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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Celcool View Post
    I think it was in Hot Zone (but not sure) that I was looking more closely at the people sparring, noticed that those weren't even Joe and Rachel, those were stunt people, so it's hard to be talking about it being hot in any kind of shippy way the way I see it. Just saying.

    I listened to JM's interview, just for any new info, not for the pleasure of hearing him talk. He mentions fans a lot. Just a few things:

    -no mention of Torri

    -didn't like when he mentioned Carter being a permanent fixture on Atlantis

    - he doesn't take much stock on focus groups he said, the results have shown that people don't want SG-1 crossover on Atlantis (obviously they don't care about that)

    - he mentioned Sheppard/Weir: "We can't be going online and checking out who the most popular character is this week on GateWorld, basically write the script for them. Everybody seems to support a Sheppard/Weir pairing more than a Sheppard/Teyla pairing so let's do a Sheppard out on a date episode with Weir, it's just not something that we do.

    Now let's take this sentence out of the context! Imagine:

    Joe Mallozzi: "Everybody seems to support a Sheppard/Weir pairing more than a Sheppard/Teyla pairing so let's do a Sheppard out on a date episode with Weir."

    I love that he mentions Gateworld in his interviews!
    At least he reads what we think... well sometimes I suposse
    My LJ


      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      Okay done!!! On with the analysis!!

      "E - lizabeth??!" That was the first time he called her by her name. Very nice.
      Actually, I don't know when the first time he calls her by name is, but I know he had already called her by her name at least once before this, while he was in the gym and they were arguing he said "Elizabeth he's heading right for you!" I love that part, like in the heat of the moment when he gets down to it, the reason he's so adament is just to protect her.


        On Joe Mallozzi's interview :

        On the contrary, I think the fact that he doesn't mention Weir a lot, except for the Shep/Weir dating part is quite positive. Which means she's definitely not out of the equation yet. Hell, he didn't even mention the fact that Weir's a recurring character in s4! I like JM and I won't hide it, lol hence why I'm feeling positive about s4.


          Morning Sparkers!
          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


            Originally posted by Celcool View Post
            Joe Mallozzi: "Everybody seems to support a Sheppard/Weir pairing more than a Sheppard/Teyla pairing so let's do a Sheppard out on a date episode with Weir."
            *sigh* If only this was the truth... but like people said, as least they know we exist- but this shows that they will stay away from Sparky....

            Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
            On Joe Mallozzi's interview:
            On the contrary, I think the fact that he doesn't mention Weir a lot, except for the Shep/Weir dating part is quite positive. Which means she's definitely not out of the equation yet. Hell, he didn't even mention the fact that Weir's a recurring character in s4! I like JM and I won't hide it, lol hence why I'm feeling positive about s4.
            See I disagree. If he had mentioned something about
            Torri then I would have been happy. But in the little bit that I read it sounds like he doesn't even acknowledge the fact that Torri exists or that the character Elizabeth was even created. It's the same with that UK magazine that printed an article saying that TPTB had plot/character outlines for every character 'cept Beckett and Lizzie and we all know what happened to Beckett- despite the fact that he's coming back. To me, it seems that he's doing a 'fair' four episodes goodbye and then the character Elizabeth will disappear into Ford-ville and never be heard from or even spoken from again.
            And when that happens, I will stop watching the show. She is my favourite character and I know that there is more to the show than Sparky, but Sparky makes the show worth watching... I do love the fact that he at least knows that we exist, but the fact that JM knows we exist means that- at least in my eyes- he will do almost anything against us because we are so large and we're not shipping the people that he wants us to ship. Now, I know that that probably isn't the case, but I don't understand any other motivation for getting rid of
            Lizzie and only having her in 4 episodes. I mean, surely they could have brought Carter over and had a sort of co-leadership thing going on with Carter being in charge of the military and Lizzie in charge of the scientists with someone like Teyla being the third vote if Carter and Lizzie were ever on opposing sides.
            *sigh* I know thinking of s4 leads us all down a sad path but we as a ship need to realise what is going on.... I mean as much as I love season 1-3 the whole thing that I have loved the most is the natural development between the characters and I really can't get into a show that would just dismiss one of their characters and one of their actors like this...
            I mean

            what they said to Torri, leave or take reccuring status....

   just makes me so mad

            Wow. Long rant... sorry guys.
            On a side note, I do agree with you all about Hot Zone...
            Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
            |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


              Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
              Actually, I don't know when the first time he calls her by name is, but I know he had already called her by her name at least once before this, while he was in the gym and they were arguing he said "Elizabeth he's heading right for you!" I love that part, like in the heat of the moment when he gets down to it, the reason he's so adament is just to protect her.
              "Hot Zone" is the first time he calls Elizabeth by her first name, just not int that particular screen cap. The first time he says her name is when he's stuck in the Gym with Teyla and he and Elizabeth are ordering Bates to open/not open th e gym door.

              So in that cap it's the Second time he says Elizabeth's name. So twice in one episode, must tell you how worried he was about keeping Elizabeth safe.


