “Oh yeah? Like what?”

                        “Well, evasive maneuvers, for one; double coverage on a particularly nasty bad guy; the quarterback sneak, which is always good for flying under the radar, and of course, the ever impressive Hail Mary pass, which…”

                        “Yes, I remember that one,” she muttered.

                        They were nearing the transporter to the Tower and a few of the expedition members, scientists, based on their blue shirts, nearly stumbled over each other at the site of her.

                        She felt a flush creep up her face and she shot forward, into the transporter, selecting the Tower as quickly as she could. Not quickly enough, however, as John managed to slide in behind her.

                        The doors opened almost immediately, though she didn’t know if that was a blessing or a curse. John strolled out first, arms crossed, head held high, a cheeky grin on his face. She resisted the urge to kick him and slid over towards the corridor beneath the control room.

                        “Nah ah,” he chirped, pointing with one finger down the opposite hallway. “Through the Gate Room.”

                        She fixed him with her most imposing stare, eyebrow at full arch. “You can’t be serious.”

                        His grin grew devilish. “Gate Room.”

                        “I swear, one of these days, John Sheppard…”

                        “Yeah, yeah, send me to scout the next Wraith Hive Ship that flies by. But now? Gate Room.”

                        Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and stomped forward, fists clenched, into the open expanse of the Gate Room. As on any given day, it was bustling with activity, all of which ground to a dead halt at the sight of their Expedition Head, flanked by their Military Commander, entering the vicinity.

                        Normally Elizabeth’s presence wasn’t imposing enough to stop anything in its tracks, but she was well-aware of what her appearance today would bring. Within a few seconds, a slight tittering had risen up through the Gate Room and the control room above as she marched through, which might have exploded into full on laughter had it not been for the death stares she was throwing everyone. John, on the other hand, grinned jovially at everyone, taking the control room steps two by two.

                        She presumed shoving him down the steps would not be an advisable move in sight of the laws governing the expedition, but it didn’t rob her of the satisfaction of imagining what he’d look like splattered on the floor beneath them.

                        Her brisk walk through the control center was interrupted by Rodney, munching on an apple and studying a datapad, coming from the opposite direction and apparently oblivious to what had been going on only seconds prior.

                        He glanced up, catching sight of her and Sheppard. “Ah Elizabeth, I needed to see you…”


                        McKay made a face, staring her down from head to toe. “What on earth are you wearing?”

                        “It’s a long story, Rodney,” she muttered, pushing past him, only to be stopped in her tracks at the sight of her office. “Oh my God…what IS that?”

                        John leaned casually against the dialer, smiling. “That is the Tennessee ‘T’.”

                        “The Tennessee what?” she asked incredulously, staring at the huge orange T decorating the window of her office which faced into the gateroom. Chuck, the technician, buried himself deeper into the other side of his console, doing a terrible job of hiding his grin.

                        “The Tennessee ‘T,’” John replied, making air quotes with his fingers. “It’s the symbol of the UT football team. And basketball team. And baseball team. And pretty much any UT team. Stamped on their helmets, field, stadium, bumper stickers, license plates, grills, coffins, toothbrushes, salt and pepper shakers…”

                        “Coffins?” Rodney questioned. “Why on earth would they have it on coffins?”

                        “So fans can be buried in their team colors.”

                        The scientist frowned. “That’s just disturbing.”

                        “You didn’t tell me I’d have to have a ‘T’ in my office!” Elizabeth snapped.

                        John’s eyes narrowed. “Rules of the bet were one day in the school colors, with appropriate paraphernalia for absolute kowtowing to the winner. You cannot possibly kowtow to Tennessee without acknowledging the ‘T’.”

                        “Is that why you’re wearing that orange top with the checkered white pants?” Rodney murmured. “Those are their colors?”

                        “Proud orange and white,” John returned triumphantly.

                        “Then what’s with the coonskin cap?”

                        Elizabeth made a face, pushing past them. John followed, motioning to Rodney. “Well, Tennessee’s mascot is a Volunteer. As in the famous Tennessee Volunteers back in the day, who were famous for dragoon uniforms and the Davy Crockett look. So one of their representing mascot figureheads is a Volunteer dressed in suede and wearing a coonskin cap.”
                        Rodney frowned at her. “And why would you choose them as your team again?”

                        “I DIDN’T,” she snapped, making her across the bridge and trying to avoid the huge T stuck to the glass. “That would be the point of this.”

                        “Elizabeth here decided that all the time we spend talking about football was pointless…”

                        “I didn’t say ‘pointless.’”

                        “Okay, then, ‘uninteresting’ and that pretty much anyone could determine the outcome of a match-up if they tried hard enough without having to know much about the teams involved. So I let her pick a team that she thought was good and I’d pick a rival team I liked. Whoever won the head-to-head won the bet.”

                        “And this is the punishment? Dressing like a creamsicle?”

                        Elizabeth threw Rodney a dirty look. “Watch it.”

                        “Team colors, mascots and fight songs were all fair game.”

                        “So…what team did you choose?” Rodney asked, as she paused for a moment to stare at an orange and white checkerboard carpet that now decorated her floor.

                        “I think they’re called the Georgia Bulldogs,” she muttered, sliding into her chair. Thankfully, nothing else of the orange and white variety popped up at her.

