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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    Exactly! It's not about always being in agreement, but reaching a point where you respect and trust other person.
    And after the first episode - I think they knew where each other stood. And they started respecting and trusting each other. Afterall, they were cut off from Earth. They need to rely on each other.

    And they do.


      I'll stand by you - a perfect song for them.
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Anuna View Post

        I'll stand by you - a perfect song for them.
        Ah yes, The Real World. The episode where we get lots of Shep-angst. Notice how he wasn't about to let her go.

        And she came back to him. *sigh*


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          ITA with everything Lizabeth just said. And because Elizabeth finds John amusing, he goes to great efforts especially when times are hard to make her laugh. He seeks her out after things have gone wrong like in Critical Mass, Coup, Progeny, I didn't realize it was such a long list. I'm sure there are lots more, but you get the idea. And when he finds her less than upbeat, he teases her and flirts with her until she smiles. Then it's like he says, "well, my work here is done" and he can leave her alone.

          It has been stated by some, who of course have every right to their interpretation, that John and Elizabeth have never had a conversation about anything personal. Technically, I guess that's true. They haven't talked about their favorite comic book characters, or movies, or TV shows. He hasn't told her about his experience in Afghanistan. Maybe because he knows she has read his service record and knows all the details, or maybe he just doesn't want to talk about it. He hasn't told her about how he feels about his friends, but then she hasn't asked him any personal questions that we know of. In LFP she was quick to drop the subject when he didn't seem to want to talk about family. IMHO, that argument is bogus for so many reasons. John Sheppard has shown in word and deed that he cares very deeply for Elizabeth Weir on a personal level by seeking her out at multiple opportunities, by asking her opinion and respecting it when she gives it, by defending her in situations that might put his own job in jeapordy like in Misbegotten, and by risking his own life to save hers. You could say he has done the same thing for all his team members which includes Carson and countless co-workers and strangers, but with her you see that he would not want to try to muddle through without her. If they change his character to the extent that this is no longer true, then SGA won't be the same show it has been.

          I got off the original topic a bit of why they are attracted to each other, but there's no stopping me when I'm on a roll. LOL. The attraction I think goes much deeper than the physical which is why it's hard for the casual viewer and non-shipper to see. They don't instantly scream OMG!hotbodies, but you have to see how they gravitate together and how they work so smoothly as a team that they just become a couple in your mind before you can stop yourself.

          Somebody wanted a hug smilie. Will this work?
          Tried to green that AWESOME smilie. Very cool.


            May I add how desperately she wanted to go back (to him)? Look at her face on the second picture. And this too:

            In her head, in her bedroom. And may I paraphrase J. K. Rowling: "If it's in your head it doesn't mean it isn't real".
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              May I add how desperately she wanted to go back (to him)? Look at her face on the second picture. And this too:



              In her head, in her bedroom. And may I paraphrase J. K. Rowling: "If it's in your head it doesn't mean it isn't real".
              Oh she absolutely wanted to go back to him. No question about that. This just proves that they have an intimate connection.

              *points* And there's Sedge!!


                Do you know something about sedge that I don't?

                Look at that worried face.
                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  *thinks about making a vid to some Sinatra song*
                  You still have to do a vid for "Dante's Prayer". *nudgesAnuna*

                  *hides again*

                  Edit: Oh and concerning:

                  Originally posted by Anuna
                  And may I paraphrase J. K. Rowling: "If it's in your head it doesn't mean it isn't real".
                  He said: "It's all in your head."
                  And I said: "So's everything." But he didn't get it.

                  Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.



                    Another tiny moment when Elizabeth watches the newcomers from her balcony after the city has resurfaced, and John watches her. She turns around and walks back and he follows her with his look until Rodney joins them.

                    Then there's this other short scene before John goes off on the rescue mission:

                    Even though Rodney is there also, the camera focuses only on J and E. I also like Elizabeth's look in the end.

                    I agree with SR's suggestion on someone keeping an official count on J/E moments through the seasons. If someone would like to do that, it'd be great.


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Do you know something about sedge that I don't?


                      Look at that worried face.
                      I wonder how Sedge is doing? She's a cutie.


                        Originally posted by Vixen View Post

                        Another tiny moment when Elizabeth watches the newcomers from her balcony after the city has resurfaced, and John watches her. She turns around and walks back and he follows her with his look until Rodney joins them.

                        Then there's this other short scene before John goes off on the rescue mission:

                        Even though Rodney is there also, the camera focuses only on J and E. I also like Elizabeth's look in the end.

                        I agree with SR's suggestion on someone keeping an official count on J/E moments through the seasons. If someone would like to do that, it'd be great.

                        Oh I love that look! I'd count the Rising moments, but I'm bit too tired for that now. Maybe tomorrow?

                        I have Sparky gift - a new fic (hankies may be necessary) - "237 reasons to have sex - the reason #27 - "I wanted to have a baby".

                        Definitely not the usual sparky - baby stuff. Link:

                        Tell me did I make you cry. *g*
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by A.L. View Post
                          Tried to green that AWESOME smilie. Very cool.
                          I can't take credit. I stole it from somewhere.

                          Originally posted by Vixen View Post

                          Another tiny moment when Elizabeth watches the newcomers from her balcony after the city has resurfaced, and John watches her. She turns around and walks back and he follows her with his look until Rodney joins them.

                          Then there's this other short scene before John goes off on the rescue mission:

                          Even though Rodney is there also, the camera focuses only on J and E. I also like Elizabeth's look in the end.

                          I agree with SR's suggestion on someone keeping an official count on J/E moments through the seasons. If someone would like to do that, it'd be great.
                          There are a number of scenes when Rodney is there but not there. The way they focus on J and E is a classic way of singling out a pair. I'm telling you the people who edit this show are Sparky shippers. So whatever we've heard talked about that might happen in S4 shipwise may come out completely different on screen.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            There are a number of scenes when Rodney is there but not there. The way they focus on J and E is a classic way of singling out a pair. I'm telling you the people who edit this show are Sparky shippers. So whatever we've heard talked about that might happen in S4 shipwise may come out completely different on screen.

                            I totally agree, but let's stick with what we know (and saw) for the moment. Ahem. They are singling them out in such a classical way... sometimes I feel like I'm watchin one of those old movies ... *sigh*

                            *is searching her playlist for appropriate Sinatra song*
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              It's great how the camera pulls away from them, and then the city....The beginning of a beautiful friendship in a new (a little boring) galaxy.

                              Have we covered all the scenes for this episode?


                                I think so? Anyone seen something we missed?

                                EDIT: goodnight sparkys!! We have a mission for tomorrow - to count Sparky moments from rising and start with "Hide and Seek". And I have few discussion ideas too. ((HUG))
                                Last edited by Anuna; 17 August 2007, 02:33 PM.
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

