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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Oh goodness. .y'all are way too mushy today. *Tosses mints*

    When all else fails, change channels.


      I guess everyones so mushy due to tonights episode, The Long Goodbye!!!! TGIF!!!!!


        Originally posted by k8tbug1
        I guess everyones so mushy due to tonights episode, The Long Goodbye!!!! TGIF!!!!!
        I have not seen TLG yet, so tonight is huge for me. I spoiled a lot of the plot points, but after a certain point, I just stopped reading all the white spaces. A lot of the episode is still unknown to me, so I'm expecting a couple of surprises.

        Obviously, though, the
        kiss is not going to be a surprise to me. I think everybody that's a regular here, regardless of wanting to be spoiled on that or not, knows about that!!! But you know what I was thinkinig lately? The images of the kiss and the clips I've seen of it on various music videos and such made me squee - no doubt - but it didn't melt me in that way that the hug of Siege III did. Does that make me wierd?

        The hug was so astromically fantastic, and unexpected, and glee-worthy! I have the clip of it saved on my computer, and whenever I'm feeling blue, (even from the totally serious sickness I have right now), I just play that clip and it *never* fails to bring a huge smile to my face. The expression on John's face? So like a lost puppy that found unexpected love and companionship! OH, I LOVE HIS REACTION!!!

        My fiance is slightly jealous of that clip, I think. I sometimes smile wider at it than I do him! hehehe.

        I haven't seen TLG, but I've seen clips of the kiss. It made me grin outright, but it didn't inspire that mind-numbing *melting* sensation in me as the hug did. Maybe that will change tonight.

        Oh, and Mel, I agree. The FRIENDship is what attracted me to the ship in the first place. I remember talking with the S/T thread once, and they were so confused how so many people saw S/W as a romantic ship. They only see a deep friendship (which is, btw, more than I sometimes see between Teyla and Sheppard, but I kept that to myself). I responded, with this

        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


          Ou, it's all goopy love in here

          'Rising': EXACTLY. I kept asking my bro: "Why is he following her around?" He went: "Well, cos she's the one that asked him to come on the expedition. Plus she's kinda hot. I wanna see her legs. I think he does too." Boys But the point was there was a natural attraction. Not all about the 'sexing' as some y'all have put it. It was a little more cerebral, if you can call it that. The chair thing, the going back for ppl balcony scene that started it all.... btw in the commentary Martin Wood said it was one of his favorite scenes *We know you're a lil shipper Martin*

          Oh, and on a completely random note: Had a super Sparky dream... Then the damn alarm woke me up at THE most crucial moment. Stupid real life interferring w/my Sparky, grrrr.
          ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


            Originally posted by sunny
            Ou, it's all goopy love in here
            Well, it IS TLG day AND almost Valentine's Day. Ooo, maybe that means something, playing TLG just before Valentine's? Nah, probably not, but one can dream, right?

            And to be really random since I'm in a giddy friday mood: This chocolate is really yummy. It comes in cute little pie shaped pieces.

            Ok, I'm done now.

            See! Even they're in a good mood.

            Edit: It seems awfully quiet in here today. Everyone must have passed out from all the in-depth discussion.
            Last edited by La'rosh; 10 February 2006, 02:27 PM.
            Stargate Addicts - a podcast for the obsessive Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis fan
            My new podcast with Merala Anewan, come check it out. It'll make us happy.

            Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

            Lovely sig by Blue Banrigh, thanks again. As for Atlantis X-Treme, that came from my own loopy mind.


              Originally posted by GateByte
              I agree. I like that it wasn't shoved in our faces. The 'accidental' sparkiness that the actors have put across, allows the relationship to be more subtle and to grow at a more natural and rate, rather than just having tptb push it at you like 'that's what we want, deal'.

              When two actors have such great chemistry like JF and TH, you can't help but see that chemistry translate onto the screen.
              I think we were lucky Sparky wasn't in their plans, and so far they haven't tried to mess with it. Instead of artificial, fabricated, *oh* *so* obviously* put with the sole purpose of saying "see, you *HAVE TO* see this, *THIS* is *the* pairing" moments (like that's gonna work, you can't fabricate UST), they've already tried that and see how it turned out, lol.
              We have in Sparky a naturaly evolving mature relationship between two individuals. They have their trust in eachother, the attraction is certainly there, they care about eachother.
              This is why i don't push for RST, their relationship is so beautiful the way it is, if tptb just let it flow, it'll reach resolution by itself when it reaches that point. My reasoning is kind of confusing, but what i'm trying to say is, from what i've seen every relationship on t.v has had a point where it would've been ideal to resolve it, the problem comes when tptb force the resolution when the characters are not ready. Or when they wait too long in hopes of exploiting the UST 'till the last drop. So RST will come when it comes, when Sheppard and Weir reach the ideal point when they're both ready for it, and if tptb pay attention to the signals.
              Last edited by Luz; 10 February 2006, 04:43 PM.


                I don't think this has been posted yet. Ch. 4 of Athena's Snowbound.



                  'Tis on the cusp of Valentines Day -and we get TLG- ....ahhhh....little freudian slippage by tptb there? I think so.

                  I haven't seen the entire ep so I too am rather psyched about seeing it. Actually, I think it helps that I've seen the 'scene' so that I can just sit back and relax and enjoy the episode without a constant 'expectation' or 'wonderment'. The fact that it's a neat episode-all ship aside- makes it that much more anticipated to me. I have a feeling that unlike post-'tower' that I'll feel a bit more 'chatty' post TLG.


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    ...from what i've seen every relationship on t.v has had a point where it woul've been ideal to resolve it, the problem comes when tptb force the resolution when the characters are not ready. Or when they wait too long in hopes of exploiting the UST 'till the last drop. So RST will come when it comes, when Sheppard and Weir reach the ideal point when they're both ready for it, and if tptb pay attention to the signals.
                    WOW. Could NOT agree more with that statement!!! That is exactly what should occur. Whether it takes another year, two, or five-that's the 'when' of it. Great 'couples' don't have to be 'tinkered' with or 'rushed' or 'written to'. They just 'are' and they flow as you beautifully said into perfect time moments on their own slowly. All tptb have to do is pay friggin attention so that they don't let the right 'times' pass by them without proper action. I love how subtle the UST is and as such, it's not sharp or demanding. The S/W slow friendship to more burn is based on real feelings that are prodded and explored by real events within their world. All the writers need to do is write to allow character exploration and friendship opportunities and the rest of it will take care of itself.


                      That was freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!


                        Originally posted by Erised
                        That was freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!
                        Squeee!! Oh yeah!! I'll second that!!!


                          Originally posted by k8tbug1
                          Squeee!! Oh yeah!! I'll second that!!!
                          LOL! How can you not love any episode that ends with 'Lizabeth and John in bed together?


                            Originally posted by Erised
                            That was freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!
                            GOSH!!!, she looks so gorgeous while beeing evil .


                              Originally posted by Luz
                              GOSH!!!, she looks so gorgeous while beeing evil .
                              The word 'HAWT' passed my lips more than once when she was barking around during the ep. LOL!!
                              And was it my imagination or did they use Teyla's wardrobe on her this week? Her shirt during those fight scenes shrunk to barbiedoll proportions! LMAO!


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                LOL! How can you not love any episode that ends with 'Lizabeth and John in bed together?
                                LOL, now we just need to push the beds a liiiiitle closer. hehe