                        “They ARE the Georgia Bulldogs, and don’t pretend you don’t remember, because I happen to know for a fact that you consulted—twice—with Sergeant Simmons as to which team would be the best to pick.”

                        “Well, you have to admit you had a distinct advantage over me in this.”

                        “Not really. We agreed no top ten teams, so really the outcome was more determined by the stats and averages. It's not my fault you picked a team with a weak defense. Tennessee's had a rough couple of years, but they are definitely going to be a powerhouse in the SEC from now on. Georgia's never gonna get there.”

                        She raised an eyebrow at John as he smirked back at her. “I have no idea what that means. But at least their colors are nice colors.”

                        “Their colors are red and black!”


                        “You wouldn’t have had a problem with me dressed like you normally do the whole day?”

                        “Actually, not really.”

                        “Right.” He made a face. “Sure. Next time, base your choice on the merits of the team, not the colors and maybe you will get the chance to see me sport something other than black.”

                        “Look, you got what you wanted, now…”

                        “Doctor Weir?”

                        Elizabeth frowned as Teyla and Ronon made their way into the office, Teyla’s expression puzzled, Ronon barely containing his laughter. She didn’t think she’d ever seen him grin so widely.

                        “What’s up with that?” he managed to choke out.

                        Elizabeth tore the cap off her head. “Did you need something, Teyla?”

                        “I was told you needed to speak with us,” the Athosian returned with a gentle smile, casting a chastising look at John. “Though I believe we were misinformed as to the purpose.”

                        “Is there anybody in here who actually needs to speak to me about something having to do with Atlantis?”

                        “Yes,” Rodney said. “Though I can’t do it with you in that outfit. I’m getting bad flashbacks to the year I lost the checker championships to my sister. I’ll come back when you’re back to being…you.”

                        “We will also return when we are needed,” Teyla said, shoving at Ronon, who was now shaking with suppressed laughter. “Have a pleasant day.”

                        “Doubtful,” Elizabeth groaned softly. John hovered around her desk, arms still crossed, still smiling. “You need something else, Colonel?”

                        “Oh…no. Just enjoying the moment.”

                        She glared at him, then flipped up her laptop. Through the tiny speakers, and unusually catchy song blared loudly, inciting another round of giggles from the control room. “What is that?”

                        John bounced on his heels with a smile. “That would be ‘Rocky Top’, the unofficial fight song of the Tennessee Volunteers.”

                        “How long is this going to be playing on my computer?”

                        “As long as it takes for you to memorize it. Which won’t take long, trust me.”

                        “I would NOT have done this to you.”

                        “Oh, yes you would and probably worse. I heard about the Hairy Dog head in the mail room. Now, enjoy your day.” He spun around. “And just be glad I didn’t make you sing it.”

                        She sat back in her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose as ‘Rocky Top’s’ chorus filled her office. Only ten more hours to go.

                        Though, she had to admit, the song was kinda catchy.

                        Secondly, I made pictures to illustrate!


                        And finally, something for your wall.


                        Last edited by Eri13; 14 October 2009, 03:24 PM.
                        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                          Originally posted by Probie View Post
                          Hi SK!
                          This was my head -> when I finished this fic. It's well written and sad.
                          But I think about Clint Eastwood and I'm happy again. And Today it's football and my team wins for the moment. It can't be ansgt day for

                          : I'm sorry. I hope you will be fine. *hugs*
                          Clint Eastwood rules. Dirty Harry must totally be one of John's heroes!

                          Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                          Thanks guys...
                          I wrote a little something....not sure about it...I really don't know how well I do angst...I'm more of a fluff girl....
                          Post it! Post it!

                          ETA: Nevermind, you did. And it's very, very angsty! *flails and cries* I love it!
                          Last edited by Scary Kitty; 14 October 2009, 11:54 AM.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Clint Eastwood rules. Dirty Harry must totally be one of John's heroes!

                            Post it! Post it!

                            ETA: Nevermind, you did. And it's very, very angsty! *flails and cries* I love it!
                            yeah i got it posted right before GW went all wonky again...
                            I'm glad you loved was strangely difficult for me to write, but needed to be written...
                            My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                              *scurries away from frightening season 4 mentionings*

                              And instead...

                              *curiously watches the strange group of people being all giddy*

                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                                yeah i got it posted right before GW went all wonky again...
                                I'm glad you loved was strangely difficult for me to write, but needed to be written...
                                I wasn't sure I got my edited post in, 'cause the board just kept loading and loading and loading and loading and loading... then it finally gave that dreaded "500 Internal Server Error" message again. Geeze, did someone feed the GW server chili again! Quick, someone get some Tums!

                                Now, as for the story... *wails* It was so, so sad! *huggles John and Lizzie* I know what you mean about having a story in your head that just needs to be written... that's how I feel about the Big Bang story. Speaking of which, Chapter 9 is at the betas, Chapter 10 (which may be split into a Chapter 11) is going to be edited tonight and sent out for beta tomorrow. And then I can submit it on Friday! Hooray, it's almost done!

                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                *scurries away from frightening season 4 mentionings*

                                And instead...

                                *curiously watches the strange group of people being all giddy*

                                Heehee! *sets out another plate of sugar for the lemming*
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

