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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Shonaille
    I have to admit that the stuff I've been hearing about Long Kiss Goodnight is a bit worrying. I thin it would be too wierd and OOC for Elizabeth to start kicking butt. I'd like for her to get some more off world action but actually fighting would be just awkward. Does anyone have any info about this ep at all??
    Uh oh, I think I'm going Lurker. Must be school comming up, grrr.

    Well, I haven't hear whether Elizabeth was fighting as self defense or if it was forced, like it's not really Elizabeth that's practically throwing eveyone everywhere... or did you guys already clear that up?

    Oh, and welcome Shonaille!


      Originally posted by Vixen
      So many things I agree with.
      Do we even know what makes her act like that in TLG? The info on it is so vague.

      Nope, and I'm suspicious that it may be an otherworldly influence of some sort and I can't decide if I would rather it be something like that or rather it not. Ya know? ; ) TPTB sure are enjoying tormenting us in those blogs with it though aren't they? ; )



        Some of you guys might be interested in this poll and thread. Amazing to me how some folks think... -B


          Originally posted by Bama
          TPTB sure are enjoying tormenting us in those blogs with it though aren't they? ; )

          Haha, yeah. I can just imagine them sitting there and rubbing their hands with evil laughter. *draws red horns on their heads to make it more clear*


            Hmm. I know he's not from SGA, but I've always had a weird fascination with the idea of Elizabeth/Daniel. I blame that on the SG-1/SGA convention stuff we saw a couple of weeks back. All that talk (and kissing!) between Torrie and Michael just planted an E/D idea in my head for a fanfiction. Alas, I don't have the time to write it. But if I had, it would have been Elizabeth/Daniel, with plenty of jealous Shep!

            I know. I know. Lame. Forgive me please.

            Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
            I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
            Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


              Originally posted by xkawaiix
              Uh oh, I think I'm going Lurker. Must be school comming up, grrr.

              Well, I haven't hear whether Elizabeth was fighting as self defense or if it was forced, like it's not really Elizabeth that's practically throwing eveyone everywhere... or did you guys already clear that up?

              Oh, and welcome Shonaille!

              Thanks for the welcome and I guess we will have to wait and see


                Originally posted by Whistler84
                Hmm. I know he's not from SGA, but I've always had a weird fascination with the idea of Elizabeth/Daniel. I blame that on the SG-1/SGA convention stuff we saw a couple of weeks back. All that talk (and kissing!) between Torrie and Michael just planted an E/D idea in my head for a fanfiction. Alas, I don't have the time to write it. But if I had, it would have been Elizabeth/Daniel, with plenty of jealous Shep!

                I know. I know. Lame. Forgive me please.
                No, actually, it is not lame imo at all and if I'd been open to suggesting sg1 folks, I'd have done the same with them. I don't think daniel is nearly so perfect for her as john either (who is) but wouldn't it make a fantastic cross-over ep for him to show some interest and john to have to get all jealous. may be too fanficish but hell, if john can spork with hotalienchiks of the week, turn about is fair play.

                -B ; )

                P.s...I'd be remiss if I didn't welcome you too shanielle! Great to see newbies around! ; )


                  Originally posted by Whistler84
                  Hmm. I know he's not from SGA, but I've always had a weird fascination with the idea of Elizabeth/Daniel. I blame that on the SG-1/SGA convention stuff we saw a couple of weeks back. All that talk (and kissing!) between Torrie and Michael just planted an E/D idea in my head for a fanfiction. Alas, I don't have the time to write it. But if I had, it would have been Elizabeth/Daniel, with plenty of jealous Shep!

                  I know. I know. Lame. Forgive me please.

                  Oh, I've had that idea, myself and I thought I saw a little something in NO1&2 and Rising, but that might just be my silly shippy fan mind and it's not lame really, there are a few ppl on a shipper thread that agree about it too.

                  Here's a link, there hasn't been any discussion over there for quite a while but maybe you can change that.

