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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Kales View Post
    Does 'positive feedback' count as me dancing? Everyone look out for the little "Hey!" moment about 1:42 when John appears by her bed
    LMAO! Sounds so pr0ny when you say it like that


      Originally posted by CountryJoy View Post
      I love The Return II!
      I'm a big Jack fan and I think he's hilarious in this ep. He and Woolsey have the funniest conversations.

      I, too, love Elizabeth's little "thank you"s.

      My favorite bit is when John is zig-zagging the jumper through the city, trying to dodge the drones:
      "Hey, if we keep this up, there won't be much of a city left to save."
      "I'll try to run the drones into your least favorite buildings!"

      That is one of my fave moment in that ep. Reminds me of this bit in Suspicion:
      J: You like us to bring back anything special?
      E: Um... no, thanks.
      J: Groceries, new outfit, flatware?

      I really liked the 2 Return episodes. It was nice to see some Team Atlantis bonding going on instead of Team Shep. I guess The Return Pt 2 was more all of them again, but it was a super cool ep. And we got Jack He was great. The best SG-1 crossover charrie so far.
      I'm trying to think of other favourite moments but I can't right now. Elizabeth looks supercute in black ops uniform ...and that's the only sencible contribution I can make now haha.

      Ronan: I'm keeping my eye on you two up there.

      J/E: We weren't doing anything *innocent*

      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      That was cute. Great job matching clips to music.

      I like light, fun songs for this pairing. I know lots of people like the deep, meaningful, slow songs but I just prefer bouncy and fun. I guess it is because that is what they mean to me. For the most part, their relationship is light-hearted and teasing. It is balanced out with the danger they can both be in though.
      Ditto to that. The video was cute.
      I like light hearted and cute vids for Sparky...but I also love the angsty ones. I've discovered I actually don't listen to a lot of happy music so I never have happy songs to associate with them. I have been getting better though now that summers come along. I keep listening to cutesy fun 60s love songs like Beach Boys, The Beatles, etc. Oooooo and I love associating Disney songs to Sparky as well
      If I had the patience to make vids then I would. I have lots of ideas but they just never make it past the concept stage

      livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
      ~You are who you choose to be~


        The Return 2:

        I have to say that my fave moment isn't Sparky related for once (no kidding!) but Jack related. Yeah it's the "Plan F like..." moment! It was hilarious!

        Otherwise, on a more Sparky related topic, I'm listening to Bryan Adams' Please Forgive Me and I can't help but think about Conversion and how I'd loved to have a John asking Elizabeth for forgiveness scene in the ep!


          Good idea Vicky!!! I'm about to upload the next chapter of my ifc... hold on tight!
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Return 2 was definitely one of the awesome epi's.


            Jack being, well, Jack. I miss him. He cracks me up and he's such a hero.

            Then of course the cuteness that is Sparky.

            And call me stupid but I was pathetically pleased to hear Teyla call Elizabeth "Elizabeth" and John "Colonel". Hey, I take what I can get to improve my zen. Thanks.

            I loved how instead of explaining the plan after the fact that they rewound the epi to the point where Rodney tells the plan and then we see the missing scenes where they finished planning and carried it out. LOVED IT! Nice job on not following the same old same old.

            Elizabeth's little "Thank you's" were each and everyone just adorable. And the way she hugged Jack because she was so happy she got to stay in Atlantis. If there was any doubt of where her and John's home was, it's gone now (what with her happy hug in thanks and John in Return 1 being all "I'll be [darned] (sorry, I don't swear) if I let those replicators take our home from us."

            My sis and I were busting a gut last night as we watched it. Loves! I just need to keep that through the difficult epi's to come.

            AL + +


              Return 2
              My favourite exchange probably has to be:

              John: Good to be home.
              Elizabeth: There's no place like it.


                Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                The Return 2:

                I have to say that my fave moment isn't Sparky related for once (no kidding!) but Jack related. Yeah it's the "Plan F like..." moment! It was hilarious!

                Otherwise, on a more Sparky related topic, I'm listening to Bryan Adams' Please Forgive Me and I can't help but think about Conversion and how I'd loved to have a John asking Elizabeth for forgiveness scene in the ep!
                *fangirl squee (that's not about Sparky by about BA lol)* That's one of my fave Bryan Adams ballads
                I would have really loved a forgiveness scene as well. I guess it's just another one of those off camera moments that we all love to write about

                Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                Return 2
                My favourite exchange probably has to be:

                John: Good to be home.
                Elizabeth: There's no place like it.

                *squee squee* I so loved The Return 1 & 2 for those sort of moments. So uber cute. Not just the Sparky moments either. Their was great team bonding going on all through.

