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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elmindreda
    Hi, all! So I finally saw the Season 3 promo on TV, and it has some great shots, but don't know if I've got all the bits matched up to the eps. they actually go to. Is there a breakdown posted anywhere?
    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


      Here's my latest wallpaper:

      The effect of this one isn't quite what I was hoping for. It's supposed to look like John's sitting on the shore with his legs in the water, but I'm not sure it looks that way. I know it looks like Elizabeth is standing on one leg... Maybe she's resting her other knee on John's leg...

      Speaking of dubious effects, the lack of response I've been getting from my wallpapers is starting to make me think that maybe they're not that good. I know I'm not that great in photoshop, and maybe I should give up all together, but practice makes perfect, and I do enjoy fiddling around in photoshop.

      What do you think? Am I just wasting my time? Maybe I'm just feeling a little down at the moment...


        ^Well, let me put it this way...
        It's better than anything that I could ever do... I don't think you should give up Hop... I thought it was terrific... especially the large Sheppard. Love the caption too.
        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
          I've recently been watching Firefly and there's a scene where Wash tells Mal that he should sleep with Zoe (Wash's wife. She served under Mal in the war) in order for them to get rid of their supposed UST. It got me to thinking about Atlantis and how I wouldn't actually mind if John and/or Elizabeth were paired up with someone else aslong as they kept their close friendship.
          And then what? And I mean that as a serious question (not just for you btw).

          Let's just, for a minute, assume that either John or Elizabeth got paired of with a recurring character. What do you think would happen then? Taking into consideration that everything on the show happens for a reason,ask yourself why the writers would choose to take a step like that and what possible significance such a character could have for the show.

          From experience I can come up with three possible reasons.

          A. The recurring character turns out to be the villain and plays a part in an upcoming plot.

          B. John/Elizabeth get paired off with a recurring character as an excuse why something else can't happen. Simon was such a character. He was totally useless because he had no significance for the show whatsoever other than being Elizabeth's boyfriend (which is essentially why they got rid of him eventually). And just as a side note, the fact that he was there did absolutely nothing for her development as a character and I don't see how yet another one would be any different. And even if they gave such a character a role such as making him/her a scientist or we really need that? We already have recurring characters on SGA who fill the important spots and how about developing the relationships between the main characters first before bringing in more people?!

          C. Someone gets paired off with a recurring character to showcase a relationship going on with another (main) character on the show and if the writers went with this option, that would be bad news as these kinds of things almost always turn out to be crappy soap opera plots in the diguise of serious drama. If you don't know what I mean, go and watch JAG, Seasons 5 and 6. If we got something like that on SGA I would be done. Seriously, John and/or Elizabeth getting paired off with other recurring people would be so much worse than the occasional kirking.

          However, I chose the words 'I would be done' for a reason as, at this point in time, we have absolutely no indication that something like this is going to happen on the show. I was just rather interested to find out what the appeal of such a scenario could possibly be.

          Oh and on the subject of kirking: I have to confess that at this point I almost feel sorry for poor John. He just has to look at a chick and all hell breaks loose but two minutes later people turn around and join in the 'Sean Maher for Lizzie's new boyfriend' campaign. I'm sorry but that's such a double standard.

          And while I'm on it: I don't mean to offend anyone and it's nothing personal because I don't have a problem with anyone in this thread but could we PLEASE STOP this Sean Maher nonsense??? It's seriously annoying for...

          A. the people who don't find him the least bit hot and...
          B. for those of us who come to this thread because we want to see Elizabteh with John rather than lusting over the possibility of her and a random "hot" young guy.

          I really don't understand the appeal but those of you who do are perfectly welcome to go and start the 'Sean Maher for Lizzie's shiny new boyfriend' thread where you can post his name 26 Gazillion times if you want. But there are people in this thread who'd appreciate it if you didn't do that here.


            Originally posted by the evil puppy
            I don't mean to offend anyone and it's nothing personal because I don't have a problem with anyone in this thread but could we PLEASE STOP this Sean Maher nonsense??? It's seriously annoying for...

