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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    On Instinct
    One of the things that bugged me about the episode was how sloooooowwwwly the villagers spoke, and the flashbacks, by the end i didn't give a rat's as about who the old guy was, or why he'd rescued the wraith, all i wanted was for him to DIE ALREADY!!!.


      Originally posted by Luz
      On Instinct
      One of the things that bugged me about the episode was how sloooooowwwwly the villagers spoke, and the flashbacks, by the end i didn't give a rat's as about who the old guy was, or why he'd rescued the wraith, all i wanted was for him to DIE ALREADY!!!.
      Honestly, I think the best part about this episode was Little Red's synopsis at Zero Point Snark. The moment where she realizes that the one character is Jewel Staite never fails to make me giggle.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Honestly, I think the best part about this episode was Little Red's synopsis at Zero Point Snark. The moment where she realizes that the one character is Jewel Staite never fails to make me giggle.
        I had no idea (and i still don't) who that actress is, or who that other character was, and i never watched Firefly. So i didn't get the joke.


          Firstly, a slight belated HUZZAH!!! on 30,000 posts!!

          Secondly, I've been reading old fics and there's 5 really good ones here by Tahlia, one to make you cry by duskwings, and one to make you feel all happy and mushy by kittycat (rated R)

          ...and a few other fics I've read recently that y'all have prolly already read

          Regretted Words

          Drinks In The Morning


          Not Us (post TLG)


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Honestly, I think the best part about this episode was Little Red's synopsis at Zero Point Snark. The moment where she realizes that the one character is Jewel Staite never fails to make me giggle.
            I think "Instinct" was Little Red's masterpiece.

            For the new folks: ZPS recap of "Instinct".

            Warning: Not for the kiddies!

            I can't ever watch that episode again without busting up. *ROTFLOL*

            When all else fails, change channels.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              I think "Instinct" was Little Red's masterpiece.

              For the new folks: ZPS recap of "Instinct".

              Warning: Not for the kiddies!

              I can't ever watch that episode again without busting up. *ROTFLOL*
              The first time i watched the episode
              I was bored out of my mind everytime one of the villagers spoke. Little Red's mississipi thing makes me laugh everytime i watch it again, helps make it more bearable, however i still dislike those villagers.


                Originally posted by Luz
                The first time i watched the episode
                I was bored out of my mind everytime one of the villagers spoke. Little Red's mississipi thing makes me laugh everytime i watch it again, helps make it more bearable, however i still dislike those villagers.
                All I can think of is
                Kaylee Ingles Wraith.
                Ruins the whole episode. . .or maybe it makes it better. Can't decide.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  When I think of Instinct, next to the
                  cute infirmary scene, the moment that sticks out for me is between Rodney and Teyla where Teyla calls Rodney by his first name for the first time.


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    The first time i watched the episode
                    I was bored out of my mind everytime one of the villagers spoke. Little Red's mississipi thing makes me laugh everytime i watch it again, helps make it more bearable, however i still dislike those villagers.
                    Oh, goodness, I'd totally forgotten that this was the episode where Red and Pooh noted the random tassle on the hilt of Ronon's sword for the first time. My favorite part?
                    Originally posted by Little Red
                    Ronon's sword? Not only has a tassle, but a tassle with a braid. All it's lacking is a My Little Pony keychain on the end before it can be officially the girliest Manly Man sword ever. My hat trick of 80s childhood references is now complete.

                    Seriously, though, Instinct was such a forgettable episode. The only good thing about it, in my opinion, was the lead-in to Conversion.

                    (Um, yes, time for me to get back to writing... Or possibly sleeping...)
                    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                    Last update: 14 April 2006
                    Melyanna's Multimedia
                    Last update: 15 February 2006


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      All I can think of is
                      Kaylee Ingles Wraith.
                      Ruins the whole episode. . .or maybe it makes it better. Can't decide.
                      Is confused.

                      What I mostly remember about the episode is
                      Carson, his guilt when she took the retrovirus, and what happened when it didn't work.

                      Vaguely remember the joke in the infirmary (or rather, it kinda rings a bell), but I agree that it was a nice lead in to 'Conversion'


                        Originally posted by Luz
                        Nononono, i didn't do those captions, it was A.L, btw, really funny .

                        Oh Sorry A.L!.. sorry Luz

                        its great!
                        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                          Firstly, a slight belated HUZZAH!!! on 30,000 posts!!

                          Secondly, I've been reading old fics and there's 5 really good ones here by Tahlia, one to make you cry by duskwings, and one to make you feel all happy and mushy by kittycat (rated R)

                          ...and a few other fics I've read recently that y'all have prolly already read

                          Regretted Words

                          Drinks In The Morning


                          Not Us (post TLG)

                          Hooray!!!!! You're back! Not only that you've come bearing gifts.

                          On Instinct
                          It was an OK episode. Not much Weir in it so the only Sparky scene was the infirmary one where John cracked that joke and she tried so hard to look serious. It made me think that Elizabeth has got quite a sense of humour if she can only unleash it on occasion. We need more please in Season 3. Enjoyed Rodney in this eppy, he was so "Rodney".

                          Now I'll dive into those fics......

                          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX



                            My last creation


                              those fics are great.. on my fav's list!
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                First of all I would like to say HELL YEAH 30,080 posts this thread just gets bigger and bigger.

                                A moan about the content of audio commentary on DVD 1 and 2 of season 2 of Atlantis:

                                I listened to the audio commentary on the last couple of DVD’s (as I live in the UK) and I have to say while I enjoyed the banter between the actor and writers it pretty much annoyed me the way the talked about subjects that didn't relate to the episode and why the hell did they have Gary Jones doing commentary on "Condemned" he isn't even an actor on Atlantis for goodness sake!.
                                Anyway back to the subject i originally wanted to mention, on the commentary for Siege three Martin Gero once again said a hug is just a hug and i agree but even so if the man is being truth full and only meant it as a "Hug" i would suggest to him that he go back watch the scenes that lead to "The Hug" that involve Sheppard and Weir and then say it's "Just a Hug" all this damn ambiguity really Pisses me off not once on the commentary for "Conversion" did they mention anything about Weir's iffy judgment in visiting the transforming Sheppard or nor did we get a reason from Gero why he only chose Weir in regards to a member of his team instead we get Joe talking about his skateboard (which is apparently in the scene)and other off topic things in think these audio commentaries should be used to explain why certain scenes were chosen how they were shot, the idea behind the ep and certain scenes things like that.

                                The one thing that I picked up was that in the scene where Sheppard forcefully kisses Teyla they had done several different takes on that including one where he jumps back and apologises immediately.

                                Originally posted by the evil puppy
                                Oh and yesterday I wanted to join in on the discussion of UST vs. RST and I would have liked to make a strong argument for some RST with John and Elizabeth but somehow I just couldn't get my thoughts together. I guess I will wait patiently until the issue comes up again on one of the next...say, 1500 pages?! Next time I will be prepared...

                                I also considered posting something in regards to the UST vs. RST argument but i think I’ll post it now as regards to waiting I’m not a very patient person.

                                I believe that UST Stagnates if left as it is for too long yes it's great for a few seasons but ultimately if left as it is without coming to some sort of completion people seem to get bored/fed up with it as nothing truly "concrete" happens in regards to the characters and their feelings.
                                Its true though RST can go horribly wrong but I’m not to sure that would happen as quickly on Atlantis as it does other shows given that romantic relationships aren't a big part of the show and given the right circumstances, Sheppard would still get Whumped, Weir would still angst and the city would still survive.

                                I probably want to say more but I’m not very articulate this morning sorry

