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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    *applauds* Though it depends on the book, if it's for school, it's safe to say that Stargate will always win out.

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


      yeah it's a book for school "To kill a Mockingbird" the book is interesting when ther isnt a stargate Fourm open infront of me lol
      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


        Speaking of guys and SGA, my bro doesn't care one way or another but even he said Sparky is the way to go. There was a comment about how they'd considered hooking Shep up with Teyla because she's the younger (less clothed) of the two but even with that he doesn't think the ship is there. I have a friend as well who is starting to see the Sparky though just to rile me he'll defend Sheyla to a point. We don't talk about SGA anymore.

        I had a better way to say this but it's hot, which makes me a little tired and not thinking very clearly.

        I think it definitely says something about a ship when people who don't care about it see it as well.



          *sneaks in*
          Just thought i'd let anyone who follows it know that the next chapter of Light and Shadow is up!!! Yay! It's just the BESTEST fic ever!
          *sneaks out to go read it*

          ***Thankyou to Andy for this sig***


            lol i will read it indeed!
            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


              Originally posted by A.L.
              There was a comment about how they'd considered hooking Shep up with Teyla because she's the younger (less clothed) of the two but even with that he doesn't think the ship is there.
              What is it with this explanation for that ship?, i had a cousin who ships sheyla telling me the exact same thing. That since Teyla was the scanthily dressed hot alien, then Sheppard had to be paired with her. And what's worse is that this is not the first time this argument has come into play.
              Now i tell you, if the people who sail the ship think of it this way, and if for them it's so shallow, then what foundation is there?, how can they expect their ship to be taken seriously?. I know it's none of my bussiness whatever their reason are, but still .


                Originally posted by Luz
                What is it with this explanation for that ship?, i had a cousin who ships sheyla telling me the exact same thing. That since Teyla was the scanthily dressed hot alien, then Sheppard had to be paired with her. And what's worse is that this is not the first time this argument has come into play.
                Now i tell you, if the people who sail the ship think of it this way, and if for them it's so shallow, then what foundation is there?, how can they expect their ship to be taken seriously?. I know it's none of my bussiness whatever their reason are, but still .
                I'm not sure it's a matter of wanting that ship to happen on those grounds, but rather reading those grounds as a message from TPTB that that's what the ship on the show will be. Does that make sense? It's not the rationale for liking the ship, it's the rationale for thinking that that's the direction the writers are going in. (And obviously not the only rationale.) But anyway, I've known some people who started shipping Shep/Teyla before the show even aired because they wanted to be shipping for the "official" ship, so no, not everyone makes up their minds on ships by what they see in the show. (For that matter, I seem to remember at least one person who looked at the promotional pictures before the show aired and thought that Sheppard and Weir ought to be together. So it happens on both sides.)
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  I'm not sure it's a matter of wanting that ship to happen on those grounds, but rather reading those grounds as a message from TPTB that that's what the ship on the show will be. Does that make sense? It's not the rationale for liking the ship, it's the rationale for thinking that that's the direction the writers are going in.
                  Yeah i get what you're saying, in the beginning it did seem like tptb were going that way, didn't it?, but it was the very beginning. However, taking into account the only other ship i've known them to have carried out, as screwed up as S/J was, and as much as i loath that ship, Samantha Carter is one hell of a woman, she's not your typical trophy girlfriend. She's smart, and has substance, i don't like what writers did to her sometimes with the purpose of carrying out the ship, but as a character i must admit she was well structured, IMO.
                  So with these tptb i trust they won't go so much to the shallow side, they might screw it up when it comes to playing with shippers too much, but i don't think they're going to pair people off just based on the looks. Off course if it came to that Sparky wins anyway, since they do look great together, but there is so much more to them than that.

                  Edit: Just for clarification, i'm not implying Teyla is a trophy girlfriend either, it just seems odd that some people who sail that ship speak as if she were, like she has to be paired with the hewo because she's hawt, so that's her only purpose on the show.


                    Guys? Can I say something? I know a couple of S/T shippers, and none of the stuff said in the last couple of posts applies to them, at all. The sect you're describing, in all fairness, is just probably a small percentage.
                    Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                    You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                    Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                    Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                      Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                      Guys? Can I say something? I know a couple of S/T shippers, and none of the stuff said in the last couple of posts applies to them, at all. The sect you're describing, in all fairness, is just probably a small percentage.
                      Yeah, I know. And I was having trouble getting my thoughts out in an organized manner in my last post, so my apologies if I offended anyone. It certainly wasn't my intent. I don't think anyone was trying to insinuate that even most Shep/Teyla shippers feel this way. And as I said, I've come across at least one (possibly more) Shep/Weir shipper who said something similar. It happens in every fandom, probably with every pairing, but it's not the rationale for even most shippers.