            A. the people who don't find him the least bit hot and...
            B. for those of us who come to this thread because we want to see Elizabteh with John rather than lusting over the possibility of her and a random "hot" young guy.

            I really don't understand the appeal but those of you who do are perfectly welcome to go and start the 'Sean Maher for Lizzie's shiny new boyfriend' thread where you can post his name 26 Gazillion times if you want. But there are people in this thread who'd appreciate it if you didn't do that here.
            I think it's been done tongue-in-cheek and/or to debate the possibility of jealousy from John, but I do agree with you that it seems to have gone on a bit too much. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade or diminish the Liz love, but I'm chiming in to add another request that Liz/A-another be kept for elsewhere.

            In fact, I've seen a McKay/Anyone thread around and about, why not start one for Liz if it appeals?


              While Shep/Weir has always been my "ship of choice", I'm not going to be upset if TPTB start having Major Lorne do a bit of flirting with Lizzie, cause I can kinda see that angle anyway, and IF the hot young guy is done in a sweet, fun way, I just might be interested in that as well (even though my first reaction was "yecch"), but I'm not going to make any decisions until I see how all the episodes pan out. I would prefer to see TPTB put folks who are relatively the same age, intelligence and maturity levels together, but I'm not going to close the door completely on other possibilities.

              There is only one pairing in this show that would totally make me hurl and reach for the TV remote, but that is for another thread.

              When all else fails, change channels.


                Oh, she's so hot with the new hairstyle! *luffs it*


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  While Shep/Weir has always been my "ship of choice", I'm not going to be upset if TPTB start having Major Lorne do a bit of flirting with Lizzie, cause I can kinda see that angle anyway, and IF the hot young guy is done in a sweet, fun way, I just might be interested in that as well (even though my first reaction was "yecch"), but I'm not going to make any decisions until I see how all the episodes pan out. I would prefer to see TPTB put folks who are relatively the same age, intelligence and maturity levels together, but I'm not going to close the door completely on other possibilities.
                  Oh sure if done right, we could have another intelligent young woman with a 3-D character, as in faults as well as strengths, that will fit John down to the ground. Just think we can cover the whole first page of the sub-forum with Liz and John 'other' pairings threads. Why have either of them lonely and neglected. I'll be rooting for that if TPTB do pair Liz off with someone on a recurring basis. *shrug* Who cares about a ship totally sinking out of sight, so long as we get pretty people with chemistry and it's done realistically??

                  Please excuse the sarcasm, but....*is speechless* Wouldn't the Liz/Torri appreciation thread be a more appropriate place for that point? Which you are (of course) fully entitled to think...not saying otherwise.

                  Ugh! leaving now.
                  Last edited by HelenT; 05 July 2006, 05:00 AM.


                    Originally posted by HelenT
                    I think it's been done tongue-in-cheek and/or to debate the possibility of jealousy from John, but I do agree with you that it seems to have gone on a bit too much. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade or diminish the Liz love, but I'm chiming in to add another request that Liz/A-another be kept for elsewhere.

                    In fact, I've seen a McKay/Anyone thread around and about, why not start one for Liz if it appeals?

                    I agree that the Sean Maher posts have been tongue in cheek. I've taken it as frustration that they pair John up with all these bimbos of the week yet Elizabeth gets nothing but fugly-haired Simon. Sarcasm doesn't carry across well into print, and we've gotten into trouble with it before so stopping is a good idea.

                    evil puppy, I agree with your post. I've been lurking lately while the frustration builds and haven't wanted to come on here and pop anybody's balloon with negativity. The more I hear about Sunday the less I'm liking it. I sure hope the season starts off with some good plots and action. I don't think we're going to see much Sparky to speak of in S3. Just a hunch which I hope is very wrong. TPTB are playing with the shippers. They don't respect us and are laughing at us. I think they underestimate the number of shippers, don't have an accurate view of how the chemistry on the show comes across to the average viewer, and are focusing on areas that in the long run will turn off viewers. Think what you will of the so-called kirking, but ultimately it caused a huge ripple across fandom that they apparently have listened to. Does this mean they respond to the majority opinion? When it suits them I think. But what it ultimately has boiled down to is that an entire season has left a bad taste in a lot of fans' mouths, and now they have to correct mistakes which would not have been made in the first place had they exercised good judgment. There seems to be a disconnect between the PTB and the majority of fans on a lot of areas. I'm hoping that whenever these fans get a chance to speak to writers or any other PTB they will tell them exactly what they think. Personally, I would give up a chance to meet any of the actors for just five minutes with Martin Gero since he seems to at least pretend to listen. *He's a sweet boy and wouldn't be rude to an old lady.*

