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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
    justhere1971, this goes the same for you or anybody else who'd like to keep going with the ship war. If you really want to bash other ships bc you hate them which I'd completely understand bc it's your right, do it on your lj or with your friends in RL or IM or other forums. But not here. Thx.
    hmmm I am not interested in any war. Period. it was just a statement of my preference. Sorry didn't mean to cause trouble. I didn't realize it's unacceptable to state a preference, which to me would nullify the quality of a forum. Anywho - happily going back to hiding.
    sig made by me


      Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
      I know that Suz. I was just talking about this thread. That doesn't mean you're not welcome here. If I recall correctly you were posting here before me.
      I know. I don't mean anything by it, but it just seems that if people aren't happy about the changes, they're not welcome here (even though it's a discussion thread). And I think that's why this thread has been falling to page 3 and hardly has any posts anymore.

      So to avoid any hard feelings and to avoid any war - people can just head over to the other thread and discuss things. This way people can be happy.


        No need to hide. I just don't want the mods coming on this thread and say that we're "really" off topic. We're better than this.

        I'm not saying I'm perfect and I'm certainly not a cop but I just want this place to be a happy sparky haven. As Suz said, there's a special thread for complaints on s4 and how it'll affect Sparky in s4.


          Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
          I'm not saying I'm perfect and I'm certainly not a cop but I just want this place to be a happy sparky haven. As Suz said, there's a special thread for complaints on s4 and how it'll affect Sparky in s4.
          But this thread used to be all about discussion. Pro and Con and Sparky fans have always got along and shouldn't have to go to a special thread to talk about their favorite ship. I find it extremely sad that people who are upset about S4 need to go elsewhere.

          Once upon a time - both opinions were welcome here. If only happy thoughts are allowed here, then the title of this thread seriously needs to be changed.


            Okay, I was really out of the line. Just got upset... I'm sorry.

            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
              No need to hide. I just don't want the mods coming on this thread and say that we're "really" off topic. We're better than this.

              I'm not saying I'm perfect and I'm certainly not a cop but I just want this place to be a happy sparky haven. As Suz said, there's a special thread for complaints on s4 and how it'll affect Sparky in s4.
              Please don't take this the wrong way, but how is stating a preference for one ship over another "off topic"?
              You know back when I first started watching the show, I was not in it for any relationship. Heck the Rising --- well I wasn't even sure I liked how Shep looked (shudders at the thought now). It was slow & gradual for me. I looked at the original scene where John puts the necklace on Teyla and I thought hmmm. Ok. So this is the direction/possible relationship there. And against my will - or what I was being told/shown, I moved to John/Elizabeth. It happened during all the Siege episodes really.
              All I am saying is I don't consider one to be better than the other, just that my preference is for this one. I will take my pro/con discussion to the other thread though so as not to cause too much trouble.
              As for the hiding, I realized that after I finally gathered up the courage to post, I can't go back into just reading. Sorry!
              sig made by me


                I know. But It's just that ( and it's just my opinion here ), I'm among those who wants to have fun in this thread discussing happy sparky thoughts. I don't want to hear about another ship making progress or the fact that Elizabeth's about to be shipped back to red shirts land. Bc we all know about this. We still have four episodes to look forward sparky-wise. I know many people don't post here anymore ( aside from those who've lost interest in the show or sparky - bc really we all move on and I'm among those, but still it's my ship and I want to have fun discussing it and post nice captions... ). If I want to state my fears on s4 and how my ship is screwed than I just don't want to do it here. I'll do it on lj or wherever I won't bother sparky shippers who just want to have positive discussions and fun.

                I really feel for you guys, I do bc I'm one of you. But it's not in my nature to be a downer regarding tv shows. I may be pissed for a couple of weeks but then I don't want to be bothered with fandom crisis every single day, I've already too much on my mind in RL. But I know fans need to express their complaints and misgivings and share them with the rest of the shippers. Although, it is in my humble opinion that I feel it has to be discussed some place else.

                Maybe I'm wrong. But really, I was mostly talking about the Sheyla issue here. I just extended the issue to Elizabeth's recurring status. True enough I don't mind talking about Elizabeth's status and how it'll affect Sparky in this thread. But I don't want us to bash other ships. That's probably my only complaint. I believe Sparky shippers are better than this or at least have to be in this thread.

                Just my 0,2 cents 'cos really it's not my thread, it's everybody's and GW, lol


                  I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree. Because this is a *discussion* thread, and thus, pro and con should be welcomed here. Having a "pro" or "con" opinion is just that - an opinion.

                  Otherwise, just make a "happy Sparky thread" and "not so happy Sparky thread" and a picture thread - and then we can close this one down.

                  It's sad that this Ship has to be divided. And that even we can't respect each other's opinion and actually talk about it. This used to be such a great thread.


                    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                    I know. But It's just that ( and it's just my opinion here ), I'm among those who wants to have fun in this thread discussing happy sparky thoughts. I don't want to hear about another ship making progress or the fact that Elizabeth's about to be shipped back to red shirts land. Bc we all know about this. We still have four episodes to look forward sparky-wise. I know many people don't post here anymore ( aside from those who've lost interest in the show or sparky - bc really we all move on and I'm among those, but still it's my ship and I want to have fun discussing it and post nice captions... ). If I want to state my fears on s4 and how my ship is screwed than I just don't want to do it here. I'll do it on lj or wherever I won't bother sparky shippers who just want to have positive discussions and fun.

