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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Hi, Colonel Sheppard! TPTB stands for "the powers that be." Basically, the producers, writers, directors, etc. (That one took me forever to figure out, but not as long as "GFFA" took back in my first fandom...)

    Anyway, welcome aboard! Always fun to have new people around.
    Thanks for the warm welcome, and sorry to take so long to respond. I'm not one to hang around forms for very long, mostly don't have the time. I might stop by every now and then, you guys have fun.


      That pic..... it's just...... wrong.................... *head explodes*

      Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


        Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
        why thank you

        hmmm...ahhhhhh!!!! i think i've been scarred for life...look at your own risk:
        really scary manip from s2 screencaps
        My eyes! My eyes! That is so funny!


          Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
          why thank you

          hmmm...ahhhhhh!!!! i think i've been scarred for life...look at your own risk:
          really scary manip from s2 screencaps
          I haven't seen this episode yet, but had to see what you were all saying about the hair!!

          Hee hee! That's fantabulous! I need a Shep/Weir pic to try and erase that from my mind's eye!!


            *shock* that manip is just.. *don't think about it, don't think about it..*

            Welcome to all newbies!

            Intuder.. (and I managed to avoid spoilers mostly!)

            I liked the opening scene, but as many other people, I too didn't think of it as that shippy. Although I found it very nice, and in some ways normal, two friends who can't sleep to chat a little bit at night.
            Simon.. At first I thought they had replaced the actor. Then I thought.. "Huh? Simon on Atlantis?" Er, btw, how could Carson remember the name? Must have a really good memory to remember every file he had read.
            When Simon said "I've met someone" I was torn between "that was to expect" and "You're telling her that now??". I really expected a response from Liz aka "why didn't you tell me earlier?". I really didn't think that he had someone else before LFP, but now that some people pointed it out, I tend to agree on that one.

            What was, and is still bugging me, is the whole gate/ship travel. So wait, did I get this right: They traelled through the gate to Earth. The Daedalus came to Earth through hyper space. (was there even enough time for Atlantis-Earth, check-up Earth-Atlantis?) Then they got all on the Daedalus and travelled back through hyper space (in 18 days?). Eh, why didn't they just set a date with Atlantis and let them dial Earth? If dealing Earth needed so much power, why then not sending Weir and the others on the Daedalus? Maybe I didn't get something right (I'm still having trouble with spoken English), but this confuses me. Well, of course they needed a reason to set the plot on the Daedalus, but this explanation doesn't make much sense to.
            Wait, I'm getting a thought to this.. Maybe it's easier to power the gate up for four people to go through, than to hold it until a bunch of personal and supplies are through?

            Besides the eh.. "nice shirt", it was a nice episode, full of funny moments, and some shippyness. I love the Asgard! He's so cute.
            Whoever said that Shep should stop faking death - I totally agree on that.

            Btw, if anyone wants some screencaps of The Siege 3, I tested my new screencap software and ended up with a lot of screenshots from the end of the episode. Go here for the screencap madness (I know, not very professional done... I was lazy).
            *is off lurking*

            ~39:30 - Don't panic~


              Originally posted by Tigon_(5)
              hmmm...ahhhhhh!!!! i think i've been scarred for life...look at your own risk:
              really scary manip from s2 screencaps
              I think he looks rather fetching. Very thunkable!

              Originally posted by Raylion
              Er, btw, how could Carson remember the name? Must have a really good memory to remember every file he had read.
              It's probably bc Simon's qualifications stood out enough that Carson knew he would be a good addition to his team, and wanted him on the short list. Seeing that he hadn't signed the 1year commital agreement may have been a bit of a disappointment which stuck out in Carson's mind. I'm sure there where loads of names that he couldn't remember.


                Tigon... that manip... YIKES!! But funny!

                Thank you Athena and Elinor for providing us with pics to help cleanse our minds.

                Raylion -
                I believe the reason they could use the gate to go to Earth but had to take the ship back was that matter can only travel one directiong through an open wormhole. Opening the wormhole from Atlantis wouldn't work, because then you can only send something from Atlantis, and not to it. Atlantis, with the ZPM, has the power to dial Earth, but Earth had sent their only ZPM to the Pegasus galaxy, and thus doesn't have a power source strong enough to dial the gate and send them back. So while the Atlantis team went to Earth by gate, the ship started on a course for Earth so it could pick them up when they were done. It took them so long to get back to the Pegasus galaxy because they didn't have a ZPM to speed them through hyperspace. When they first came out to help with the Wraith, they had a ZPM and so could arrive not too long after Everett came through the gate (Everett came through with the ZPM the Daedelus had - Earth sent them, then took the ZPM and put it on the ship). But without it, I guess it takes a much longer time to travel to another galaxy even through hyperspace.

