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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Vixen
    Welcome Elmindreda!

    Funny episode. DH did a great job!
    The Carson kiss really had me laughing and not to mention his expression after.
    Why did Elizabeth refer to John as Major when she was talking to Ronon?

    You're right! She does call him
    Major! Instead of Colonel. I guess Elizabeth is having problems calling him Colonel, even though its supposed to be a couple months since his promotion already. Well he was her Major for a about a year.
    Apparently, someone messed up and let that mistake slip.

    hehe I love when we catch little bloopers!

    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    Athena, that was fantabulous! LMAO at the whole Daniel thang and ''My writing isn't that bad. Is it?'' Oo and the ending, so sweet John is SO whipped
    Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. I love the Langford AU.


      Okay, so I did it. I posted the fic I wrote during breakfast this morning. I know it could use some more work, but if I didn’t do it while I had my courage up, I’d never post it at all. So here it is.


      Sheesh - that wasn't so hard. Ask me to show you my original fiction and I'll do it in a heartbeat, but this... And I even managed to avoid my problem area. I have issues.

      Let me know what you think. I may or may not try something like this again (and by that I mean, writing fanfic).
      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


        Originally posted by LurkerLa
        Okay, so I did it. I posted the fic I wrote during breakfast this morning. I know it could use some more work, but if I didn’t do it while I had my courage up, I’d never post it at all. So here it is.


        Sheesh - that wasn't so hard. Ask me to show you my original fiction and I'll do it in a heartbeat, but this... And I even managed to avoid my problem area. I have issues.

        Let me know what you think. I may or may not try something like this again (and by that I mean, writing fanfic).

        It's a great story. You made your original characters very engaging and I loved the way you portrayed how they saw all the main characters in Atlantis. The end line was classic but my favourite bit was your mention of the rumour started about McKay sleeping in his lab.
        ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
        FBI - Body Preservation Division


          lol, that was a good laugh. ^ ^


            Kid looking at candy.

            The candy.


              Originally posted by Vixen

              Kid looking at candy.

              The candy.
              LOL...tis true. Elizabeth looked good in that scene. really good.
              One thing I liked about the scene was
              how John kept reaching up and touching her arm.
              They have this whole little flirty, eye thing going on unique to the two of them. She reacts differently with John than with anyone else too. You can tell she loves to see him come into a room. Even in the first episode, it looked that way to me.

              Thanks for your help btw Vix. BIG thanx. ; )

              Those are great shots of that scene. Have you got the rest of them? hint...hint... I love that face she made to him...



                Originally posted by Bama
                LOL...tis true. Elizabeth looked good in that scene. really good.
                One thing I liked about the scene was
                how John kept reaching up and touching her arm.

                I thought I had imagined that but I'm glad I didn't

                They have this whole little flirty, eye thing going on unique to the two of them. She reacts differently with John than with anyone else too.

                I have noticed that. I still can't believe how sweet and funny this last scene was

                Thanks for your help btw Vix. BIG thanx. ; )

                You're welcome

                Those are great shots of that scene. Have you got the rest of them? hint...hint... I love that face she made to him...


                And my twisted shipper brain took this whole
                conversation of theirs as a marriage proposal, too


                  Originally posted by Vixen

                  THAT is IT! The top shot where she shakes her head a little and narrows her eyes at him as if to say, 'I can't stand myself for not being able to resist you.'

                  And look at him here...the little shrewd smile as if he knows he has her wrapped around his finger. John is no dummy...he's got her figured out. He knows she has a soft spot for him and he'll figure out the reason too.

                  And my twisted shipper brain took this whole
                  conversation of theirs as a marriage proposal, too

                  LOL! You are worse than I am! ; ) We can dream can't we? *grin*
                  Oh, and am I the only one that thinks the 'placement' of our couple was significant in this scene? She is just a hair above him on the step where she stops and turns back to him and meets him almost eye to eye. It's almost as if to remind us that they are virtually equal -and Elizabeth wants to believe she has control of that. ; ) Er, yeah right Liz.

                  -Bama ; )


                    Originally posted by smallgirl
                    It's a great story. You made your original characters very engaging and I loved the way you portrayed how they saw all the main characters in Atlantis. The end line was classic but my favourite bit was your mention of the rumour started about McKay sleeping in his lab.
                    Thanks - I'm glad it seems to have turned out okay!

                    Originally posted by Bama
                    LOL...tis true. Elizabeth looked good in that scene. really good.
                    One thing I liked about the scene was
                    how John kept reaching up and touching her arm.
                    They have this whole little flirty, eye thing going on unique to the two of them. She reacts differently with John than with anyone else too. You can tell she loves to see him come into a room. Even in the first episode, it looked that way to me.
                    Ditto on that - in fact, this whole little scene and him
                    touching her arm - which he does at least twice
                    was in my dream last night, so first thing this morning I got up and rewatched the tape to see if I was imagining it (and I wasn't!). Then over oatmeal that scene inspired me to write my first fanfic.