                Slightly OT cos it's not really Sparky but I'm listening to a song right now and it made me think of Elizabeth in The Return Pt 1 and also a bit of First Strike:

                'Walkaway' - Cast
                You've heard all they've got to say
                You looked but turned away
                Just walk away walk away
                You've said all you got to say
                Now the words just slip away
                Just walk away, walk away, walk away
                That's what they say, what they say, what they say
                You gotta walk away

                If you've played all the games they've played
                You played them yesterday
                Just walk away, walk away
                If you've been, where they wanna go, seen all they've got to show
                Just walk away, walk away, walk away
                That's what they say, what they say, what they say
                You gotta walk away

                And now you must believe me, you never lose your dream
                So now you must believe me, we never lose our dreams

                If you proved all there is to prove, got nothing left to use
                Just walk away, walk away
                If you've done, all there is to do, ain't nothing left for you
                Just walk away, walk away, walk away
                That's what they say, what they say, what they say
                Walk away, walk away, walk away
                That's what they say, what they say, what they say
                You gotta walk away today

                livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                ~You are who you choose to be~


                  Originally posted by A.L. View Post

                  My sis and I were busting a gut last night as we watched it. Loves! I just need to keep that through the difficult epi's to come.

                  You know except for Sunday, there aren't really any difficult epi's to come per se, but there are a few difficult moments and even those are open for interpretation for the most part. So you can keep your zen if you choose to. Though some things do get the best of all of us at times. *looks around guiltily*

                  AL + +

                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                  Return 2
                  My favourite exchange probably has to be:

                  John: Good to be home.
                  Elizabeth: There's no place like it.

                  Return II:
                  My husband and I noticed several Wizard of Oz moments like the one you mentioned, like Rodney's comment that Niam was "mostly dead" made us think about "really most sincerely dead". LOL. There were enough Sparky moments to make me happy. I was also struck by how she just stepped aside and let him be in charge...going back to the idea that they are joint leaders sometimes. So putting all the blame on Liz when bad decisions are made is just nonsense.

                  And let's not forget John making a point of saying that the plan was Liz's idea.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    Return II:
                    My husband and I noticed several Wizard of Oz moments like the one you mentioned, like Rodney's comment that Niam was "mostly dead" made us think about "really most sincerely dead". LOL. There were enough Sparky moments to make me happy. I was also struck by how she just stepped aside and let him be in charge...going back to the idea that they are joint leaders sometimes. So putting all the blame on Liz when bad decisions are made is just nonsense.

                    And let's not forget John making a point of saying that the plan was Liz's idea.
                    Well, I think the WoO moments where a bit because of RDA. After all, he was the one who started it all in SG1.

                    And I agree about the joint leaders comment. That seemed so natural that she let John be the one in charge because it's a military situation.


                      Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                      And I agree about the joint leaders comment. That seemed so natural that she let John be the one in charge because it's a military situation.
                      Rerturn 2/Submersion
                      Same in Submersion. I wonder if John being willing to let Elizabeth join them might have been influenced by how well she handled herself in Return 2?


                        I don't know if it's too late for that lyrics thing everyone was doing earlier, or if this one was already posted, but I think Testing the Strong Ones by Copeland fits Sparky really well, especially from TRW and
                        First Strike

                        Lyrics in tags for length:
                        There's an angel by your hospital bed
                        Desperate to hear his name on your breath
                        As he looks down you're not making a sound
                        Open your eyes look at me
                        I'll bring to you whatever you need
                        And I'll tell you I'm sorry
                        That I can't take this pain away from you
                        And I'd put it on my own body if I knew how to
                        Can't you see?

                        I've gotta bust you outta here somehow
                        I've never seen your heart this tired
                        I've never seen your spirit held down
                        I know that you say
                        This is what you get
                        For being a bad child
                        But I know this will be your reward
                        In just a little while
                        In just a little while

                        Its testing the strong ones
                        Scarring the beautiful ones
                        It's holding the loved ones
                        One last time

                        Its testing the strong ones
                        (testing the strong ones)
                        Its scarring the beautiful ones
                        (scarring the beautiful ones)
                        Its holding the loved ones
                        One last time
                        (repeated 2x)


                          Some caps from Return 2.



                            I like the offworld Weir, she really got into it. And it was handy having her around. They needed to get her off world more, her character actually gets to breathe a little, if you know what I mean, lol.

                            Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                            My StarGate Music Vids:


                              Thanks for sharing!

                              This one looks like it is in need of a caption.

                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
                              Some caps from Return 2.


                              Elizabeth: I can't believe you found this place.
                              John: Yeah, who would've thought solitary confinement
                              could be so fun!


                                LOL Pocus. That was funny That's a great screencap.

                                There's just one thing that would have improved Return 2 for me.
                                A wet Shep instead of a wet Jack.