                Hope that made sense!

                And now back to my anal retentive task of creating a home library catalogue.
                ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                  Originally posted by LurkerLa
                  Raylion -
                  I believe the reason they could use the gate to go to Earth but had to take the ship back was that matter can only travel one directiong through an open wormhole. Opening the wormhole from Atlantis wouldn't work, because then you can only send something from Atlantis, and not to it. Atlantis, with the ZPM, has the power to dial Earth, but Earth had sent their only ZPM to the Pegasus galaxy, and thus doesn't have a power source strong enough to dial the gate and send them back. So while the Atlantis team went to Earth by gate, the ship started on a course for Earth so it could pick them up when they were done. It took them so long to get back to the Pegasus galaxy because they didn't have a ZPM to speed them through hyperspace. When they first came out to help with the Wraith, they had a ZPM and so could arrive not too long after Everett came through the gate (Everett came through with the ZPM the Daedelus had - Earth sent them, then took the ZPM and put it on the ship). But without it, I guess it takes a much longer time to travel to another galaxy even through hyperspace.

                  Yes, I was aware of all those factors (although I wasn't sure if I understood them all right), which leads me now to the thought that I missed a big point about stargate physics... Couldn't have Atlantis (with ZPM) dialed Earth and let them go back through?? I feel like I'm forgetting something here... (Two way wormhole travel, was that possible or not?)

                  ~39:30 - Don't panic~


                    Okay, so my reply to Raylion left me curious about something.

                    Did Caldwell go through the gate with the rest of the Atlantis folks, or did he come on the Daedelus? Because if he came through the gate he would have to have left control of his ship to someone else, and that doesn't strike me as something he'd like to do. But if he came on the ship, they would have had to wait a while to deal with a number of the military issues (e.g. the flashback when Lizzie got John promoted). I guess what I'm wondering is how the timing of the flashbacks worked. I suppose John's visit to Ford's cousin and Carson's sifting through potential additions to the team could have taken place before the meeting with Landry and Caldwell... but overall, I was just left a little confused.

                    Gah - 7:30 in the morning is too early for me to be thinking this much.
                    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                      Originally posted by Raylion

                      Yes, I was aware of all those factors (although I wasn't sure if I understood them all right), which leads me now to the thought that I missed a big point about stargate physics... Couldn't have Atlantis (with ZPM) dialed Earth and let them go back through?? I feel like I'm forgetting something here... (Two way wormhole travel, was that possible or not?)
                      Only with radio waves and the like, I believe, and not with matter. Atlantis could send a signal, have a chat with Weir and the rest, and Earth could reply through the open wormhole, but matter (like people and belongings) can only travel one way. So until the time that the Atlantis people got on the ship, Atlantis could have called Earth to consult with Weir and Sheppard and the rest if something had happened, but they still would have had to wait until the ship could get there to get any people or supplies.

                      I'm not entirely up on my Stargate physics either, but I hope that clarifies things a bit.
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        Originally posted by LurkerLa
                        Did Caldwell go through the gate with the rest of the Atlantis folks, or did he come on the Daedelus? Because if he came through the gate he would have to have left control of his ship to someone else, and that doesn't strike me as something he'd like to do. But if he came on the ship, they would have had to wait a while to deal with a number of the military issues (e.g. the flashback when Lizzie got John promoted). I guess what I'm wondering is how the timing of the flashbacks worked. I suppose John's visit to Ford's cousin and Carson's sifting through potential additions to the team could have taken place before the meeting with Landry and Caldwell... but overall, I was just left a little confused.

                        Gah - 7:30 in the morning is too early for me to be thinking this much.
                        He said it was his third intergalactic trip. That means from to the Atlantis the first time, then back to earth, then back to Atlantis again. So he stayed with his ship.


                          I've got to get into the physics chat here.
                          How did SGC send their ZPM? i'd have thought that they wouldn't have been able to remove it when connected with Atlantis, but when they come through, Everett says the Daedalus arrive in 4 days which means that it left 14 days prior so it wouldn't have been able to carry the ZPM...unless they had more than one ZPM. I'm really confused so if anyone knows and doesn't want to reply here, then please PM me

                          Okay back to topic.