                    I'll admit that my major source of frustration is certain other fans who for some unknown reason think Elizabeth/Torri is the devil. Even the threads discussing the promo pics turned into attacks on her, and what you see on GW is mild compared to other forums, especially Live Journal. Yet, as far as I know, there's nothing comparable in relation to Teyla/Rachel. Poor Ronon/Jason has got his share of irrational haters also. These people claim superiority because of statements made by actors/PTB and feel confident that everything they want will eventually be canon. Yet here is this little old Sparky thread with more fans than all of their threads combined, not to mention all the groups on LJ. GW is the best place to go for good SGA conversation, but I just wish they could do something about the sly innuendo and barbed attacks. If TPTB cater to these groups, I'm not sure I want to have anything further to do with SGA. Anybody have any ideas on how we can get the truth out? The truth being that Sparky shippers don't attack, criticize or judge harshly, aren't a bunch of sock puppets trying to make ourselves look like a large fanbase and don't want a soap opera. If I just believed that somebody, anybody from the show reads this thread and will at least acknowledge that we exist, maybe I'd be less pissed off perturbed. I love this show and don't want to see them continue to make such hideous mistakes.

                    Sorry to rant, but I've been holding all this back.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by alyssa
                      I thought you had Beckett somewhere in the middle of your new three-way ship!
                      Got to start somewhere!


                        Originally posted by Southern Red
                        I agree that the Sean Maher posts have been tongue in cheek. I've taken it as frustration that they pair John up with all these bimbos of the week yet Elizabeth gets nothing but fugly-haired Simon.
                        Poor Simon just gets no respect. Come on, you wuv the guy, right?

                        evil puppy, I agree with your post. I've been lurking lately while the frustration builds and haven't wanted to come on here and pop anybody's balloon with negativity. The more I hear about Sunday the less I'm liking it. I sure hope the season starts off with some good plots and action.
                        The idea for "Sunday" is a good one - show what everyone does on their day off, and there was mention of
                        John and Ronon playing golf, Liz and Teyla having lunch - I would so like to see what they would talk about! But now the lunch is cancelled for a new guy to flirt, and there is some sort of explosion, people dead. I hardly call this a "day off" episode. The more I hear teasers/spoilers, the more it sounds like poor soap opera, into a regular, explosion filled episode - hardly the day off I so want to see.

                        TPTB are playing with the shippers. They don't respect us and are laughing at us. I think they underestimate the number of shippers, don't have an accurate view of how the chemistry on the show comes across to the average viewer, and are focusing on areas that in the long run will turn off viewers.
                        First - TPTB, as well as the actors, have admitted they don't always watch the final product as it is broadcast. Big mistake. Second, TPTB try to please everyone (mostly themselves) and instead of making a hard and fast decision in season 1, they've jerked off everyone to the point that whichever way they go now, it would alienate a good chunk of the audience and possibly doom the show. I really just want to see some flirting between S/W and a "bit" of relationship talk, but taking it all the way at this point just might be another big mistake.

                        Quick look back to "Babylon 5" where the two leads ended up married in season 3, but it worked because the writers never had Sheridan flirting with hot babes, or remotely shipped with anyone else. There was no yanking chains on the shippers and from the beginning of season 2, everyone was aware these two would be together in the long run. The SGA writers have gone all over the map and settling on a "ship" now and getting the fans to accept it is kinda like herding cats. Maybe I'm just morphing into a "non-shipper" in my old age.

