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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    Which is why Shep/Weir interests me. I can see those two talking forever, but we have yet to see Shep and Teyla having any sort of meaningful conversation. The only "sort of" intimate conversation I have seen Teyla have with a man was in "Duet" when she was with Ronon.
    In the interest of fairness, I do have to point out that Sheppard and Teyla had an interesting conversation in Letters from Pegasus regarding Teyla's desire to wait to save her friends from the Wraith. I think it's something that could have been explored more, but they chose not to, and thus it remained primarily a military issue.

    But who wants to be fair? I find the interactions between Sheppard and Weir more interesting, which is, obviously, what drew me to this thread. I've loved all their conversations lately, especially since they didn't all focus on leadership issues all the time. (I'm thinking of "Intruder" when
    she mentions not being able to sleep and comments on the inconvenience of getting back from Earth, among other things. It didn't seem like she was saying so just because it's an important consideration militarily - she was making small talk, too.)
    They can talk about the big things and the little things, and I agree - I can see them talking forever.

    *btw. .why do I always first type "Diet" when I try to type "Duet"? Worried about self. *
    I would say that it's a Freudian Slip - but I've no idea what it would mean.
    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


      Where the heck is Droops? We need one of his chicken pics.

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Originally posted by Athenaktt
        Hm...Does it make his head want to explode when he lurks in here?
        I wouldn't blame him if it did - it sometimes makes my head want to explode and I've been in the thick of if today!

        If only the show didn't give us so much to work with. But it does, and our overactive shipper brains take it to the max (*cringes* terrible phrase, I know), and suddenly we veer off into exposition-land! And that madness begets more madness... and before you know it we're in desperate need of some pics to lighten things up.

        That was a hint people, in case I was being too subtle.
        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


          Originally posted by LurkerLa
          In the interest of fairness, I do have to point out that Sheppard and Teyla had an interesting conversation in Letters from Pegasus regarding Teyla's desire to wait to save her friends from the Wraith. I think it's something that could have been explored more, but they chose not to, and thus it remained primarily a military issue.
          Which is why it is not at all romantic...

          No sweet nothings here... and in all fairness to Teyla, she really didn't understand Sheppard and made no attempt to see things from his point of view. It was a very interesting moral issue nonetheless.
          People argue that Weir "caves in" to Sheppard... well, maybe she does, maybe she doesn't... Maybe she is better equipped to see things from different perspectives. She's a negotiator... she trained to look at things from different angles. She has to. But from where I'm standing they look like they understand each other... that they're on the same wave length.

          But who wants to be fair? I find the interactions between Sheppard and Weir more interesting, which is, obviously, what drew me to this thread. I've loved all their conversations lately, especially since they didn't all focus on leadership issues all the time. (I'm thinking of "Intruder" when
          she mentions not being able to sleep and comments on the inconvenience of getting back from Earth, among other things. It didn't seem like she was saying so just because it's an important consideration militarily - she was making small talk, too.)
          They can talk about the big things and the little things, and I agree - I can see them talking forever.
          Which is why the POTENTIAL to be romantic is there...

          It's not about being fair or unfair... but what is or isn't there... Sheppard's relationship with Teyla, as far as we are told, is purely one of team leader/team member. He respects her as a competent professional but I don't think he relates to her at all on that personal level. Apart from a couple of episodes in the beginning, the two of them do not relate on a personal level. He doesn't seem even remotely interested in her culture or at least we're not given the opportunity to see that interest.
          Last edited by Easter Lily; 07 August 2005, 07:13 PM.
          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


            Originally posted by astronomicalchick

            My good friend Qwirky, on live journal runs a Sheppard and Weir site and she's looking for fanfic to populate the archives. It would be great to get all the S/W fanfic in one place.. would some of you that write consider sending your fic to her?

            She's a good sort is Qwirky...

            Here's the website:
            I finally got around to checking out this site. Some really good stories. Thanks for the site!