                      It's kind of like someone who ships John/Aeryn on Farscape and also ships Ben Browder and Claudia Black. Just because there are a few who would want to see the actors together (which is, sadly, something I've seen, and I've never seen more than half an episode of the show) doesn't mean that all John/Aeryn shippers want a couple marriages to break up.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        What did i miss???
                        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                          Originally posted by Luz
                          What is it with this explanation for that ship?, i had a cousin who ships sheyla telling me the exact same thing. That since Teyla was the scanthily dressed hot alien, then Sheppard had to be paired with her.
                          Personally I feel bad for RL/Teyla. She's a better character/actress than to be reduced to the sterotypical "hot alien chick". Granted, she bugs me at times when they try to push the Sheyla instead of Sparky, but that's only because I have my OTPs (and I like Teyla better with Ronon. I love how she says "Ronon" in that forced patience sort of way when he goes a little crazy). Over all I think she's pretty wonderful and deserves better than to be reduced to such a sterotype.

                          On that note, I sometimes wish I were a multi-shipper *ducks to avoid being hit* Honestly, it'd make my life easier if I were okay with either Sparky OR Sheyla but sadly, I'm just not. And so I get foolishly annoyed when I see them trying to push Sheyla once in awhile.

                          I'm almost through season 2 again (only Allies left to watch) and I'm disappointed to realize I was right. I'd begun to think my opinion that the second half of the season wasn't very good might have been incorrect and that I just didn't remember things right. Unfortunately, I have to say, I liked the first half better. Granted, 2.2 had it's moments but 2.1 was just a higher caliber.

                          My sister and I discussed the "Sophmore Slump" that many shows go through and I have to agree this might be one of those times. Thankfully, unlike reg TV, SGA got picked up for a third season before 2.2 aired so they get the chance to redeem themselves. And I have no doubt they can. These people are talented and are definitely up to the challenge.

                          *steps down off soapbox*


                          PS I agree that any who think Sheyla works because of looks is a small percentage as well. It's not like Sheyla is completely without basis. I myself just don't see it being the way it should go. my own opinion of course.
                          Last edited by A.L.; 13 May 2006, 10:05 PM.


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Sally's taking a break from the forums. The Weir thread fiasco was particularly rough for her, and I think she just needed to step back. Hopefully she'll be back after a while.
                            I've been wondering that myself. I miss her! Hope she comes back!
                            SGA: the 3-season show...


                              seriously since the first time we Saw sheppard with an Alien woman.. the Anceint one, everybody has this idea that cus teyla's not from Earth Shep's gonna get with her.. That just weird!
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                Originally posted by Luz
                                Oh, i think we've already had some revealing moments in regards to their feelings for eachother.
                                The whole episode was proof that Elizabeth's feelings for John run deep

                                Granted the last time we saw John really flipping out for Elizabeth was in the Eye, althought that look, so charged, on the Siege 2 bears testimony to the fact that the feeling's not one sided.
                                On John's part it's been more subtle, but the feelings are there, i've said it before, all we have to do is look at his eyes, the way he looks at her (there is longing, care, and something more), look at his body language, the way he'll always stand by her side, he's drawn to her. Listen to his voice when they talk, it acquires this soft tone, that's reserved for her and only her.
                                Now this I don't understand. We've ALL seen the looks that pass between John and Elizabeth. John's voice DOES change to a softer one when he's talking one-on-one to Elizabeth. So can somebody please explain to me why TPTB and the actors themselves still refer to other "shippy" moments for the last two seasons? We've had references to it from that German interview from a few pages ago, we had BamBam referring that HZ sparring scene as a sign of UST (really?), the Conversion
                                kiss as giving in to animal instincts. (If the TLG kiss was considered Sparky without consequences then unfortunately the Conversion kiss can be interpreted as that as well in some eyes.) That's why I'm not totally sold on that interpretation of both kisses. The infirmary scene was the Sparky part for me.
                                I'm not putting down the other ship, (my own daughter sees it, sorta, and I respect that) I just want to know if that's the case then why is JF portraying JS the way he is. Does John look and talk to Elizabeth like that because they are best buddies, good friends, brother and sister type, mother-hen and unruly kid type (as have been suggested in other places) or really, is there something else going on here? Because I am telling you, those looks and that tone of voice are telling me it's something else, and if the actors themselves don't realise that then we're talking about awesome chemistry happening on the screen and TPTB would be remiss to ignore it.

                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                Sally's taking a break from the forums. The Weir thread fiasco was particularly rough for her, and I think she just needed to step back. Hopefully she'll be back after a while.
                                Yep, she said she needed a breather but did say she may lurk occasionally. *waves to lurkers*

                                Sig made by Dana and RealmofX

