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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SGLAB View Post
    I tried posting this last night, but right in the middle of it trying to post, my internet connection went and didn't come back until about an hour ago.

    Shameless plug of my new fic in my Maddie series. The Sheppard Family Camping Trip.

    I've already read it, it's great. Really cute!

    Originally posted by Trialia View Post
    Pretty! Except the spots on their faces, anyway. I love the texture.

    Yes it is! (I think I quoted the wrong message...)

    Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
    I was reading that yesterday. So Elizabeth is linked with pretty much everyone and John is Kirk.

    Here's the whole description for John:

    Major/Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, whom all the alien chicks dig 'cause of his special genes. Shep's ability to nail any space bimbo in a 50 lightyear radius, marks him as clearly being a descendent of the infamous James T. Kirk. Sheppard excels at shooting, leaning on things and annoying Dr. Rodney McKay as much as possible. Considerable speculation has led many to the conclusion that Sheppard's Hair is a totally sentient life-form in and of itself. Some feel The Hair should have its own spin-off series. Despite only knowing how to fly helicopters, he managed to learn how to fly the X-302 Space Fighter in the 8 weeks it took to come back from Dakara in Season 54.

    The summaries for SGA and SG aka "Star Gate" are like beyond Crack!Fics it's great.

    Also for the SG-1 entries I cracked up at their spelling of lieutenant Colonel as "Lootennant Kernal". Hehe

    One question: how can John be the descendant of Kirk when Kirk was from the future? Shouldn't that be the other way around?

    Silly, I know....


      Originally posted by Kinky_Carter View Post
      Oh my, now if Torri does leave the show, how I will miss the Sparky scenes.
      Kinky Carter, in regarads to Torri leaving, its all speculation. Remember that whole misunderstanding of her comments in her blog?

      First of all, so far this "news" is all speculation. There has been no confirmation of anything, and I doubt many or any scripts have been written for season 4 yet.

      In addition, the article I read stated that Torri was "vague" in her comments about Season 4 in the recent Burbank Convention. The reason for the vagueness is mostly likedly due to the fact that the Burbank Convention happened literally 2 weeks after they wrapped filming for Season 3. According to Torri, they finished wrapping Oct. 27. And the convention happened on Nov. 16.

      The whole Carson Beckett rumor, later confirmed, began becausepeople have actually seen somethings on set during filming.

      I suggest everyone to just stay calm and enjoy the new episodes than worry about something that might not even happen.

      And IMO comparing it to Janet and Daniel disappearances from the show is incorrect. Daniel left in Season 5 due to personal reason between Shanks and others. Janet was a recurring guest star and not the leading lady. Same goes for Beckett, though he was added in the main cast, his character has not received the same development to say... Weir and Ronon

      And if Torri really wants to leave in Season 4, that would be hopefully be her choice. And why would they want to get rid of Weir's character and actually spend several episodes on her character in season 3 alone. Why even bother developing her, in episode such as "The Real World"?

      I think it'd be best to just calm down and a wait and see what is really going on for Season 4.


        Originally posted by Trialia View Post
        I won't be watching Irresponsible at all, even if John and Elizabeth end up in bed together!
        LOL From your post to God's ears.

        You know when Elizabeth is about to step inside the elevator, I really thought it's the door to John's room. Wishful thinking, I guess.
        Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
        at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

        R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


          Originally posted by hopalong View Post
          One question: how can John be the descendant of Kirk when Kirk was from the future? Shouldn't that be the other way around?

          Silly, I know....
          Well, you know with all the crazy alternate timelines in Stargate, anything could happen.


            Originally posted by Trialia View Post
            I won't be watching Irresponsible at all, even if John and Elizabeth end up in bed together!
            Irresistible is the only episode of SGA I've only skipped through

            Irresistible and Irresponsible
            Irresistible was such an adulterated bunch of crap (and I'd use the other stronger word, but it'd come out looking like this: ****.
            That dumb, useless, hairy piece of dung, I can't really understand who came up with the 'brilliant' idea of making a sequel.
            Is it this monday?, I'm not sure if I'm watching it, S/W didn't salvage Irresistible, so yeah, even a S/W kiss, heck even them doing the wild thing wouldn't salvage Irresponsible, Lucius is gonna be in it, that dooms the episode for me. That guy is the worst kind of scum, and he gets on my nerves.


              Originally posted by Luz View Post
              Irresistible is the only episode of SGA I've only skipped through

              Irresistible and Irresponsible
              Irresistible was such an adulterated bunch of crap (and I'd use the other stronger word, but it'd come out looking like this: ****.
              That dumb, useless, hairy piece of dung, I can't really understand who came up with the 'brilliant' idea of making a sequel.
              Is it this monday?, I'm not sure if I'm watching it, S/W didn't salvage Irresistible, so yeah, even a S/W kiss, heck even them doing the wild thing wouldn't salvage Irresponsible, Lucius is gonna be in it, that dooms the episode for me. That guy is the worst kind of scum, and he gets on my nerves.
              I completely agree.


