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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by atlantis_babe34
    lol!!... dd anyone find out what happened to the mint jar?
    Don't worry, they'll take good care of it. Here's betting we'll see it on her desk before the end of The Return II.

    I think it's nice that they've left it as a constant / permanent fixture on her desk for 2 years and counting.

    I wonder if they realize how much of a symbol for Sparky that thing represents. When was the last time John or Liz bought anyone else something as a birthday present that made it as a permanent stage prop?


      Originally posted by firedust22
      *smacks forehead*

      I didn't even THINK about that!!!

      Does anyone know if there is a clip on youtube of the dinner scene?
      omg im so smart! after hours of searching for it i came up with the best idea!.. how bout upload it on youtube myself!.. stu00pid brain always things too late! anways i uploaded the dinner scene and the Quarters scene

      Enojy - btw quality aint that good sorry

      Quarters Scene

      Dinner Scene

      Last edited by atlantis_babe34; 25 September 2006, 06:21 AM.
      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


        Originally posted by k1037
        Don't worry, they'll take good care of it. Here's betting we'll see it on her desk before the end of The Return II.

        I think it's nice that they've left it as a constant / permanent fixture on her desk for 2 years and counting.

        I wonder if they realize how much of a symbol for Sparky that thing represents. When was the last time John or Liz bought anyone else something as a birthday present that made it as a permanent stage prop?
        we should bug TPTB to put our question: "What happened to the John's present, known to the fans as the "mint Jar" in the Return Part 1?"

        *makes Voodoo hand movement to TPTB* " dvd... special... features"

        your right there was nothing!.. until McKay knicked that little statue of Lizzy's desk for his Neice (speling there:s)
        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


          Originally posted by Sukiyaki
          ***drops in giggling***

          This is so kawaiiiii.... is it their Wedding Cake????

          And leelakin, where's da mints????
          Heck no, their Wedding Cake will be a lot bigger and white! XDDD I'm afraid we'll still have to wait a little for that one, though. XD

          Mints? What mints? *coughs up some dust* derrrrr...


            I was determined to keep the overanalysis of this one to a minimum because of the lack of shippiness, but heck that's what I do best. I just rewatched The Return Pt.1 and agree with everything you guys said.
            The goodbye scene with R and T was even cuter than the first time. I particularly liked the "knew you'd say no but had to ask" line from both John and Teyla. It was in no way a serious request. The head butt also seemed natural and in keeping with what was going on with others. If you wanted to, you could see something shippy in the reunion scene, but I don't want to. The most important factor to the casual viewer I think is the linking of RonanandTeyla throughout and their use of we constantly. They made decisions as a couple. As for the J/E bedroom scene *takes a minute to enjoy seeing those words together*, there was a lot left unsaid but volumes spoken through the eyes. As Rodney once said, "It's all in the eyes". Hee. She was definitely distancing herself, and he respected that but it was killing him. I don't think there were any shippy thoughts, and he understood what she was up to because he did the same thing. Though I must say John did a better job of adjusting than anyone. It must be the military background and being used to having his life uprooted. But Atlantis is in all their souls, and I don't think we'll see them leave again. Now I can't wait to see them fighting side by side. Who taught her to shoot that big 'ol gun rifle P90 by the way?

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Originally posted by leelakin
              Okay, question! XD

              I read some weeks ago (I can't remember where), that Joe Flanigan repeatedly stated in interviews that there was "nothing" between Sheppard and Weir? o_O One of them from this year, even? There were no links, so I'm not sure if it's true (I'd rather it wasn't XD; ).
              Does anyone know something about this? I'd really like... to read it myself. XD;; Or... what are your thoughts about it?
              (I heard that he said there was no chemistry or something... possibly because TPTB told him to stick to their original ship, I dunno)


                Originally posted by leelakin
                Does anyone know something about this? I'd really like... to read it myself. XD;; Or... what are your thoughts about it?
                (I heard that he said there was no chemistry or something... possibly because TPTB told him to stick to their original ship, I dunno)
                Sorry if you think we're ignoring your question. It's just that we went nuts over this on several occasions and the wounds have still not healed. JF and TH have both said from day one that their characters would not have a romance and have no UST. JF said in answer to a direct question that there is no UST with Weir but is with Teyla because it's written that way. TH said a romance between them would be unrealistic. Every man, woman, child and pet involved with the show has denied the existence of any possibility of romance between Shep and Weir now, ever or even after death. Take that for what it's worth. Those of us who have been around a loooonnnggg time don't put much stock in actor, writer or PTB statements. After all it was handled the same way on X-Files.