                          MsPooh does the MOST FUNNY recaps if you haven't read them then knows your chance ~ Seige 3 recap , Intruder recap (some er..colorful language and content mentioned....just a warning for the kiddies)


                            A bit late, but my take on Intruder....

                            Fantastic ep, first of all. I'll just get out of the way that the effects were great (I loves me some 302's ), I'm really loving Hermiod more and more (he reminds me a little of McKay), and those 'are they supposed to be naked' and 'crap indeed' comments cracked me up!

                            Liz was great in this ep as well. TH looked great, too. I liked how she asserted her superiority but also managed to give us a glimpse into her softer, personal side. When Simon (what's with the hair?) told her he found someone else, I at first felt bad for her, but then I was like, 'woman, what's your problem?? You TOLD him to move on!' So I guess she was asking for it, but it didn't make it any less heartbreaking to see. Great performances.

                            The opening scene was played out nicely, and really focused more on the appreciation John and Liz have for each other rather than focusing on the ship, which is fine for now. And she was the one behind his promotion, which was a nice touch as well. I think tension between Caldwell, John, and Elizabeth is starting to show also.

                            So the 'emotional' encounter with John on Earth was with Ford's cousin! Trickery! They had us all believing something else, but it was still nice. What a CO.


                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                              I've got to get into the physics chat here.
                              How did SGC send their ZPM? i'd have thought that they wouldn't have been able to remove it when connected with Atlantis, but when they come through, Everett says the Daedalus arrive in 4 days which means that it left 14 days prior so it wouldn't have been able to carry the ZPM...unless they had more than one ZPM. I'm really confused so if anyone knows and doesn't want to reply here, then please PM me

                              Okay back to topic.

                              MsPooh does the MOST FUNNY recaps if you haven't read them then knows your chance ~ Seige 3 recap , Intruder recap (some er..colorful language and content mentioned....just a warning for the kiddies)
                              Dude, she's on my friends list! How the heck did I miss her Intruder recap? *must read!*

                              As for the physics, I think some of us were too wrapped up in shippy squee to remember some things.

                              First rule of gate travel: matter goes one-way. Radio waves can go both ways, which is why we see them talking to each other off-world. But to go through the gate, you have to dial it from your side, which is why they were stuck on Atlantis in the first place.

                              In Siege II, they had to hold out for four days, the length of time it would take for the Daedalus to get from Earth to Atlantis, with the ZPM boosting her engines. That's how they got the ZPM in the first place. Listen to John and Elizabeth's conversation in the mess again; this is what they're talking about at first. They got to Earth via the Stargate, and the Daedalus had to come pick them up.

                              Caldwell's comment was a little odd. I can't really imagine them waiting eighteen days for him to show up before they started into meetings, but that's what he said.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                I've got to get into the physics chat here.
                                How did SGC send their ZPM? i'd have thought that they wouldn't have been able to remove it when connected with Atlantis, but when they come through, Everett says the Daedalus arrive in 4 days which means that it left 14 days prior so it wouldn't have been able to carry the ZPM...unless they had more than one ZPM. I'm really confused so if anyone knows and doesn't want to reply here, then please PM me
                                The SGC sent their ZPM right that after sending Everett and his team through the stargate. As soon as the wormhole disconnected, they took the ZPM and put it on the Daedulas. With the ZPM powering the Daedalus, it would only take 4 days for the Daedalus to reach Atlantis.

                                In "Intruder" the ZPM no longer powers the Daedalus so it takes at least 18 days to make one trip back to earth.

                                So as soon as John And Elizabeth walk through the gate to the SGC they have to wait 18 days before Caldwell arrives back to Earth with the Daedalus to fly them back. This accounts for the mention of Sheppard being promoted for nearly a month, since they were already on the Daeduls, flying back to Atlantis for about two weeks already. So I'd figure they were away from Atlantis for about a month.

                                As for two way travel in the wormhole's a no. That's why Elizabeth was kind of annoyed with the inconvinence of the situation in the beginning of "Intruder."

                                I think they explained the two way travel thing in "Wormhole x-treme" or something. I remember one of the "actors" asking about why can't they go both ways in the wormhole.

