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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    CONGRATS Erin87 on your promotion!!!!!!



      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      While it didn't poison the episode for me, sometimes inserted ship can be a little too contrived by the writer for my taste. Sparky is just there. They don't even have to write for them for it to be there. For me it's natural and it doesn't even need to be in the script. That's the kind of 'ship I like. Especially with SGA because I'm not sure the writers knew where to go with romance.

      I think after awhile anything that could have been J/T began to fly over my head. I wasn't really concerned about it for awhile because it wasn't even there for me.

      And, just to spruce things up, defending her honour:

      {Mod snip}

      :: erupts in squee's of wonderment::

      awww I so love that scene :: sighs in happiness::

      since you have been so squee... here is the finished Chapter 5

      HERE on Command Dynamics

      HERE on LJ



      HUGGLES to all
      Last edited by TameFarrar; 26 March 2009, 08:53 AM.


        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
        Oh god, that episode I will not name is up next, isn't it!? And First Strike -- blegh!
        *clings to Reiko*

        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
        Hmmm, Eri, I might have to watch this episode again. I've only seen it twice and not for awhile and I think your review here may bring about some new appreciation to this episode. I think most people may be even underrating it. You pointed out a lot of good elements in it.
        Definitely. I'm really looking forward to when we get to our post-a-thon for The Ark.

        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
        This is one of my biggest problems with Sheyla as a ship that has a lot of screentime together. First, any real hint-hint romantic feeling they have is displayed only rarely at best, sporadically at worst. I know even the Sheyla shippers have been annoyed by the fact that one moment John acts like Teyla is a close friend and then the very next is ignoring her. It's inconsistancy. Flip on; she's his best friend. Flip off; they hardly know each other.

        Sparky as a relationship has the same tone whenever it's on screen. That's consistant, which I'm surprised with by the SGA writers, but it could be JF and TH. (Everyone has a part in writing Sparky onto the screen.) But the way they act towards each other doesn't flip-flop between episodes or writers like John/Teyla did. This was troubling and confusing the first time I watched SGA. I was trying to see Sheyla because I heard that was the intended ship but I was kind of left baffled because things were so sporadic.

        Like others have mentioned, it has been demonstrated how even though John will save any one of his family, he's willing to go an extra mile for Elizabeth. I think "The Real World" also shows a special connection between them. How Elizabeth 'saw' and 'communicated' with John is amazing.
        I chalk it up primarily to Joe and Torri. Obviously, it starts with what's put into the script, but once the actors get ahold of it, what they put into their performance is what really gives it life. The editing can play a large role in it as well... and considering just how much Sheppard/Weir we got, obviously the editing was favorable to them.

        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
        Okay, onto Teyla -- I hate how she's pulled into this damsel in distress role so often. And yes I will freely say that I think in part it's because of J/T ship. To clarify, I'm all fine with one person getting injured and I love it when the whole hurt/comfort thing goes on, but sometimes it's ridiculous. Like in The Ark. Shouldn't John be in that bed? Maybe John should get injured and be out of commission.

        Also it bugs me because Teyla, even though she can be caught off guard, is a warrior. She's a hunter too, so she should be very aware of what goes around her. It's more likely John would be caught off-guard. Which brings up the question: Has Teyla ever saved John? Okay I guess in Prodigal in S5 but that was more of a Teyla vs adversary moment overall. (Avoiding spoilers.)
        Word to the wordy word! Damnit, how many times have they made such a big fuss about Teyla being this awesome warrior with mad hand-to-hand skillz? And yet Jamus gets the drop on her? What the hell?!?! John, on the other hand, should've been seriously injured in the crash. I know they made a point that Teyla was in the infirmary because she was "recovering from the side effects of the storage beam," and I suppose I can buy that, as we've seen others kinda woozy after being disgorged from a Wraith beam, but John totally should've been in an infirmary bed right next to her. With a couple of casts. Maybe in traction. *smirks*

        No, I don't think Teyla has every really saved John's bacon. And we should've seen it happen more than once. Grrr!
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Various random shout-outs:

          Congrats to Erin87 on your promotion!

          yunadax, the new chapter is awesome! I am squeeing in glee at seeing John go all snarly and being a fierce protector of Lizzie!

