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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
    Some posted another sparky quiz at scifi. I got 10 out of 10, I'm not ashamed
    Hey, that's my quiz. I wasn't sure they would put it up. Cool.

    And did you guys see this on JM's blog. Spoilers for Adrift and TMC, but squeeable.

    Anonymous #1 writes: “Any nice/emotional moments with Shep/Weir at all?”

    Answer: Scenes in both Adrift and This Mortal Coil come to mind.

    I don't know about you guys, but if we get a good ending I can live with it. We know we're losing Elizabeth at least for most of S4. This sounds promising.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Hey, that's my quiz. I wasn't sure they would put it up. Cool.

      And did you guys see this on JM's blog. Spoilers for Adrift and TMC, but squeeable.

      Anonymous #1 writes: “Any nice/emotional moments with Shep/Weir at all?”

      Answer: Scenes in both Adrift and This Mortal Coil come to mind.

      I don't know about you guys, but if we get a good ending I can live with it. We know we're losing Elizabeth at least for most of S4. This sounds promising.
      I don't know. I'm not really excited about anything related to sga right now. Now if they said that Elizabeth was back for s5 I would be more OMG!SQUEEE!!!
      I'm not getting my hopes up for any moments.. I don't want to be dissapointed. I have already convinced myself that sparky is dead. But hey at least we know John/Elizabeth will have moments. That's better than nothing. I was worried from reading the spoilers that Elizabeth was going to spend all her time with Mckay in the puddlejumper.

      Sorry for the pessimism but lj is down and I have nowhere else to talk about sga.
      My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Hey, that's my quiz. I wasn't sure they would put it up. Cool.

        And did you guys see this on JM's blog. Spoilers for Adrift and TMC, but squeeable.

        Anonymous #1 writes: “Any nice/emotional moments with Shep/Weir at all?”

        Answer: Scenes in both Adrift and This Mortal Coil come to mind.

        I don't know about you guys, but if we get a good ending I can live with it. We know we're losing Elizabeth at least for most of S4. This sounds promising.
        *screams* *dances* *goes hysterical*

        Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
        Now if they said that Elizabeth was back for s5 I would be more OMG!SQUEEE!!!
        agreed, but I refuse to let go of my happy moment *pouts*


          I'm all for happy moments, I'm slightly happy, but just slightly. lol.

          ETA: was there an sga preview today?
          I watched Eureka but I wasn't paying attention to the commercials.
          Last edited by Ruined_puzzle; 24 July 2007, 06:05 PM.
          My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


            Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
            ETA: was there an sga preview today?
            I watched Eureka but I wasn't paying attention to the commercials.
            I totally forgot to see if there was a preview. I was watching a documentary about Saturn.

            Looks like I'm already trying to block SGA from my mind.


              Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
              I'm all for happy moments, I'm slightly happy, but just slightly. lol.

              ETA: was there an sga preview today?
              I watched Eureka but I wasn't paying attention to the commercials.
              Boy do I know what you mean about slightly happy. I am just so afraid to hope for anything, but since I've had zero hope for so long, I just have to let a little squee slip out. I could easily see them going through all 4 of her episodes without ever having a "real" conversation. Now this latest doesn't mean anything because you know how JM twists words, but it's a tiny little candle in the darkness.

              Boy am I getting cheesy. Time to call it a night. Right after I watch Anuna's Cher vid again. Loved that one.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Hey, that's my quiz. I wasn't sure they would put it up. Cool.

                And did you guys see this on JM's blog. Spoilers for Adrift and TMC, but squeeable.

                Anonymous #1 writes: “Any nice/emotional moments with Shep/Weir at all?”

                Answer: Scenes in both Adrift and This Mortal Coil come to mind.

                I don't know about you guys, but if we get a good ending I can live with it. We know we're losing Elizabeth at least for most of S4. This sounds promising.
                Hello all! *waves*

                Long time shipper, as in from the first season but first time poster. And I have to say I'm so excited about this. I love their relationship and because we're losing Elizabeth I think we'll get some really heart breaking scenes here (but in a good way). I love their conversations together, especially in her office or on the balcony and think that in these moments in season 4 we'll see something really sweet and shippy. Especially with all the hyp around Shep/Teyla recently I think TPTB will give us some unexpected John/Liz shippy scenes. *fingers crossed*

                (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                  It's nice to know we might get to see a little bit more of Sparky in those 4 episodes. As for Sheyla... well that just hit my anger button. But I don't think that would ever work. Never looked right anyway.