                Irresistible and Irresponsible

                It seems like a lot of people absolutely didn't like the character Lucius Lavin (I thought he was disgusting, too ): ), yet TPTB seem to be in love with him, grargh. Nothing against Richard Kind, but that character... ohgod. Creepy.

                Though I think I'll still watch Irresponsible, I'm just too curious what will happen (and whether Kolya will really appear in that ep... some evil action!).


                  Well, you know...

                  Spoilers about Irresistible and Irresponsible
                  I hated Lucius in Irresistible. Irresistible was one of the worst episodes ever. It sooooo doesn't fit in this great season 3...
                  But I still can't wait to see Irresponsible. First, because Kolya comes back, and John is darn hot when Kolya's here.
                  Second, because the team hates Lucius too. He used them.
                  Acutally, I think that in the episode John will face the two men he hates the most in the whole Pegasus Galaxy. It looks interesting.

                  I don't think it's gonna be a comic episode. I hope that we're gonna see that Lucius is a miserable little man. And I so want Kolya to shoot him. Hehehe

                  So, as much as I hated Irresistible, I actually can't wait to see Irresponsible.

                  Yeah. I know. I'm a very optimistic person. Maybe too much for my own good.


                    Originally posted by Kuroro Lucifuru View Post
                    Well, you know...

                    Spoilers about Irresistible and Irresponsible
                    I hated Lucius in Irresistible. Irresistible was one of the worst episodes ever. It sooooo doesn't fit in this great season 3...
                    But I still can't wait to see Irresponsible. First, because Kolya comes back, and John is darn hot when Kolya's here.
                    Second, because the team hates Lucius too. He used them.
                    Acutally, I think that in the episode John will face the two men he hates the most in the whole Pegasus Galaxy. It looks interesting.

                    I don't think it's gonna be a comic episode. I hope that we're gonna see that Lucius is a miserable little man. And I so want Kolya to shoot him. Hehehe

                    So, as much as I hated Irresistible, I actually can't wait to see Irresponsible.

                    Yeah. I know. I'm a very optimistic person. Maybe too much for my own good.
                    Perhaps too optimistic. Frankly, I don't think
                    that staying alive was a suitable punishment for what he did even if his village did cast him out.


                      Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                      Perhaps too optimistic. Frankly, I don't think
                      that staying alive was a suitable punishment for what he did even if his village did cast him out.
                      Oh I think so too. I was disappointed by the end of the episode, it was too easy for Lucius. I wish John shot him...

                      I know I'm optimistic, but that's just how I see things. SGA is my favourite show, I love it, but I don't want to take it too seriously.
                      I hated Irresistible, I hated Lucius, well, I won't watch it again.
                      I'm curious about Irresponsible, but if it turns out to be disappointing, well I won't watch it again. That's it.
                      But I don't want to worry that much about a show, no matter how much I love it.

                      And, back on topic...
                      If Irresponsible turns out to be crap, well I'll go watch this again...

                      They are so cute. ^_^


                        hi, I made a collage/wallpaper, spoilers for 3x12, hope you like it



                          Originally posted by gibby View Post
                          hi, I made a collage/wallpaper, spoilers for 3x12, hope you like it

                          Welcome. And your wallpaper is splendid.


                            Anybody else notice that Richard Kind was also in the movie? AKA the dood that didn't translate the text correctly. Just sayin'.

                            May the Sparky be with you. Don't Panic. How insightful Adams was. *misses*
                            ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                              Originally posted by sunny View Post
                              Anybody else notice that Richard Kind was also in the movie? AKA the dood that didn't translate the text correctly. Just sayin'.

                              May the Sparky be with you. Don't Panic. How insightful Adams was. *misses*
                              Yep, but that was before he started playing... Oh yeah, this forum is supposed to be PG. I can't use my ideal words to describe Lucius...


                                It seems like a lot of people absolutely didn't like the character Lucius Lavin (I thought he was disgusting, too ): ), yet TPTB seem to be in love with him, grargh. Nothing against Richard Kind, but that character... ohgod. Creepy.
                                Just in case....

                                Errrrrr, I thought that was the idea...isn't Lucius supposed to be one of those characters that you absolutely hate. The was that I hated the book "The Crucible" because I couldn't handle the ignorance of the whole situation.... *grits teeth* blind officials allowing the utter distruction of the entire concept of "rational"....which was the goal of the author!
                                See, that's one of the great conflicts of story telling! To really create a great villain (which is a very interesting word considering etymology) is to create an entity that is despised, something that is regarded with intense disdain....something completely devoid of any redeeming quality... i.e. Lucius. It's one thing to fear something but a different thing altogether to hate something. This is NOT to say that I actually liked the episode... To me, the episode was an idea that had great potential to explore the horrors of addiction, the possible repercussions of such a profound security compromise, an actual heated situation between our favorite couple.....(which I suppose is an interesting fic starting point)...but it just came across as goofy...

                                Sorry for the rant...I need more sleep to utilize brain power...

                                It's M.D. as in Massive Debt
                                Medicinae Doctor? HA!!
                                ................................................................................ ............................

                                Uh, anyone got a dollar I can borrow?

