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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    This is very exciting. I was such a MASH junkie as a kid. This is as exciting as finding out Hawkeye was on West Wing.
    MASH! I loved MASH... me and my dad always used to watch it on weekday nights *lol* I always perk up when I see Alan Alda in anything.

    On a nother note. Just viewed the Progeny pictures...
    Look at Elizabeth's hair! It looks beautiful in this one. I happen to think that photo's 12, 13 and 19 are quite flattering.

    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      Lizzie and I are good friends.

      Lizzie shares her mints with Daniel.

      That is just soooo wrong!

      Welcome Sarivenea, Shep Code, and HelenT


        Originally posted by Bladefanatic
        Melyanna if you ever give into your secret attachment to Weir/Lorne and write a small little fic about it...I would love to read it. ***Ok back to my regular Sparky ship.
        I'll second that motion which reminds me of another tidbit I saw regarding JF. He played the love interest of Murphy Brown quite a few years back when he was 30 and she was about 50. Older woman/younger man scenario. Candice Bergen was/is an incredibly classy woman and he looked younger than 30 in that show.

        Love, love, love those pictures from Progeny. And yes,
        that is definitely the pompous Dr. Winchester from MASH. Gone all girly and adoring Elizabeth's longer hair (looks a bit like mine now, hmmm, am I projecting?...I wish...). Anyway, I've got another little rant. After seeing the pics for this and Irresistible, can we please have ONE HOT MALE ALIEN LEADER to drool appreciate for a change? Why are they all older fuddie-duddies (er, no offence to actors)? And their 2ICs tend to be on the wimpish side. Can we please have the alien equivalent of Sheppard and Lorne? Someone to make John see red when Elizabeth has to negotiate with a leader? Thank you.

        Speaking of "Irresistible", there's this spoiler from Stargate News (Thanks Chel Nak Guy for the info).

        "Title: Irresistible

        Production Crew: Executive producer: Directed by: Martin Wood Written by: Karl Binder,

        Synopsis: An alien from another world has an unusual effect on the Atlantis team, causing them to behave strangely. The few unaffected team members must uncover the cause.

        Cast: Joe Flanigan (LTCOL John Sheppard) Torri Higginson (Dr Elizabeth Weir) Rachel Luttrell (Teyla Emmagan), David Hewlett (Dr Rodney McKay), Jason Momoa (Ronon Dex)

        Guest Stars: David Nykl as Dr Zelenka, Richard Kind as Lucius Lavin, Robert Picardo as Agent Richard Woolsey

        Trivia: T1, Richard Kind played Dr Gary Meyers Ph.D in the 1994 film Stargate. T2: Richard Kind made such an impression he has been asked back to do multiple episodes"

        How does Woolsey fit into this episode? Will he be reviewing their "outrageous" behaviour? Ideas?

        Woohoo!!!! More newbies, WELCOME HELEN T!!!!! I read your fic, it was so well written. Looking forward to more, and y'know, if you want to do ficlets on Weir/Lorne, I won't complain.
        At this rate, we'll have a record-breaking number joining this week. You know what they say:
        A newbie a day, keeps the ******* at bay! (Use your imagination)

        *Guess I'm overdue for a serious post.....will ponder and come back later*

        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


          Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed

          Originally posted by Vixen

          Sheppard: Hey, wait a second . . . I didn't give you that hicky!
          Thinks hard Don't tell me you won't remember the fun we had the other night, John...


            Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
            Here it is: Transformation

            A few warnings: It is NC-17 and Phoebus/Thalan. It is waht I think of as their backstory. Therefore, it contains major spoilers for The Long Godbye.

            And don't worry, I sent the first chapter of the sequel to my beta two days ago!

            BTW: Can I friend you at LJ?
            Gwen I would love you to friend me at LJ. The next time I am over at my LJ I will do the same for you.

            Melyanna Can't wait to read your Lorne/Weir friendship.
            "We'll name it later!"
            - - - -
            Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
            Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


              I'm still squeeing at Progeny pics!!!

              OMG I love Torri/Lizzie!Hair!!!! It so suits her!!

              Anyway, that means that the next pics will be from TRW!