                  McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                  Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                  McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                  McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                  First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                  My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    Some of you guys might be interested in this poll and thread. Amazing to me how some folks think... -B

                    LOL ..Bama....Thanks for the funnies

                    “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
                    - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      Some of you guys might be interested in this poll and thread. Amazing to me how some folks think... -B

                      I'm not sure there is "thinking" going on in that thread. It seems like alot of 14 yr. olds, which I feel, this show is written for sometimes. I would like to see SGA to be a more grown-up show, grittier, darker & funnier. Let SG1 be the "familygate" show. sigh.


                        The idea of Elizabeth/Daniel is very interesting, look at their interaction on New Order, they were smoldering. He would definitely be my second choice for Weir. Although seeing how they are from different shows, and the events of said shows take place in different galaxies.
                        If it's not Shep/Weir, i guess i would be okay with Shep/Teyla.


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          Some of you guys might be interested in this poll and thread. Amazing to me how some folks think... -B

                          Oh dear. I gave up on that thread after someone posted Shep and Teyla do the stick training to relieve their sexual tension.

                          What are they smoking over there? *LOL*

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by Rubicon
                            I'm not sure there is "thinking" going on in that thread. It seems like alot of 14 yr. olds, which I feel, this show is written for sometimes. I would like to see SGA to be a more grown-up show, grittier, darker & funnier. Let SG1 be the "familygate" show. sigh.
                            LOL... ; ) Yeah, I'm with ya there. I think SGA 'flirts' with the real idea of becoming a true eight o'clock hour adult sci-fi show but it's almost like TPTB worry about keeping that younger segment around. I guess I have to understand their pov. It is all about the bottom line.


                            You know we're all a little on edge with Conversion coming up but I just get a 'vibe' from it that I like. I noticed tonite when the previews showed again that Elizabeth says, "WE are going to get through this." Who else besides me likes the sound of that a lot, lot? ; ) While I know she's trying to comfort him, I also love how she used the plural pronoun to indicate that she was with him the entire way through whatever he was going thru. Very, very good sign and just one of those 'small' shippy things that you can easily overlook.

                            Speaking of appeasing those 14 year olds.. ; ) I think TPTB are still in the 'let's try and please everybody' mode-at least somewhat. Although, I'm quite certain they're shifting away from any canon Tey/John ship, they want to do it slowly and carefully and win over as man fans to Dex/Tey as they can without alienating folks who 'bought' into the 'supposed' original ideas. With Conversion, it looks like the Teyla's going to get an emotional moment with John as she has to subdue the wraithjohn.

                            The fans of that ship will get the faux shippy abuse moment it appears and perhaps that is ok...I mean, we're talking a so -called 'romantic' relationship built on stick fighting here. ; p So, to say the idea of a face meet between a possessed john and a commando Tey doesn't really bother me too badly. As long as we get those pivotal, deeply caring scenes between our boy and our girl that are rife with emotion, we'll all be happy. We know what kind of relationship we're all looking for here folks. Oddly enough, I have a really good feeling that Conversion will turn out to be a very John/Elizabeth centered ep overall. I'll take conversations anyday over fights. ; ) And in this ep, John and Eliz. certainly look to have plenty. I LOVE, LOVE it when they talk. It's almost as good as...

                            Well, ahem....Not quite perhaps but it's a step in the direction we all want for them.

                            Anyway, I think things are looking up and I'm sticking with Mel on this one. It's all good.

                            -Bama ; )
                            Last edited by Bama; 29 August 2005, 06:52 PM.


                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              Oh dear. I gave up on that thread after someone posted Shep and Teyla do the stick training to relieve their sexual tension.

                              What are they smoking over there? *LOL*

                              Yeah, it would indeed be interesting to know how many of those 'sticky fights' took place right after John had a good conversation with his 'boss'. ; ) I'd say they're probably not too far off base.


                              It's all good.



                                As a pen I once got in health class said:

                                Abuse is not love.
                                call 1-80-dont-hate
                                Citizen of Braneville