                        Think what you will of the so-called kirking, but ultimately it caused a huge ripple across fandom that they apparently have listened to. Does this mean they respond to the majority opinion? When it suits them I think. But what it ultimately has boiled down to is that an entire season has left a bad taste in a lot of fans' mouths, and now they have to correct mistakes which would not have been made in the first place had they exercised good judgment.
                        Believe it or not, there are fans who swear they have never seen Sheppard flirt with anyone (anyone have the number for a good optomitrist?), or you can flip it around and hear that he is a "guy" and he hasn't had any in a long time so its okay. Uh. No. Its not okay. Like I've said before, if Sheppard can't say NO to a hawt chickie, he will never stand up to enemy interrogation and doesn't deserve to be an officer. Heck, if Shep ever became a POW, he would be going a lot longer than six months without. . um, you know.

                        I'll admit that my major source of frustration is certain other fans who for some unknown reason think Elizabeth/Torri is the devil. Even the threads discussing the promo pics turned into attacks on her, and what you see on GW is mild compared to other forums, especially Live Journal. Yet, as far as I know, there's nothing comparable in relation to Teyla/Rachel. Poor Ronon/Jason has got his share of irrational haters also. These people claim superiority because of statements made by actors/PTB and feel confident that everything they want will eventually be canon. Yet here is this little old Sparky thread with more fans than all of their threads combined, not to mention all the groups on LJ.
                        I'm still seeing people bash Weir and Ronon like crazy - here and other sites, and I have never seen anyone on this thread tear Teyla apart the way some people slice and dice Weir on other threads. Teyla is not my fav character, but she has improved tremendously, and I'm not going to post all over GW about what a bad leader she is, or how she looked awful in the promo pics (well, there was one pic where they ALL looked iffy!). I've actually given green in other ship threads when I've seen an interesting comment, or something well done. Tearing down one character to make other characters look smarter or better is just dysfunctional thinking.

                        So - I was disappointed with a lot of season 2 (but not all), and I'm looking forward to new/improved stories. Hard to say if we will see Sparky or not, but we only have a week and a half to find out.

                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          Time for smut! ^_^

                          Challenge drabble for the LiveJournal smut_69 challenge. Minors... well, anyone under 15, don't click the spoiler cut. Title Tasted, prompt "cherries".


                          It was as if she were dessert, Elizabeth thought dizzily. He'd kissed her hungrily before, but this-- this was almost the starvation of a gourmet.

                          He bit down lightly on her nipple, sucked, and all coherent thought fled as she arched up against his mouth, a broken cry escaping her lips, pleasure spiking through her and leaving her knees weak.

                          John pressed her back against the wall again, his arms encircling her waist to support and keep her upright. His tongue flicked lazily against her skin and she moaned his name, panting "Tease!" as her eyes fell shut.

                          "But you love me anyway," he whispered back playfully, stroking her sides with his thumbs as he lowered her to the floor.

                          He was right, but she wasn't about to grant him the satisfaction of admitting it. Not just yet.


                            I passd 15 long ago and took a peek - loved it ! Naughty-seeing as i write fiction like that too!

                            Can the TPTB respect what the fans want? they do seem good at alienating chunks of the audience- its happening on the thread I hang out on too as it does not contain Weir or Sheppard i mention it in passing only., Only time can tell and I would not want to lose SGA

                            Elizabeth I respect I like the fact she is not boringly perfect- I think she does deserve a blooming good romance and perhaps marriage for Her and Sheppard would work out- i like the idea- if it can work in other shows why not this one?
                            We are angels of death in black leather
                            Your demons without wings, we glide
                            We are angels in black with a hunger
                            Not your sheep to change or guide.
                            We are angels in the blackness for ever


                              {Mod Snip}

                              I simply said the argument to "okay" him sleeping with this or that person because he had been "alone" for a long time was a bad argument. That is my opinion and I won't change it. He is not almighty, magnificant nor perfect, and that's what makes him interesting. I'd just like to have the writers add the word, "NO" to his vocabulary.
                              Last edited by TameFarrar; 05 July 2006, 03:52 PM.

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Enough said on the issue.

                                Trialia - liked your drabble fic!

                                When all else fails, change channels.