                Now, turn your attention to what actually is taking place on screen. Fact: a large number of viewers see UST between Shep and Weir whether it's intended or not. Fact: Season 2 was almost Sheyla free. Fact: Season 3 seems to be setting S/T up as just friends or could be foreshadowing romance. We don't know. And I'm guessing TPTB don't know. But Fact: Viewer opinion matters. If large numbers of us let them know Sparky is what we want, they may listen. Or not.

                I don't have any links to articles. I deleted them and scrubbed my monitor with Clorox.

                What a special post for my 900th. Yay me.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Sorry if you think we're ignoring your question. It's just that we went nuts over this on several occasions and the wounds have still not healed. JF and TH have both said from day one that their characters would not have a romance and have no UST. JF said in answer to a direct question that there is no UST with Weir but is with Teyla because it's written that way. TH said a romance between them would be unrealistic. Every man, woman, child and pet involved with the show has denied the existence of any possibility of romance between Shep and Weir now, ever or even after death. Take that for what it's worth. Those of us who have been around a loooonnnggg time don't put much stock in actor, writer or PTB statements. After all it was handled the same way on X-Files.

                  Now, turn your attention to what actually is taking place on screen. Fact: a large number of viewers see UST between Shep and Weir whether it's intended or not. Fact: Season 2 was almost Sheyla free. Fact: Season 3 seems to be setting S/T up as just friends or could be foreshadowing romance. We don't know. And I'm guessing TPTB don't know. But Fact: Viewer opinion matters. If large numbers of us let them know Sparky is what we want, they may listen. Or not.

                  I don't have any links to articles. I deleted them and scrubbed my monitor with Clorox.

                  What a special post for my 900th. Yay me.
                  Nice post! Also, remeber what Rachel said on one the the DVD commentaries (sorry don't remember which one). She said that if the fans asked for something often enough and long enough then they would get it. I'd say Sparky fans are doing a good job with the asking part.

                  Of course, if you look at my sig then you can see that sometimes we have to wait a looooooong time. I hope that isn't the case on SGA with John and Elizabeth.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    Sorry if you think we're ignoring your question. It's just that we went nuts over this on several occasions and the wounds have still not healed. JF and TH have both said from day one that their characters would not have a romance and have no UST. JF said in answer to a direct question that there is no UST with Weir but is with Teyla because it's written that way. TH said a romance between them would be unrealistic. Every man, woman, child and pet involved with the show has denied the existence of any possibility of romance between Shep and Weir now, ever or even after death. Take that for what it's worth. Those of us who have been around a loooonnnggg time don't put much stock in actor, writer or PTB statements. After all it was handled the same way on X-Files.
                    Oh! Now I understand. Sorry for bringing it up again. XD;; *has only been a Stargate Atlantis fan for about 2 months and didn't know about that*
                    They did that for The X-Files, too?? Whoa... I've been an X-Phile since the 2nd season and never heard about that. Then again, I live in Germany and never heard anything that was said at press conferences or conventions. *lol* (especially not since I didn't even have internet access during the first seasons)

                    Hmmmm. I mean... I heard about John/Teyla being the intended ship in the beginning. I kinda thought that it 'changed' for them once Ronon came into the picture. Altso, could the Comiccon kiss between JF and TH be any indication? XD I dunno.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red
                      Now, turn your attention to what actually is taking place on screen. Fact: a large number of viewers see UST between Shep and Weir whether it's intended or not.
                      And that's not limited to shippers. There were a number of posts in certain episodes threads that meantioned what we would call shippy scenes between John and Elizabeth. It's good to know that people who don't like ship or are normally oblivious to ship see Sparky too, and the majority don't put up a fuss over it.

                      Fact: Season 3 seems to be setting S/T up as just friends or could be foreshadowing romance. We don't know. And I'm guessing TPTB don't know.
                      Season three so far has focussed a lot on the friendship and family vibe, and ignored ship in general, imo.