            *thumbs up*

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Whoa, interesting convo today! My husband thinks weir is sexy as heck but just needs 'the right guy' to take her down a notch. ; )

              I agree with the scully thing...most that loved her will find elizabeth appealing...I know I do and i like to think i'm a grown-up woman who has lived a little and been involved in a real, long-lasting relationship with a man. i'd like to think i know one of those potentially when i see it. shep and weir blinded me with their blinking lights saying, 'REAL LASTING LOVE POTENTIAL HERE BETWEEN GROWN-UPS!'

              as for the younger gen thing...i love teens-i work with them but they've grown up on shows like 'the bachelor' (i taught that blond girl from alabama that lost out and cried btw) Teens see only the physical side of a relationship as exciting and sadly that isn't the case. I always tell parents that they can't let tv/movies raise their kids because they come away with horrid misconceptions about friendships, dating and everything in between.

              the young woman did above did a good job of explaining why the younger gen likes teyla's sexiness but i just say that i hope they go beyond that w/the character and pair her w/ the younger ronin and we get to see the two young aliens find common ground to build a lasting ship on. If you think about it, their potential ship makes almost as much sense as sheppard and weir's. Beyond the obvious fact that they're both attractive and sexy in that fighting warrior sort of way that the violent media generation kids like, they are both 'lost' to their homeland, they both are mentally strong and superior physical beings with special capabilities. They both have lead harsh existances and remained proud and determined thru it all. They both are looking with an eye on revenge against a common foe for equal reasons. And they are near equal in status as warriors and team mates.

              I say bring on the ships-all of them as long as the writers bother to build the characters and the relationships properly.



                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                Mel, another fabulous fic. Looking forward to reading the rest I don't know how many times i read R+J in school but i'm glad i did bc after all that deep analysis, it makes perfect sense to me.
                Missed replying to this earlier — thanks! Sach and I have just decided that this fic may be therapeutic for my relationship with R&J. It's never been one I liked, even though there are a lot of things about it I like. I think my problem with it is mostly the way people romanticize it. I don't think Shakespeare meant to glorify suicide. Dying for love is all well and good, but killing yourself for it isn't the same thing.

                Anyway, should be some interesting stuff going on for John and Elizabeth in this fic.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Athenaktt
                  Hm...Does it make his head want to explode when he lurks in here?
                  Nah, my head explodes at other things around here. This just sort of gives me a low-grade headache.


                    Originally posted by Droops
                    Nah, my head explodes at other things around here. This just sort of gives me a low-grade headache.
                    LOL, I wonder what those other things are...

                    Look Droops chicken picture is back. LOL

                    As for a request of about some stuff from "The Eye" since a lot of people seemed to find that episode our favorite unexpected Shep/Weir moment.



                      That third pic never gets old.


                        Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                        That third pic never gets old.
                        Hee! I know! I think that's why I picked "The Eye."


                          Originally posted by Alaskhah
                          Well... I'm not Droops, and this isn't really a chicken, but does this help?

                          *tilts head*

                          What is it?


                            Originally posted by gatelover12
                            How did I not see this before I repped you? (curses quietly at shifting sleep schedule)
                            It was subliminal, you weren't supposed to notice it.

                            Since people are requesting pics, I took a few quick caps from the end of 'Duet'.

                            First, note how close together they're standing (again):

                            Where is Sheppard's right hand (and is Weir about to kill him for it)?

                            Close yet again. Seriously, how can people not see it?

                            The best shot of the episode:

                            a time to mourn


                              Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                              *tilts head*

                              What is it?
                              LOL... oops! I thought I deleted it fast enough I saw that Droops had already posted after I had already posted, so I tried to get rid of the evidence. Too slow, I am...

                              I don't remember what it is, but I saw it at the Parque des Aves in Brazil when I was there in May. It just reminds me of a chicken... *shrug*

                              Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                              still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                                Originally posted by Hatcheter
                                Where is Sheppard's right hand (and is Weir about to kill him for it)?


                                She looks like she's ready to slap his face, that's for sure!