                    Shep/Weir makes you do crazy stuff.
                    Last edited by LurkerLa; 06 August 2005, 03:29 PM. Reason: First grammar, now spacing. Yes, you are sensing some OCD, but I just want things to be right.
                    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                      La I really liked the ending part of your fic. That was sweet

                      Did John tap/touch Elizabeth's shoulder when he was asking her about Ronon just as she was going to her office?
                      And his look after she went to her office seemed a bit uncertain. As if maybe he wondered if it was right of him to ask her that? Or maybe just really hoping she'd say 'yes'


                        Originally posted by Vixen
                        La I really liked the ending part of your fic. That was sweet

                        Did John tap/touch Elizabeth's shoulder when he was asking her about Ronon just as she was going to her office?
                        And his look after she went to her office seemed a bit uncertain. As if maybe he wondered if it was right of him to ask her that? Or maybe just really hoping she'd say 'yes'

                        Hmm... well, I just watched that scene frame-by-frame and it looked like
                        he started to reach out for her shoulder but changed his mind - he snatched his had back and sorta made a fist. And if we want to read that in conjunction with the look on his face and get overly analytical ( ) we could say that he's realizing he might be taking advantage of their closeness. He realized that touching her arm right then would have been overly familiar and that this was not the appropriate time to play on their relationship (whatever it may be). He's pushed his case, and already overstepped his bounds a little by not coming to her before talking to Ronon, and he knows he shouldn't push it more. So now all he can do is wait - hence the expression on his face.

                        Of course, I'm not really sure what I'm talking about, or clear about what I mean, and I certainly could be reading more into this than there is. That is, in fact, highly likely considering that I thought of all of this in the last three minutes or so.
                        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                          Originally posted by LurkerLa

                          Hmm... well, I just watched that scene frame-by-frame and it looked like
                          he started to reach out for her shoulder but changed his mind - he snatched his had back and sorta made a fist. And if we want to read that in conjunction with the look on his face and get overly analytical ( ) we could say that he's realizing he might be taking advantage of their closeness. He realized that touching her arm right then would have been overly familiar and that this was not the appropriate time to play on their relationship (whatever it may be). He's pushed his case, and already overstepped his bounds a little by not coming to her before talking to Ronon, and he knows he shouldn't push it more. So now all he can do is wait - hence the expression on his face.

                          Of course, I'm not really sure what I'm talking about, or clear about what I mean, and I certainly could be reading more into this than there is. That is, in fact, highly likely considering that I thought of all of this in the last three minutes or so.
                          Ha. When I finally 'sit down' later tonight, I'll look at it. ; ) John is going to just push more and more isn't he? And the more he pushes, the more she is going to either fight him or give in to him. Either way, it's more shippiness for us. ; ) I love their arguments. Each of them is so convicted and their goodness shows through regardless of the 'right or wrong' of whatever technicality they're speaking of. They both want to do right by people and they both want to lead well. I think they'll eventually see that apart, they're good but together, they're incredible. In a professional way first and then, later as it will naturally lead, personally as well.

                          That HUG certainly had to open his eyes to how much she cares just a bit. I mean who ELSE do you ever see Elizabeth touch? Or who else is allowed to touch her? Who else would reach out and tap her arm that way when asking for something? I don't think she would have backed off if he had touched her shoulder either but she would have noticed it -in a man/woman sort of way too and that is what they're both slowly becoming more and more aware of imho.

                          -Bama ; )


                            Originally posted by Bama

                            I know that early on in the series, atlantis didn't have power to return to earth and feared they might never be able to. when did they aquire the (zpm?) -power to return and do they have the power now to go and come as they please? I's a newbish question but hey, i've missed a lot of eps and i've just lost some of what I did have recorded so show me some pity here. ; )

                            I sort of like the idea of the team being 'stuck' on atlantis together and forever having to seek out other worlds for trade, food, etc. But then, I kept thinking how difficult a job it would be.

                            Also, it sort of 'adds' to the shippy quality of things all the way around if the pool of people you have to choose from is as small as it is on atlantis. ; ) If you find someone you are crazy about-you'd have to grab them.
                            In a lot of ways they still ARE dependent on the people of the Pegasus Galaxy. Perishable food and goods still need to be obtained, and it still takes weeks to get stuff back and forth by ship. They're still pretty much in their own little world.

                            Unlike SG-1 with sam and jack who had that whole ethical, military rule thing constantly in the way, I don't see where anything would prohibit our boy and girl from doing whatever they want together other than their own code of professionalism. They can't be 'on the job' 24/7 as we saw last night. There has to be some time to just be 'them'.

                            just thinking and wondering outloud...

                            thanks guys...