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure

                Daniel: OMG Helen T! Did you write those fics? *Gushes*

                OK, I went through the last few pages so I can make an analysis and post something serious for a change. Alas, I kept getting side-tracked by all the fantastic fanfics, videos and conversations. Can I say, here and now, in my first and only forum, I am truly honoured to be in such esteemed company? I say this in all seriousness (well, I've had a couple of glasses of wine).
                But really, you guys are the most talented, intelligent and loveliest people I've ever come across and the fact you think the same way as I do makes it all the more special. *Hugs.....feeling mellow*

                Er, OK, back to Sparky......Bama, you asked about the Sam/Jack relationship and what we thought about it. Well, I wasn't a serious shipper but I saw the possibilities. Honestly? It blew hot and cold. One minute it was in your face, and you go "Whoa! Where did that come from?" and then, nothing for half a season. It was absolutely frustrating. I was just as happy to ship Sam off with Daniel, Martouf, Pete or that AU!Diplomat guy since she wasn't getting anything from Jack. Then they gave us "Moebius", which, while I enjoyed it on its own merits, I thought was a cop-out to resolving the S/J relationship. Boy, did TPTB really stuff that ship up! Which is why I'm enjoying this ship more. It has been consistent in the build up in their relationship. If nothing else, TPTB have shown a deep and caring friendship which has progressed from one episode to the next. Even alternate and anti-shippers can't deny that.*another sip of wine before I type*
                I've asked myself this question quite a bit lately. Why do I feel so passionate about this pairing? I'm pretty grounded in RL, I have an active career, family and lots of outside interests. So why am I so focussed on a pairing on a SciFi TV show for goodness sakes? How shallow am I? The answer? Well, truthfully, I have no clear cut answer. All I know is that this pairing absolutely resonates in my soul. Is that pathetic? I don't know. What I do know is that a lot of other people (you guys) feel the same way, and for that I'm thankful I'm not the only nutcase.

                Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                  Originally posted by Ronnikins
                  I am truly honoured to be in such esteemed company? I say this in all seriousness (well, I've had a couple of glasses of wine).
                  But really, you guys are the most talented, intelligent and loveliest people I've ever come across and the fact you think the same way as I do makes it all the more special. *Hugs.....feeling mellow*
                  I have to nod to this (including the glasses of wine last night ). I used to be majorly into forum life in another fandom, including being a mod and admin of a busy forum, but then lost my taste for it. This thread and you guys are a revelation *gets all sentimental*

                  Anyway, seriously thanks for the welcome and the wonderful encouragement to a newbie to the fandom/ship.

                  Btw, can anyone remind me how many posts you have to have made before you can upload an icon?

                  Thanks in advance.

                  ETA: Thanks for the comment and friending me on LJ Hopalong!


                    OMG! I just had to come in here and thank Bama and Melyanna for the links to the Progeny pic's, And to say, even though it has been said before, I just feel I need to say... I don't know if this really needs to go into a spoiler tag or not, but i'll do it just in case
                    How totally HOT!!! does Torri look?!?!? That hair-do totally suits her. She is just so beautiful. I haven't really had a good look at the other pictures... I just keep going back to picture Numbers 13 and 19. She is just so gorgeous!...

                    *Sigh* I wish I was her!!! I'm just smitten...
                    EDIT: I almost forgot! Welcome newbies!
                    Last edited by ShepsGirl1987; 07 June 2006, 02:20 AM.

                    ***Thankyou to Andy for this sig***


                      Originally posted by Melyanna

                      Also, I love the new sig, Vixen! You always find such marvelous quotes.
                      Thanks, Mel

                      Good pics
                      Are they going to let Elizabeth's hair get longer and longer with each season? Love it Gorgeous woman
                      I'm also loving pic 13
                      And 16 is now my new favorite one


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        Gah, I want my Sparky! Now! We're still five weeks out!
                        It'll come sooner than you think with the right distraction
                        I have the World Cup to distract me until then


                          Originally posted by HelenT
                          Btw, can anyone remind me how many posts you have to have made before you can upload an icon?
                          You have to have 2,000 posts. Otherwise, the icons here are great. And you'll have more icons once you'll have 1,000+ posts.


