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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Vixen
    'politicians' comment also made me laugh.

    And if there are any lefties here Happy Left Handers Day
    You mean they actually have a holiday for that? LOL I think I may have to sue somebody. What about one for righties? Geesh, what will they think of next? We should designate the anniversary of the Siege3 moment Shep/Weir day each year. Now, there's somethin worth celebrating. *g*

    -Bama ; )


      Originally posted by Major Fischer
      I'll second Mel, also having been a noromo in the X-Files world. That and I'm showing off my new sig.
      Nice sig! Whose babies do I want to have? Hmmm difficult!

      Wasn't really into XF so can't (and won't) comment


        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
        S/J wars were about S/J versus anti-S/J ship, as far as I can remember. Taught me a lot about considerate posting that one did.
        Ugh..the S/J wars don't remind me that was just not pretty.

        Originally posted by Major Fischer
        I'll second Mel, also having been a noromo in the X-Files world. That and I'm showing off my new sig.
        Same here, I never really shipped anyone in X-files. I saw the connection between the two leads, but I was more intruged with the paranomal and extraordinary plot lines.

        Love the new sig MF!

        To be back on topic how about a picture?

        How about a mint?


          Originally posted by Athenaktt
          Who was responsible for starting that entire mint buisness anyway? *slightly frightened because it might have been me*


            Originally posted by Athenaktt
            Ugh..the S/J wars don't remind me that was just not pretty.

            Same here, I never really shipped anyone in X-files. I saw the connection between the two leads, but I was more intruged with the paranomal and extraordinary plot lines.

            Love the new sig MF!

            To be back on topic how about a picture?

            How about a mint?

            I love the way Sheppy looks at Lizzeh in this pic. I think he's saying to himself...

            "Will she let me back into that storage closet again?"


              Originally posted by Major Fischer
              Who was responsible for starting that entire mint buisness anyway? *slightly frightened because it might have been me*
              What is the whole 'mint' joke anyway?



                Originally posted by Major Fischer
                Who was responsible for starting that entire mint buisness anyway? *slightly frightened because it might have been me*
                You, definately were involved, although the exact nature of the involvement escapes me. I do remember posting a post, saying but the mints would be dusty or summat.

                I think it was a joint effort, You, me, Mel, Athena and perhaps FP. It's evil so I'm sure FP must have been involved. In fact, lets just blame FP for it, as she's not here.

                And you don't fool me with the frightened thing... you frightened? No.


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  What is the whole 'mint' joke anyway?

                  Before I Sleep
                  The pot in Elizabeth's hand was given to her by Sheppard in Before I Sleep, and than later used in that episode to hold her own ashes before she spred them over the city.

                  Shortly after a spoiler picture came out from... the Gift I believe, and the pot was sitting on her desk. Now why would you put something you had used for that purpose on your desk? So someone suggested that perhaps she kept mints in it, and told people like Rodney (who we were all sure was eating candy off her desk) not to mind the chalky flavor.


                    Let's see I believed I posted this picture.

                    and commented about John's B-day gift was on her desk. Then MF said something about she might have kept it because "you-know-what" use to be in there.

                    Then someone said what does she keep in it? I believe Astro said something about if she kept anything in there it would be all dusty or something...we hope she cleaned it at least.

                    Then I think Mel said "Mint Halling?" Since Halling was telling Elizabeth they shouldn't destroy the city blah blah and annoying her.

                    Or something like that...


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      I think it was a joint effort, You, me, Mel, Athena and perhaps FP. It's evil so I'm sure FP must have been involved. In fact, lets just blame FP for it, as she's not here.
                      I remember when the mint thing started. I was an innocent bystander.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Did you know there are 162 posts referencing "mints" in this thread. And at the top of my GW page there's a banner advertising Bigbury Mint Medals. Bizarre

                        Here’s the 411 on the mints…

                        Athena first drew our attention to the fact that the jar was there…


                        There was some banter about it being a bit morbid before MF made the evil connection:


                        Aided and abetted by Mel…


                        I jumped on the bandwagon:


                        Not content with drawing our attention to it in the first place, MF elaborated further:


                        with Athena/FP/Me only too ready to contribute:



                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          I remember when the mint thing started. I was an innocent bystander.
                          Aye right! (as we say in this part of the world)

                          Bystander, no, and innocent - never!


                            I have made many posts in here warning the newbies about mints. I feel I have redeemed myself many times over. *snicker*

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              I would just like to point out for future reference that there is a rule against making derogatory statements about a person or groups of people, especially in a thread in which said people cannot post responses without being modded for going off topic. It's alright to say that you don't like another ship but it's best to leave the actual shippers out of it and it would probably be best to keep the talk of other ships to a minimum seeing as how the topic of this thread is Shep/Weir ship not anti-other ships. Thanks.

                              Gateworld Moderator

                              It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                                Originally posted by Major Fischer
                                Before I Sleep
                                The pot in Elizabeth's hand was given to her by Sheppard in Before I Sleep, and than later used in that episode to hold her own ashes before she spred them over the city.

                                Shortly after a spoiler picture came out from... the Gift I believe, and the pot was sitting on her desk. Now why would you put something you had used for that purpose on your desk? So someone suggested that perhaps she kept mints in it, and told people like Rodney (who we were all sure was eating candy off her desk) not to mind the chalky flavor.
                                Ahhhhh....I figured it was used to store her birth control pills or somethin. Thank you guys for clearing that up.

                                Wouldn't have taken Eliz to have a death fettish sort of thing...interesting character development here...

                                -B ; )

