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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    It was Coldplay's Fix You.
    That explains why I haven't seen it, I loathe and detest Coldplay.


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      It was Coldplay's Fix You.

      *wince* Sorry Hatcheter I think I was thinking about another TRW vid.

      But I will go check yours out.


        SciFi Channel speaks (garbage):

        No one is quite certain how to interpret Stern's remarks, but it appears that SciFi wants to send some SG1 characters to SGA. This smells like a total revamp of SGA and possible dumping of more characters (like Ford was).

        SciFi stinks!

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          SciFi Channel speaks (garbage):

          No one is quite certain how to interpret Stern's remarks, but it appears that SciFi wants to send some SG1 characters to SGA. This smells like a total revamp of SGA and possible dumping of more characters (like Ford was).

          SciFi stinks!
          Why would Sci-Fi do that? It makes no sense! Can't they just leave Atlantis alone before they mess that up too? I swear, if they bring over Mitchell or Vala, not even the power of Sparky will be able to get me to watch.

          Have I said recently just how much I loved TRW?


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            SciFi Channel speaks (garbage):


            No one is quite certain how to interpret Stern's remarks, but it appears that SciFi wants to send some SG1 characters to SGA. This smells like a total revamp of SGA and possible dumping of more characters (like Ford was).

            SciFi stinks!
            I don't like the idea. It's OK to make SG1 guest star in one or two episode. But please do not make them regular. Otherwise the original SGA crew will get even less scene. And if Danniel come to atlantis, Liz will never ever go off world to do ancient translation. That's too bad.


              Woah--What? I leave the thread for a few days and the show gets canceled?! Wow didn't I see this on the first page? Am I blind? Was it there?

              Ok, after initial shock, I can see SG-1 being canceled. Doesn't really surprise me that much. Thank goodness Atlantis is still on. I hope they don't cancel that before Sparky has time to fully develop. If they do cancel can they speed up the Sparky so we can end with a geniune kiss? Pretty please??


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                SciFi Channel speaks (garbage):


                No one is quite certain how to interpret Stern's remarks, but it appears that SciFi wants to send some SG1 characters to SGA. This smells like a total revamp of SGA and possible dumping of more characters (like Ford was).

                SciFi stinks!
                That is *so wrong*. No way should they tamper with SGA!! Ridiculous! It's just a case of them not being able to 'let go' of the original. No one wants to see SG-1's characters on SGA. Stupid.


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Slightly tangential to the topic, but Atlantis has officially been renewed for a fourth season. (Note: this article is more about SG-1's cancellation at the end of this season.)
                  Yay for season 4! But it's sad that SG-1 is ending. I feel bad more for the new characters than the old ones. The old ones have had a great run but the new ones were just getting into their groove when this happens. Kinda reminds me of X-Files. Doggett and Reyes only got two years as well after Mulder started his way out. I'm not saying this is the big reason a show can start to lose the ratings but it's interesting that it's quite similar. I for one would be stoked to get a feature film or mini-series afterwards. It was the final mini-series for Farscape that got me to go back and watch all the others seasons which then caused me to pull my sister in as well.

                  Back on topic, with more seasons of Atlantis it means more opportunities for Sparky.



                    Originally posted by Suzotchka
                    Why would Sci-Fi do that? It makes no sense! Can't they just leave Atlantis alone before they mess that up too? I swear, if they bring over Mitchell or Vala, not even the power of Sparky will be able to get me to watch.
                    Actually, I can think of one character Vala could replace. Female, alien, "sexy"...

                    (never said I was nice)

                    Who could they bring over without letting go of anyone?! Redundancies abound. Goodness knows Ronon is criminally underused, but TPTB like aliens on the team, right?


                      Digital Spy is also reporting "several" cast members from SG1 to move to SGA:


                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Me I think that it is brilliant to have one season 4, for Stargate
                        Atlantis. As that one will be able to see whether that advances on the
                        level of both... Alias Elisabeth and John. I hope that that will
                        become more intimate between them. But I board already seen good an
                        advance in the episode the real world, one see that they are very
                        close. It is a pity which SG1 will stop.


                          Originally posted by Rubicon
                          Actually, I can think of one character Vala could replace. Female, alien, "sexy"...

                          (never said I was nice)

                          Who could they bring over without letting go of anyone?! Redundancies abound. Goodness knows Ronon is criminally underused, but TPTB like aliens on the team, right?
                          Since other news sites are reporting more than one SG1 character moving to SGA. . .WHO gets the axe on SGA?

                          If Carter went to SGA, she could work with McKay, but there would be no need for Zelenka. Or Carter runs Atlantis, which means no Weir.

                          If Daniel went to SGA, he would be the archeologist/linguist and could replace Weir or Teyla.

                          If Vala went to SGA, the only person she could replace would be Teyla.

                          If Mitchell went to SGA, he could only replace Sheppard (that isn't going to happen), or perhaps Caldwell. Seeing how Mitch Pileggi is now working on another show, this is a possibility. He could also be recurring, like Lorne. . .but then we wouldn't need Lorne (though he has been pretty busy and TPTB have had trouble getting him for the few episodes he will be in).

                          I don't think Lexa Doig would move over. Dr. Lam is very unpopular and I can't see replacing Beckett with her. That would start a riot!

                          Teal'c wouldn't have a place in SGA. I can see him moving on to lead the Jaffa Nation.

                          Scary thoughts, all the way around.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Ugh... Crossover episodes are bad enough, I don't want the whole damn cast of SG-1 to move to SGA. That would suck so hard. *grumbles*


                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              Digital Spy is also reporting "several" cast members from SG1 to move to SGA:

                              ....... .......Why?


                                Guys, I think it's far more likely that they're talking about recurring members, not the regular cast. People like Walter Harriman, not Daniel Jackson. I could be completely wrong, but I'd imagine the regular cast of SG-1 would probably only show up in guest appearances.

                                Besides, they'd have to get the regular cast to agree to that, and I'm having a hard time believing that the actors themselves wouldn't be interested in doing other work after ten years on one show. (That said, Ben Browder playing a BC-303 commander and showing up occasionally would be fine by me. He's just about the only one I think would fit in the cast.)
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

