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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gambit
    Yeah, she asks to see Jack or just anyone from the Air Force, I don't remember exactly which. And think Jack doesn't even know her in this "world."
    That sounds plausible.
    I'm guessing that the benevolent doctor mentioned in the spoilers will tell her the Stargate program is an outrageous fantasy (or just a TV show and she will seek further confirmation. I'm guessing she must have some connection with the president or the military though. Perhaps Jack doesn't know her personally, but knows of her? I'm just wondering why they'd send an AF General to ease the worries of a mental patient if she didn't have some kind of connection. Or maybe I\'m just hoping for some good Jack/Liz interaction. Either way, we'll get some Shep angst.

    On an unrelated note, does anyone have a link to the interview where Rachel Lutrell mentions the "emotional confession" thing?

    Thanks much,

    Signature By Amber Moon


      Originally posted by lissa1000
      I was going to vote but I can't decide. Actually, I prefer Teyla two the other chicks (excluding Elizabeth of course. She's definitely not the worst kiss. ;D)but are we talking the actual kiss or who the kiss was with?



        Originally posted by seetheship
        Its Tuesday already in this part of the world and there`s still Squeeing?? and like many delurkers my sparky faith is restored ...big time after Misbegotten!! Anyways me also delurking after hiatus and its sooo good to catch up on all the sparky- festing
        Oh it's going to take a LoOOOOOOOng time for the squeeing to end on this one. For me anyway. Hopefully we'll get another great Sparky moment before it fades.



          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure

          Lizzie: OMG, there has to be at least 500 people in that hallway - and they have cameras!

          John: They're on to us. We'll have to find a more secluded closet.

          LOLOL! That was awesome! Total green worthy.



            Originally posted by JesSea
            Hi everyone! I've been lurking for some time and I finally decided to join GW. There is way too much Sparky goodness... I knew I had to post on this thread.
            You can never have "too much Sparky goodness."



              Originally posted by Reaceania

              Not so different I think.
              I guess when I was saying she looked almost disappointed it’s not exactly what I meant. There was just something in the way she played with her hands and fidgeted after looking at John and raising her eyebrow. I could easily also say she looked somewhat contemplative or distracted. Ok I’m going into this too much
              And as for my “Closing-the-door” reference that's in part because I’ve had that phrase (and the way O’Neill said it) on the tip of my tongue for the last few months (for what ever reason). I guess also in part because I dream of them having a closing-the-door scene in SGA for the originally intended Sheppard/Teyla ship
              I was actually referencing the other side of the Atlantis Shipper coin but I wasn't sure if my comment would be construde wrong so I left the other 'ship nameless.

              did that make any sense?



                Originally posted by gambit
                Yeah, she asks to see Jack or just anyone from the Air Force, I don't remember exactly which. And think Jack doesn't even know her in this "world."
                Yeah, that's the impression I get as well, but as Royal pointed out, it's likely that Elizabeth is highly connected. After all, most mental patients don't have the pope show up to prove they're not the pope or something. I suspect that in this fantasy world, Elizabeth is valuable, and highly-placed people want her to recover from this as quickly as possible. Who knows, maybe she's even a Cabinet undersecretary or an ambassador or something.

                I'm still really curious as to what "emotional support" is going to entail. If Elizabeth's in a coma, I can't imagine that a whole lot would be getting through to her... though I shall be unrealistic and hope for a Sleeping Beauty moment.
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                  Originally posted by Melyanna

                  I'm still really curious as to what "emotional support" is going to entail. If Elizabeth's in a coma, I can't imagine that a whole lot would be getting through to her... though I shall be unrealistic and hope for a Sleeping Beauty moment.
                  Well as far as TRW
                  and the idea of emotional support. They say that coma patients can hear what's being said to them. Would it be too outlandish to think that John may spend at least a few minutes by her bedside talking to her? Something like "Wake up Elizabeth, I can't run this city by myself.I we need you. We don't know that she stays in the coma the whole episode. Maybe after she wakes up, he'll make one of those revealing but cute speeches about how important she is to him the city.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                    Perhaps Jack doesn't know her personally, but knows of her? I'm just wondering why they'd send an AF General to ease the worries of a mental patient if she didn't have some kind of connection. Or maybe I'm just hoping for some good Jack/Liz interaction
                    Real World Spoilers:
                    I think that since the enemy is toying with Elizabeth's mind, there is still only so much they can make up. They have to rely on Elizabeth's memories and the people she already knows in order to create the hallucination. If they needed someone from the Stargate program, then we could assume that the person Liz immediately associates with the stargate is Jack or even Daniel. So her mind would then come up with Jack to speak to.

                    There are three reasons I can't wait for this episode: 1) It's all about Lizzie 2) John + emotional support = squee 3) Though I ship Sparky and S/J, even I have to admit that Jack/Elizabeth is hawt


                      Originally posted by hopalong
                      Happy (Belated) Birthday to Major Moomin, and welcome to all newbies who have popped out of the woodwork in the wake of the recent episodes (which I haven't seen nor will for while)

                      I have come up with a wild speculation about the episode 'The Real World'

                      We know that in this hallicination of Elizabeth's that she had a recently lost fiance (or something) and that Jack visits her in his dress blues *swoon*.

                      What I came up with in my wild imagination was that her lost fiance was an Air Force pilot, and General O'Neill had come to see her. Oh course, this came off the specuation that John was the fiance.

                      Of course, I could be off my rocker.
                      Oh, I like your idea!
                      The S/J family was concerned about a Weir/O'Neil thing coming out of that episode, and that would be very bad for all of us. After Friday night's episode, I have no worries. I'm sure that Elizabeth will be angsty (is that even a word?) over John. Can't wait!


                        Originally posted by Gate gal
                        Oh, I like your idea!
                        The S/J family was concerned about a Weir/O'Neil thing coming out of that episode, and that would be very bad for all of us. After Friday night's episode, I have no worries. I'm sure that Elizabeth will be angsty (is that even a word?) over John. Can't wait!
                        Real World Again:
                        I don't think there's anything other than a very profound respect and admiration between Jack and Elizabeth as was established in The Lost City and New Order. While I do love their scenes together (with both actresses who've played Weir), and I acknowledge a lot of chemistry between RDA and Torri, both Jack and Liz are happily taken by someone else . (however, in AU ficcies, all bets are off )


                          Where is everybody? Surely you have stuff to talk about. In keeping with the spirit of the recent Sparky events, how about a picture?

                          Now let's all clap our hands, click our heels together and repeat:

                          It will be Sparky!

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            ZeroPointSnark is back in business! Long live Ms. Pooh!


                            WARNING: Not for kiddies!

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red
                              Where is everybody? Surely you have stuff to talk about. In keeping with the spirit of the recent Sparky events, how about a picture?

                              Now let's all clap our hands, click our heels together and repeat:

                              It will be Sparky!
                              Sorry. I was off squeeing over Sparky. Am I excused?



                                Well, I'm new here and just wanted to say hi to everyone. ::waves:: Hi! Long live Sparky!

                                Sparky on youtube

