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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    LOL! Just a stray thought but can you guys imagine Pooh's review of TRW?

    Between the Errectile Dysfunction commercials, the opening slow pan down Elizabeth's entire body and the *iz ded* hawt Sparkiness of the entire episode, I'd venture to say she has one bad case of the vapors about now!
    LMAO! She may not be able to steady her hand to type a word!
    LMAO too! Can we pressure urge her to write it really really really soon? Send her chocolates and/or alcohol to assist? *I don't think mints would help, or I'd offer them*
    SGA: the 3-season show...



      How TPTB (or anyone out there watching) think that that John and Elizabeth won't eventually equate this:


      and this:

      with this:

      is beyond my comprehension abilities.


        A.L. I do agreee with you about the ending.
        I would have wanted something along that same lines. But I guess they wanted him to be alittle cruel at the end since he was so nice and understanding most of the episode.
        I reject your reality and substitute my own!


          Originally posted by Liam
          Wouldn't surprise me that if in five years or so, when the series is all done and the Wraith are defeated, and as John and Elizabeth look out over their city, he turns to her and asks "You wanna get some coffee or something?" And she replies "I thought you'd never ask."

          I'm officially calling it. Series finale. They fly off into the sunset on a puddlejumper.
          Agreed! And I'll just add (a completely obvious to Sparky shippers everywhere) ending in that John and Elizabeth never return to Earth. Atlantis is theirs and they will remain there to the end of their days. That has to be pointed out (to me, for canon sake) more than just the riding off into the sunset, cuz they could have their sunset on Earth. I just don't feel like they're connected to the homeworld anymore, even after only a couple of years.
          I put the "M" in stupid.


            I think my favorite non shipper comment I've read so far was that Elizabeth equates John with her father.

   Not quite.

            Has anyone hit on the 'timepiece' meaning at the end yet though? Her (deseased most likely) dad gave it to her and I think her mom's comments pretty much assured us that the fanfic summation of her having been a 'daddy's girl' are pretty much spot on. Her dad was her tether to Earth-I agree. However, pretty obvious that John is her accepted tether to her new home but the feelings between them aren't anywhere near daddy/daughterish. LOL But wow, is there an unbelievable connection of the heart just the same!

            I would summize that Elizabeth has been looking for an anchor in her life and in her heart since her father passed away. She figured out Simon wasn't it or she'd never been able to leave him. Her leaving for Atlantis may have been her running from the pain of the loss- a coping mechanism. But ah, John has wiggled his way into her heart and camped out and now she finds herself in a position of loving him with a chance of losing him as well. Her response to the idea of it-the ticking timepiece may be fascinating to watch unfold. Will she rebel against her constantly growing feelings for John? I've been thinking she very well may at some point because of her fear of loss. I guess we'll see.
            Gah, I ADORE character study eps!!!


              Originally posted by Bama

              and this:

              That second picture says it all to me.
              I was struck by how he just walked into her personal space in that scene, and I don't remember seeing him give her that particular look before. It reminded me a little of the last scene in Coup with the subtle flirting, but that intense look and a couple of others were interesting. One time he did the look with a little head tilt. Now I'm a Southern woman and we kinda invented flirting, so I know it when I see it. Did JF come up with the way he played that scene on his own or did he get instruction? Heh? Inquiring minds want to know because if they still insist that this is the ship that doesn't exist, I'm clueless.

              If the comments over in the episode thread are anything to go by, most people think Sparky is on its way to canon even if they don't like it. I'm not thinking anybody's mind has been changed, but I don't think it will just be dropped. I urge everybody to leave comments over there. You know we have as much right to our opinion as anyone else.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Bama
                I think my favorite non shipper comment I've read so far was that Elizabeth equates John with her father.

       Not quite.