                  (glad you like the vid SR!! I kinda borrowed few scenes at the beginning form your Big Iron - I was thinking which scene to use for the line: "Just a small town dude with a big city attitude". The scene from Irresponsible was perfect for that).
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                    Hello all! *waves*

                    Long time shipper, as in from the first season but first time poster. And I have to say I'm so excited about this. I love their relationship and because we're losing Elizabeth I think we'll get some really heart breaking scenes here (but in a good way). I love their conversations together, especially in her office or on the balcony and think that in these moments in season 4 we'll see something really sweet and shippy. Especially with all the hyp around Shep/Teyla recently I think TPTB will give us some unexpected John/Liz shippy scenes. *fingers crossed*
                    Welcome. Glad to see a Sam/Jack shipper here. Love the fishing gif. We always used to say we got the best Sparky scenes in episodes where we were expecting nothing. The CM, Coup, and Tower endings come to mind. Oh and that bedstraddling scene in Instinct. Maybe that will still be true.

                    If she dies, we can always say he is grieving for her and even if he moves on she was his first choice.

                    Actually, we can say that no matter what happens to her. And we will.

                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    It's nice to know we might get to see a little bit more of Sparky in those 4 episodes. As for Sheyla... well that just hit my anger button. But I don't think that would ever work. Never looked right anyway.

                    (glad you like the vid SR!! I kinda borrowed few scenes at the beginning form your Big Iron - I was thinking which scene to use for the line: "Just a small town dude with a big city attitude". The scene from Irresponsible was perfect for that).
                    Those scenes were perfect for both vids. Fans have been doing Sparky vids so long now there has to be a certain sameness. I made a DVD of my vids for a friend and watching all of them at once was interesting. They all look alike. Same scenes. The hug has been absolutely worked to death. But certain things have to be there. It's the song that makes the difference. We have so much to choose from aside from the few scenes that are always included though. Sometimes I wonder how other shipper groups manage to find enough clips. Maybe I'll challenge myself to use clips I've never used before. When I find the perfect song.

                    Do you other vidders ever share with non-SGA viewers? What do they think? I have a friend who is in no way a SciFi fan who can't believe I have learned to make videos. He is fascinated by them and has in fact started watching the show in syndication. He emails all sorts of questions. LOL. Of course, he thinks Sparky is a done deal. And, guess what, watching the actual show has not changed his mind.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Welcome Nikki! I'm a S/J shipper as well Hope you'll have fun here! *bg*


                        I was so rude! Wellcome Nikki!

                        I need to get back in my happy denial mode. No S4 in my universe. No ditching Elizabeth. No killing my Sparky. There. Better. *nods* S4 is a bad AU. SGA neds with The Return pt. 2 (but including Tao and Echoes). That's it. *feels slightly better*
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                          It's nice to know we might get to see a little bit more of Sparky in those 4 episodes. As for Sheyla... well that just hit my anger button. But I don't think that would ever work. Never looked right anyway.
                          Wait what did I miss? Sheyla? No way! Not ever. Well ok, not for me anyway.
                          I let a little squee slip also on that Joe M. comment. I have not been following his blog long enough to understand how he may twist his words or play with us ... but I am going to hope for the best. At least after months of speculations from us, and resistance from him/them - we have this one little line. I will put on my "not listening to negative things" hat, and will continue in my dream world, where Sparky lives 4EVA.
                          sig made by me


                            Anuna, may I remind you that we shouldn't bash any other ship, I know you're angry but please this forum is a peaceful place and there are multishippers who lurk or post here. Also there are people like me who don't "live" in denial land and wish to see s4.

                            Also if you really want my opinion, I don't think the writers are going to push J/T and if they do I won't mind at all bc I know it'll make some fans happy. Sure I won't be too happy but really I've come to a point were I don't care anymore but it's not denial bc even though it's not my ship, I respect other fans perceptions. And as JM stated in his last entry, there will be sparky moments/emotional scenes. So really we should just enjoy this. And this somehow prooves our ship isn't just our imagination.

                            justhere1971, this goes the same for you or anybody else who'd like to keep going with the ship war. If you really want to bash other ships bc you hate them which I'd completely understand bc it's your right, do it on your lj or with your friends in RL or IM or other forums. But not here. Thx.


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              I was so rude! Wellcome Nikki!

                              I need to get back in my happy denial mode. No S4 in my universe. No ditching Elizabeth. No killing my Sparky. There. Better. *nods* S4 is a bad AU. SGA neds with The Return pt. 2 (but including Tao and Echoes). That's it. *feels slightly better*
                              Anuna - come join us in this thread: It's discussion for S4 and Sparky.

                              We actually discuss both sides there. Anyone who wants to join in is welcome!


                                I know that Suz. I was just talking about this thread. That doesn't mean you're not welcome here. If I recall correctly you were posting here before me.

