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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Irish Eyes
    We have a Sparky hug (ep #1), a Sheyla kiss (ep #8) and a Sparky kiss (ep #16). Three big events for the shippers spread out over the whole season. Now we know TPTB like to yank our chains, but do you suppose this was really about testing the waters with the NON-shippers? You know, see if they react more favorably to one or if they absolutely hate any idea of a ship.

    Now I have a reason to go read those episode threads. Who needs sleep?
    Well if it was about testing the waters tptb sure killed sheyla with that kiss or the possibility of anyone shipping them. I think that kiss brough alot of negative remarks and some fights. People didn't like it and not because it was sheyla. It just wasn't done right.

    Now compare that to the TLG kiss which they advertised like crazy on the scifi channel. They used it as a promo for the second half and for the actual episode. I was actually kind of surprised. They know what sells and brings viewers. Now they need to stick to one ship and all will be well.

    Also the kiss didn't really bring that much dissaprovement
    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


      Originally posted by Irish Eyes

      This is the question that came to my mind, though. Spoilered for season 2:

      We have a Sparky hug (ep #1), a Sheyla kiss (ep #8) and a Sparky kiss (ep #16). Three big events for the shippers spread out over the whole season. Now we know TPTB like to yank our chains, but do you suppose this was really about testing the waters with the NON-shippers? You know, see if they react more favorably to one or if they absolutely hate any idea of a ship.

      Now I have a reason to go read those episode threads. Who needs sleep?
      I personally don't count "our" kiss in TLG, because it wasn't them. And I don't count the other kiss in Conversion because John was acting on a surge of testosterone, plus it was violent and unrequited. Look at Teyla in that scene and tell me she wasn't scared of him. IMO, neither moment counts as actual "ship".


        Originally posted by RoryJ
        I personally don't count "our" kiss in TLG, because it wasn't them. And I don't count the other kiss in Conversion because John was acting on a surge of testosterone, plus it was violent and unrequited. Look at Teyla in that scene and tell me she wasn't scared of him. IMO, neither moment counts as actual "ship".

        Rory, I agree with this. I guess what I was getting at
        was how would the non-shippers see a potential relationship. In order for TPTB to gauge their reaction, they would have to show these ships in such a way as to not commit to either one. So we get these alien takeovers/bug changes so they're not themselves stories. Yea, not ship to us, but maybe a test for others.

        Of course this is me trying to read TPTB. What am I thinking!
        sig by SueKay

        My Team:


          Originally posted by RoryJ
          Okay everyone. Since powerpoint blew up at me last night and refused to allow to finish my homework, I decided to do some capping instead. And in doing this I found a golden opportunity. So, to continue with a theme that Southern started a while back, I bring you (spoilers for Return):

          Another Look at a Sheppard Family Road Trip

          BabyBear: "I have to pee!"

          PapaBear: "You gotta be kidding me!"

          BrotherBear: *hisses* "Damn you! I TOLD you to go when I went!"

          MamaBear: "Rodney, I thought I expressely asked you to make sure your brother went to the bathroom before we left."

          BrotherBear: "Why do I always have to watch him?! He's not my kid!"

          PapaBear: *mutters* "How come everytime I try to do something interesting with this family, we can't even make it out of the damn driveway?"

          MamaBear: "I think next time we're just going to leave the kids with Teyla and Ronon ..."

          PapaBear: "Agreed. I'd love to see them pull this crap with them."

          *five minutes later*

          BabyBear: "Heh ... sorry everyone ... false alarm ..."

          *shudders from the memories that inspired this*
          All this happened while still in the "driveway"?


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
            Freckles by Hopeful Romantic. NC17, not for the kiddies. Spoilers for Common Ground.
            You know that really bizarre. I was just reading that night. But since you're reccing it, I guess I'll just have to go read it again. I hate how you people twist my arm.

            Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

            LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

            Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


              Originally posted by Irish Eyes
              Rory, I agree with this. I guess what I was getting at
              was how would the non-shippers see a potential relationship. In order for TPTB to gauge their reaction, they would have to show these ships in such a way as to not commit to either one. So we get these alien takeovers/bug changes so they're not themselves stories. Yea, not ship to us, but maybe a test for others.

