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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Kinky_Carter View Post
    Someone really needs to make a Save Elizabeth website, up there next to the Save Carson website. I mean if so much publicity went into saving him, surly we can save our Lizzie. Then we can tell them, give us Sparky while you're at it!!
    There's already one. You can find links to it over in the SEW thread in the S4 section.

    I really hope you're joking about the latter. Showing appreciation for ship is one thing - it's a good way for TPTB to see how popular a pairing is. Telling TPTB you WANT a particular ship or that they SHOULD go with a particular pairing is another. More often than not, those posters just come off as arrogant and rude.

    Couple of caps to end on a lighter note.


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
      There's already one. You can find links to it over in the SEW thread in the S4 section.

      I really hope you're joking about the latter. Showing appreciation for ship is one thing - it's a good way for TPTB to see how popular a pairing is. Telling TPTB you WANT a particular ship or that they SHOULD go with a particular pairing is another. More often than not, those posters just come off as arrogant and rude.

      Couple of caps to end on a lighter note.

      Oh I know, and plus it isn't fair to all the other shippers. Its just a wish *sigh* Oh yes, I love that scene, one of the many eye sex scenes. I wonder who came up with that, and the radio sex, and whoever came up with the whole Shweir in a closest thing is a goddess.


        Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
        *thanks you*

        That is what I call *facebip* : If that ain't a gift from God than I'm doomed


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post

          Basically, you know you've got a big shippy moment when people in the episode threads bring it up, if only to snipe about it.
          very true! that is why it's always best to get an opinion from outside of the shippers perspective. Like my mum, who doesn't believe that ship exists in Atlantis, but if there is an obvious Sparky moment she will look at me and roll her eyes or something, and then repeatedly say it all means nothing She doesn't like Sparky ship but I always know when she's seen something there because I'll be bugging her like 'come on you have to have noticed it? it was so obvious etc etc' and she'll just ignore me lol. That's when I know.
          And my friend as well said she definitely believes there is something between them, and she isn't a shipper either...actually I had to explain the whole concept of shipping to her and she thought it was quite crazy I am trying to convert her to the ways of fandom though.

          @ BG>> omg Prince of Thieves *dies* I have never seen that movie all the way through. Kevin Costner annoys me lol...only film I've watched of his all the way through is Waterworld, but I didn't realise it was him in that until the credits lol

          livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
          ~You are who you choose to be~


            I blame JF for the intense looks. He's so expressive with his eyes. As is Torri, funnily enough. I also give thanks to the directors for telling them to do what they do so well; the editors for making the most out the footage; the writers bc I read that stuff like that gets penned into the scripts - "Shep looks at Weir. She looks back."

            Radio sex - at least the term - I pin on LittleRed and Pooh as it seems something they'd start, lol. God bless, ZPS.

            And Sparky in closets, I think, is a couple of girls on eljays fault.


              Sparky is a gift from the cast and crew of SGA Am I gonna say well said again ? It's getting tiresome..

              ZPS is luv ! Ms Pooh destroyed my ideals on Stargate in a marvelous way

              @Saz : LMAO!


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                I just read this one: and I enjoyed it!!!
                Awwe! Truely Adorable
                Do you know the author?
                My LJ


                  Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                  Sparky is a gift from the cast and crew of SGA Am I gonna say well said again ? It's getting tiresome..

                  ZPS is luv ! Ms Pooh destroyed my ideals on Stargate in a marvelous way

                  @Saz : LMAO!

                  Can I just say moving house is a real pain in ths a$$? Just doesn't leave me any quality time to play here. *pouts*

                  Just want to add my praises for ZPS. I have been waiting like forEVA for her interpretation of TRW. Will she ever update?

                  Surprisingly I'm still totally Zen with what's been happening lately with all the spoilers, rumours etc. Even if
                  John was the father of Teyla's child, I discovered I couldn't care less.
                  What I would mind is the show getting sickeningly soap opera-ish to the detriment of good solid story-telling. Anyway, I came up with another wild speculation which I posted in "The Seer" pre-airing thread.

                  BTW, loving all the pr0n (natch)and caps. Still haven't had time to read fics or watch vids (and you know how much I love vids!) Keep up the good work.

                  Just to make it on topic....what a hot couple, especially when they're p*ssed off.

                  *goes back to lurkdom*
                  Last edited by Ronnikins; 27 April 2007, 05:51 PM.

                  Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                    Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post

                    Just to make it on topic....what a hot couple, especially when they're p*ssed off.

                    *goes back to lurkdom*
                    Wow. I wouldnt mess with Weir

                    Spoilers for slightly odd rant

                    I never really thought about it before but I think besides Sparky, Teyla and Ronan are good together... ot I know but I just thought of how perfectly that works out... well except for poor Rodney ... meh He can go with Carter. See? Everyones happy? The end
                    But then there would be no story line. Oh well...

                    Okay rant over
                    My LJ


                      Originally posted by Olivia001 View Post
                      Wow. I wouldnt mess with Weir

                      Spoilers for slightly odd rant

                      I never really thought about it before but I think besides Sparky, Teyla and Ronan are good together... ot I know but I just thought of how perfectly that works out... well except for poor Rodney ... meh He can go with Carter. See? Everyones happy? The end
                      But then there would be no story line. Oh well...