                Has anyone hit on the 'timepiece' meaning at the end yet though? Her (deseased most likely) dad gave it to her and I think her mom's comments pretty much assured us that the fanfic summation of her having been a 'daddy's girl' are pretty much spot on. Her dad was her tether to Earth-I agree. However, pretty obvious that John is her accepted tether to her new home but the feelings between them aren't anywhere near daddy/daughterish. LOL But wow, is there an unbelievable connection of the heart just the same!

                I would summize that Elizabeth has been looking for an anchor in her life and in her heart since her father passed away. She figured out Simon wasn't it or she'd never been able to leave him. Her leaving for Atlantis may have been her running from the pain of the loss- a coping mechanism. But ah, John has wiggled his way into her heart and camped out and now she finds herself in a position of loving him with a chance of losing him as well. Her response to the idea of it-the ticking timepiece may be fascinating to watch unfold. Will she rebel against her constantly growing feelings for John? I've been thinking she very well may at some point because of her fear of loss. I guess we'll see.
                Gah, I ADORE character study eps!!!

                Sorry I missed this before that last post. Rebel you say?
                How about in Sunday when she tries to get interested in another guy? What are the odds he'll have dark hair? I read the interview with TH on the main page. Why didn't he ask her who plays Mike?

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Sorry I missed this before that last post. Rebel you say?
                  How about in Sunday when she tries to get interested in another guy? What are the odds he'll have dark hair?
                  Makes far too much sense doesn't it?

                  The best way to push away something too meaningful is to allow yourself something meaningless.
                  I just hope John doesn't get frustrated with her, shrug his shoulders and decide to go get drunk on excessive Kirking.

                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Heh? Inquiring minds want to know because if they still insist that this is the ship that doesn't exist, I'm clueless
                  Well if you're clueless, I'm right there with ya. LOL
                  Perhaps the 'double secret hidden meaning' in the ep last night was that this ship really is a figment of our imaginations and it's all just in our minds rather than in The Real Episodes?
                  Last edited by Bama; 19 August 2006, 11:52 AM.


                    I wanted to thank everyone for the positive responses I've gotten to the WWII AU fic, and to let people know that i've posted two potential sequal ideas on my LJ (one Sam/Jack and one Elizabeth/John) and am looking for input as to what people might be interested in reading. Yes, I know this is a rather partisan crowd


                      In The Real World, when John was trying to get through to Elisabeth its almost as if he wanted to say something else to give her support but didn't want to cause the others were there. Something along the lines of "We need you, I need you" maybe? I dunno, maybe im just crazy.
                      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                        Originally posted by eyecandylovr

                        And don't we love Carl Binder? Repeat after me: Carl Binder rocks!
                        CARL BINDER ROCKS!!!
                        My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                        Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                          Originally posted by Descent
                          In The Real World, when John was trying to get through to Elisabeth its almost as if he wanted to say something else to give her support but didn't want to cause the others were there. Something along the lines of "We need you, I need you" maybe? I dunno, maybe im just crazy.
                          I was pretty happy with the sudden charge into the isolation tent... I guess Shep can't be left alone in the same room as Elizabeth, otherwise zippers are going to come undone!

                          My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                          Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                            Originally posted by Major Fischer
                            I wanted to thank everyone for the positive responses I've gotten to the WWII AU fic, and to let people know that i've posted two potential sequal ideas on my LJ (one Sam/Jack and one Elizabeth/John) and am looking for input as to what people might be interested in reading. Yes, I know this is a rather partisan crowd
                            How about both?

                            a time to mourn


                              Originally posted by Hatcheter
                              How about both?
                              ...what he said.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Just wanted to comment on the last scene.
                                It seemed a tad out of place. Or at least Elizabeth's reaction. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not. But John tries to make a joke to cheer her up. But Elizabeth's reaction was something akin to "Not now, John. I can't joke about it yet." Almost a scolding manner. Seemed out of touch with all the other blatantly shipper moments.

                                And am I the only one disappointed that Elizabeth isn't a "sleep in the buff" type of girl?
                                I'm bad. I'm nationwide.