              Of course this is me trying to read TPTB. What am I thinking!
              I know what you're getting at, and I guess it's possible. Whether they're doing it on purpose or not, the response from noromos hasn't been one of outrage. I normally check out the ep thead after it's aired and mostly it was just posts of "Good episode, blah blah blah. Oh, and there was another SheppardWeir scene. That should please the shippers."

              So it seems most the viewers (here) don't mind too much. Basically, they can ignore it if they wish.


                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
                Vid rec time.


                Season 1 sparky, it was so cute.
                Ooooooh, it's by jr_moon! She's awesomely sparky (and so is this vid! XD)


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                  Basically, they can ignore it if they wish.
                  Good, and IMHO, that's exactly the way it should be! As much as I love Sparky, this is, at heart, a sci-fi schow, not romance. I really do want to see a romance, but it does really need to be done in such a way that it doesn't detract from the rest of the show.
                  "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                  My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                    Originally posted by Irish Eyes
                    OK, so I was in here last weekend whining about not getting to see Seige 3 due to football. Well, I got lucky. I discovered it was also being shown this weekend (even if it was in the middle of the night.) I taped it and although it wasn't perfect (didn't start when they said and most annoyingly local commercials came in during the middle of a scene!) I got most of it. I really enjoyed the entire ep and I'm going to dig in the thread for everyone's reactions.

                    This is the question that came to my mind, though. Spoilered for season 2:

                    We have a Sparky hug (ep #1), a Sheyla kiss (ep #8) and a Sparky kiss (ep #16). Three big events for the shippers spread out over the whole season. Now we know TPTB like to yank our chains, but do you suppose this was really about testing the waters with the NON-shippers? You know, see if they react more favorably to one or if they absolutely hate any idea of a ship.

                    Now I have a reason to go read those episode threads. Who needs sleep?
                    Like you, Irish Eyes, I was able to watch Siege 3 last night and I smiled and giggled all over again when
                    I saw Elizabeth hug John and John equally hug her back when he came back "home". I also noticed how soft and tender their voices were when they spoke to each other. They're the only words I could think of to describe their conversation, seeing how delightfully relieved they were to see each other still alive. The "I really thought you were..." from Elizabeth and the "I thought I lost you, too. We gotta stop that" from John, made me hug myself. I guess stress and threats of imminent death can do that to you especially if its directed to someone you love care about. And the wonderful fact about this Sparky scene is that, it's all natural. It's not forced and in-your-face kind of thing like the Sheyla kiss, and there's no Under-Alien influence/not themselves thing like the kiss in TLG.

                    But IMO in the case of TLG, even though their bodies are controlled by aliens, they're still aware of what's happening around them. I don't see them complaining about it in the end. In fact, in the infirmary, they look like they don't want to talk about it and we see our boy and girl acting awkwardly because they know that they kissed, and it's not something that happens everyday between a boss and her high ranking military officer. I bet they could feel that kiss, too! LOL, and it made them look at themselves as man and woman.

                    And to answer your question
                    IMO, the TPTB will always try to see what will work in order to keep the ratings up and to keep SGA alive especially now that SG1 has reached its conclusion. They will listen to what the fans/audience want, and they did that in Season 3. We wanted backstory, they gave us some. We wanted more family-based interaction between characters, and they did. I wished for ShepAngst and LizzieWhump and they did in TRW (hee ). Testing the waters? They know what works, but it all boils down to timing.

                    And Intruder is on this week!
                    Leader. Diplomat. Beauty. Brains.


                      Originally posted by pong
                      Like you, Irish Eyes, I was able to watch Siege 3 last night and I smiled and giggled all over again when
                      I saw Elizabeth hug John and John equally hug her back when he came back "home". I also noticed how soft and tender their voices were when they spoke to each other. They're the only words I could think of to describe their conversation, seeing how delightfully relieved they were to see each other still alive. The "I really thought you were..." from Elizabeth and the "I thought I lost you, too. We gotta stop that" from John, made me hug myself. I guess stress and threats of imminent death can do that to you especially if its directed to someone you love care about. And the wonderful fact about this Sparky scene is that, it's all natural. It's not forced and in-your-face kind of thing like the Sheyla kiss, and there's no Under-Alien influence/not themselves thing like the kiss in TLG.

