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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
    OMG, I remember that, lol.
    Was it Mel who noticed that the trouser were fitted too tightly, so it must be Elizabeth?
    I don't remember about her trousers being too tight, but I remember how bad those pants made her look especially in that angle. And it makes even more sense when you hear Torri and Rachel taking about how their pants never fit correctly in one of the commentaries for Season 1 DVDs

    I just figured it was Elizabeth because of the way she held her hands and the way her watch is never faced up.


      Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
      I don't remember about her trousers being too tight, but I remember how bad those pants made her look especially in that angle. And it makes even more sense when you here Torri and Rachel taking about how their pants never fit correctly in one of the commentaries for SEason 1 DVDs

      I just figured it was Elizabeth because of the way she held her hands and the way her watch is never faced up.
      That, and Torri's hands are longer and her fingers a bit slimmer than Rachel's. Both of them have pretty distinctive hands, actually... pretty hands.


        Heh. I still have some of the "Conversion" Promo Screen captures. LOL One plus for not cleaning up my photo galleries.

        I'll put them behind the cut just becuase.

        I also remember that there was the "Oh my God!" moment in the promo.


          Originally posted by Trialia View Post
          That, and Torri's hands are longer and her fingers a bit slimmer than Rachel's. Both of them have pretty distinctive hands, actually... pretty hands.
          It's harder to tell in the that shot since you can't see her fingers. I just posted the pictures so you can see why we wondered about it. But now that we've seen the episode a bunch of times. It's a no brainer who it is.

          When that promo aired, I think a lot of us were still being very cautious especially where there was the whole
          John and Teyla kiss spoiler floating about.
          But after the episode aired, it become one of my favorites since it had so much Elizabeth in it.


            It's a favourite of mine too, but I can't watch it when I'm at all down (which is hard considering my mdd!), because
            seeing Elizabeth that upset and heartsick for so long makes me want to cry and hug the breath out of her. *blush*


              Originally posted by Bout14 View Post
              I finally got to see "Conversion" for the first time today!!!! Now I finally know what all the squeeing was all about...

              hehehe Now u no.. Welcome by then way
              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                I remember quite clearly there was no
                promos for "Conversion" that showed the John and Teyla kiss. Instead in the promos there were John and Elizabeth moments. Such as Elizabeth going into his room to talk while his face is turned away. I remember being very bored and actually trying to figure out if it was Elizabeth in the room or someone else, because it was a very dark shot of her side and it was hard to tell if it was Elizabeth or not. I think I even had a poll set up. LOL

                The John and Teyla Conversion kiss was only vaguely mentioned in a TV guide interview. But "The Long Goodbye" kiss was definitely in the promos. In fact it was in the second half season promos for SciFi.
                Isn't this interesting? You would think
                if they were going to promote John/Teyla they would have put the kiss in the promos. If they are going for no ship then they wouldn't have put the John/Elizabeth kiss in the promos. I know it can be argued that John wasn't himself or J/E weren't in control, but I still think it's very telling which kiss made it into the promos.
                sig by SueKay

                My Team:


                  Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                  Isn't this interesting? You would think
                  if they were going to promote John/Teyla they would have put the kiss in the promos. If they are going for no ship then they wouldn't have put the John/Elizabeth kiss in the promos. I know it can be argued that John wasn't himself or J/E weren't in control, but I still think it's very telling which kiss made it into the promos.
                  Still, regardless of the
                  John/Teyla kiss in Conversion, which I still think was more of an assault than anything else and good golly did Teyla look freaked by it, that episode was a lot more about John's transformation and Lizzie's angst over it than anything else.


                    Well, aside from particular Sparky scenes making it to promos, there have been several times where I've seen on the site where John and Elizabeth are on the front page for Atlantis. Theres are a couple I saved just because they amused me.



                      Well, John/Joe and Lizzie/Torri ARE the two first people featured in the show credits.

                      Why am I pointing this out? *grabs shippy glasses*


                        Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                        Well, John/Joe and Lizzie/Torri ARE the two first people featured in the show credits.

                        Why am I pointing this out? *grabs shippy glasses*
                        But why not have McKay? He's another major character and he's at the end with the a special "As McKay" added to his name.

                        Also don't forget the week after there was a Ronon/Teyla promo. Not to mention those other promos with the purple background too.


                          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                          But why not have McKay? He's another major character and he's at the end with the a special "As McKay" added to his name.

                          Also don't forget the week after there was a Ronon/Teyla promo. Not to mention those other promos with the purple background too.
                          Yeah, yeah. Like I said, why am I pointing that out?


                            Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                            Yeah, yeah. Like I said, why am I pointing that out?
                            It's late and Sparky broke your brain?


                              Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                              It's late and Sparky broke your brain?
                              guh. late it is. 0225 *head meet desk* I think I need bed, and that Lizzie duvet my best friend has been threatening to make for me.


                                *de lurk* I dunno...I take anything and everything that has John and Elizabeth together as a sign of our ship......and for all us fan fiction writers out there....I was watching the SG1 S.9 episode where Mitchell has those memories implanted into his brain and I was struck with an idea. What if during a celebratory dignitary ball on some advanced planet- Elizabeth 'dies' and John is accused? Of course, John has no memory and Elizabeth's body hasn't been found, but her blood was on his hands and he was found unconsous in her room..... I just have this scene in my head between McKay and John after the arrest



                                "Mckay, you have to get me out of here." Sheppard pleaded, his hands gripping the bars of the cell, his knuckles ghastly white. 'We have to find Elizabeth."

                                "Sheppard-" Mckay began slowly. "Elizabeth is dead. You-"

                                "I know!" John snapped. "Elizabeth is dead and I killed her. Her blood was found on my hands and shirt and I was unconsious in her room but Rodney come on...I wouldn't kill Elizabeth....I couldn't...."

                                "The authorites said you were drunk."

                                "I had nothing to drink last night Rodney." John inisted. "I was stone cold sober, Elizabeth wanted to talk to me about something......"

                                "And then...?"

                                "I don't know what happened next Mckay." John snapped going to sit down on the meger bed he had been provided. "It's a total blank."

                                "So you don't know anything."

                                "That's not true." John inisted getting up and going to the edge of his cell again. "I do know something."

                                "What?" Rodney asked excitedly, hoping for some good news.

                                "I know that I didn't kill Elizabeth." John insisted for what felt like the 100th time that day. "And I know that Elizabeth isn't dead."

                                "And how do you know that?" Rodney asked, his hands crossed in front of his chest skeptically.

                                "I don't know." John admitted, leaning sidways against the bars of his cell. "But I just do....Elizabeth is out there somewhere and either you get me out of here or you find her yourself."

                                "Alright, alright." Rodney yeilded. "I'll see what I can do."

                                "Thank you Rodney."

                                "Don't thank me yet."

                                So, what do you guys think? Could make for a great sparky story.
                                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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