                            -Bama ; )
                            Yes! I'm glad that they don't have regs to keep them apart. However... a romantic relationship between them might still cause problems for some, as they are the the leaders of Atlantis. Especially if
                            the Daedalus is still there and Caldwell catches wind of it, as he would probably tell TPTB back on Earth that she wasn't able to be objective as a leader due to her involvement with John.

                            Hey did anyone else notice that at the very end of Duet
                            they left the infirmary together?

                            Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you
                            still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.


                              Is anyone else worried that Elizabeth perhaps gives into John *too* easily? I mean, it's great for our shipper motivation, but I love Elizabeth's character just by herself. I don't want her to turn into the woman who can't say no to a guy. As people here have already remarked, "John's got her wrapped around his little finger." I'm kinda (a little bit) worried about that. I suppose I could rejoice it's shipper overtones, instead. But I find myself thinking - she gave in just a bit *too* easily.

                              Elizabeth isn't a character that's defined by her man. She's got great qualities that make her, to me, a kickass character all by her little lonesome self. This isn't really an issue in 'Duet.' There, it was totally cute and funny. I loved that ending scene
                              where he says that he just knew she'd say yes to his request, like there was ever *any* doubt
                              , but I suddenly wondered where this type of interaction would lead (and I'm not talking about to the bedroom, people! Get your mind out of the gutter!).

                              If he keeps on getting his ways . . . what then?

                              Perhaps I'm simply being paranoid?

                              But I keep thinking, if this continues, his ability to bend her to his ways may become a problem. *IF* it continues and escalates, I think it could very well call into question her leadership abilities by many of the others of the show (I'm thinking Cadwell would love to point this out). Plus fans who have yet to warm up to her could see this as a major character flaw. What would our argument be to that? - "But she only does it for Sheppard, and that's because she's got a crush on him!?"

                              Don't get me wrong. I love that Elizabeth is loosening up and showing her softer side this season, and Sheppard gets the biggest doses of these moments , but she's also got to keep an eye out for how it looks to outside people. Let's face it, women leaders have a double standard. They can't show favoritism, otherwise they'll be considered 'weak.' It's a sh**y notion that I don't particularly agree with, but it's an issue that I think many female bosses have to deal with.

                              I guess, my main concern is that while I REALLY REALLY REALLY want S/W (obviously), I don't want her character to become too pliant to his ways. While they may be equals in most ways, in some ways - they're just not. She's the boss. But you could have fooled me of that in last night's episode.

                              And besides, whatever happened to playing hard-to-get?

                              Wow. *blinks in dazed confusion* For an admitted lurker, I just damn-near wrote an essay.

                              Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                              I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                              Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                                Originally posted by Whistler84
                                Is anyone else worried that Elizabeth perhaps gives into John *too* easily? I mean, it's great for our shipper motivation, but I love Elizabeth's character just by herself. I don't want her to turn into the woman who can't say no to a guy. As people here have already remarked, "John's got her wrapped around his little finger." I'm kinda (a little bit) worried about that. I suppose I could rejoice it's shipper overtones, instead. But I find myself thinking - she gave in just a bit *too* easily.

                                Elizabeth isn't a character that's defined by her man. She's got great qualities that make her, to me, a kickass character all by her little lonesome self. This isn't really an issue in 'Duet.' There, it was totally cute and funny. I loved that ending scene
                                where he says that he just knew she'd say yes to his request, like there was ever *any* doubt
                                , but I suddenly wondered where this type of interaction would lead (and I'm not talking about to the bedroom, people! Get your mind out of the gutter!).

                                If he keeps on getting his ways . . . what then?

                                Perhaps I'm simply being paranoid?

                                But I keep thinking, if this continues, his ability to bend her to his ways may become a problem. *IF* it continues and escalates, I think it could very well call into question her leadership abilities by many of the others of the show (I'm thinking Cadwell would love to point this out). Plus fans who have yet to warm up to her could see this as a major character flaw. What would our argument be to that? - "But she only does it for Sheppard, and that's because she's got a crush on him!?"

                                Don't get me wrong. I love that Elizabeth is loosening up and showing her softer side this season, and Sheppard gets the biggest doses of these moments , but she's also got to keep an eye out for how it looks to outside people. Let's face it, women leaders have a double standard. They can't show favoritism, otherwise they'll be considered 'weak.' It's a sh**y notion that I don't particularly agree with, but it's an issue that I think many female bosses have to deal with.

                                I guess, my main concern is that while I REALLY REALLY REALLY want S/W (obviously), I don't want her character to become too pliant to his ways. While they may be equals in most ways, in some ways - they're just not. She's the boss. But you could have fooled me of that in last night's episode.

                                And besides, whatever happened to playing hard-to-get?

                                Wow. *blinks in dazed confusion* For an admitted lurker, I just damn-near wrote an essay.
                                I thought that they were just being friendlier around each other like Sam and Jack in season 4. But I dunno, I see what you mean.

                                And yes, you DID type a lot lol.

