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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Conversion spoiler:

    Maybe I'm being an optimist, but I didn't find the Sheyla kiss to be at all shippy. There was none of the breathless, can't-help-being-turned-on feel you'd normally get if it was supposed to be shippy. She just looked freaked out. And she definitely blew out a sigh of relief when he apologized at the end. As someone said above, it was all caveman instinct working there.

    But no matter how caveman he went, he didn't want to hurt Elizabeth. No sirree, had to keep her safe.

    Col. skinner so wants elizabeth, but he knows he hasn't got a chance. I LOVED Weir being all protective of John's rights as the person in charge.

    the only thing I would really have liked would have been to see a final scene with Elizabeth and John after he was cured. But that's a minor quibble. For the most part, it was awesome.


      I did not like this episode. It can easily interpreted as Sheyla canon. He respects and likes Elizabeth, but is sexually attracted to Teyla. Elizabeth obviously cares very much for him, but it's not reciprocated. I really hope the PTB pick one ship and make it work. Don't turn it into a soap opera triangle, which I have a bad feeling the show might be devolving into. This was a very disappointing episode.


        Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
        When that does come up can someone post a link? Pretty Please? *begs*
        Just monitor zeropointsnark.

        Originally posted by xkawaiix
        Gah!!! I feel bad that I'm probably the only one who thought that the ending was a cannon!!!!! -sulks- I feel like a traitor... -sob-
        What do you mean by "cannon"? My impression of that scene was that it was the official end of any flirtation with a Shep/Teyla storyline.


          Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
          When that does come up can someone post a link? Pretty Please? *begs*
          Aww you don't have to beg *pets Sapphire* As soon as it's up ( i check...a lot) i'll link it

          In the mean time, Icarus has posted a funny drunken recap of Conversion over at JE_LJ

          Now i'm off to bed bc it's 3:57am and i have work tomorrow. Night yall.


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
            Aww you don't have to beg *pets Sapphire* As soon as it's up ( i check...a lot) i'll link it
            Originally posted by parsifal
            Just monitor zeropointsnark.
            Thanks people *Breathes sigh of relief* i can now waste time more efficiently by reading *hugs for all*

            Lovebar made by natz099
            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


              Originally posted by xkawaiix
              Hehe, Thanks SoulSpinder, I really needed a view of Shep/Weir shippyness after the end of that episode.
              You are entirely welcome!

              Yes, the ending wasn't good, but it was in my mind slightly amusing. And, of CORSE the Sheyla fans are gonna be all over this. I mean, come on, if it were the other way around we'd probably be jumping around. Let them have thier fun.

              I'm with Parsifal. Maybe not the utter end, but...

              I can't remember the SN, but someone's husband said that TEyla look relieved. To me it wasn't a 'thank goodness it went well I didn't want to crawl inside my heart and find I have nearly spontaneous love for this man but he can never see it' breathing out (sorry if I offended anyone!) It was more of a "thank goodness that is over. That was just plain /freaky/"

              And John didn't seem tense, like one would be if they had kissed someone they were highly attracted to. He just seemed embarassed.
              Last edited by SoulSpinder; 09 September 2005, 07:16 PM.
              "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                I haven't read all the posts yet, but my quick take.
                The kiss was a violent act and Teyla was petrified.

                As for the end. Teyla turns her back to John and my 13 yr old said, "Oooh Teyla. .Whew, she's glad that's over!"

                That summed it up for me.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Unlurking to say I loved it!


                  Well the kiss was nothing. Whew! And the ending, the look on Teyla's face was telling. She was relieved. Relieved! Not titillated by John's cave-man kiss. (I try to work titillated into a sentence once a week.) I don't see the Sheyla in this. I saw Teyla caring for a friend, but she was no where near as overwhelmed with it as Elizabeth was.
                  Onto the important stuff...Weir, well what can you say about our gal! The scenes in John's quarters were hot and she kicks butt. Everyone was concerned about John, but Elizabeth was, well, beyond concerned really. She was close to loosing it a couple times I think. Now we need a John in super worry mode over her. (The Long Goodbye anyone?)
                  I am not very happy about Skinner hitting on Weir. And you know he was! But was he doing it because he is truly interested in her, or just to get control of Atlantis. I was (slightly) worried with the solitaire/chess scene, but thankfully she saw through that later on. And her tough chick line to him at the end about not wanting her as his enemy, well I see no ship. Nope, refuse to see it. Not there. But I do see her statement as a setup for something in the future. Caldwell is going to be a big issue later on. And the fact he even commented to Elizabeth on her relationship to John hints that may be where this storyline is going.
                  This episode screamed Sheppard/Weir.
                  My one complaint was the end was too abrupt. Where is the scene with John apologizing to Elizabeth? Smooching on Telya is not near as bad as choking your boss (::cough::lover::cough:. I can only figure that it was too private even for cable tv.