                      Fact: Viewer opinion matters. If large numbers of us let them know Sparky is what we want, they may listen. Or not.
                      Imo, the TPTB have been great in giving the fans what they've asked for:
                      -No more kirking,
                      -Shep backstory (eventually),
                      -More friendship moments...etc

                      Now ship is something bigger than the above, and even though a pairing can be used to further/explore a plot, there are always other ways of doing it. But we've seen they don't mind throwing in these moments... If you want the TPTB to know you want Sparky to be made canon (no babies or on-screen weddings, kthxbai) then don't do it by hounding them and asking shippy questions in the "Ask whoever" threads; show them that support by coming here and ENJOYING the moments they've already given you. HAVE FUN! TPTB are under no obligation to throw shippers bones - it's a scifi show afterall - so be grateful for what we get.


                        Originally posted by gambit
                        I didn't like her room. It didn't look like a bedroom at all. Everyone elses had a "living quarters" look to them, hers looked like it was just some room they put a bed in.
                        Honestly, I got the impression they reused a hallway. But I liked her room. Keep in mind she was almost done packing, I'm sure when she lives there it looks much more "homey." And the extra door? Could be a private bathroom, or balcony (even better!) or her room could just have more than one entrance.

                        ETA: Wait---I just watched it again, she has two extra doors in her room....maybe she has a private bathroom and a blacony! (I'm definitely thinking reused hallway now)
                        Last edited by Lizabeth; 25 September 2006, 10:41 AM.


                          Originally posted by leelakin
                          Altso, could the Comiccon kiss between JF and TH be any indication? XD I dunno.
                          Yeah! What was that "kiss" about then? When I first found out about it, watched the clip on youtube, was at the very beginning of my adoration for Sparky and knew nothing about those JF or Th statements about our 'ship, I saw it as if Joe was rooting for Sheppard/Weir relationship, or as if he didn't want Weir to be paired with any other male character in SGA but Sheppard.

                          Have to admit that this clip made my feelings for Sparky even stronger.
                          Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
                          at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

                          R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                            Originally posted by leelakin
                            Oh! Now I understand. Sorry for bringing it up again. XD;; *has only been a Stargate Atlantis fan for about 2 months and didn't know about that*
                            Don't be sorry. You don't ask, you don't learn.

                            They did that for The X-Files, too??
                            Chris Carter always maintained that Scully and Mulder would never get together. (Sound familiar?) And look how that turned out. Never give up , never surrender! hope.

                            Also, could the Comiccon kiss between JF and TH be any indication? XD I dunno.
                            Some believe that a lot what happened at CC seemed so staged that it had to be planned, but to answer your question - no.
                            Conventions are a way for actors and fans to meet and it's an experience that's meant to be fun for all. Actors are under a disclosure agreement which means there's certain things that they aren't allowed to inform the fans of. Even if Torri or Joe said at a con/in an interview that Sparky was going ot be made canon, I wouldn't fully believe it until I saw proof on-screen.


                              Originally posted by Bama

                              Most interesting question of the episode...How does he know she never sleeps?
                              Hehe, I really loved that little moment in the dinner scene, not to mention Elizabeth's reply
                              "I've had a lot of catching up to do" while looking at John right in the eye. Of course what she's really saying is she didn't have time to sleep on Atlantis since there was always someone keeping her up at night . And John looking a bit sheepish after that is kind of like "Yeah, sorry 'bout that..."

                              That scene to me felt rather shippy *digs mind up from the gutter*
                              When there is a will, there is a way.

                              My LiveJournal (friends-only)
                              My fics

                              Sig by Trialia.


                                Originally posted by Lizabeth
                                Honestly, I got the impression they reused a hallway. But I liked her room. Keep in mind she was almost done packing, I'm sure when she lives there it looks much more "homey." And the extra door? Could be a private bathroom, or balcony (even better!) or her room could just have more than one entrance.
                                Someone thought it looked liked Sheppards room from Conversion. It could be, just with the bed turned the other way and the camera angle panned out.

                                Besides a rug, what else could she have had in her room to fill some of that void? She had a desk, drawers, bed, couch...I can't see anything else she would have had.

                                Originally posted by Celcool
                                Yeah! What was that "kiss" about then?
                                It was just a laugh between colleagues, friends. I really wouldn't read anything into it. Happens all the time at conventions, lol. AT has kissed RDA and MS, RL kissed JF and JM within seconds of each other, and Torri's done the same with Shanks and Judge. Oh, and not forgetting that kiss with TH and RP