                      Okay rant over
                      Still OT but to really make everybody happy I would have McKay with Katie Brown and Sam with Jack. I'll keep Lorne for myself. What?

                      Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                        Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
                        Still OT but to really make everybody happy I would have McKay with Katie Brown and Sam with Jack. I'll keep Lorne for myself. What?
                        Akk How could I have forgotten Jack!!

                        My LJ


                          Just a question its a little off topic, but i was just wondering if anyone can point me to a torrent website that has special features from teh SGA DVD's?

                          PM me if you like
                          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                            Okay I have to get up early tommorow for work so I'm going to bed
                            Talk to you guys tommorow
                            My LJ


                              [QUOTE=Anjirika;6614276]YAY SAZ!!
                              CONGRATS ON 800!!
                              Hope you like the Lizzie colours! ^_^ And you're right--- who needs a life??

                              Well if thats the case I hope that it is a good episode that leaves many, many doors open....

                              That it does Red... that it does...

                              Now that I wouldn't mind...

                              Oh right... forgot what her name was, and yes those were romantic moments- even my sparky-coloured-glasses couldn't block that one out... ^_^

                              Well, from what I've heard TPTB have been pushing for Sheyla and other than that I would have to say- yes they to recognize it but they don't realise the value of it there... with Lizzie majorly reduced in season 4 they have effectively cut what I think is one of the amazing theads of the entire show...

                              Well, you are right there... you could say that Sateda was the last shippy moment but even I have seen potential moments in The Ark and Sunday. I of course spin those into a 'concerned brother' manner but there are others who disagree...

                              On the matter of Vala- I felt that she was there and upfront in her 6 episodes in tbe beginning and I felt that she was a huge presence in S10 but I didn't mind that because I love the whole Daniel/Vala interaction and ship... I liked looking for those moments like I like looking for Sparky moments and I am afraid that the show will suffer for me with Lizzie gone. Not to mention the fact that I can handle John/Rodney banter and I would love to see a little Sam/Rodney banter in S4 but I really don't want it to take over the show.

                              It's like any good buy/bad guy baby. I'm sure SG1 wasn't the first to do that, nor was XF. If you look hard enough you could probably find that story backdated to the 60s.

                              I haven't actually watched SG110 (Ori bored me and S9 was enough of a struggle) but from what I understand, Adria was meant to be a unique hybrid - a kind of weapon. Hopefully SGA will put a twist on the baby storyline so it won't be exactly the same, and maybe the baby is just your average Wraith baby with no extra special powers than any other Wraith baby has.

                              And I agree with whoever said this would have been a lovely opportunity for Lizzie/Teyla interaction. And damn it, we could have gotten John and Elizabeth sharing a look over the baby! *fingers crossed we still will*
                              Well I have a feeling that with Vengence going the way that it did this development of Teyla's will be less normal and more well- scifi. And I'll only be angry because they've just used that in season 10 of SG1 I don't care about the actual concept because scifi concepts are just re-hashes of others but when they do it so close to eachother I get a little p/oed... I mean there is a rehash and there is stealing.... the Harsesis and Adria storyline are similar but their implications are completly different. Adria is bent on dominating the universe while the Harsesis was not...

                              Yeah- me too!

                              I didn't know that Claudia was pregnant in Farscape... and as for what aired, I haven't seen the video but I assumed that you were talking about First Strike which has been aired and has been discussed on this thread... the states are just up to Echoes so it will be a couple of weeks before they get to First Strike.

                              I would hope that JM will take good care of our Lizzie, but even if he doesn't- I'm past caring in many regards... whether I do or do not watch season 4 is totally dependant on the spoilers that I see... at the very most I won't be chomping at the bit to watch them and I will wait till their aired on Canadian TV which could be years...
                              No apparently the ep where
                              Where the city looks like it exploades with Lizzie inside. And that's why Carter comes over.
                              has aired in canada? Or is the ep I'm talking about first strike. I don't think it is.

                              ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                              I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                              Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                                I think you are reffering to

                                First Strike. I think there were lots of explosions, not really sure, because I didn't see it... and I probbably won't for some time, I just can't bring myself to watch anything from Sunday 'till the end of S3. Now, when I say I live in denial, you know I'm being serious. About S4, I won't watch what I don't like. Simple as that.

                                About possible Sheyla moments... well, there are some, but they can't possibly beat the intensity of Sparky moments. I'm too lazy to type few of them up, but all of us know them by heart!

                                I was listening to some songs on my mp3 player this morning when I was in town... and a new video idea just struck me, now I need to rewatch TRW because of scenes and details I could use.

                                In case you wonder, the song that triggered my imagination is "Nobody wants to be lonely" (Ricky Martin and Christina Aguilera *wiats for tomatoes to fly over* - yeah, i confess, I like listening to Ricky Martin sometimes. There, it's off my chest!!) LOL

                                Guys, can we go back to funny stuff?
                                I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