                            Originally posted by Vicky
                            You have to have 2,000 posts. Otherwise, the icons here are great. And you'll have more icons once you'll have 1,000+ posts.
                            Thanks, I guess I have a ways to go then.


                              Those latest pics look fab! Observation on the 14th one tho:

                              John and Liz are suspiciously absent - could be the camera angle or could mean they're elsewhere with whoever the captor is

                              Thank goodness the World Cup starts this weekend - need something to distract from the waiting!

                              Go England


                                Originally posted by Ronnikins
                                Er, OK, back to Sparky......Bama, you asked about the Sam/Jack relationship and what we thought about it. Well, I wasn't a serious shipper but I saw the possibilities. Honestly? It blew hot and cold. One minute it was in your face, and you go "Whoa! Where did that come from?" and then, nothing for half a season. It was absolutely frustrating. I was just as happy to ship Sam off with Daniel, Martouf, Pete or that AU!Diplomat guy since she wasn't getting anything from Jack. Then they gave us "Moebius", which, while I enjoyed it on its own merits, I thought was a cop-out to resolving the S/J relationship.

                                See, that's the only thing that concerns me is this bunch's track record. I was talking with Luz about this just last night. Their M.O. says to me that they might just try and pick up a sudden!and without warning! romantic idea that's lain dormant for over a season and a half. I guess the bottom line is that I don't completely trust them not to screw up to maintain some ill-advised 'vision' someone had before this show ever started. What you describe here with 'hot' and 'cold' is scary and is the exact opposite of what we've seen with Shep and Weir which has been slowly building, consistent and believable in it's progress. And I wonder if what is so obvious to us is bewildering to a bunch of men who may think 'romance' is a random grab and a grope. I don't think there's a doubt that they weren't consistent with sam/jack based on yours and others comments and what I've seen myself from it. Jack acted as if he could have cared less about her half the time and then whammo! That's not a solid relationship portrayal.

                                Boy, did TPTB really stuff that ship up! Which is why I'm enjoying this ship more. It has been consistent in the build up in their relationship. If nothing else, TPTB have shown a deep and caring friendship which has progressed from one episode to the next. Even alternate and anti-shippers can't deny that.*another sip of wine before I type*

                                No, they can't. And that's important for 'down the line' if they do indeed allow them to slide into 'more' intense as I hope and believe they will. Anti-romance folks may never like such 'mushy' moments in with their sci-fi and alternate shippers may wish he or she were with someone else but they simply cannot deny that there are deep feelings between Shep and Weir whether they agree that those feelings should have a romantic showing or not.

                                I've asked myself this question quite a bit lately. Why do I feel so passionate about this pairing? I'm pretty grounded in RL, I have an active career, family and lots of outside interests. So why am I so focussed on a pairing on a SciFi TV show for goodness sakes? How shallow am I? The answer? Well, truthfully, I have no clear cut answer. All I know is that this pairing absolutely resonates in my soul. Is that pathetic? I don't know. What I do know is that a lot of other people (you guys) feel the same way, and for that I'm thankful I'm not the only nutcase.

                                LOL! I know. Even with my 'roaming' laptop here at home, I usually have far too much to do at my age to get involved in this stuff. And it irks me that I swore off following *any* on-screen tv relationships after the Xfiles and I let the sheer power and beauty of this one pull me back in. Heck, I don't even watch tv much any more! SGA is about it for me other than the occasional movie and college football game. But dadgumit! This one is so good. So, so very right. I don't care where I sit this dang laptop-be it the kitchen, dining room, patio etc. I find myself stopping every little bit and reading and posting. The good thing is I can't take it in my pool though my husband keeps telling me that I'll find a way. LOL! *big turd*

                                Originally posted by Vixen
                                It'll come sooner than you think with the right distraction
                                I have the World Cup to distract me until then.
                                Well heck, it's summertime here and my beloved Crimson Tide don't start until September but if I can get this pool finished up, I might have a chance at survival of this hot, humid southern U.S. summer while I wait with my sweet tea in hand.
                                Last edited by Bama; 07 June 2006, 06:26 AM.