          Reiko: The Lizzie calls John on defending her honor scene from Misbegotten. Ah, that always brings a smile to my face.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            Various random shout-outs:

            Congrats to Erin87 on your promotion!

            yunadax, the new chapter is awesome! I am squeeing in glee at seeing John go all snarly and being a fierce protector of Lizzie!

            Reiko: The Lizzie calls John on defending her honor scene from Misbegotten. Ah, that always brings a smile to my face.
            Random shoutouts - teehee.. can we do random hug-outs too?


              Originally posted by yunadax View Post
              Random shoutouts - teehee.. can we do random hug-outs too?
              You betcha! And randomly passing out bottles of champagne, glasses of mojitos, etc...
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

                I do have to agree with what Anuna, Killdeer and SR have pointed out about the habit of inconsistency with the writing for Sheppard/Teyla making the Sheppard/Teyla scenes in The Ark ring hollow. Like them, I also felt that the emphasis on Sheppard's attention to Teyla here feels strange because it hasn't been a constant throughout the series as Sheppard/Weir has. Sheppard and Teyla are teammates and friends, and that definitely comes through in The Ark, but there's just no sense of an intuitive closeness like what Sheppard has with Weir. And that lack is further accentuated by the fact that this shared instinct Sheppard and Weir possess is in this same episode, albeit briefly.
                Yes, the sparky closeness is rather intuitive at this point - I mean, just think of Elizabeth's spidey sense (and also John's spidey sense). I mean, even a new writer like Cupreus noticed it. (I guess he didn't get the memo on that other ship, or maybe he did - "We don't know if we ship them or not")

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Yeah, JF seemed very conscientious about accuracy. I recall in a commentary he said something about insisting that Sumner's dogtags be in Shep's room and that he had to essentially chase down the props people. He seemed to really buck the pretty boy look they tried to give him. But if you've ever seen how he dresses in RL, it fits. LOL

                I wasn't very impressed with this wardrobe dept. The Teyla maternity wardrobe was the last straw. Poor Rachel.
                Oh dear. Teyla's maternity robe was beyond awful. Even while she was pregnant they couldn't stop treating her primarly like an eye candy.

                Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                Thanks! I always love hearing your opinions on the stories.

                What you pointed out is why I prefer Sparky. I saw more consistency. While I won't deny there are gems for the J/T ship as far as episodes, for me, personally I just never felt the consistency as with J/E, or even John's relationship with Rodney or Ronon/Teyla. A big part of me wants to chalk it up to the writers being boys and, like BW, have that 'he saves her all the time, he must love her--what else do we have to show!' mentality, but who knows? For me, as a viewer, I needed to see more stuff like the end scene here placed in more of the Teyla-centric episodes, like Michael or The Gift. Or even one shot scenes in general stuff. Ronon gets most of that, which is probably why I saw that relationship a little more easily as well.

                And ITA on John's injuries, too. How in the world was he able to walk around?

                Heh. People who love each other behave in that way and there's no doubt about it. I have the feeling that SGA writers, as being bunch of boys, seem to think that love is something embarrassing and should make you blush straight up to your hairline, and I mean, we can't make the cool hero Sheppard say "I love you" to someone, can't we? It would be so uncool.

                Guys, go watch Bill Adama. There's nothing uncool about that fella, and yet he gets to love someone.
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Yes, the sparky closeness is rather intuitive at this point - I mean, just think of Elizabeth's spidey sense (and also John's spidey sense). I mean, even a new writer like Cupreus noticed it. (I guess he didn't get the memo on that other ship, or maybe he did - "We don't know if we ship them or not")
                  Newbie ignorance is bliss. And we are grateful for it.