                  Now that I have rambled, let me say I am a glass half-full kind of gal, but are we getting too much ship? I know, no such thing with these two, but realistically, are we being set up for something bad? Maybe I just don't trust these tptb anymore, but I feel a little concerned. Not to say I think they are going Shelya. Could the tptb actually be trying to go for an honest relationship, not a yank-your-chain ship?

                  Now as I write this BSG has ended and can I say (off topic spoiler alert!):
                  Xena is NOT a cylon. That is just a world of wrong!!
                  "It's been my experience, Julia, that no matter where you go...there you are. " Suzanne Sugarbaker
                  (Designing Women)


           that I'm breathing normally again...I think I held my breath the entire ep. ; )


                    I could sum up this 'debate' in one sentence that keeps going thru my head. Tey and John may have got the one-shot kiss but Elizabeth and John got the relationship.

                    I liked the ep pretty well over all. Angst galore. Make-up did a great job on Joe. And what can you say about Caldwell? Mitch is playing him as an A-double one ass with an unclear motive. I like how he's 'probing' our boy and our girl to see if he can come up with weaknesses and find where to attack. I think he's pretty much seeing the real weak spot they have: each other. He was being so, 'awww...I want to give you a shoulder and be a big, supportive man to you' sort of crap and she was having none of it. Watch for him to begin paying her even *more* attention pretty soon and watch for John to notice. This dude is gonna play both ends against the middle. He wants that city. How far he's willing to go or who he's willing to do to get it is anyone's guess.

                    But I regress...the thing that's on everyone's minds is the ship 'triangle'. And yep, that's what it feels like to me TPTB may be trying to develop. Elizabeth *so* evidently has such deep emotions for her 2IC and Teyla, well, I don't know quite what to make of any thing she did in the ep other than be scared of that wraithykiss john laid on her. I guess if one thing happened that causes me to go, 'eh?' with this is that john actually did kiss her. I've had no doubt that the thought has occured to him but it was about as flat as I would expect it to be and honestly set up little to nothing as far as future development that I could see. John admitted he was out of yeah...teyla looked part amused, part relieved and part interested.

                    There's just flat out no sense of 'build-up' or timing or real zing between them at all is there? It's like TPTB said well, we'll 'go there' this way and it'll cause an uproar and get people talking. Yeah, it'll do that alright. In that sense, their mission is accomplished. But folks, I can count the number of meaningful conversations that John/Teyla have had on ONE hand. It's just not there. No foundation. nada. And does anyone else find it obvious that while we had this bookend scene with john/tey that the entire ep really belonged to john and elizabeth and the entire trust between them. TPTB have been building that strongly for a year now for a reason folks. Tonight, the bookend scenes were the 'gotcha!' fodder. The 'meat' of that ep was slap dab in the middle.

                    I'll delve into the specific 'trust' scenes later. But I'll tell ya. I've no doubt after tonight that Elizabeth Weir has fallen hard in love with John Sheppard. We'll see soon enough if those will be returned.

                    -B ; )


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      I liked the ep pretty well over all. Angst galore. Make-up did a great job on Joe. And what can you say about Caldwell? Mitch is playing him as an A-double one ass with an unclear motive. I like how he's 'probing' our boy and our girl to see if he can come up with weaknesses and find where to attack. I think he's pretty much seeing the real weak spot they have: each other. He was being so, 'awww...I want to give you a shoulder and be a big, supportive man to you' sort of crap and she was having none of it. Watch for him to begin paying her even *more* attention pretty soon and watch for John to notice. This dude is gonna play both ends against the middle. He wants that city. How far he's willing to go or who he's willing to do to get it is anyone's guess.

                      -B ; )
                      Its like 5.37 am over here and it was all worth waking up it seems anyway WOW ..... some serious deja vu with Caldwell thing huh? You have no option but to continue BLP over next 2 weeks!

                      “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
                      - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


                        I liked "Conversion." There's going to be a whole lot of interpretations to this, and here's one more to the pile.