                    I really feel for you guys, I do bc I'm one of you. But it's not in my nature to be a downer regarding tv shows. I may be pissed for a couple of weeks but then I don't want to be bothered with fandom crisis every single day, I've already too much on my mind in RL. But I know fans need to express their complaints and misgivings and share them with the rest of the shippers. Although, it is in my humble opinion that I feel it has to be discussed some place else.

                    Maybe I'm wrong. But really, I was mostly talking about the Sheyla issue here. I just extended the issue to Elizabeth's recurring status. True enough I don't mind talking about Elizabeth's status and how it'll affect Sparky in this thread. But I don't want us to bash other ships. That's probably my only complaint. I believe Sparky shippers are better than this or at least have to be in this thread.

                    Just my 0,2 cents 'cos really it's not my thread, it's everybody's and GW, lol
                    I don't consider another ship progressing/not-progressing. I don't think that's the focus of the show anyway. Heck, this might not be popular thought here - but I don't believe Sparky is the focus of the show either. I do not think we should feel doomed already about Season 4. I am a very optimistic person, and I choose to believe the best until the very last minute. I watch this show for entertainment .. Sparky is an added bonus. As I am sure Sheyla is for some - and many other het/slash pairing for numerous others.

                    If we can only discuss happy moments here, then I think we've done so, and will continue. With this I am moving onto something else. Again, it wasn't meant as an attack - just my own opinion.
                    sig made by me


                      Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                      Please don't take this the wrong way, but how is stating a preference for one ship over another "off topic"?
                      You know back when I first started watching the show, I was not in it for any relationship. Heck the Rising --- well I wasn't even sure I liked how Shep looked (shudders at the thought now). It was slow & gradual for me. I looked at the original scene where John puts the necklace on Teyla and I thought hmmm. Ok. So this is the direction/possible relationship there. And against my will - or what I was being told/shown, I moved to John/Elizabeth. It happened during all the Siege episodes really.
                      All I am saying is I don't consider one to be better than the other, just that my preference is for this one. I will take my pro/con discussion to the other thread though so as not to cause too much trouble.
                      As for the hiding, I realized that after I finally gathered up the courage to post, I can't go back into just reading. Sorry!
                      I won't take this the wrong way. I love cat fights ( j/k )

                      Listen this ship is the best thing that's happened to me in years. So really I'm just among those who won't loose hope and feel fandom is such an amazing place to spend time in with fanfictions, vids, art... that I'm just trying to keep this thread on topic. It's the Sparky of SGA fandom. Talking about other ships in a -and excuse me for saying this, specific thread and in an anti way just doesn't do any justice for the sparky shippers mass. That's how bad reputations start. I'm just saying that we're better than this.

                      It is off topic bc you know as well as I do that there are people who multi ship and they certainly don't want to hear that you don't like what they may like. You don't have to agree with their perceptions, I'm just saying you have to respect them. And saying that there's no way you'd survive another Sheyla moment isn't respecting the other ship in my humble opinion ( at least in THIS thread ). But like I said I may be way out of line here. But here we deal with Sparky not Sheyla or any other ship for that matter.

                      I remember a couple of weeks ago ( I had the same debate again ), we discussed (s4 spoilers)
                      the sheyla hug.
                      And I specificaly asked that we deal with it and discuss it in a respectfull way and share our thoughts on how it could be related to sparky. This imho was very respectfull and we had nice and peaceful discussions.


                        Suz, this thread is what it is and what it used to be. Pro/Cons okay, talk about whatever you want. Just don't bash other ships that's it.

                        I was just talking about bashing issues. The rest is on topic and I'll stop this discussion now.


                          In the interest of peace, I bring Sparky picture:


                          Look at Rodney's reaction! He knows what they've been up to!


                            but isnt elizabeth's reaccuring status intrinsically connected to sparky?

                            oh dear... i just saw that you were trying to end the topic.

                            *runs way*
                            thanks Erised for the sig!


                              Rodney : "You guys were in the closet again, weren't you?"
                              John and Elizabeth : "Noooooooooo!"
                              Elizabeth : "What could possibly make you think that..."
                              John : "Really Rodney, you've got some imagination..."
                              Rodney : "Well, you just answered my affirmation"


                                Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                                I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree. Because this is a *discussion* thread, and thus, pro and con should be welcomed here. Having a "pro" or "con" opinion is just that - an opinion.

                                Otherwise, just make a "happy Sparky thread" and "not so happy Sparky thread" and a picture thread - and then we can close this one down.

                                It's sad that this Ship has to be divided. And that even we can't respect each other's opinion and actually talk about it. This used to be such a great thread.
                                Just for what it's worth. I don't think anybody bashed Sheyla. If we've gotten to the point we can't even point out how our ship is different from that one, then we just may as well be the Sparky galleria and get it over with. I like a little spirited discussion now and then, and if we keep it civil it should continue.

                                Also, we can keep our heads in the sand and be surprised by TMC, but I think it's better to deal with it. This new news about the Sparky S4 moments is good and it's healthy to talk about how we feel about it.

                                Frankly, the people I have talked to lately who used to post here mostly left because they didn't feel welcome to state their opinion unless it was all happy happy glee. We used to and still must welcome all opinions, but we can't see every mention of another ship as bashing. I personally have gotten hugs from 2 Sheylas lately in the anti-S4 thread. It seems like sometimes that is a more fun place than here.

                                Sparky will never die. It will live on in fanfic, vids and our hearts. We have that in common, but we all need to come together in this our home thread and work our way through the stages of dealing with what's happening.

                                Just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