                      But IMO in the case of TLG, even though their bodies are controlled by aliens, they're still aware of what's happening around them. I don't see them complaining about it in the end. In fact, in the infirmary, they look like they don't want to talk about it and we see our boy and girl acting awkwardly because they know that they kissed, and it's not something that happens everyday between a boss and her high ranking military officer. I bet they could feel that kiss, too! LOL, and it made them look at themselves as man and woman.

                      And to answer your question
                      IMO, the TPTB will always try to see what will work in order to keep the ratings up and to keep SGA alive especially now that SG1 has reached its conclusion. They will listen to what the fans/audience want, and they did that in Season 3. We wanted backstory, they gave us some. We wanted more family-based interaction between characters, and they did. I wished for ShepAngst and LizzieWhump and they did in TRW (hee ). Testing the waters? They know what works, but it all boils down to timing.

                      And Intruder is on this week!
                      Yay, coffee klatch (sp?) !

                      And you're not on MSN!


                        Not a new one but it's worth rec'ing again because it's so cute.

                        Age Lines


                          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                          Not a new one but it's worth rec'ing again because it's so cute.

                          Age Lines
                          I've got Sparky for October on stargateficrec, so I won't step on your toes and throw my recs out here this month.


                            [QUOTE=pong]Like you, Irish Eyes, I was able to watch Siege 3 last night and I smiled and giggled all over again when
                            I saw Elizabeth hug John and John equally hug her back when he came back "home". I also noticed how soft and tender their voices were when they spoke to each other. They're the only words I could think of to describe their conversation, seeing how delightfully relieved they were to see each other still alive. The "I really thought you were..." from Elizabeth and the "I thought I lost you, too. We gotta stop that" from John, made me hug myself. I guess stress and threats of imminent death can do that to you especially if its directed to someone you love care about. And the wonderful fact about this Sparky scene is that, it's all natural.

                            Yes, to finally see
                            the hug for real made my weekend. And my second favorite part? When John is trying to get in touch with them and he keeps saying Atlantis. The look on his face coupled with the inflection in his voice gets me every time. He might have been saying Atlantis, but he was thinking 'Lizabeth. And the look of relief when she answered him, well, the poor boy really did need a hug after all that.
                            sig by SueKay

                            My Team:


                              Originally posted by Irish Eyes
                              Originally posted by pong
                              Like you, Irish Eyes, I was able to watch Siege 3 last night and I smiled and giggled all over again when
                              I saw Elizabeth hug John and John equally hug her back when he came back "home". I also noticed how soft and tender their voices were when they spoke to each other. They're the only words I could think of to describe their conversation, seeing how delightfully relieved they were to see each other still alive. The "I really thought you were..." from Elizabeth and the "I thought I lost you, too. We gotta stop that" from John, made me hug myself. I guess stress and threats of imminent death can do that to you especially if its directed to someone you love care about. And the wonderful fact about this Sparky scene is that, it's all natural.
                              Yes, to finally see
                              the hug for real made my weekend. And my second favorite part? When John is trying to get in touch with them and he keeps saying Atlantis. The look on his face coupled with the inflection in his voice gets me every time. He might have been saying Atlantis, but he was thinking 'Lizabeth. And the look of relief when she answered him, well, the poor boy really did need a hug after all that.
                              Funny that you're talking about it; I'll watch it today for the very first time! =D (I had to wait because I promised a friend to watch it with her... and now she's finally back from Italy XD)
                              I can't wait to see it. =)
                              Also, screencapping madness will ensue. XD *ponders to make animated icon of the hug and/or other scenes of Siege*



                                Hi everyone! I'm Holly (sometimes hollysamantha - meh)
                                So I have lurked here for a little while and just thought that I should say hi. I spend most of my time playing on lj, so this whole forum thing is still a little creepy.

                                As for something on topic *g* Speculation for end of season 3

                                I think most people have heard the rumour that an Atlantis character may be killed off to accomodate a Sg1 character next season. I have heard heaps of theory's one (and the most freaky) was that TPTB will kill off John so that Mitchell can replace him. See I'm not sure that if this would be a tiny bit good or terribly bad. If (and this is like totally unlikely but..) Elizabeth has a complete break down from it then that's cool, but nothing less. And no Sheyla please.

                                Also completely OT - is Bam Bam also Sheyla? *confused*