                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Oh dear. Teyla's maternity robe was beyond awful. Even while she was pregnant they couldn't stop treating her primarly like an eye candy.
                  Ugh, tell me about it. Mind you, I'm certainly not a militant prude or anything, but damn, those outfits did not flatter her at all. Poor Rachel!

                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Heh. People who love each other behave in that way and there's no doubt about it. I have the feeling that SGA writers, as being bunch of boys, seem to think that love is something embarrassing and should make you blush straight up to your hairline, and I mean, we can't make the cool hero Sheppard say "I love you" to someone, can't we? It would be so uncool.

                  Guys, go watch Bill Adama. There's nothing uncool about that fella, and yet he gets to love someone.
                  Oh hell yeah. Ron Moore and his crew did it right with Roslin/Adama.

                  Gee, you think it might help if we kidnapped TPTW and forced them to watch educational videos comparing Roslin/Adama and Sheppard/Weir? Nah, I didn't think so, either.
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Wow guys, I can't check here for a day and I have to catch up on three pages with so much good stuff!!

                    Eri, thank you for the recap. It makes me want to see the ep again. Will prolly do that tonight after Heroes.

                    Yunadax, another awesome chapter and I really can't wait to see how it continues.

                    Erin, congrats on the promotion!

                    There was more I wanted to say, but I haven't been up for that long and I need to get ready for work.

                    Sig by me


                      kris read chapter 5 and i gotta to admit u kinda got Sheppard down real good.


                        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                        kris read chapter 5 and i gotta to admit u kinda got Sheppard down real good.
                        You mean character wise or with the whumping?

                        Sig by me


                          hey i was on command dynamics maybe not even a month ago and i could've sworn i saw this story on it and now i cant find it. here's the url on fan fiction but i swear to god i saw this story on command dynamics does anyone know if on Command Dynamics if its under a different name or a different author?




                              Originally posted by yunadax View Post
                              Yesm.. an hour... well just under give or take a few mins for spell checker, although I must admit the phone wasn't ringing and I wasn't really interrupted. I guess its a left over skill from university where you had to hammer out 5000 word essays in 3 days. Or better yet.. English at high school where the topic would be on the blackboard when you walked in.. and you had to hand a 4 page essay in by the end of class.

                              Hope I'm doing your plot bunnies justice!!!

                              :: Huggles GateRaid:: just cos I can.
                              Thank you I appreciated that at the time

                              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                              Alright, Testament chapters 9 & 10 are up. Chapter 9's been up for a week, but Chapter 10 was the one I was just mentioning to SK.

                              Testament Chapter 9
                              That's two I have to read

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Yeah, JF seemed very conscientious about accuracy. I recall in a commentary he said something about insisting that Sumner's dogtags be in Shep's room and that he had to essentially chase down the props people. He seemed to really buck the pretty boy look they tried to give him. But if you've ever seen how he dresses in RL, it fits. LOL

                              I wasn't very impressed with this wardrobe dept. The Teyla maternity wardrobe was the last straw. Poor Rachel.
                              As much as I admire an ever increasing cleavage, if it is due to pregnancy, it's not something I'd chose to highlight per se. Not that pregnant women can't be attractive (RL proved that) but it has a very weird nuture/motherhood vibe.

                              As for JF, I had assumed the switch to BDU's was to do with the so called militarisation during s4. I always wondered why Colonel Carter never wore BDU's on the base (she did off-world) instead of the civilian uniform.

                              The Ark

                              This ep is what makes made SGA good. No/very little sparky, but still a pretty solid ep. Good character moments, with suspense. Little CGI. Rodney's Sammy Suicide line is one of the first things I think of for this ep.

                              Have to go. Keyboard dieing. More to say


                                Hi All, I'm gonna be away in Victoria for the next 4 days so I wont be online at all... fic will be updated upon my return.. (or if I could be bothered tapping out 1000 odd words on the PDA...).

                                Feel free to misbehave while I'm not around! I look forward to much reading through the pages of this thread when I get back