                        The S/T kiss was sooo not what I was fearing. It was the primal stuff, which was prefaced with John acting so very OOC and dark. When he said "You can call me John," I practically expected him to growl. Very dark and primal, and then the kiss. Teyla seemed freaked, both before and after. It can be interpreted a number of ways, but she *was* freaked. Did you guys notice how she called him "Colonel" after the kiss, even after the "Call me John" request? It illustrated her confusion and bewilderment clear as daylight. The ending scene is also exactly what I was expecting. John apologizing for being so "out of character," I believe the exact words were. Then Teyla, relieved and happy, agrees and lets it go. It wasn't the closure to the Shep/Teyla ship as I was hoping for, but it was a step in the right direction.

                        Okay, now to the *really* good stuff. There was plenty of shippy scenes to be had. Weir's concern, Sheppard's fear of hurting her, and even Cadwell commenting on their close relationship. There was also the "bed-side manner" jokes, and *plenty* of private conversations between our two favorite characters. How many were there? Can somebody count, because I think it was like three different conversations, possibly four. That's why I love this ship, because it's about emotions and companionship and deep meaningful stuff!

                        Man, this episode was great for both Sheppard and Weir! Joe and Torri amazed me with their acting, playing completely opposite ends of the spectrum in what they had to do. Sheppard was all primal and dark, and Weir was concerned. (Torri really impressed me with her facial expressions. No words were necessary for her to convey any emotions). Weir was also forceful and in command. She butted heads with Cadwell and resisted John's request to join the team off-world - twice! The first time, he put his hand throw a plate-glass window, the second time he choked her out of anger! Yikes. But Elizabeth held her ground.

                        All in all, this episode will be remembered for years, by many people, for many different reasons. But I’m going to remember this as one of the most S/W shippiest episodes of the year, coming in under Siege III.

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Originally posted by seetheship
                          Its like 5.37 am over here and it was all worth waking up it seems anyway WOW ..... some serious deja vu with Caldwell thing huh? You have no option but to continue BLP over next 2 weeks!

                          LOL! Yeah, I caught myself at several points in the ep yelling at the tv, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" ; ) Yeah, I felt pretty vindicated by the Caldwell 'angling'.

                          His 'playing up' to Eliz. is a little different for him but he's a shrewd dude. One of the biggest scenes in the ep was the line of his about the two of them being pretty close. Eliz's reaction was priceless.

                          -B ; )


                            Bama, you really hit the nail on the head when you said Sheppard/Teyla had
                            a kiss
                            , but Sheppard/Weir have a relationship. My mom is the one person I chat about this show with and she said shep/Weir talk to to each other. A physical attraction Shep/Teyla may have, but that can only go so far and then what's left?

                            Also Bama what you said about Shep/Weir
                            having the meat of the episode in the middle of it. in the episode seige 3 someone posted after this episode aired on this thread that as nice as the hug was between SHep/Weir it was really the episode as a whole. There was something that continued through in s3 between shep/weir. It was really the episode as a whole that made their relationship interesting and shippy. But Conversion didn't have that with SHep/Teyla. Like you said Bama. The two just basically bookended the episode with no continual feeling of anything between them.


                              I watched Conversion with a BIG glass of Shiraz...

                              I have enormous, gigantic Col. Skinner love. I can't help myself!! I am gonna really enjoy his "bad-ass-ness" this season. He is a total S/W shipper!

                              As much as the kiss upset several posters on this board {{{snuggles}}} the whole ep was Elizabeth trying to save John. Her reactions, her determintation, her standing strong against sacrificing more for him, Her regret. Her Her Her. Even tho' it was Johns' life on the line, there wasn't introspective!John, it was All. About. Elizabeth. She didn't compromise her decision making abilities just because it was John in trouble. I wonder how this will play in the future. And, if John will do as well when it Elizabeths turn to be in totally hopeless plot/trouble. Ahem, so not gonna do well!! I predict it now!

                              ((HA! "You can call me John off the clock!" Elizabeth calls him John any damn time she feels like it!!))

                              I loved it, it was sooooo much better than last weeks ep. But I am Severly bitter about having to wait another 2 weeks for another ep. The double finales??

                              Its the Shiraz talking...


                                I got the impression that when
                                Caldwell confronted Weir about her "relationship" with Sheppard, that eventually that is where TPTB intend to go. Heck, if this was THE episode to promote Shep/Tey, then WHY did Caldwell have to make that remark? It was put in for a reason.

                                TPTB are probably going to sit in their offices tomorrow, reading our posts, laughing at how clever they are jerking all of us around. *shaking head*

                                When all else fails, change channels.