                Hello everyone!!
                I'm watching conversion (squee) and I just thought I'd drop a quick note about how cute Sparky is in this. Weir is so scared and freaks out when she figures out they dont know what to do. And the look on her face is soo adorable.
                S:Anything that has you speechless has me worried"
                I love it! And I've only seen... 13 minutes of it ahah

                Soo.. whats going on around here?
                My LJ


                  Off Topic for Sheppard/Weir On Topic for ships

                  Has anyone else noticed that in Conversion, when ronon, teyla, becket, lorne and mckay go looking for eggs, Ronon is talking and he looks at teyla AND WINKS!!

                  Ahaha I love those parrings Sheppard/Weir, Ronan/Teyla !
                  Okay long rant over
                  My LJ


                    Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                    *sigh* I know thinking of s4 leads us all down a sad path but we as a ship need to realise what is going on.... I mean as much as I love season 1-3 the whole thing that I have loved the most is the natural development between the characters and I really can't get into a show that would just dismiss one of their characters and one of their actors like this...
                    I know thinking of changes that we don't like is upsetting, I'm concerned about what is happening to my favorite show just like most other people. But, I don't think "we as a ship need to realize what is going on" It is, after all, just a tv show. We as the audience don't have a ton of say in what goes into it. Our job is to watch as long as you want and when you don't find it enjoyable, then stop watching. As much as we'd all be upset if it doesn't go the way we want (and believe me, I get way too emotionally involved in these things, I know what it's like) will go on. As great as it is, and as much as we want certain things to happen, it's still just tv and I think sometimes we need to keep that in perspective.


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Well, once a geek, always a geek, so of course I had to take this!

                      I ended up with this moment which I think is very appropriate because it always reminds me of my favorite line in a favorite song (hidden for size):

                      "In the end, I want to be standing at the beginning with you."

                      I can't think of a nicer compliment.
                      sig by SueKay

                      My Team:


                        I love that song IE!

                        Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                        *sigh* If only this was the truth... but like people said, as least they know we exist- but this shows that they will stay away from Sparky....
                        What comforts me is that they'll stay away from Sheyla too, obviously. I agree, at least they acknowledge that "everybody" likes sparky more than Sheyla. That's something.

                        Originally posted by Olivia001 View Post
                        Off Topic for Sheppard/Weir On Topic for ships

                        Has anyone else noticed that in Conversion, when ronon, teyla, becket, lorne and mckay go looking for eggs, Ronon is talking and he looks at teyla AND WINKS!!

                        Ahaha I love those parrings Sheppard/Weir, Ronan/Teyla !
                        Okay long rant over
                        Yes, I've noticed that! In fact, as soon as I have, I posted the cap to the Teyla/Ronon ship thread but they've noticed that ages ago already. I'm more of a sparky observer so, no wonder I was pretty late on the subject...
                        Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                        at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                        R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                          Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                          I love that song IE!

                          What comforts me is that they'll stay away from Sheyla too, obviously. I agree, at least they acknowledge that "everybody" likes sparky more than Sheyla. That's something.
                          Hahaha, yeah I noticed the "everybody" too. Now even I wouldn't say that everybody likes sparky more than sheyla but hey I like his take better. lol. I would say like almost everybody.

                          Question, why did he bring up sparky?
                          My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                            Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                            Hahaha, yeah I noticed the "everybody" too. Now even I wouldn't say that everybody likes sparky more than sheyla but hey I like his take better. lol. I would say like almost everybody.

                            Question, why did he bring up sparky?

                            Basically throughout the interview he mentioned several times how they don't write their show based on what the (online) fans want and how they don't "put much stock in focus groups." That they write for themselves, what they want. He gave an example of that using Sparky. He seems to contradict himself because he also said that in the end they do write for fans too, that they do have an influence. He doesn't make much sense.
                            Last edited by Celcool; 03 May 2007, 10:47 PM.
                            Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                            at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                            R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                              Hey Sparkers!

                              *has no comment to contribute*

                              *runs out*
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                                LOL. YES PLEASE.

                                Does that mean no sparky. Well I guess there goes my last hope of attempting to watch s4. Oh well I think I'm mostly over it.

                                Well at least he knows that sparky is teh popular and any other ship will just not go well. NO SHIP IN SGA. I think I'm going anti-ship.
                                To answer your question: No it doesn't mean we won't be seeing any Sparky in season 4. We have as much chance of seeing Sparky as any other ship has of seeing theres.
                                JMs version of ship is very clear cut because what he says is we won't see them going out on something obvious like a date. So basically what he's saying is that we won't get obvious romantic moments like that. But duh! This is Stargate! Sinse whenever has that happened anyway? Basically everyone accepts that Jack/Sam is a canon ship but we've really had no obviously romantic/proper relationship moments of real evidence, but what we've had people have seen and decided it's there...even when JM keeps saying they aren't going to show it.

                                So yes we are gonna get ship I think, just like we've been getting the last 3 years. The writers will make sure of that. Joe and Torri will accidentally make things shippy. JM doesn't realise what we've seen as shippy. He doesn't realise that the hug, the hand holding in TRW, all the stuff in Conversion, carrying Elizabeth to the infirmiry, eyesex in Siege 2 and the rescue from Kolya in The eye are all obvious shippy moments (not only to shippers but also some casual viewers).
                                So, it's likely we'll still get things like that and JM will still not see it as Ship, but really it is ship. JM just has this more obvious version of what ship is...His sort of ship is obvious stuff like Sam and Pete.

                                Anyway, morning everyone

                                livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                                ~You are who you choose to be~

